Monday, July 13, 2020

July/August 2020 Open Comments


  1. I like my job for the most part.

    'Merica! ����

  2. I want to thank the BOC for the 1k$ they will soon deposit in my account. I can use it on my retirement savings.

  3. Cobb is dead. No real action or change will ever make this the premier agency it was in the past. We will continue to hire the youngest in order to create puppets for supervision that sucks at best. Embrace it. We are now the revolving door agency for others. Train them and lose them

    1. You should probably go too. I assure you with an attitude like that you are a cancer on your shift. I imagine that you have a handful of friends that tolerate listening to your trash but all the while they are just agreeing with you in hopes you'll shut up.

    2. I’m a pretty positive guy but sometimes truth hurts.

      I think calling one of our fellow officers “a cancer on your shift” is a bit much isn’t it?

      You don’t know that guys situation, he could be rule of 80 and stuck. Maybe he would love to go but the covid economy isn’t allowing it right now. You are probably right if work makes him this miserable it would behoove his mental health to go but don’t pretend to know his circumstances. Ducimus exists for guys to air some grievances without repercussion. Calling guys cancer defeats the purpose of this site.

    3. To add to the 6:15 am comment there are more of the officer you called a "cancer" than you think.
      And its not just the rule of 80 officers.
      Based on 11:10's commment its clear you're new to the department and would be lucky to have 5 years here based on your comment and lack of history with the boc. It also sounds like you have no clue what it's like to work at cobb and support a spouse and a couple of kids.
      Or you're a CS troll and are out of touch with reality and don't remember what it's like to live on officers pay.

  4. Chief, Please put a stop to this beard nonsense. We are already dealing with the fall out of having some scraggly scoobby-doo beard attempts among us. Perhaps you could change the policy to require the county doctor to approve a waiver. Getting a note from a private facility is a joke and the officers that take advantage of the policy are laughing at your good-willed intentions.

    1. That's a horrible idea for a number of reasons. But I have to ask, why do you care so much what people look like? Who gives a shit if the best officer on your shift, the guy you pray shows up for backup, has a scraggly beard. I won't go so far as saying Cobb is dead like above, but honestly thinking like this is why Cobb is still in the stone age of law enforcement.

    2. Aren't there really bigger issues to worry about. I can care less if my beat partners have facial or not. Just want someone who is courageous and competent.
      Besides like in other pd's in the country all it's going to take is a lawsuit and you won't need a medical waiver.

    3. Or better yet, how about who gives a shit? This isn’t the Army. Been there, done that, literally got the T shirt. Not allowing beards in the Army makes some sense (though they did until 100 years or so ago) not allowing them in a civilian police force makes zero sense. If you don’t think they look “professional” then no problem. Don’t grow one.

  5. Guys are talking amongst each other to tell doctors what they want. A doctor today will give you all the opiates and meds you want. Why not a beared letter. Buy here pay here for whatever you wish. If they have the letter you now must submit. A county doctor cannot be made a requirement legally. What power or authority does one doctor employed by this county have over ones primary care doctor? NONE!!!!!!
    To the punk ass supervisor who called one of ours a cancer. How about you having the balls to own your statement. You don't get the repercussions you apply. You are the cancer that has made him feel this agency has died. Did you not acknowledge the truth in the statement? How many have you run off because of your punk ass attitude?

  6. COBB POLICE RECRUITING MESSAGE:Atlanta officers we want you. Shitty pay, shitty supervision and no raise for the near future, but no Democrat chief, DA,or elected boss. YET!!!!!

  7. My direct supervisors are awesome and have probably kept me from jumping ship. The higher ups at the puzzle palace (and some other precincts) are who I'm worried about.

    I don't think beards are really a big deal but they are kinda symbolic. There is only so much the police can do for ourselves, 10 hour shifts, (somewhat) better uniforms, slowly getting better rifles, and allowing tattoos. Beards are kinda the next thing the CS could change that wouldn't cost anything and might be the deciding factor in a lateral from another department.

    The county management is the ones not helping our recruitment by low pay, horrible insurance, no real perks, and wasting money on parks and donkeys instead of quality employees.

    1. Donkeys??? Lol. I hear you. You are definitely a rule if 80 if you remember the Jack and Jill debacle. I enjoyed that. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  8. The only reason I'm against beards is because officers who think they can grow beards will end up with a patchy pube beard.

    And yes, I will make fun of them.

    1. They are already out there...with the waiver. I think the point was that if you look like a clown in the same uniform that we all wear then you bring us all shame. Not only will your beat partners rip on you, but so will the public. Can we all agree that some should just not go there ?

  9. Well I'm against mustaches which are currently allowed. No one should have a mustache unless you're a hipster, an adult film star, a molester, or a Sargeant who is so old they have already applied with campus PD because they are about to retire. Sorry to offend the fire department and some deputy's.....

    1. The mustache is as Cobb county as French blue pants, I think we should make them mandatory.

    2. Sergeant*

    3. Grammar po-lice supporterJuly 30, 2020 at 8:54 PM

      I like this. Keep it up.

    4. Once upon a time mustaches were required by regulation for all British Army soldiers. Why not here?

  10. I was anti over vest....

    I do not have mine yet but I'll tell you they look a lot better than I expected.

    As long as people don't hang grandpa's K-bar off them they will prove to have been a good move.

  11. I just watched the county manager's COVID 19 update. Its terrible disease that can be confused with allergies.

  12. First masks and now goggles? Where does the madness end?

    Dr. Fauci Recommends Wearing Goggles to Prevent Catching the Coronavirus

  13. I'm very excited about the idea that the weather will likely cool off before all of the cry babies get their over vests. It makes my heart smile.

    1. I’m 21 years in. I have my outer vest. You’d have to fight me to the death to make me go back to that ridiculous 1924 uniform.

  14. And you sir are what's wrong with this department. People will do a shitty job that pays well and work a great job that pays shitty. Well we don't get paid and you're making this place worse. The future is now old man. I hope you're just drunk and not as asinine as you sound. Did you make fun of the officers who got the first patrol cars while you were still riding a horse on zone patrol?

  15. Shame on the Cobb County School District and the other school districts in Georgia that caved to a small few and did not reopen OUR schools!!

    The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools this Fall | CDC

    1. We need to concentrate on getting more of PD wearing masks when out in public. It baffles me that a pandemic is raging in our country and we aren’t taking the easy steps of covering our faces. This precaution requires our department’s leadership to be more vocal. Take a page from our days of requiring the straw hats when we were C5.

    2. Haha! That's funny! You tell funny jokes, I bet everyone loves working with you. I can tell it was a joke because you can't possibly be serious. Good one!

    3. Wear a mask or stay at home. If you catch the corona virus and try to sue the county, your bodycam video will be reviewed for compliance. I’m thinking that would be their first check if you claim negligence against the county. You have been issued a mask on four different occasions. Be careful, be smart.

    4. The entire thing is a joke.
      First we're told by the scientists masks don't work, the warm weather will slow the spread, and now it's recommended to wear a mask and goggles.
      Its a personal choice, wear one if it makes you "feel" better but don't force your opinions on me!
      I'm sure the commentor from 8/6 at 5:37pm also sees no problem with the unconstitutional covid checkpoints in nyc. Oh where else have we seen covid checkpoints? That's right, China!

    5. I don’t give a f*** what CS says. I’m not wearing a damn mask.

  16. Members of Lodge 13, cast your votes for our endorsement of a sheriff candidate. The deadline is 08/12/20.

    Craig Owens
    Neil Warren
    No endorsement

    The FOP is nothing without member involvement. If you did not receive the email to vote I recommend reaching out to the lodge secretary.

    1. The membership should not endorse either.

      One suffers from dementia and has never been a friend of the Police.

      The other can't even manage an outer vest order

  17. I can't vote for Owens after the statement he put out in the last couple of days. He's totally politicized a jail suicide. I'm switching my vote back to Neil Warren.

  18. Credit to the FOP for endorsing Owens. He has a real chance with the support of Law Enforcement.

  19. There would be nothing more funny than watching those clowns debate one another. One can't remember English and the other never could speak it.


    I hope everyone has Legal Defense Plan, we also have a vague and exceptionless courtesy policy...

  21. Now I only watched part if the full video on my phone but I didn't see anything glaringly wrong with what he did. He had PC to make an arrest, told her several times she was under arrest and got in a tussle with several people. Maybe he shouldn't have tazed her so close to a bush, maybe his backup should have gotten there quicker...who knows but I would think a spoken reminder about where to taze is plenty, not firing him to appease the public and county management. I would chalk up her getting hurt to "that's life in the fast lane" as a firearms supervisor use to say! If this happened in cobb i would not be at all worried about the brass gunning for me, although I am very worried about Cobb County management throwing us under the bus trying to get re-election points....

  22. I hear a Major got arrested for DUI. Guess we will see if he's working animal control soon.

    1. Hopefully the person gets a fair shake. I'll say I appreciate the way these things have been handled over the last few years. Rather than throwing people out like trash, they've been waiting to see how court plays out.

  23. Things in this department are getting SPICY

  24. Try it again without the F bomb.
