Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 2019 Open Comments

Dates of upcoming BOC meetings:

May 14 at 9:00 am
May 28 at 7:00 pm


  1. So according to the Chairman, there is no crisis here.

  2. The MDJ story is intentionally misleading. The agencies used to compare Cobb's pay look similar on paper, but it does not address the lack of pay raises over the last ten years. Most officers are still making what they made five years ago. And the Chairman's comment about a respectable retirement wage is completely false. Everyone under the current retire plan has been advised by professionals that there will not be enough money for a full retirement if they remain with the county. I would like for the MDJ to look into the lack of raises over the last ten years and the unfortunate retirement plan we now have.

    1. On top of all that, departments across the country are seeing fewer applicants, which leaves local police departments competing for a smaller pool of potential employees, Cox said.

      Boyce expressed a similar sentiment.

      “The trouble that we all have is that we’re all fishing from the same well,” Boyce said. “So eventually you run out of people to fish for.”

      From that same article... We have no one left truly fighting for us, if you're under five years, run, run now, run quickly...

    2. Under 5 years? I'd say anyone not under rule of 80, which is what around 10 years now, would have to be crazy to stay here.

  3. “If you stay with the system and you’re competitive and get promoted, you’re going to make a respectable salary when you retire,” Boyce said.

    At an event at Vinings Bank earlier this month that aimed to discuss affordable housing, Boyce said that many officers get paid far more than the base salary.

    “I asked to have a printout of all the salaries for everybody in the police department in Cobb County. We have police officers in this county that are making close to $100,000 a year. The headline doesn’t read that, it reads the $40,000 ones. But we’re working on that,” Boyce said.

  4. How embarrassing that Paulding County stepped up and is putting on a fundraiser for one of our great Sergeants. Wait, let me guess we cannot do anything until it goes through legal, right?
    Oh yeah we lead and others follow, what a bunch of BS!!! This place will not even take care of their own in a time of need! LTEC!!

  5. You should be ashamed taking this officer’s medical situation and turning it into a political talking point. I know this man and I don’t think this would be what he would want. Try supporting, helping and praying for him and his family instead of spewing your political rant. If you have a problem with Cobb County that’s fine but this situation is not the place.

    1. On that note... we can all agree this man has done nothing but good for all of us and the community. So we can all return the favor.

  6. I know it is a little bit premature but I am encouraged by the recent news regarding salaries.

    1. And that's what they want. Stay encouraged, let them string you along for another 10 years. Because,

  7. Props to the Marietta Daily Journal for letting us know who the next chief will be.

  8. Support the 287(g) program to maintain our partnership to preserve public safety and homeland security operations.

  9. Anything.....Buehler.....

  10. So I hear Pct 3 ran four (4) open beats the other day. Why? So they could have a PDO AND staff the HQ PDO desk. There is no excuse, ever, for having even 1 open beat so you can put a healthy officer on a desk. In fact there’s no reason why the PDO position should exist at all for anyone who isn’t on light duty. This is a “leadership” problem.

  11. 3 east, 3 west. 1 at HQ PDO 1 at z3 PDO.
    Called a guy in on his off day to make up the difference. Another guy came in to work after his doctor appointment instead of having the whole day S/L.

    “We are only 80 officers short”

    1. And those officers who came in to work didn't do it for the overtime, or for the chief, or the county, or for the citizens. They did it so their buddies wouldn't have to go to a hot call by themselves. Yet not even that can be maintained forever. Especially when it's the good officers that we keep losing....

    2. I get it and commend officers for working THEIR days off so their buddies don't have to go to high priority calls by themselves or so calls don't hold forever, but the only way things get better is if EVERYONE (i.e. citizens, supervisors and politicians) involved feels the pain.

    3. Wait till we're only 120 officers short. Coming soon to a precinct near you, the next exodus.
