Monday, January 4, 2021

Jan/Feb/Mar 2021 open comments


  1. Some of these names sound familiar under command staff...

    1. Things are looking up at the SO!!!

    2. Things are looking up at the SO!

  2. Can you be POST certified if you were DUI in a county vehicle???? Asking for a friend

    1. I was wondering about that. But I can’t remember if any charges were made on that one.

    2. I think I missed something, please elaborate

  3. Mike Boyce's messy hairJanuary 6, 2021 at 2:01 AM

    Sep/oct/nov had 69 comments.


    1. Such as, DeCobb County incorporated 01.01.21
      So very true.

  4. New, Contagious Coronavirus Variant Could Worsen Pandemic, CDC Warns - CNN

    "These variants carry a constellation of genetic mutations," the CDC team wrote.
    The worries are that the virus could change in ways that would help it evade the immunity induced by vaccination, or the the immunity introduced with antibody-based treatments. The new coronavirus vaccines are designed to be quick and easy to change to match new circulating strains, but a major change would mean people would need to be re-vaccinated."

    1. Don’t worry. The WHO is already changing the narrative and testing procedures so Uncle Joe can claim victory over the virus. It will be old news within 3 months.

    2. It’s been three months

  5. I’m glad the Chief addressed the potential of radicalization from those who may question the election results. I know he is a big Trump supporter so his recent email speak volumes about his commitment to the constitution.

    1. The chief is a reasonable man unlike some of these qAnon dummies in our department. That was probably a heads up for them

  6. Our department is screwed when Chief Cox retires.

  7. Does anyone else feel as if Brass just looks for reasons to write people up under the "catch all" sections of code of conduct? Even when no one specifically generated the 'complaint' and the write up doesnt even get done under the policy you supposedly violated? I've heard of several people getting written up lately for MINOR things... but the special kids dont get fired for violating multiple major policies and laws.
    There is no consistency here except consistent beating down of morale. I can see why so many have left and are still looking to leave. Its impossible to do your job here without frivolous write-ups. Wonder if brass ever thought about having their guys backs instead of harassing them?

  8. If this is a legitimate concern, surely you know where the Deputy Chief and Chief's offices are located and they have definitely proven they are more than willing to listen.

    I challenge you to voice your concern to them so they can determine if your complaint is legitimate and if it is, they can work on fixing it.

    1. I'll back up the legitimacy of me voicing my concern by saying im far from the only one with this opinion. Thankfully the write ups aren't mine yet. But seeing so many other officers get them in recent months is concerning and crushes morale. I'd hope they would do that and encourage officers to do exactly what you said. But the point was more in a different direction. Im seeing guys written up for complaints generated by brass, not the public or even first line supervisors. If brass is the only one with a problem with a certain call/incident then it shouldnt resort to write ups. Write ups can heavily impact careers. Theyre a big deal.
      Seeing nit-picky write ups makes me, and most of my shift honestly, feel like if we go do our job well, but not perfect enough for the perfect brass, our write ups only a day away. And dont get me started on the hypocrisy of these "complaints" coming from brass that have done the same thing or worse, both recently or in the not so distant past.
      The day i get my write-up I'll speak on these issues to brass, because at this point no matter what we do its only a matter of time. But I guess for the time being voicing the concern here lets me vent without fear of it messing up my career, and gives me a sliver of hope brass might read it and lighten up on the troops. Lifes hard enough as a cop without them needlessly adding to it.

    2. Constantly saying their doors are open is not because they actually want to hear from the officers. It is meant to dismiss our concerns and avoid answering in front of witnesses, and to threaten us into shutting up because personally identifying yourself to command staff is a career killer. Why do you think they are doing the readiness assessment this year? It's to put faces to names to weed out anyone they don't like but never bothered to learn their name.

      Please give one example when command staff has "definitely proven they are more than willing to listen"

  9. Morale is terrible within the department right now. My suggestion from the bottom is the chief approve things he can control like maybe 45minutes to workout on duty or even a freaking beard. Heck the Fire Department plays Xbox on duty so I don't think a quick workout would be bad. These things cost nothing and would make people happy. Instead we have this slippery slope of a beard policy that is easily approved pending who you are, even though the policy does not say you need HQ approval. It simply says with a documented medical waiver. Instead you get questioned when you turn it in. We have to stay competitive. Every agency within Cobb allows beards but we are gonna hold out because a select few does not like them. Marietta's chief doesn't like beards either but approved them because his guys wanted them. So putting his own opinion aside he allowed it. Heck half our department got a waiver the minute that policy went into place so that should tell you something. It would be great for recruiting as well.

    This is nothing new though, we all know officers aren't happy. Go look in any church parking lot, you will see 4-5cars waiting on calls. Make some morale changes to make people happy in a time when every single thing you do right or wrong is on TV. That is stressful knowing every time you have to use force you may go to prison. The job is becoming less and less desirable and we all know the chief cannot change things such as pay and benefits. Cobb is a great place to work, I just don't know why it takes so long for the people making changes to see the light (much like outer vest).

    1. 45 minutes to workout really. How are you going to work out for 45 minutes and handle your beat. You cant. Your purpose here is to do your job. All this crying about what I should get in should not get is no different than these Hamburger flippers asking for $15 an hour to flip the burger . When at work do your job within the parameters of the scope of your employment . When you're at home or on your time do what you want to do .

    2. Go get you a beared waiver. Look like the rest of the slugs who have already done so. If allowing you to grow a beared permits you to perform better, you were a sub-standard performer at best and your departure would be a step up for the shift.

      The only thing that should matter to all is better pay. A real step in grade implimented properly. Benefits to include getting non-pensioners into a pension system so after 20-30 years of exposure in this occupation you have some brain matter remaining to spend and share it with family. Anyone who has done this job for any amount of time knows that why you are in it, family time is very limited.

      Fight for things that matter not bread crumbs. You know those crumbs you see on all the outer vests and pocket, stuck in those beards of bearded ones. Just nasty and no professional look at all. Oh and CIU, go back to professional attire. Some of your folks look disgusting.

      If you fall anywhere in these truths. Fix yourself. It does not take a policy for you to have self pride in what you present to the public.

    3. CIU looks perfectly professional right now. Wearing an antiquated tie doesn’t make you look professional. When I was a CIU C10 we had to wear ties. I always felt pretty silly when I’d have to go do a follow up at a business meeting with some CEO of some million dollar company and the only person wearing a tie in the building was me.... It made us look more like bell hops than professionals. Especially since the guy who trained me was a fat slob. He had a dress shirt and tie. And looked incredibly unprofessional. Things like ties and beards are not tactical decisions. They are FASHION CHOICES. Fashions change. You either change also or you end up looking like the old man who thinks he looks “professional” in his outdated stuff but is really just being made fun of. I mean if that’s what YOU choose to look like then more power to you. But it’s absurd to force everyone else in the department to look like they’re stuck in the 80’s too. I loved the 80’s. But I’m not going to start pegging my stone washed jeans over my inflatable high tops again anytime soon.......

  10. Marietta is not all it’s cracked up to be. Look at that department they are bleeding bad, experienced officers, new officers everybody is trying to get out. Officers there make 10k less than us. Not saying Cobb is so great but others are worse off.

  11. The officers that "game the system" with their beard waivers should be exposed. It goes to the integrity of the individual. There are maybe 3 or 4 in the department that actually have a skin condition to justify a waiver. The other individuals manipulate the policy to get what they want and it's a joke. No one in the ranks looks at them with any respect and you want to talk about a career killer, there is one right there. The DC's office conducted a lot of research on skin conditions related to facial hair. It's a temporary condition and with treatment should last no longer than 6 months. Quit crying like children and present yourself like a respectable professional officer. This is not special forces and you are not in Afghanistan. There is rumor that a Z2 sergeant is actually encouraging this behavior with the officers. He was a terribly lazy street officer, overweight and looked like a soup sandwich daily. If not for Chief Register's blind promotional lists, he would never have worn 3 stripes. Have some respect for the uniform you share with real cops!


    1. Yikes! Take this one personally don’t you... comparing a medical waiver for a beard to an integrity issue. Also “the command staff did much research” I forgot, which one of them is a licensed dermatologist? If a doctor is signing off on it then who in the department is qualified to dispute it? I’m glad you obviously know better than a multitude of doctors. Of course they could just change the grooming standard to allow a neatly kept beard like EVERY OTHER department within Cobb County. I mean we allow heinous mustaches so why not a neat beard? You said it yourself we aren’t special forces and this isn’t Afghanistan. We aren’t the military so why keep up military hair regulations? I guess it’s about as logical as wearing dress pants with combat boots.

      Of course... someone along the line realized dress shoes are a stupid thing to wear while fighting crime but stopped there instead of losing the dress shirt and pants...

      But you are definitely in the camp of guys who gets off on the old class A uniform. You love French blue with all your heart and this suggestion is sacrilegious to you. Do you tell war stories from back when “you could be the real police” as if the guys now wouldn’t love to be able chase bad guys and not worry about write ups, news stories, or lawsuits if they so much as swear during a violent encounter.

      Ah well all those arrests I’ve made will be glad to hear I’m not a real cop I guess.

      Whoever you are I love you and it’s all gonna be ok. No one wants to do this job and you should be delighted that anyone still comes here.


    2. Yep this guy is all worried about how he is seen by the chief's office and not worried about precincts having 4 open beats.....I bet he's a command staff member who gets drunk and starts spouting off. I didn't sign up to get stripes I just want to work but it's getting harder with call volume increasing every year and manpower decreasing. I've just tried to find a dry spot on the sinking ship to stand quietly on and hope I can retire before the whole thing goes under.....

    3. I’ve been here well over 20 years. I’ve worn those French blue pants with a mandatory French blue tie on once we switched over to mandatory long sleeves for the winter while fighting crime. It was a lot of fun. And thank god it has changed. You’d have to fight me to the death to get me to give up my outer vest now. I haven’t worn the shiny sissy shoes in about, oh 20 years. And I’d love to give up these French blue pants for something more useful, comfortable, and cheaper. And while I wouldn’t grow a beard if we were allowed to I sure couldn’t care less if my best partner has one.

  12. C'mon, how easy is it to get a note from a doctor ? That doesn't make it legit. It simply means a doctor without any interest in this issue will write anything requested of him within reason. He doesn't care either way. The title of Doctor is way over played in your point. Its probably harder to indict a ham sammy than to get that note. Hey wait, isn't the county mgr a doctor ? Lets ask her :)

    1. Agreed the doctor’s note is pointless. Especially since it’s a note to do something that you shouldn’t need a note or permission to do. We’re not all required to shave or heads or look like we’re in the Ranger Regiment with a high and tight. So why are we required to shave our faces?? Because back in the 1870’s beards went out of fashion? So what? Now they’re back in fashion.

  13. The blind promotion list was so that command staff could not just get together and deny a promotion for someone they don't like. The previous system of having command staff come together and decide how the list played out is a very old boy network type of thing. It can also lead very quickly to some racist or bias decisions. They need to overhaul the promotion system to include things like time with the department, education, training, etc in order to appropriately address the current issues we have with the promotion system. Going back to the voting by command staff is a very bad and antiquated idea.

    Also if you are against beards, you are an ID10T and need to get your head out of your fourth point of contact. Like really beards should not be a problem. Just like tattoos, the rest of America is ok with this stuff so just stop being a baby back you know what. The police are not the military and we should not be using AR 670-1 as our guide.

    And yes a MEDICAL doctor knows more than you about medical conditions. They do not get their degree from Google unlike most people on this site.

    Yes, they need to fix the step and grade. You should expect to see a millage rate increase being proposed to raise funds which could possibly lead to the fixing of the pay issue.

    1. Agreed 100%. AR 670-1 sure shouldn’t apply to us. But the Army’s E-5 promotion system would be a good guide. Where you do get points for stuff like you’ve mentioned.....

  14. I really hope I come in Monday to some forwarded emails from HQ. You know, the 16 page attachment type with no explanation or guidance given. It's this kind of leadership that will bring the department out of the darkness.


    Internet Troll

  15. ‘It’s not sustainable’: county staff detail budget shortfalls

    1. Can you give us the quick version? That article is locked behind a paywall for subscribers only.

  16. I'm losing faith that anything will get any better. After reading some of these troll comments it's obvious that some member or members of the command staff are on here. His solution for all of our problems is for us to just get promoted. He is unwilling to accept anything that may tarnish his childhood memory of a cop in baby blue pants and plastic shoes blowing a shiny whistle so everyone pays him attention. He us unwilling to accept any constructive ideas about how the department could improve the few things we can control like beards,gym time after shift, and maybe our uniforms. This thinking is why we spent tens of thousands on hubcaps over the years and why we buy $120 baby blue pants instead of $40 cargo pants that we could carry our tourniquets in. This place use to lead. Everyone else has evolved and adapted to the changing world. Our leaders should realize it's gone from just an emergency to survival mode and do any and everything they can before they wind up hiring a private security force after we all leave.....

  17. I'm so sick of you idiots whining about not getting to have beards or those stupid ass BDU pants. You people don't know what your priorities should be. Im so sick of reading this garbage. How about we work on actual improvements for our lives. Is a beard gonna help you retire in 20-25 years???? This is how I know the quality of people we hire now is low compared to before. There are a bunch of morons crying for a stupid beard instead of actual benefits. No im not a boomer either, Im on the new retirement plan and under 35.

    1. I’m on the old retirement plan and I’m over 40. You’re missing the point. The point is that NOBODY is trying to improve ANYTHING. Our command staff can’t change our retirement plan. They can’t make them implement step and grade properly. But they’re not even trying to do the things they can do. Today at the gas pumps I talked to a Cobb County employee. I think he was water dept or DOT. Army veteran. He said he has thought about coming over to PD but the MAIN reason he hasn’t is he finally got to grow a beard when he got out of the Army and doesn’t want to have to shave it. How many other applicants have passed us on by to go somewhere else for the same or similar reasons? Meanwhile I don’t know how it is on your shift but we run 2-4 open beats every single day. If it’s only 2 we have at least 1 guy there on his off day. How many more beats could we fill with the stoke of a pen saying that antiquated policy requiring you to shave everyday is revoked. Hell I wouldn’t grow a beard even then. I wouldn’t shave every day but I wouldn’t grow a beard. But if it would get us some more bodies to plug into some of these beats that are open every day why in the hell have we not already done it????

    2. If it takes allowing beards for someone to work here I don't want them. What a ridiculous reason to not be an officer. We're here to help our community. You either want to or you don't, and if a beard is the reason you don't want to work here than I would rather be beat partners with officer open.

      If yall would stop with the beards and think about the real issues.

      - My friends are paying more for family health insurance.
      - officers on the hybrid cannot reasonably retire, no matter what a certain precinct commander says.

      - the st3p and grade still needs to be addressed, but go ahead and bitch about beards. Most of the people who want beards look like crap with one. It's like you have pubes all over your face. Only few people can grow a beard that isn't looked down on.

    3. I would rather have an open beat than a beat partner too blind to realize that a no beard policy is outdated. If Cobb County suddenly decided you needed to shave your head everyday would you do it without protest? Because there is literally no difference between the two.

  18. You may be too simple minded to understand this but it is possible to fight for multiple things at once. Pay and retirement are big picture, long term issues that fall under the scope of the BOC and take a long long time to change. Beards and uniforms are more minor issues that fall under the scope of the department and could be changed over night. Why do people like you get so mad that we fight the little fights as if we aren't fighting the big ones too?

    Look, beards cost nothing and they make people happy with no negative consequences. They should be allowed, period. Utilitarian uniforms would SAVE money and would make people happy, and more comfortable and arguably safer. We should have them yesterday. Since we could get both tomorrow if the department would get it's head out of it's ass, there's no reason not to fight for them.

    This blog is a good place to discuss the small issues because we know CS reads it, and these days it's the only form of comms between the troops and the chief's office as sad as that is. Demanding pay and retirement here is useless, we have learned over the years you have to take that directly to the BOC with a vocal public behind you. If you've been fighting the good fight you know that.

    I challenge anyone to argue why it would ever be bad to fight for good things, no matter how small. And if your argument hinges on your personal opinion of what an officer should look like, go ahead and stop because you're already wrong.

  19. Please don’t drive over 100 mph, big brother is watching....

    1. Or, just don’t do it because it’s a stupid thing to do.

    2. But sometimes prudent. You must be retarded.

  20. It just doesn't fit the look of a professional CCPD Officer. I agree, If you want a beard go work for depart X. Most young guys that try to grow a beard look ridiculous and don't have the sense to shave the 17 whiskers they can grow. Embarrassment is a foreign concept to this new generation. Our standards have dropped so far !

  21. It's not about beards or pants or whatever, it's about the stubbornness of old men with old opinions not liking change. These are just examples of what could be done that may help with hiring/retention. I would rather have a beat partner with a crappy beard than no beat partner. The people against beards because it doesn't fit the "professional CCPD officer" look don't have to worry about beat partners in the hallowed halls of headquarters.

  22. Hahahahahaha...

    I wasted good time reading garbage from "anonymous" ...

    1. Then maybe you shouldn’t have read it at all.

  23. I remember when this department was a true brotherhood but things change. Soon all of this petty bickering will seem like it was such a waste of time and energy. The next chief has already been decided and don't kid yourself by thinking it has not. When that day comes we will all tell stories of the good old days that we are currently living. Sad times are ahead so do not divide yourselves with beard and French blue pant comments. Its good to have an opinion but dont try to force it upon your brothers and sisters. Save that energy to fight the good fight.

    1. What energy is being spent tapping out a few opinions on the internet?? This is why this forum exists. It’s good for guys to know what’s important to their partners. Not just blindly assume everyone wants everything exactly like you want it. I’ve been here over 20 years. Nostalgia is blinding you. Some shifts have it, some don’t. The shift I’m on now is much more of a brotherhood than the one I went to out of DORs.

  24. Replies
    1. Come on bro. You know it’s coming. Cox isn’t going to hang out forever. And if you don’t already know who the next one will be you really haven’t been paying attention.

    2. The guy once fired for stalking…


    1. I like how nobody mentions why the crime is really up so much. A) Manpower sucks so bad that you can’t do anything but sit and wait on a call, but mostly B) Even if you catch a perp the jails either won’t take them or let’s them just sign themselves out.....

  26. Here's an idea.
    Take the "step plan" we have now, put the officers in the step based on years of service and that fixes retention/recruiting and pay compression with sergeants and lieutenants!
    Just like it's done everywhere else in the country.

    1. Hey! You shut your mouth when you’re talking common sense!

  27. Maybe I'm off base here, but I haven't thought much about beards, but I have thought a lot about what a shame it would be if we surpluses the last marked crown vic instead of putting it in our police museum. That car is probably just as significant piece of police history as the evolution of the portable radio.

  28. Lol. Been here long enough to have been furloughed. What museum?
    More importantly, I haven't heard anything about that October "step" raise we're supposed to get in March.

    1. We got the "museum" at HQ with the motorcycle, the old radio's, the old female uniform. We they move that a Crown Victoria needs to be added.

  29. They say that "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times"

    Based on the number comments, it seems to me most of you are more worried about your fashion options than your retirement or whether you're even doing a decent job.

    Written up for chases? Follow the policy....Pretty simple
    Speeding? Don't drive 150mph on 75.....Pretty Simple

    Have some damn pride in your work, take perps to jail and be a damn man for once in your lives.

    Sure sounds like you pansies are in the midst of creating hard times.

    1. You sound like someone who doesn't work the road handling calls by themselves since they don't have a beat partner. The "Fashion" stuff is just things the command staff could do to help with manpower. "Hard times create strong men" I would rather my next fight be easier by having back up. Go back to your desk worrying about stats and where you're gonna eat lunch....

    2. I'm the guy that's been here since before the furlough days. It's not for me, but if a mustache and goatee brings more folks here and the beats are full again I don't care.
      Cause cobb county will never be competitve in pay with the big metro agencies and failure to give the step raise in March will prove it once again.
      And if we do get a raise, watch out, that only means your benefits are going to cost you more. It's the cobb way.

    3. Have you even tried to get a felony case through the courts with the current staffing? It’s a joke. Have your cases wrecked or pled to nothing enough times and “take perps to jail” becomes nearly pointless. That is of course if the jail actually takes them not just sends you on your way due to “covid”.

      As far as chases go... our policy basically means you have consensual blue lights. It’s like you don’t even know what it is to try and do a good job in 2021. We have a lot of good young cops who want to fight crime but you basically are asking them to do it with both hands behind their backs.

      Your argument that we aren’t in the hard times for police is pretty weak.

      We literally had to mobilize the whole county in prep for a possible riot because the grand jury was going to find that a good cop did a good job...

  30. To everyone involved in producing the official CCPD statement for the OIS that is in the news, thank you.

    The media isn’t reporting on the video and it has a sad 180 views on YouTube but still thank you. In 2021 a video with infographics, multiple angles, and calm clear explanation of the events with some sprinkling of policy in layman’s terms is a must have. It is nice to see our Dept releasing this kind of content even if the media is refusing to turn from their narrative.

    We can quibble all we want on this forum but events like this one in these modern times will define our future in this county as law enforcement.

  31. Studying for this promotional test blows. Who's with me?

    I'm pretty satisfied other than that.

    I should probably get back to studying.

    1. I wish our current leadership would read the required reading “ The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, they might learn a thing or two!!!

  32. I hear that Mike Register will be introduced as the new Chief of Staff for Sheriff Owens this week. Their goal is to dissolve the police department.

    1. Fake news. The BOC would have to be on board with dissolving the PD. The BOC would not have control over the sheriff as he is an elected official and we know politicians love control. Gotta love the pot stirrers who pull wild ideas out of there a$$.

    2. Not so fast there:

    3. Well since the thing passed last year that means voters, not the BOC, gets to decide whether or not a county can retain a PD.....nope.

  33. Anybody have feedback on the promotional test(s)? My brain still has a kink in it.

    1. Just make sure that in the midst of this absolute manpower crisis we are experiencing during a pandemic that you remain, “active in the field producing arrests and capturing offenders to safeguard the community. Is responsive to traffic complaints conducting traffic enforcement in down time.” Because apparently that still matters to some out of touch folks.

  34. well I guess I'll see yall for the promotional test in 2 years LOL

  35. Someone explain to me how we end up hiring the same lady and her new company for the promotional testing after we fired the same lady and her old company after last promotional testing. Little suspicious I think.

    1. You noticed that too huh? I wonder if the first draft of the test said 2019 at the top lol. Cobb County gonna Cobb County

    2. Did anyone ever get a response to an appealed test question?

  36. Any more thoughts on the S.O. absorbing the P.D.? I at first thought it was a ridiculous far fetched idea seeing as how they just spent millions on a new training facility and a new headquarters.....then I remembered PD buying like 200 body cameras from the old company the week before they closed, and going to South Carolina to buy the last 12 Ford Tauruses in the world, and the county selling their snow plow trucks the year before the ice storm....looks like we all could be wearing brown or gray soon enough

  37. I hear we are now allowing the S.O. to use our academy to train their folks. They have their foot in the door and soon we all will be wearing brown.

  38. This department is solely stat driven. In order to move shifts or get a new car in Pct 1, you must have the best stats. It doesn't matter how long you have been here or if you put your letter in first. Once again another sign of great leadership by someone who should have NEVER been promoted to Captain. This place is ridiculous. SMDH

  39. Perhaps you have become too comfortable since your paycheck isn't effected even when your co-workers are working circles around you, yet you are still feeling entitled. If you want to know what is wrong with your captain's decisions, try looking inward first.

    1. Perhaps you are one of the reasons the county will never fix benefits, because you show them you will do anything and everything without them giving you anything. Keep it up dummy.

  40. Don't even know who is at pct 1 but at my pct we have one or two blue falcons out arresting suspended licenses leaving 2 officers to cover like 50 square miles. Is that the uncomfortable feeling you are talking about?

  41. Since when did annual training become boot camp? Really makes me not want to go this year...

    1. It's gotten ridiculous. When the entire force dreads going, gets treated like maggots while there, then walks away having learned nothing useful... Maybe the problem is the training staff, shocking right?

  42. It really pushed me over the edge, I got my applications in several other agencies where they treat you like officers not recruits! A certain someone at the training center needs to pull the stick out of his a%$!!

  43. I get it I need to get in better shape, but c’mon man!!!! Count the damn push ups !!!! Lighten up

  44. You whine about having to perform push-ups properly but say nothing about the department sanctioning four hours of us wrestling in the dt room. Seems to me you would be more concerned about Covid than being cheated out of a few pushups.

  45. Ladies and gentlemen, a friendly reminder... comments which attack or criticize an officer by name will not be approved in this forum. Hints and veiled references are ok. Try again if you would like to. Sincerely, the moderator

    1. "What is 'A power tool brand that most cops can't afford,' Alex?"

    2. Hahaaaaaaaaa I see what you did there. Lot of legitimate complaints about this particular subject in this forum....if u got the time in, please leave. We are officers and get shit talked by someone on nearly every call we go on. We don't need that shit from people that are supposed to be blue family.

  46. He loves to make the statement to go ahead and file a complaint against him, he can leave faster than the complaint can get to internal affairs. I think I will accept that challenge.

  47. Hopefully one of the command staff intervenes, this whole annual training thing is killing morale!

    1. Could you sound like a bigger pussy??? You are so mentally weak that 3 days a year crushes your morale....

  48. I truly appreciate all the feedback about push-ups, removal of a piece of tree, retirement eligibility, etc. I especially enjoyed the power tool reference. If you are going to quote me however, please do me the courtesy of getting the quote correct.

    The most disappointing reality of all this is the lack of morale courage, honor and professionalism of “anonymous”. You tout blue family but have zero clue what it means. You malign supervision yet as a senior officer or FTO you look for ways to circumvent policies. You consider yourself a professional and worthy of respect, yet you do nothing to demonstrate either. You exhaust yourselves whining about everything but bring nothing to the table to make a difference. You constantly talk about going to other agencies yet here you are. Is it because they don’t really want you or because you just keep running your mouth making idle threats that most of us just don’t care about? Some of you are responsible for training young officers and expect them to meet a standard you are incapable of….you can’t do 18 push-ups correctly, or incorrectly for that matter!

    When I decide I have given all I have left to give to our, yes anonymous, our department, I will retire. Maybe its time you have a conversation with the person in the mirror. Try telling them to remove their head from their forth point of contact and become part of the solution as opposed to remaining part of the problem.
    Stay safe,
    Bill DeWalt

    1. Thank you for proving everyone right. Here's an idea, how about you start by treating everyone with respect when they walk in the door? Nobody has to prove anything to you. And as far as bringing something to the table, here's another idea: chill with the derogatory comments and smoke sessions at annual training. If you want to big dick the recruits fine, but how about some useful training for the vets? You know there's 3-5 year officers that still have no idea when they are allowed to search and/or detain? But thank God we know how to shrimp and bear crawl! Those pushups really make cases stick in court too! Please. There's more to being a good officer than being in shape and playing jui jitsu for a few hours. We want case law updates, 4th amendment scenarios, debriefs of the previous years critical incidents, and all of the required post crap so we don't have to get online and do it during our shifts. Hopefully your ego doesn't get in the way and you listen to these suggestions, and don't ignore them because "anonymous"

    2. And what does push ups have to do with training young officers? So if you can't do the max push ups then that means you shouldn't be an FTO? Hell there are supervisors that don't even pass their pt test and still get promoted up the ranks. Please tell me I cannot be an FTO because of my push ups and I will tell you how many zeros the county can put on that check. SMDH. Please training Captain, do something about this guy before he brings morale even lower.
      Signed Anonymous!!

    3. I’d be curious to know how many of you could make these same comments after running a quarter mile at any pace faster than a slow amble without gasping for breath. My bet is not a single one.

    4. I'd be curious to know ur thoughts on said comments. Or are you just another tattoos and muscles guy? Because you sound a lot like the recruits, who don't know shit but think it's ok because at least I'll win in a 29. Fit cops ask a lot! of simple questions around this dept, just saying

    5. You’re right, it’s super unimportant to win in a 29. Also Grammarly is very affordable. You seem to struggle with proper grammar.

    6. Well my fellow PO2, since you want to touch on the subject of us not bringing anything to the table but still complaining about how things are, I guess we can just forget about filling out those eval sheets at the end of AT since nothing we write on them gets explored.

      How about this: ACTUALLY LISTEN TO WHAT WE SAY! No wonder we complain! We have ideas but the very people assigned to training us on those ideas (if they’re practical enough) don’t wanna hear it bc it’s a peepee smack. That’s the problem with having a bunch of ego-TESTICAL sPeCiaL uNiT meat-heads running training. They don’t wanna hear what the guys on the road WHO DO ACTUAL POLICE WORK on a day to day basis have to say because they aren’t in the little sorority that is training.

      I did my time in the service just like a bunch of others and we shouldn’t have to feel like we’ve gone back in time as privates waiting for their smoke session. We are POST certified same as the training staff and just because they work up there doesn’t make them our superiors. Sorry not sorry but if you aren’t doing my performance appraisal I’m not gonna treat you as anything other than my equal because thats all you are. I respect the years of service any may have before me, but start knife handing and yelling at me and you’re gonna get that shit right back.

      Suck my DD214 and my badge

  49. Just calm down Bill, treat the officers as fellow officers not as day one recruits. You’ve been off the road awhile and the bs encountered on a day to day basis is enough stress, don’t add to it

  50. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and trim that out of policy hair across your lip and stop being such an ass to veteran officers. One day when you are in trouble you might need one of us that you treat bad to help you. This is a different world then when you worked the road.

    1. I hope you’re not implying you wouldn’t help an officer in need. If you are, based on your words I think the person you are referring to and the rest of the department would be better off on their own than with your pathetic attempt at code 7.

  51. Who was it that got CT'd from fleet again?

  52. This is great, I'm a few years from retirement and this is the only entertainment I get.

    Who are we roasting next?

    how about doing nightfire on the interstate????


  54. Assessment Center results, anyone? Bueller? Dewalt?

  55. As much as I hate to admit it, Ofc. Ryobi is right.

    Is it that hard? It's 18 push ups. Have some self respect for crying out loud.

    You know who is doing all the crying? It's not even the old fat shits, it's us millenials.

    "Ofc. Ryobi isn't Nice to me" (maybe because he hates your whiny ass)
    "Ofc. Ryobi makes me go all the way down and up on Push ups" (You mean correct push ups?)

    You guys need bigger stuff to worry about.

  56. The fto complaining is probably the one who spends his whole shift smoking. The only thing he teaches his recruits is how go on a 15 at the precinct and light cigarettes with the wind blowing at you.

  57. Unfortunately, the department has adopted the philosophy of "If its not SWAT its not important".
    it seems as though if you're on SWAT you can have aaalllll the training you want. If you're not then good luck. Sorry.....manpower. Maybe next time

  58. Saw a deputy running laser on Powder Springs Rd, I guess that explains why they can never pick up shoplifters in custody or wanted Cobb subjects from other jurisdictions....maybe they can start working wrecks too, lol

  59. Gosh, I really hope we get another SWAT guy for the future instructor opening at training. They are the only ones that know how to train us anyway. SMDH

  60. Why can't the P.D. and S.O. just work together instead of slamming on each other? P.D. slams on the S.O. all the time, but you have to understand the S.O. duties, (Constitutional) are so much different than the P.D. Maybe the P.D. would like to serve civil papers, do evictions,serve TPO's, funeral escorts, serve warrants,court security,out of county transports for wanted persons,work at the jail, and many other things.Try half of your shift or usually less to work with to get these things done. S.O. picks up shoplifters when they can but when you don't have the people on the road available in the whole county to do it then it go's to whoever is available. Go cry somewhere else buddy.

    1. I guess LIDAR and slow service at the jail is constitutionally mandated. Leave traffic enforcement and actual police work to the POLICE!

    2. How about writing incident and accident reports instead of calling for PD. Can’t pick and choose, do the so called constitutional mandated duties before trying to act like real police rather than glorified babysitters and Uber drivers. Buddy!

    3. I think the reason PD and the SO don't get along is parity, and for several reasons. I always heard that PD asked for and got enough money for take home cars for the whole dept. but then the Sheriff got involved and took money for deputy take homes (so they can respond to serving civil papers quicker?) causing many of us to wait an extra year or two. Also I've heard if PD gets a raise SO has to as well. That pisses us off since we at least think we do more work. I do feel for the deputies working short handed in the jail because that's a safety issue probably caused by politics. I hope with the "changing of the guard" the SO can get back to work and out of politics. Don't mean to offend or belittle anyone but perception is reality. I've only seen deputies on 2 calls outside of the jail since Covid hit a year ago. Don't feel bad SO yall do a lot with what little they give you...and at least yall aren't hosedraggers.....

    4. I am so sorry you feel as you do. I work on evenings and every chance I get I stop to assist. I work accidents. I may not do what you do. But, please don't turn your nose up at the ones that are willing to help you. This is what I thought was a brother hood.

      The next OTA I get I will gladly take you. The next pick up I have to do for the lazy rest of the county you can go. I do appreciate your enthusiasm of we don't do anything. But I could be like you and just pass by when your blue lights are flashing, like you do mine. But I am a big boy/girl.

      Anyway I got off topic. Come on over if you don't want to belly ache about the pd. The SO will put you in a pod by yourself with 64 outlaws and let you deal with that.

      Have a great day.

    5. Maybe the SO should have annual PT test too, and blame the prior sheriffs for the state of the SO.

  61. Anybody remember Marcia? Seems like folks used to complain because there was no tactical stuff incorporated in annual training, just classes. My, how the pendulum has swung.

    1. I miss her, she treated officers as equals and not as a drill Sgt.

    2. I miss her too. She never looked down on us or yelled at veteran officers. Damn never thought I'd say that. I was hopeful with the new Captain but it looks like nothing will change. Training is no longer fun or something to look forward to.

    3. Hey team, if those admin officers at training yell at you and you are a POII, look them in the eye and tell them to GFT's. They are just officers. They have ZERO authority over you and if they deny you credit for training you attended, lawsuit will work on the county and the all individual officers who fail to give you credit for class attended. Yes Bill, you can and will be sued. You don't have authority to deny post credit. Step off tge high horse.

  62. Deputies didn't get take home cars or anything extra for it so parity is out the window. Some of you P.D. guys get it some of you don't. The S.O. deputies do their jobs, seems like some of you want the S.O. to do your jobs too...When the deputies come to work they already have assignments to take care of, they don't just get in their car and WAIT for a call. Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall.Rumors are just that unless it can be verified. People/officers on here like to talk about rumors that are not verified so they are just as much as the problem as the rumors. I've been on calls with the P.D. and was treated like I wasn't ever there. I was a P.D. officer for 18 years and was treated like crap by the P.D. as a Deputy. So go look at yourself in the mirror.

    1. Why are most, not all deputies fat. Parity? You are a deputy or PD by choice. Do your role. Paying a DS SD3 pay just because you got over 4+ years of turning a key. PD have to be flexible, we respond and catch the bad guys. SO house them and sleep while they are at trial. SO can't do an accident report or basic report writing so don't deserve take home cars or parity. Want the blue, swap sides. Want the brown, swap sides. It all sucks anyway

  63. Ladies, ladies.... pretty soon we will all be wearing grey and black anyway, so let's not quarrel...

  64. Wow thats one pissed brownie! I just said perception is reality. I have been on exactly 1 call with a uniformed deputy in over a year and that was backing them up on serving civil papers. R&I won't come out, fraud detectives won't come out,I don't even bother asking if SO is in route on a shoplifting call, and they won't confirm a cobb warrant due to Covid.....this is what PD sees and that's why we think the way we do. Don't get mad be happy with the changes that hopefully are coming for yall....PD has nothing to look forward to except our 83 cent raise coming up

    1. It’s pretty sad when a wanted perp gets to walk due to so called COVID concerns. Time to start contributing Sheriffs Deputies!

  65. Like I said, maybe nobody wants to work with you. Not because of the blue falcon you may be, but because of your attitude. Perception is the key word.
    I have be on many calls with you. And haven't complained like you are doing.
    Maybe brown or Grey will suit you.

  66. I also know of several day cares hiring.


  68. There isn't a widespread problem between PD and SO. I'm 20 years PD. This argument is stupid and counterproductive.

  69. Dear Command Staff, I hope you find the perfect Sgt/LT candidate based on your f$@&! Up standards.

    This department has been slowly flushed down the drain, and all of you are to blame. Come down from the 5th floor hanging photos from your oversized offices, put on the fancy fire department like dress uniform, and come visit the precincts for a change. Keep promoting people with no training, no experience, and no leadership skills. Excellent test takers don’t equal excellent leaders.

    Another thing that angers me is during the zoom meeting for the Sgt assessment only one Major had his camera on, so disrespectful of the process and shame on you!

    Put on your fancy shoes, have a long nap at your desk, have some more meetings and neglect your officers working hard to make you look good! Lead by example, and don’t forget what it was like to be a lowly officer trying to get promoted!

    Never have we had a group of senior leadership that are only seen by day shift, and are so out of touch with day to day operations.

    Real leadership begins with people who can lead, our future is bleak because of your inaction and messed up promotional process.

    1. I'm inferring that the promotional process didn't go well for you. Better luck next time.

  70. Why can’t SO pick up on any godforsaken warrant. Warrants active but no extradition. For gods sake we are transporting them to the jail ourselves. No extradition needed. It’s “in county pickup”.

    1. They are too busy running laser and working part times.

  71. Sheriff Warren screwed up a lot of things but at least he picked up on warrants. Now it’s Democrat ran and nobody gets picked up.

  72. So what are you sissies going to complain about next? For review we've touched on the following:

    1. Beards
    2. Uniforms
    3. The Promotional Process
    4. Chain of Command
    5. Training Staff
    6. Command Staff
    7. Sheriffs Office

    Not a single one you has the sack to run your mouth to any of the folks mentioned. Also if it's that bad....Go, we will move on without you and soon forget you.

    You need to grow up or a pair, your decision.

    1. Can talk with them until your blue in the face, the ones in power care less about the ones who keep them there!

  73. Democrats want chaos so they can round up all the guns. They want government dependence from the cradle to the grave. The sheriff has surrounded himself with yes men and women, hope they enjoy it while it lasts....

  74. Actually sheriff Warren stopped. When Covid hit he released. So now Sheriff Owen's guys have to get out and find them. And now that the police just drop a warrant, leave it to the SO to go out and find the fish you let go.

    We are in this together, let's pull up our boot straps for those who wear boots and make it happen

  75. This is to Mr/Ms whiner about the promotional process. I’m guessing you didn’t study for the written, couldn’t handle scenarios in assessment, and tanked YOUR opportunity to sale yourself to the CS…but…it’s everyone else’s fault? Maybe it’s time for self-evaluation. Maybe the common factor in your dismal career is…wait for it…you? You are crying because some people didn’t have their video on when YOU had an opportunity to address the ENTIRE CS? Ever heard of bandwidth? Sometimes folks will shut down their video SO it doesn’t affect their audio in meetings, but no, it’s a conspiracy to hold you down. Have you sent feedback to any CS about the process? Was this process the FIRST-TIME candidates had an opportunity to PRESENT themselves? Actually have input on their future? Let others know more about you? Maybe, just maybe, you NOT WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE? So, go back to your shift, unit, assignment, and continue to be the TOXIC person without ANY self-evaluation on where your flaws MIGHT be and MIGHT need to address. Real leadership doesn’t get on a forum and post anonymously. They compose themselves and provide a means to address a situation and press on.

  76. 3/31 at 0736 you hit the nail on the head.

  77. Time to get "WOKE"

  78. I understand Promotions is the flavor of the month, but Pay and Pay Compression are still major factors and effects ALL OF US.
    United We Stand and Divided We Fall.
    Which do you think we're doing?

  79. I just want to point out that those who are screaming about the promotion process only promotes the good test takers are actually advocating for the "good ol boy" system. If you didnt do well on the test, but you want the command staff to take into account your own personal set of skills that you believe you have, then your advocating for the good ol boy system. The last list did not have any command staff involvement and that left the officers get where they were on the list by their own efforts. This time they added the command staff portion that is supposed to be worth only 20% so the command staff can go back to picking who they want, or the good ol boy system. Now keep in mind it's supposed to only be worth 20% but math doesn't add up when you try to calculate it on your own. So there is the small print that says "It is not possible for a candidate to calculate his/her score without the results of the entire candidate pool" So much for transparency. As a 20 year officer who done well on the written and even better on the assessment the command staff came in and dropped me over 2 and closer to 3 points over all.

    1. They must be looking for longevity, officers with 5 years of experience are on that list. Although they are young they have a wealth of talent and potential.

  80. With MLB telling GA Fuck off we should tell MLB and the Braves to FUCK OFF and Boycott that Part Time. Everyone assigned should speak loudly with action. If you work those games you are on the wrong team.

    1. I thought the same and then thought that I'm sure the Braves origination is also upset with this decision.
