Monday, August 10, 2015

The can just got kicked down the road again.....

Commissioner Lee just put out an email touting how he has presented a budget full of rainbows and unicorns.  He patted his back saying public safety is a top priority and the millage rate is back where it was before the economy tanked.  At the end of the email he snuck in the kick to the stomach.  The implementation of the pay and classification study has been postponed until 2017.  This seems odd especially since the results haven't been released yet.  I wonder just what is in that report that has the commissioner fumbling to punt the can?

On a side note it has been mentioned that readers are concerned about their anonymity on this site.  The editor does not record data transmitted on this site nor is any info stored.  Even if someone were to have the knowledge and ability to access that information, they would be violating state and federal laws to gain access to such information short of a court order or search warrant.  That being said, keep it clean and professional.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Are we still heading in the right direction?

It is a new year.  We have seen the implementation of shift differential and the continued promise of improvements such as assigned cars and educational incentives.  It appears the director is now showing signs of concern on the assigned car program with his latest update video.  Ford may not be able to keep up with demand according to the update.  I find that hard to believe given the County's past history on following through with promises.  It smells like a stall tactic to me but I have been wrong before.  We lost approximately 52 officers last year and the training center is strained to keep the recruit mill running.  Anyone who has been to the training center lately knows how overtasked training is right now.  Remember the days when there might have been one or two mandate classes a year with only a handful of recruits?  I doubt we will ever get back to those days.  I spoke with a relatively new officer awhile back and he shared some details of his retirement package.  Needless to say he/ she is getting screwed.  I have said it before but will say it again.  I sincerely hope this department can recover and return to the department we all know it can be.  It will take GOOD leadership and positive action but it can be done.  Time will tell but the clock is running out.