Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 2019 open comments

Dates of upcoming Board of Commissioners meetings:

April 9 at 9:00 am
April 23 at 7:00 pm


  1. Chief,

    Isn't it time you quit being a bystander and started fighting for the troops? Everyone knows you want the director's job. Quit playing their game, kissing their butt and fight for us!

    1. There are limits to what the Chief can do in this situation. People are beginning to listen and we need to stay the course.

    2. Ha!ha! I lost all confidence in him after what he did to Lt. Abbott and when he has 10 people on the CAU while the precincts are short. I do not have any faith in him to do anything but promote himself. I'm glad I'm leaving soon!!

    3. Love it. Greg Abbott was the best supervisor I ever worked under in this agency. I remember the X Chief having a few not-so-great moments of his own. He showed what he cares about. His ability to climb that ladder that will guarantee he is in the same get paid boat as Old Stank Hankerson.

  2. Until something happens, and changes have been made, everybody grow beards. That can be our “strike”....grow some beards! Let’s go!!

  3. Managers don't have to have all the answers. That's why we hire and later choose certain individuals for special units that are educated, hard working and trusted. Unfortunately, when supervisors begin to give criticism. They create conflict which leads to disengaged employees. Yes, money makes the world go round and puts food on the table for our families. However, nobody wants to work for micro-managing supervisors, especially when you've never given them a reason for distrust.

    Your character will get you the respect, not the rank.

  4. You have three open beats... Copy a VIN verification, and we're holding a report of a lost tag. And we keep going to these calls because caller refuses PDO. We need to stand up for ourselves and advise the caller that if they want a report for that stuff we are not sending an officer out, they can call the PDO or go to the precinct and get the report. In times like these, with our manpower this low, we need to prioritize calls and be willing to say no, even if people won't be happy. Tell them to call their commissioners.

  5. We also need to stop responding to shoplifter calls. Atlanta did it because of manpower and we should too.

    1. That is what the Chief can do and i am a supporter of him. I am calling on him to at least cancel these private party accidents, community events,vin verifications, b.s. calls, all the things that can be told no. Its time to stop doing more with less. Cut the services until the beats are filled. You are responsible for our safety. That is something the chief can do and should do. My support is gradually going away. I know what he can and cant do. Cut services chief, we are watching to see whats important,beats filled or your reputation.

  6. I heard the blue flu is coming if changes aren't done.

    1. Does it really count as a blue flu if nobody’s there because they all just quit and went to better agencies?

  7. We shouldn't recommend reducing tax paid police services when all of the part times are still getting covered.

    1. So, you recommend that officers who are already understaffed and underpaid give up the one thing that makes their pay a livable salary? Part times are worked on an officer's off time, taking time away from their families, and are paid at rates much higher than even the county's overtime rate. Good idea. Ok everyone, let's show them we mean business, no more part times, no more part times!

  8. Chief Register,

    I am writing this in an attempt to exercise your open door policy. The only difference between this and coming to your office personally is you knowing my name, which should not be important, but only my concern. I know your command staff monitors this blog and reports back to you so I know this will reach your ears. How do you intend to promote from the new Lt and Sgt lists? The void of information has created a black hole of rumors going around and I am asking you to clarify to candidates and the department at large what you intend to do. Will you go down the list generally in order or do you intend to jump all over the list? Some rumors spread are that there will be a "secret" chiefs list where you have reordered the list based on things like PT scores, evals, shooting scores ect. None of these were criteria that candidates where told before they entered the process and I would like to know from you if they are factors or not. Another rumor is that the change to policy where the language is similar to "the chief reserves the right to make any promotion based on the needs of the department" is there to justify your intention to cherry pick politically connected people from anywhere on the list and not have to go in any type of order. I am asking again, with respect, that you clarify your intentions for the appointment process and dispel the rumors so your Lt and Sgt candidates can plan their lives and family obligations accordingly. Transparency has been promoted as an important part of this process and I am asking for it here.

    Thank you for your consideration in the matter.

    1. Read the policy (2.05). Specifically number 2:
      1. In selecting the most suited applicant for a vacancy, the Chief of Police shall consider the following factors:
      a. Candidate examination score;
      b. Candidate annual performance appraisals (most recent three);
      c. Candidate formal disciplinary history;
      d. Candidate education; and
      e. Candidate operational experience.
      2. The Chief of Police is not under any obligation to select a promotional candidate in order of test ranking.
      3. Prior to appointment or promotion, the Chief of Police, or his designee, shall conduct a final interview with the candidate.
      4. Written documentation regarding the Chief of Police’s reasons for a selection shall be submitted to Human Resources.

    2. Read the post you responded to. They are asking for the chief's intent. Everyone knows what policy says. And everyone knows that policy is not always followed. Chief's prior statements indicated he intended to go down the list. And since almost everyone in this department is looking for jobs elsewhere, guys on the bottom of the list need to know if it's worth sticking around or not, among other reasons for wanting to know his intentions.

    3. This entire thread has already been addressed. He sent an email to police sworn on March 21 stating his intent to have a meeting at a date to be determined after the process has been completed. This meeting will address everything you mentioned above. I'm all about holding him accountable where he needs to be, but starting an argument because you didn't read the email seems pointless and detrimental to your goal.

    4. It's sad really that someone asked a straight forward question to the chief rather than continue to spread rumors and y'all jump all over them. Policy poster, we are all clear on policy. Thank you for your contribution but I don't think that's at all what the person was asking. We watch our leaders talk out of both sides of their mouths regularly and bend policy to meet their needs and the original poster sounded like they wanted a straight answer rather than riddles. And email man, no one was starting an argument but you. Refer to my last comment to policy man. The original poster asked a respectful question and you attacked them with self riotous accusations about their ability to read email. I was personally at the meeting almost a year ago when the chief was asked about the chase policy and guaranteed a room full of officers he would send an update within 90 days. The update never came. So your self riotous "read your email" comment about his "at a later date meeting" is without merit. He routinely kicks the can and says he will discuss a matter later when he is cornered and then hopes we will all forget. He has to be addressed head on because he does not keep his word and follow up.

    5. We all know that PT Scores don't matter. I do believe there is one supervisor, BY POSITION DESCRIPTION ONLY, and definitely NO Leader. that is still walking around with boss insignia on its uniform. Sickens me!!!!!!

  9. PT and firearms scores should be used. Our leaders should not be fat messes but an example. On the same note there are some who were promoted in the past but should be demoted as they failed to live up to the challenge of the rank.

    1. Your right, if you don't have tattoos and muscles you are a terrible choice as a leader, better yet check candidates vehicles for blue line and spartan stickers. Bet you have a fruit bat on the front of your patrol car. Nice fat shaming there big guy.

      Internet Troll

    2. Yeah because we know firearms scores and PT scores will make you the best supervisor....what a freaking joke.

    3. Just said they should be factor. Leaders should be in shape and I have no problem fat shaming anyone who may need to fight for their life at some point. People bitch about lowering the standard but sounds like you are ok with that as long as it is for you. Stay chubby !

    4. Tattoos and muscles man, I am glad you are so concerned with other men's body composition. You obviously serve in a position in this department that I am unfamiliar with, one where daily physical fights for your life are a real issue. The department I work for though has leaders of all shapes and sizes and their PT score has no bearing on their ability to lead. Your immaturity speaks loudly. Had you spent any substantial time as a police officer you would have met several "chubby" leaders who do a damn good job keeping people safe. Please be careful in your next daily fight and hopefully no one with a high BMI will insult you by trying to help. All brawn and no brain is a dangerous combination. If this message was hard for you to understand I heard we have another blog starting up where the messages are written in crayon for tough fit guys. Feel free to drink a Bang and draw a response.

      Internet Troll

  10. If you did well enough on the Examination and Assessment there should not be an issue. If you did not do well there is a reason.

    1. It was not important enough for you to study (we are all busy)

    2. You did not assess well meaning your inability to analyze a problem and produce solutions is lacking. It also indicates that you have the personality of a turnip.

    Quit being a bunch of whiners. No matter what they do you people are going to find something to complain about.

    1. Can’t say “you people”

    2. Right, because it's possible to make a list where nobody is at the bottom... Careful not to spill any of that Kool Aid on your uniform.

  11. Alright everyone break it up. This is beginning to sound like the third time you’ve been dispatched to that S86, tell him I said this, she won’t give me my keys. This forum isn’t here for us to snipe at each other. Any more petty name calling will be moderated.

    1. This is what they want. They want and encourage us fighting each other bc it keeps us from being united fighting them. Remember the point system for take home cars? How else were they going to keep us from raising hell about such a poorly implemented program, except to make sure we were all attacking each other over who has what points. Don't lose sight of who is causing all this strife and misery.

      It takes all types of officer to make this department work. We need ticket writers, dope hounds, and community oriented guys, and we need everyone to support each other and be mature enough to see things from multiple points of view. We presented a united front at the last meeting, and they ignored us and are doing nothing. Don't turn on each other, continue presenting a united front until they have no choice but to fix things.

      And the they I'm talking about is both commissioners and command staff. Anyone who has the power to make any positive changes needs to be held accountable.

  12. It is now after 2100 hours on the day that the new sergeant's list went into effect... and it is nowhere to be seen. What happened to open and transparent leadership from the Register regime?

    This on the heels of the travesty that was the community meeting in zone 2 tonight. Chief, you should be ashamed. Why were over 15 on-duty uniformed officers forced to change their schedules and babysit about 30-40 community members, who simply gathered to complain about abatements, and who's own commissioner supposedly never showed up?

    Good officers are FLEEING this department, and if you don't think actions like these are part of the reason, you Sir are wrong. If you agree, then the time is well passed to do something to change it. Nobody expects you to be a part of the solution... please prove us wrong.

  13. Thanks Chief for publishing the promotional lists today. Congrats and good luck to all those on the lists.

  14. Has anyone checked their email today? The county (Chairman Boyce) has officially turned in a half assed attempt to "fix" the retention and recruitment issues. 3% pay raise for all county employees with an additional 2% increase for public safety. An increase in the county match for the hybrid retirement of 2%. Also a bonus of $2500 for lateral transfers. This is an absolute slap in the face of all public safety. He is hoping we will go away and not be pissed off about this. With the 5% increase to my pay I will still be over $2,000 under what a brand new Atlanta Police Officer would make. This is absolutely ridiculous. This will not fix what is happening and will not increase the amount of officers we are hiring.

    1. Au contraire my friend Boyce is proposing to cut the number of officers needed from 100+ to just 60+ now, so things are already gonna get better based on that logic alone...Trust The Board...

  15. Congrats Chairman, That 5% proposed raise just ensured that those that were holding on waiting for you to be reasonable, can leave without regret. This department is made up of some really special people and is the only reason many have stayed this long. Please stop referring to your pay study about some department in North Carolina. This is simple economics, the laws of supply and demand are somehow evading your mind. You live in the Metro Atlanta market. You must be competitive within that market. This is not something that you can meet half way. You must be competitive or dare I say even better than neighboring agencies. We all know the money is there, you just need to fix this. Just pretend its a new pedestrian walkway bridge needed for the braves stadium. That will make you sleep better, I am sure of it !

  16. After reading the proposed 2020 budget that “TRUST THE BOARD” Boyce put out today I have no clue why any officer with less than 5 years of service would stay here. Get your Boyce recommendation and save yourself and your future. Go where you are valued and justly compensated for the work that you do now and for your retirement in the future.

  17. Did I miss something....where’s the step in grade at?

    1. I don't think anyone needs that kind of disappointment in their lives right now. You know it's going to be like a 25 year plan right? "Come work for Cobb, we have a step plan! Take twice as long to top out at less money than every other area department!" Pathetic

  18. After factoring in our health insurance contributions going up we're looking at a 3.5 to a 4% raise.
    This will definitely p#$$ people off, we'll definitely lose around 100 officers this year.

  19. Taking the money from the 40 positions we always needed is stealing from the police to pay the police. This is BS.

  20. Community Affairs does a lot of fund raisers and events for charities in the County. Any chance they could organize a fundraiser for us?


    Keyboard Ninja

  21. They have spoken. Leave now while you still can!

  22. Anyone have any thoughts on Chief Register becoming the DPS Director? Also we should not forget about the BOC meeting Tuesday night. We need to show up and tell Chairman Boyce the proposal he made is not going to cut it. Since that came out I know of at least four officers who are probably leaving and several more who are looking. If they do not do something better that that terrible proposal by the Chairman then this department is going to turn into Dekalb County or Atlanta.

  23. Two resigned yesterday. One at Z1 and a guy from Homicide.

    Post from an Alpharetta SGT: Howard Miller "I'm literally days away from taking 2 more. Excited for them, sad for Cobb. But again, it's going to take more than a couple thousand dollars and take home cars to fix things over there. At one point last year, we were critically short to the point units were collapsing to fill the road and nobody coming on testing days. We made some internal adjustments, didn't raise pay, no gimmicks, etc.. Skip ahead 8 months later, and we're overstaffed with a waiting list. A few are from Cobb but more than half are not"

  24. His promotion cuts out one link in the chain and gets us closer to the source of funding. A fire guy has no vested interest in the PD and we felt that the last few years. There would no longer be anyone filtering or white washing the information delivered to the County Manager or the Board. I support the move....

  25. We need another big showing at the BOC on Tuesday, April 23 at 1900. We will have at least one speaker there to speak for us. If we keep showing up they'll realize we're not gonna let this lie.

  26. WSB did an interview with Steve Gaynor this afternoon. There will probably be news crews at the BOC meeting tonight. Let’s get some officers at the meeting. It starts at 1900.

  27. Had some great presenters....but here's what the commissioners said they're gonna do to fix the retention issue:

    "We hear all of you. Thanks for coming out. Thanks for all you do. Continue to come to the meetings. Now here's the new dog park we opened up.”

    What a crying shame.....

  28. Great idea! Im actually leaving law enforcement for a job as a dog walker and care taker. More parks i can take the dogs to. #dogparksarecool

  29. Meanwhile we are running open beats (usually several open beats) so we can have a healthy gun toting certified police officer sitting behind a desk answering phones and printing out reports. Why do we still have PDO's? Especially at the Precincts. We should not be running a Headquarters PDO, much less have them at the Precincts. Unless someone is on light duty there is no reason to have a PDO, especially with manpower like it is. And that is something that could be fixed by HQ, without having to get the BOC to actually do something.

  30. With Marietta pulling out of MCS I think the PD should pick up the slack and expand our contribution. We should call it the Special High drug Activity Focus Team. The Cobb S.H.A.F.T.

    1. That is not the name of a snake so it wont work...

  31. Boyce just put out another one of his videos. He said THE issue facing the county is transportation going forward. He says no one department in this county is not more important than any other. He is also saying he was in the military and they never got everything they needed to do their job but they were still expected to find a way to do their job anyway. Also trying to say everyone from new recruits to LTs got between $2,000 and $5,000 a year from the pay study. "Money is never going to solve all the problems." "I'm only one vote on the board." "I have done all I can do."

    Sounds like we are very screwed on this. We all know no matter what Bob Ott is going to vote no to whatever is proposed so he is out. That leaves the women of the board to help us. We all know Birell does not have any ideas of her own so she is out. That leaves us with 2 votes maybe. Not enough to get it done. Maybe if we stopped working the Braves games they would do something?

    1. I personally refuse to work the games due to the terrible back door deal that made with the county and how it has continued to negatively impact the county.

  32. What Boyce does not understand is that not all government is the same. He speaks to never having all of the resources needed in the Military. Guess what....Military folks can't just quit and walk away when dealing with ineffective leadership. County Government workers can leave and they are.

    One thing that also needs to be addressed publicly is the mischaracterization of the funds spent on Public Safety. The vast majority of funds spent now are due to mistakes made in the bugdeting process for the vehicles. As it pertains to the buildings, that is due to kicking the can down the road all these years. BUT here is the best part....Those are SPLOST items which is what that money was earmarked for. So these things are not the gifts from the board or from him that he makes them out to be.

  33. Chief Cox:

    Thank you for the common sense solution to window tint. Nothing wrong with having a little skin in the game when it comes to bolstering your own happiness. Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference.

    I look forward to seeing more of these in the future.

  34. Mister Boyce:

    Quit thumping your chest and bragging about being a Marine. You are not worthy of the rank of Colonel and you don't act like any Colonel of Marines that I ever knew.

    Chesty Puller would not be pleased!

  35. The window tint was done by Director Register as one of the first executive decisions as the new Public Safety Director. It was long overdue, in my opinion.

  36. Budget my backside. Either do something or just claim to be worthless.

    The increased tax digest and other factors will result in an additional $20 million in the upcoming budget compared to FY19 with no increase in the millage rate.
    The budget calls for a 3% pay raise for county employees, some of whom have gone years without a raise. On top of that, public safety including police, sheriff, and fire will receive an additional 2% under the Chairman’s proposal. This proposal is a slap in the face to the men and women that put their life on the line to do the hard work in an effort to make this county a safe place for businesses to want to come here, customers to want to bring their families into our shops and businesses. It truly appears that as a group, you elected people do not get it. Our police department has been spiraling down for nearly 12 years. Now look, the fire department is in the same situation. No one want to remain here. Those that are holding on are those so close to retirement they are at a no choice scenario.
    Other proposed budget items include;
    • The county will implement a recruitment bonus of $2500 for certified law enforcement officers – Slap in the face #2. Why offer a sign on bonus for officers from other agencies. Facts show that when an officer leaves his current agency, he is leaving for less than stellar reasons. Either discipline or the lack of, or that the agency did not treat them as a valued asset. What is your plan for those of us that have hung around and are waiting on “Good things are coming?”
    • The county will make law enforcement officer contributions to the state supplemental pension plan for police, sheriff, and fire. This proposal is your pipe dream and you know that you have not created an environment that will have officers hang around long enough for this to become a reality. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And Chairman Boyce, you say you know what it is like to be under fire. You act as if the only under fire you know had to come from call of duty. You sir show that you have not the stomach to fight for the warriors of the Police and Fire Departments.
    • An increase in the county’s match in the employee hybrid retirement plan – What about the County Pension plan that Stankerson is still getting rich off of. Cobb’s elected and appointed are getting super rich while those who keep it safe are facing divorce, losing homes, struggling to get family time because of the extra jobs required to make a decent monetary wage.
    • Money for Sunday library hours – Close the damn libraries. Quit putting that up when we are discussing lives and the care and well being of our county.
    • A decrease in the water fund transfer, and;
    • Other departmental additions. Why say this. Either say something meaningful or STFU.
    There is one unusual line in the budget that reads “Unfund 40 Police Officers and 40 Sheriff Officers.” This line is in the budget because, under the current hiring schedule, these agencies will not be able to get to these positions in the upcoming fiscal year. This does not mean these positions are being eliminated, only that they will not be filled in FY20. Because NO ONE wants to work for the public safety in Cobb County because beginning with Tim Lee and his cronies, Mike Boyce and his cronies have proved they do not care.
    The Chairman points out this is a working document “Kick the can down the road” and changes “GTAC” are likely to occur before the Board votes on it this summer.

    1. Gambril explained that part at the FOP meeting. They can use the unpaid salaries of positions to pay for other things, but they have to unfund the positions for the following fiscal year. Also in a hypothetical where we have 100 vacancies the county only budgets for 50% of them. So basically they are freeing up the salaries of 40 total deputies/officers by un funding 80 slots. Basic math would say 40,000 per position multiplied by 50% of those positions is 1.6 million dollars frees up.

      So they are “helping us” and taking credit for giving us money that was already ours.

  37. I wonder if the "NEW" PSD and the Chiefs off will do a "Camp Puzzle" for the officers of this police department. Our lives have been shattered and destroyed. How about a program for us that have taken this for nearly two decades. This department needs to focus on those that are the heart, the lungs, and the breath of this agency. In our Camp Puzzle we will show all how our lives get shattered because we cannot spend time with our families because we don't have the finances, the medical coverage nor the pension that use to be at the end of the road for those having to view society at its worst. Command Staff show these kids all of this in your silly feel good program for yourselves. Because I could not in good conscious lie to the children in your program and make this job look heroic. Make look like the hell you up at the top have allowed it to become. Yes, I said it. I bet your finances are awesome as you too suck up all the high dollar part time jobs. This agency makes me puke.

    "Piecing together Public Safety and their Heroes"

    Camp Puzzle is a one day free event centered on providing kids and young adults on the Autism Spectrum the opportunity to experience firsthand the different roles of Public Safety. There will be fire trucks, police cars, games, bounce house, and many more activities.

    When: April 27th

    Where: Cobb County Safety Village / 1220 Al Bishop Drive

    Time: 10:00am until 2:00pm

  38. Big pay raises over at Cobb Schools. How was it funded? The increase in the tax digest. The school board is appropriately using tax dollars, so there is no reason the commission cannot do the same thing. 8-12% raises for nearly every employee!

    1. And I heard the school police is getting a $4,000 raise before the 8% raise.

  39. That is not a rumor, just confirmed with a reliable source that school employees are getting 8.5% across the board and school PD an extra $4000

  40. Can anyone confirm that we had 2 people threatening to leave and the department asked what they could do to keep them from leaving. The 2 said give us a $1.00 an hr raise and it happened. Would like to know if this happened.

    1. Heard there was someone who threaten to leave and they asked what they could do and that person said to move them to another special unit and they are doing it.

    2. Heard the same from people in the unit.

    3. I'm pretty sure that the County just can't give an officer $1 per hr raise, HR wouldn't allow that. NOW.. The Police Dept could move officers around at its pleasure. Again, I don't think the PD would do such a thing! The morale is already alarmingly low and such a move would turn officers on the Department. Pretty sure all the above are not true. A least I hope not!

    4. I know that I received a 24¢ raise when the first of the “pay study” PO 1 folks made PO 2. Their percentage increase was higher than mine, and I had received no raises in the that time, so the county apparently HAD to give me the raise to keep me on par with the people with 18 months. I only know this because I called HR to figure out why I got a 24¢ Bump randomly.

      I would assume if they gave $1 to someone it could potentially cause some type of disparity that would have to be addressed across the whole dept. IE anyone at the same rate as that person but with more time in would also need a raise to keep it fair.

      I don’t know this as fact but it’s my best guess. If someone knows the county policy I hope they will pipe up.

  41. These rookies need to stop working their off days to fill open beats. They’re loving the overtime but they’re screwing all of us long term. The citizens are getting all of the same services and most of the same response times because we have people working their off days to get things done. As the Commissioners are asking for crime stats and response times, they don’t see a difference with the drop in man power. To them it appears that we can continue doing what we’re doing with the manpower that we have. Leave the beats open and let the calls wait.

    We also need to stop going to calls with one officer when we would have normally had two or more. If the call doesn’t involve life and death and you need to stage nearby and wait for someone to clear a call then do it.

    We also need to stop writing tickets. If you work an accident and have to issue a ticket or you’re an adult child that works for pizza parties, then issue everyone a warning. We stopped giving tickets during furloughs several years ago and it made a difference. You have to hit these people where it counts. Hit them in their fat pockets.

  42. This was posted on Facebook by the Chief of Douglas PD. That's CITY OF Douglas. Not Douglas County. Not Douglasville. City Of Freaking Douglas. Population 11,430 (2017). Leading the way on common sense uniform changes, and doing it in a way that generates support from their citizens. And if you don't have Facebook, they went to a molle web style load bearing outer vest with nylon duty belt and cargo/BDU pants. Is anyone at the helm of this sinking ship paying attention?? Might want to take notes from City of Douglas, they lead...

    "Some of you may notice a change in the look of the City of Douglas Police Department’s uniforms. After researching the effects of the weight of a duty-belt, which includes a gun, 2 ammunition magazines, a portable radio, a taser, one or two sets of handcuffs, pepper spray, and an expandable baton, Deputy Chief Pruette recommended purchasing new load-bearing uniform vests. Based upon Deputy Chief Pruette’s research and recommendation, we have decided to make our officers’ physical well-being a priority. The 30 to 40 pounds of weight on officers’ waist and hips can have long lasting effects on their lower backs.

    I can personally speak about the impact of these issues as I have suffered from back pain and disc degeneration in my lower back for much of my law enforcement career. I am fully aware that carrying a heavy duty-belt on my hips aggravated my back pain and resulted in a furtherance of my disc related issues. As a Chief of Police, I am entrusted with the care of our employees and I do not want our officers to have to deal with the same level of discomfort I have dealt with in the past.

    These vests are also more functional in that officers can go back to the office and take these vests off to type their reports and/or take a break, obviously helping with their comfort. The vests can go on within a matter of seconds when an officer needs to quickly respond to calls. There have also been incidents that have proven these vests allow quicker access to tend to wounded officers by fellow officers or paramedics; something we hopefully will not have to deal with.

    We hope this explains the changes you will see, and know we did this for the health and safety of our officers and to provide a better service to the City of Douglas and Coffee County. Officers do have the choice to opt out of wearing the vests, in which case they will be required to wear a traditional Class A uniform with their protective vest under the uniform shirt.

    The Douglas Police Department would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support!

    Chief Shane Edmisten City of Douglas Police Department"

    1. 100+ comments, overwhelmingly positive.
      800+ likes
      300 plus shares.

      From a city of only 11,000

      Tell me again why full outer carries aren’t even what is being considered by our uniform committee.

    2. Because doing things that make sense is not "The Cobb Way."

    3. It was shot down before the first meeting started. People up top can not let go of the ild way.

  43. Unfortunately, as long as Register is in charge and believe me no matter who is the next Chief Register is going to remain in control of this department, We will never go to these vest because they look to militant. We all know that we can't look like cops anymore. We will just have to continue to have the back problems and no comfort. LTEC!

  44. Half of you clowns can't iron your uniforms, shine your boots OR remember not to wear a long sleeve shirt under your short sleeve shirt. Now you want a uniform that will look like absolute trash if not starched.

    If you want a tough guy uniform join the military.

    If you're worried about your back you should exercise and get your but out of the car and walk around.

    Concentrate on things that matter like salaries and retirment.

  45. Agree to disagree. People who look like a soup sandwich in a Class A will still look like a soup sandwich in an outer vest or the stupid one our uniform committee is wearing. Lots of folks care about the little things on top of salary and retirement. The small things that don’t cost much but are morale boosters do matter. Also a class A is always available for those who want a uniform that hasn’t changed since 1950.

    For the record I look damn good in a class A, but would happily reserve it for special/formal occasions.

    I do agree that pay is more important right now. I think the point is command staff can’t change pay but can change uniforms.

    1. The point is command staff CAN do it, but instead chooses to do absolutely nothing.
