Friday, April 2, 2021

Apr 2021 Open Comments


  1. Good Things Are Coming.

  2. Boycott Braves and MLB.

  3. Piss on MLB and Piss on the Braves.

  4. The county/department touts the braves as a benefit for us officers as if it's a privilege working for them. I remember several years ago when the public was first realizing cobb has a manpower problem the chief was on TV telling the public that officers can make up to $100k a year with part times.

  5. Georgia law makers took this part time opportunity away from us. Not MLB, not the Braves. The league players was not going to show up for the game. Kemp and his cronies knew this would happen and they went ahead with their polarizing legistlation anyway.

    Until rural Georgians wakes up and educate themselves, we will continue to face similar retribution from the rest of society.

    Hopefully the pending infrustructure bill will bring additional part time opportuinities.

    1. Do what? That is pure liberal talking points/narrative. The corporate sponsors pressured MLB.... so the MLB most definitely deserve the credit for this fiasco.

    2. Oppurtunity? F*** them. You can’t base your decisions on some liberal baseball league. If they don’t want to play here then bye bye

    3. You are definitely a mouthpiece for Stacy Abrams. Did you get into your shift roll call without and ID Card, Login to Kronos without it or a password tied to it.

      ID Card voting is absolutely necessary.

      The is nothing suppressive in the voting law. If you say there is, I am glad lowering our standards got you employed here.

      Illegal activity takes place every election. One person, one vote is how it is supposed to work. Any law in place to ensure that is better for everyone.

      Fuck Stacy Abrams and her lies. It should not be Republican, Democrats only. America is under attack by both sides and adjusting sinceable voting is the answer. Oh, and Fuck wearing a damn mask for this fake COVID shit too.
      Spoon fed followers make me sick.

    4. Pending infrastructure Bill. Really? Dude, are you able to have your own thought? Have you read what is in the so-called Infrastructure Bill? Your only worry is "hopefully more part times. Gee-willickers. How about a decent pay here by implimentation of a true step in grade so part times are not have toos in order to make a decent wage. So lets screw over the entire tax base of the free 🌎 so you can have part times. They must have seen "I AM A SUCKER" in neon on your forehead.

    5. Keep drinking that Democrat Kool-Aid!!! MLB is based in NY, which has 10 early voting days. GA has 17 early voting days, so which state is so called suppressing the vote??? You need an ID to buy beer, buy cold medicine at the pharmacy, fly on an airplane, but it’s racist to require ID to vote??? I think it’s pretty insulting to minorities to believe that their incapable or not knowledgeable enough to obtain a state issued ID. If you actually have been a police officer for more than a few days tell me how many people have you ever run across that didn’t have ID? Even the illegals have a government issued consular ID card.... Stop being so woke that you can’t see the truth!!!

  6. Everyone I work with is happy they relocated the game. Makes our lives easier so screw em. Hell I heard P5 was going to make everyone work 12s for that week! This department has lost its mind

    1. I wonder how much of that expected revenue you are happy losing. Did you know that it was in the agreement to build that toilet bowl here? Now politics can just cancel contracts, and that's OK?
      No bitching when BOC tells you no raises due to lost of projected revenue. Do you have any clue how much the loss equates too? P5 12's. Are you aware that P2 and P3 10's turn into 12's because of the manpower issues and the crime rate? Welcome to the club 5

    2. Hey new guy,
      Lol, All the boc needs is an "excuse" to not give a raise. If you've been here long enough you'd know that.
      We had the greatest economy ever for years and nothing to show for it.
      Wake up!!
      The boc sucks and doesn't care about you.
      COVID-19 is BS!
      And it doesn't matter what Major Liberal Baseball says or does!!

    3. Well said Sir or Ma'am,
      This time the politicians did not cancel any contracts.
      This time it was Corporate America wanting to push its political views on a conservative state who fixed a broken process and Corporate America responded by bullying.
      Good on the state of Georgia. I welcome any business, Hollywood and the MLB, until they bring their California and NY politics to Georgia.

  7. Damn y’all are so sensitive. A political view is different from yours and you cry, name call and shit your pants. Turn in your badge because you’re only gonna hurt this department and shoot someone you shouldn’t.

    1. I guess facts don’t matter!

    2. This statement shows you have never had to make a real decision in your life. The perception is that if you wear this uniform you are on the same team. Wake up and realize how untrue that is. Some of you that have been hired recently will realize the BS story you were sold by the opinion hating media is false. Work Zone 2 and three long enough and tell me the 78s of the perps. COBB was one size fits all criminal catching. Whites,Blacks,Asians,and Hispanics knew it.

    3. Some things change. Except the 78s of the perps. It’ll never change.

    4. It's too bad we don't know who you are so we can out you for your obvious racism. This blog has gone to shit.

    5. Easy fella, it is not racist when telling facts. Though it is not what some want hear. Why don't you research the last 10 murders just in Cobb County. See who the victims are and the potential suspect. Then tell me his statement is wrong.

  8. Y’all Drinking the trump koolaid. Snowflakes.

    1. You are funneling the Somebody's going to give me something for nothing Kool-Aid

  9. Based on the comment from April 5th, (10:28 PM), it is obvious to me that the author is either a troll or a new person to this page. It is tacky to make the comment "you're only gonna hurt this department and shoot someone you shouldn't).

    I don't write on this page often and I deal with the different petty comments with little concern but your total lack of professionalism with this comment is offensive.

    I'm calling for the moderator to do a better job of controlling these troll type comments.

    1. April 6th 11:08. Much agreed.

  10. This month's comments went sideways when all you idiots could talk about was politics we have no control over.

    Can we stick with the real issues like pay compression and retirement? Or are yall still gonna bitch about voting and wanting pants with pockets??? Jesus christ.

    You people suck. Let's get back on topic.

    How about brand new officers who just made POII are getting the same as an 8-year officer because we have yet to be put in the correct steps???

  11. Instead of doing pushups and bullshit online escalation training, how about inviting the NAACP, AL (Dullass) Sharpton, Nobama and any other selling this false narrative around the globe to training. Lets put our money where their mouth is and discuss shoot, don't shoot real life events. Put the complaining turds with good, proactive, criminal handling cops. Don't pick one so the picture looks good in the media, pick an officer who does it right and gets the IA complaint to show real working officers responding to the, sad but true, similar 78's over and over creating havoc in our community.
    When are we going to turn the focus onto the judiciary and hold them accountable for the no-jail, reduced plea accepting, armed criminal on his eighth felony charge without appropriate sentences being mandated.
    To my white brother and sister. Stay true to the reason you decided to begin your thankless and payless career; unless you do have a bias of another human, if that is you leave now as we cannot take another punch resulting from a race fueled event.
    To my Black brother and sisters who wear this badge. Thank you for doing so because I have seen you berated in the face those of the same race. You are not the HN, you are not Uncle Tom, you are not enslaved, and YOU ARE Black enough.
    There is a power working to end all that is American and we can prevent it.
    Chief Cox, halt AT immediately. Have thectrsining center that is full of some great police minds rethink what we need right now. Surveys are not the answer, Redman is not the answer and certainly not are those Ryobi pushups.
    We have a new facility. We need it to be a revenue positive. Why not show it to the Nation and lets be the first to tell the real, the hard, the truth.
    That truth being black men are not staying in school. Black and all impovershed families are hurting the most during this time. This agency has a chance to truly lead at this time. What will we do?

    1. Shut up and go take another 41. Is it not clear to you that no matter what they see they don’t care? Footlocker donated over 200 million to BLM and look what happened they still got looted and burned. Their founder bought a million dollar home in a white community using the money they raised, but you don’t hear anything about it because THEY DONT CARE. It’s all just a game. They rob cheat and steal and we lock em up. They get out and the process starts all over.

  12. This blog is out of control. Please admins for the love of god shut down any and all racial discussions it will not end well for anyone involved. Keep this place on task, pay benefits, retention, normal issues and complaints. We all know this job is stupid and dangerous. If you feel so strongly about it being broken move on, I am. You can’t fix the whole country via Cobb county. May as well get a normal job and enjoy your life.

  13. I just come here to try to shame the puzzle palace into helping out the police OFFICERS and not cave into the blue politicians..... and to complain about the baby blue pants!

    1. Right?! These pants are ridiculous. Also speaking of ridiculous, how did we not cover the fact that bc the department picked the lamest outer vest possible, we are going to have to shove a holster into a pouch that's sewn on the vest in order to accommodate the X7s. Haha really?

  14. Anonymous-April 15-15:36

    Your statement is not factual. The decision on which vest to use was made by a vote of the officers. If you would like to present your workable solution, please do so. New ideas are always welcome.

    1. I do remember voting on the current best as well.

  15. Yes and no. Command staff selected the vests that we were allowed to vote on, and they all sucked. And I know for a fact that better vests were suggested, or were available to them and they eliminated them as options before the vote. Don't pretend like presenting ideas up the chain is a realistic concept, it has been proven to be futile.

  16. What's this open records request about Sgt and Lt pay all about?

    1. Working with a law firm for a lawsuit against the county for the pay discrepancy within the Sgt and Lt ranks. A new Sgt should not make more than a senior Sgt or a Lt. That's not how the program was set up or designed according to the person that actually wrote the final step plan.

  17. Plus we didnt really get to see the vest. We (at least my shift) got to see the vest being held up 50 feet away during active shooter training and then later in some crappy computer photos. Someone also screwed up not asking the range for input. I'm not fat but can only draw my flashlight with my gun hand, can't fit my rifle plates over my vest unless I unload the taser, cuffs, and radio, then put my radio in a rifle mag pouch instead of 30 bullets, I'm not supposed to carry the taser in the taser pouch because it might kill the battery, and I now keep my backup gun in my trunk. All this complaining but it's still light-years ahead of the under vest and over loaded belts. So much so if they take the outer vests away I'm either going to detectives or quitting....
