Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sep/Oct/Nov 2020 Open Comments


  1. Good Things Are Coming...

  2. What good things? Insurance going up? No raises in October? Supervisors checking our patrol cars with tint meters? Puzzle palace bitching about stats?

    1. If they only knew more officers are leaving soon and others are looking to leave.

  3. Maybe if one of you dumb asses didn't tint your windshield or put 5% on the front windows we wouldn't have this issue. I swear yall know how to ruin it for the rest of us. Why the hell would you put 5% and/or tint the windshield on a marked car anyway? You people are fools.

    1. Yep, that was some Grade A Dumbassery right there.

    2. I think he has yet been mandated to have it removed. When will this happen?

  4. Tinting the windshield is dumb yes, but the law exempts law enforcement vehicles. Dark tint makes it more difficult to see if the car is occupied and also where exactly their head is. The guy who shot the 2 deputies in Compton would have had a much harder time putting shots on target if he couldn't see.... besides not long ago all of the command staff's cars were tinted to at least 5%. Don't know about now i try to avoid them in case my car us too dirty.....

    1. The law exempts police vehicles yes. But our policy doesn’t.....so what difference does that make? It makes sense for SOME police vehicles to have darker tint. UC narcotics vehicles come to mind, maybe a detective car that carries witnesses for show ups. Aka NOT cars that may routinely be called upon to drive fast and aggressive.....in the dark..... Some of these idiots would be the same ones who’d get a car reissued to them that somebody else had gotten tinted too dark, then try to blame the county for giving it to them when they back into a mailbox on morning watch..... I could see maybe 20%. But can see why they’d just set the limit at 32. Nobody, officer or citizen, would have any luck suing if a tinted car crashes then claiming they couldn’t see. If it’s good enough for Joe Citizen it’s good enough for everybody. Especially if the guy driving it ends up on morning watch. Though I also can’t see why officers should be having to pay to get windows tinted. All law enforcement vehicles, marked or not, should come standard with window tint. At 32%.........

  5. You retards blow my mind sometimes.

    Tinting the windshield is dumb yes, but the law exempts law enforcement vehicles.
    (Right, but when you dumbasses back into shit and start wrecking more cars because you can't see, we lose it altogether)

    Dark tint makes it more difficult to see if the car is occupied and also where exactly their head is. The guy who shot the 2 deputies in Compton would have had a much harder time putting shots on target if he couldn't see....
    (Situational awareness is better than any tint)

    Besides not long ago all of the command staff's cars were tinted to at least 5%.
    (Rank has it's privilege's and if we get promoted we can do the same thing)

  6. The raises don't ever come in October. That was a one off thing to stop the bleeding.
    Raises come in the Spring and we are on track to get the next step.

    Instead of running your mouths ask your chain of command.

    1. Though the steps actually were due to begin always coming in October. No it was not a one off. It was the new step plan.

  7. And wash your car. It's free!

    1. Yeah it’s free. And would be nice if it was that easy. I usually don’t have the option of getting my car washed on duty. And I’m on day watch.... The nearest “approved” car wash is well outside of my beat, halfway across the next precinct. And since we routinely run 2 to 4 open beats there’s no possibility of going until at least Evening watch gets in. So assuming I’m getting off on time anyway my options are just stay late to get a car wash....or do it myself at a fire station. Which I just flat out am not gonna do in the middle of summer or winter. When it’s nice out I do sometimes. We need more “approved” car washes.

    2. They give you a car to take home. What happens if they take the cars away instead of approving more carwashes? Wash the car at home; it will look much better anyway.

    3. Um, no. I'll overlook the fact that not everybody parks their car at home. They need to just approve more carwashes. How hard is that? It's not like it costs anymore just to have another one on the list. If there was one at least close to my beat it wouldn't be an issue. I remember when there were 10 or 15 approved car washes. Now there are 6....and 3 of those are in Pct 4.

    4. Pretty shitty one says absolutely no to washing a car given to him. I work at a precinct that is routinely short shifted. I refuse to be a dirtbag. If I was your beat partner, id have a supervisor take your take home car. You too, probably routinely run over your service miles to. You cam tell you know not what its like to hotseat vehicles. Unappreciative little brat.

  8. I didn't sign up to get promoted, direct traffic, wear shiny shoes, or be a secretary. I signed up to defend the Constitution and spread justice like hot butter! It seems those days are long gone we're too busy handling more calls with less people and it seems like some of the higher ups are worried about the wrong things.....

    1. I’m curious where the directing traffic thing comes from. The days of us being actual crime fighters are pretty much gone. I was lucky enough to get in it back when we were still doing that. It was fun. But that’s gone for American policing in general, not just here. And I certainly didn’t sign up to be a secretary either. But I got news for you, I remember using the phrase “gun toting secretary” quite a few times in my career...... LONG before all this bullshit started.

  9. We have one person at the officer rank who is SUSPECTED of dui and they are dealt with swiftly. We have another who is command staff who is ARRESTED for dui and weeks later the ivory tower still hasn't made a decision. I like both people and hope they come out OK but the uneven distribution of justice is getting old Chief and the villagers are gathering pitch forks and torches.

    1. Mostly true. And you say you like both. I can definitely say I only like 1 of them and can’t stand the other, so I’ll leave it at that but I’m obviously not trying to make excuses. But a bunch of cops should be able to understand that an active criminal case complicates things. If the case gets tossed completely the admin punishment if any here would obviously have to be different compared to if he gets hammered and loses his license. And I’ve read the report. The officer did a shit job. At writing it up at least. If any of you have read it and think it was good, you should review your own report writing. A lot of your cases are probably getting tossed out without you even knowing it, or having some court appointed defender who doesn’t give a shit just pleaing it out.

    2. OR

      That individual really wasn't doing anything wrong beyond a minor traffic infraction and just like a lot of you chuckleheads, the officer tried to make a case that wasn't there simply because he didn't like being told "No".

    3. The officer who made the arrest is a DRE, and I puke love to see officers write a better report on a straight refusal.

    4. Oh please. A) This individual claimed to have not been drinking, AT ALL. If that was true I would be begging to any tests they had. I'd want those triple zeroes on record. Heck even if I'd only had a beer or 2 and knew I was well below per se I'd be wanting the test. B) That officer mentions the "moderate" odor of an alcoholic beverage, and bases and entire DUI case, report, and search warrant on that? From reading between the lines it's pretty clear that he whipped into that gas station just because he realized there was a patrol car behind him. I'd have been checking that gas gauge, and probably be able to mention in the report that he didn't even need gas. Either way whipping into a station like that is 54, but he didn't even talk about it. And I would mention something other than a "moderate odor" of alcohol if I thought somebody was bad enough to need 10-15ing for. Or if that actually was all there was to it I would have enough sense to walk away from that case. Either way it was a s*** job.

  10. Hey Fanboy, so stellar the judge refused his SW for blood. If that’s the tip of the spear I don’t wanna see what’s in second place

    1. Haha people on here are worse than the general public when it comes to waiting for the facts.

  11. Changing the subject since only like 3 people are here anyway....a few on my shift just got the new outer vest. This thing is great (not necessarily this model)! I could tell a big difference after my first shift and a huge difference after a week! Way less back pain. Only trade offs are that its harder to get in and out of the car (mine hits the steering wheel on the front) and no way i can carry my backup....couldn't get the backup out of my old shirt anyway with the bodycam.

    These are the things the department needs to keep doing. Command staff can't give raises but can do other things like vests, gyms, etc...

    I'm sure the troll on here will comment soon enough and want ties and corfam shoes back....

  12. just got mine and it is great!!

  13. Replies
    1. The approved budget said they were aiming for March.

  14. Cobb just elected it own "paul howard" for DA. Flynn D Broady Jr will be cobb's new DA.
    Don't think he's that bad then read his facebook and twitter posts. Didn’t think manpower could get worse? Than just give it a few months.

  15. All,

    I humbly hope you have followed the recent election regarding the Cobb DA. If not, you need to be aware that a big part of his campaign was not ensuring the safety of citizens from criminals, but instead protecting citizens from some non-existent threat of law enforcement. He has posted publicly on his social media accounts that he will immediately push for the abolishment of qualified immunity in Cobb. There are established torts built into the criminal justice system to protect law enforcement from situations that no one thought possible until it happens. Our justice system has developed into what it is not because some groups in the LEO community said we need protection from prosecution, but due to society making it necessary. Our justice system has developed over hundreds of years to meet the needs of society, and it should not be completely reconstructed in an effort to lessen the impacts on criminal behavior. There would be little to no public safety if some reasonable protections were not established. If a cop makes a mistake he or she should be become a pawn in some politician's career. Qualified immunity is to protect normal police actions and mistakes made in good faith. No one believes deliberate negligence is acceptable, and that is for a judge to determine during the process. This is where it starts. Mark my words, traffic stops will be next on the chopping block; it is already being discussed in some jurisdictions. Public safety will suffer to a point where it may not be reversed. They used to tell us to be careful crossing into Fulton because of the DA. Well, it's in your backyard now. Be careful, do your job to the best of your ability, and remember to put your family first. I promise, the DA will put his career before any explanation you may have regarding your actions.

    1. And if your supervisors are not actively discussing this and it's implications with you, know they are part of the problem. They will push and push for "proactivity" and when you get indicted for doing nothing wrong, they will disappear like a fart in the wind. Watch your backs, your partners backs, and stay current on your legal defense coverage!

    2. Paul Howard 2.0

    3. At least at my Precinct the sergeants are fully aware that we are circling the drain, and doing the best they can to bail out a sinking ship. The lieutenants can see what's happening but have been force fed a little too much Kool Aid to comprehend what's happening, and everybody above that is living in la la land talking about proactivity and make sure you log into Flock. Why would I log into Flock? So I can go wave bye bye to some perp as he drives off, while hoping he doesn't stop and make me have to do something that might get me indicted in a few months?

    4. Well said Sir or Ma'am...

  16. I'm sure there will be a new chief soon. The one we have wasn't well received by the new chairwoman and his ideologolgy don't reflect the new and blue Cobb.

  17. Projections are the new Chief will be from outside the agency and a black female.

  18. Sounds like we might all go under the sheriffs office within 2 years now that we have the new BOC. I imagine Hamilton will be the next Chief of Police. I don't see Cox hanging around much longer.

    1. Not likely.

      Also....The board has 5 voters on it. Any real controversial votes will be 3-2 in favor of the conservatives.

    2. I think your math is off a bit. The District 4, District 2, and Chairman of the Board are all democrats and liberal. All votes will be 3-2 in favor of the Democrat majority. Also, Gambrill is not very good. She will likely side with Cupid on most things.

      Also, the BOC is not going to give up control of the police department by allowing the Sheirff's Department to absorb it. Politics is about control and the easiest way to exert control is through a police department.

    3. Couldn't agree more about the boc on how they'll vote, they won't gove up control of the pd and the Chief isn't going anywhere.

  19. The new sheriff already said he is ending the immigration officer position at the jail. He and the new board will get along very well. When the sheriff is anti-law enforcement you can expect the rest of the county to follow.

  20. The new DA says:

    I am so grateful for the hard work my team, especially all the volunteers, committed these past several months. Their perseverance and energy rejuvenated my purpose time and again. And of course, I am eternally thankful for my wife, Monique’s, patience and support. I will use restorative practices, not punitive, while acting as District Attorney for Cobb County and I will ensure the fair treatment of all people. The work starts before the courtroom. I will collaborate with educators, families, community leaders and activists, and law enforcement agencies to create positive relationships within all segments of the community to help curb criminal activity and improve dynamics between community members and law enforcement. However, I will hold law enforcement accountable and put pressure on the GBI when necessary.

    1. I can only imagine the smirk on Vic Reynold's face when he reads this. Applying pressure to a law enforcement agency only means the facts should be interpreted to meet the new DA's radical agenda. Fortunately, Vic was a community person, and I'm sure the governor wouldn't appreciate the attempt at intimidation.

    2. Hey Jackass DA elect. How about holding criminals accountable so that the tax paying citizens that will pay your salary are not pilfered. Insurance rates in the Cobb County Zip Codes are going through the roof since we are raped daily by car thieves and entering auto "Gang" related teens or juveniles. Prior to our first interaction with one that we catch, what number of criminal act do YOU think the turd had been involved in. You and your supporters will erode any since of boundaries that Fulton crime element used to not cross. The auto involved thefts will trend into homes and businesses in broad daylight. I pray you are a 1 and done term ass bag. Because your public post show you have no clue what your job will be.

  21. Paul Howard 2.0 is dangerous for cobb county law enforcement.
    Just search is comments/posts on his social media outlets and hear it from the man himself!!

  22. So how does this work?

    Are they going to port language line right into the Sheriff's office or will he have his own interpreter?

  23. Cause dates matter,
    Cobb County District Attorney
    Term: 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2020

  24. If you are law enforcement and I know your political leanings, you have failed in doing your part to build trust.

    1. Then why is someone who is running for sheriff required to declare a party if they want on the ballot?

    2. Lol, it's amazing how one short sentence can assume so much and be so wrong.

  25. Broady can "put pressure" on deez nutz

  26. All,

    It's a tough pill to swallow, but we have to remain united through this; it's the only way to make it. Remember, many of us remain on the job because of the officer to our left and right. We must remain vigilant and do the best with what he have been dealt. Let's not stoop to levels where our integrity and tact are called into question. It will only be used against us.

    1. Totally agree WE need to stay united and never thought that was an issue.
      However, Paul Howard 2.0 has showed us his cards via his social media outlets and regardless what he says in any upcoming meetings with US, WE won't accept the new lies!!
      WE are not going to go out of the way to do something that allows Paul Howard 2.0 to charge US with a crime.
      OUR families are not going to visit US at ADC for doing OUR job!!
      And I'd like to believe that CS understands OUR situation on the front line and supports US!!

  27. Wake up and know who the players are.

    Fulton County DA Paul Howard's previous Chief of Public Affairs (Dontaye Carter) is attempting to stir up problems in Cobb County. He is continously posting on social media about the officer involved shooting that occured in July.

    Just one of his quotes, "My hurt has turned into anger after hearing what actually happened. Vincent never posed a threat to any officer on July 13th."

  28. Mr Broady is a smart guy. Based on what happened in Atlanta he knows his posts (and now policy) will have the same reaction from cobb leo's.

    1. Can you explain your comment? I'm not understanding.

  29. Some states have gone into another lockdown and threatening to use law enforcement for not staying at home while the MS governor knows its UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
    Since when does a federal or state mandate, without going through the legislative process, supercede our constitutional rights.
    So glad I took an oath to support and defend the constitution and NOT an individual. And our refusal to follow any related mandates (illegal order) is protected by Georgia state law!!

  30. There are challenging times coming in the near future both locally and nationally.
    Just remember "We The People", The Bill of Rights, and The Constitution.

    1. Your first oath is to the constitution...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. For anyone looking to leave, Woodstock PD in Cherokee county is hiring. We have a good DA and very supportive citizens. Not the best pay but the command is supportive and we are proactive. We also have pensions, take home vehicles, load-bearing vests, and facial hair.

  33. I saw this commercial the other night when I woke up and it threw me off guys! This is what they are going to do to get rid of the Public Safety Officers! https://www.knightscope.com/
    I haven't seen the commercial again since I saw it at 3:52am Sunday. Does this concern anyone else or is it just me?

    1. It's basically just a mobile security camera... Once something happens they still have to call the cops...

  34. They will still need us to do a 41 report when it falls off a curb or looses a hubcap....

  35. DeCobb County incorporated 01.01.21

  36. Some these names seem familiar under command staff...

