This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
March 2019 open comments
Dates of upcoming Board of Commissioners meetings:
We are trying to fill the BOC room on March 26th at 1830 hrs. Boyce made the comment that pay and retention must not be a big issue to the PD since no one shows up at the meeting. Let's prove him wrong and pack out the room. It couldn't hurt to show the crisis is real to the BOC.
Hey boc, Are you seeing what's happening again!! This isn't going to stop and won't get fixed with the standard "3%" response. We need a real salary step plan with a 10-12 year top out like the other departments. Ignoring this won't make it go away, only more officers. Anyone want to guess how many will leave by the end of March? I think it will be another 3-4 officers. We've already lost 9 for the year, which is more than the class of 8 that finishes the academy soon. Don't forget March 26th boc meeting and bring a friend or family member.
New Sgt/LT test scores will be out “by close of business on March 11.” I see the command staff couldn’t even manage to pull that one off..... Pathetic.
Yet another example of Cobb County leadership falling flat on their face. "Results of the Sgts exam will be distributed no later than close of business on March 11th". From the people I know who took the test it is 1845 and the results are still not posted. Several hours after close of business. Officers in this department are expected to be on time for every squad meeting and dog and pony show the chief cooks up and being a minute late earns you a write up. But they promise a room of over 100 people to deliver on a deadline and yet again fall flat on their face. Kind of like that meeting MJR had with "the troops" and was put on the ropes about the chase policy. He said "I will email an update in no more than 90 days". That was 9 months ago and still waiting on that email Chief.
Even if every single question was appealed and had to be reviewed it still shouldn’t have taken a week and a half, much less beyond. There’s only 100 questions..... If this testing company is throwing out so many poorly worded, inaccurate, or otherwise jacked up questions out of only 100 maybe we should find a new testing company. Or do away with the written test all together and just do assessment.
We will again be at both of the town hall meetings this afternoon and evening a the South Cobb Community Center in Mableton, handing out information and talking to tax payers about the serious state of our Cobb Public Safety Officers and Deputies. A lot of people are upset over this and the response has been overwhelmingly supportive. We will not ease up and we will not be ignored. I have been emailing and calling the BOC and Boyce repeatedly and warned them that this will continue as more and more citizens do the same. And now we have media coverage, with more to follow. Thank you for your service and may God bless our LEO's.
Per the Director, the proposed salary step plan was tailored after Greenville PD's pay scale. So that said GPD has a 10 and 12 year pay scale. 10 years for a PO II and 12 years for a PO III. So it begs the question, are they proposing a 10-12 year step plan to the boc or are they still proposing at 20-25 years step plan? Keep in mind Atlanta and Brookhaven PD both start at $48k/yr and CCPD starts at $40/yr (20% less). Also keep in mind that Atlanta PD tops out after 10 years and Gwinnett PD tops out at 12 years. To be competitive, will cobb increase the starting salary to $48/yr and implement the recommended 10-12 year step plan? Based on past practice, highly doubtful in my humble opinion. Also, rumor has it Sandy Springs PD will be matching Brookhaven's pay to retain their officers, what a novel idea. Wake up boc!!!!!
Greenville PD, has other good benefits. A take-home car program after successful completion of Field Training Program, and Longevity bonuses paid every 5th year.
WAKE UP BOC!!!! We train the best officers around, they stay for 1-3 years, then leave for higher pay and better retirement. This cycle can not be sustained. Cobb Police should be getting the best from the smaller departments and not the other way around. The citizens of Cobb County deserve the best, and sadly the citizens are not getting the best right now due to the lack of action by the BOC!!! Maybe the Sunday hours at the library can wait for a while the right thing soon, because inaction is costing more officers to leave!!!!
Good point, for a "fiscally conservative" county one would think if total costs to train an officer is $89k and you're doing so for one position every 2-3, how is that fiscally responsible with the tax payers money? Someone should look into this wasteful spending of tax payer dollars. I'm sure it's in the millions of dollars considering how many years this has been going on and how many officers have left for better pay and benefits. I'd be willing to bet if the boc would've reinvested those same wasteful dollars back in the officers it would only be a fraction of what's been lost over the years. But then again the boc doesn't answer to shareholders as they would in the private sector and would be removed from the board in quick vote for wasting their money. #Expect The Best!
It's cheaper to pay several people premium overtime a couple shifts a day per precinct than it is to give everyone a raise. The whole "public safety is our priority" thing is a sham to garner support from the citizens and FOP.
In July 1999 we lost two great guys that were under equipped and over worked. After they died the SWAT team tripled in size and received all kinds of additional funding.
Who is it that's gonna die?
How many are gonna die?
In September everyone needs to max out their life insurance options during open enrollment. One or more of us will need it.
“What we need to do is fix that gap, and I’m committed to fixing that gap, and we’re going to fix that gap with our tax digest,” Boyce said. “The problem we have is (officers) get to about five years in the system, and that’s when we start to lose our edge competing with other counties, and so they go off. And I’ll say this to anybody — your responsibility is to your family, and if this county can’t pay you a wage that lets you take care of your family, then I will write you a letter of endorsement if you want to go somewhere else. You need to take care of your family.”
So you have nothing to worry about if you want to leave, Boyce will not only support you leaving but he will personally write you a letter of endorsement! And you thought he didn't care...
Go to the "Blue Thanksgiving" Facebook page and check out the video (8:36) at today's town hall meeting with Mr. Boyce. Great job Blue Thanksgiving!! We appreciate you speaking up for those in Cobb County Public Safety that cannot. We'll see you at the boc meeting on March 26th.
Two more good officers just resigned from Precinct One the other day. They were both well trained and experienced.
Their new departments thank the Cobb Taxpayers for the free training and experience!!!! More money down the drain, I guess Mr Boyce wrote them a nice letter of recommendation!
How ironic, there are two officers at my precinct, on my shift that are in the process with other agencies in the metro area and aren't on anyone's radar. I hope Mr. Boyce will write these two officers a nice letter of recommendation also. Good luck to the former Precinct One officers and the two officers from my precinct. It does make me wonder though, how many officers on the other 14 shifts are in the process with other agencies and aren't on anyone's radar. Let's hypothetically say it's "only two" per the other 14 shifts, that's 28 letters of recommendation Mr. Boyce will be writing. #We Leave, others follow
Hey boc, The hypothetical is what the FBI would call a clue and you should pay attention. Ignoring the exodus of officers is only going to make it worse and keep in mind that it takes 12-18 months to get a new officer functioning on their own. #Expect The Best!
Hey boc, As of today Steve's interview with WSBTV Chris Jose, on 03-14-10, has been watched 26,000 times (one week). Thanks Steve and Blue Thanksgiving (FB)!! #Expect The Best!
I remember reading another ajc article saying the city of east cobb would have a police department of 142 officers. I'd be willing to bet that at least 100 of those officers would come from cobb pd. Cobb is quickly going the route of Fulton county and the boc is to ignorant to see what's happening and what's coming.
How about cobb county gets the best. We've worked more with less for at least 10-15 years now, be it officers and calls for service or detectives and their case load. "Expect the best" of who? The officers and detectives of this department give their best everyday. When will the boc be held to the same standard? When will the boc start giving their best? # I Expect The Best Of The boc
So, where are the results of the recent employee satisfaction survey? I guess it takes time to change answers so it shows what you want it to... The resignations speak for themselves, we ain't happy boss!
Pew Research Center September of 2018 American Middle Class / Income Calculator
Per the article, among other things it stated Middle Income households had incomes ranging from $45,200 - $135,600 in 2016. So a cobb officer starting at $40k/yr or a 12-14 year officer making $53k-$55k/yr is barely considered Middle Class. And per the U.S. Census Bureau / American Community Survey, the average median income for Cobb County in 2017 was $72,004. The fact that Mr. Boyce and the boc doesn't see a problem with that is troubling and all officers should take note and act accordingly. In the past supervisors and command staff would respond to officer salary concerns with, "no one goes into law enforcement to get rich". Well, as officers have always known and the Pew Research Center / U.S. Census Bureau confirmed expecting a fair salary, of $70k/yr, with a 10-12 year step plan, does not make anyone "rich".
I wonder if the department is counting the handful of officers currently deployed overseas in their strength report? In reality I'm sure the department is more than 100 officers short at the present time.
For some of the officers that went on active duty and dont have 15+ plus years with the department, what incentive do they have to even come back to the department after a deployment?
Good job boc! Add a Detective to the list leaving. A good one too that volunteered more in their career here than most do in 20-30 years. #Expect Better! #We Leave, Others Follow
With the attitude and priorities displayed by most of the boc last night I'm more doubtful than ever we'll get what we need to be competitive. The boc will do what they always do, they'll put a bandaid on a gunshot wound and the PD will bleed out like it did after the furlough days.
To hear the Chairman say tonight that he needed to see the community's involvement and hear their concerns before moving on this crisis is akin to not making deposits into your checking account until the bank sends you the overdraft notice. That is incredibly short sighted and indicative of your leadership style. You have known for years that the "bank account" of highly trained professionals was dwindling, yet for your sake of ego and "we are the board" mentality, the situation worsened. This is a crisis that you didn't create but you sure let it fester. If you hired the much needed folks tomorrow with some magical back-room fix that has been available all along, we would still be months or even years away from full staffing. Until then, let's just consider the lessening of those services required by our community to be the overdraft fees.
I would like to thank all of you who came out to the BOC meeting tonight. We made an impression, but we will not stop until changes are made. I did take note of the ducimus representation.
As if Boyce’s overall response wasn’t bad enough…….. he starts by saying “I want to be a straight shooter here tonight” which is normally translation for “brace yourself, I’m about to lie to all of you”. Boyce responds to Lance and implies that he knows what it is like to be on other end of a gun fight. He specifically says “there are some of us here on this board who do know what it does to be on the other end of a gun fight”. Well…. after going to Boyce’s Facebook page, an open source of intelligence, and finding a photo of him in his Marine uniform, you can clearly see that he does not have a Combat Action Ribbon, the Marine Corps only combat ribbon. He was an aviator and has an Air Medal which could indicate combat action from the air. However, according to the regulations for the Air Medal, the ribbon for that medal should have a numeral which indicates the number of strikes or flights that Boyce was involved in. This is how they define strikes and flights.
• Strikes are sorties that deliver ordnance against the enemy, insert or extract assault personnel, or engage in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations that encounter enemy opposition. • Flights are sorties that deliver ordnance against the enemy, insert or extract assault personnel, or engage in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations that encounter no enemy opposition. The distinguishing feature of a flight is that although it takes place in a nominally hostile environment, it does not encounter enemy opposition.
So, Boyce is either not wearing the appropriate accoutrements for that specific ribbon, which is unlikely as he is a Marine Colonel, or he is a liar about what he actually experienced.
This was round 1. It is their SOP to now go back to business as usual. Next month nothing will have been done. In May the response will be "Wait, What?.....We did not know things were THAT bad" Then in June they'll tell us they are close to a solution. In July they will say we've completed our plan and it'll be released in August. Then in August they will announce a whopping 3% raise across the board and a 25yr step and grade. Then they will expect everyone to thank them.....Lastly they will throw out that we need another pay study to justify more money.
Listen to what the director is really saying.....He never thought any of these issues were issues and as a result he was complicit in kicking the can down the road.
I love how they continue to pat themselves on the back for the patrol vehicle program but it was the tax payers themselves that voted for the SPLOST that took care of us.
We are trying to fill the BOC room on March 26th at 1830 hrs. Boyce made the comment that pay and retention must not be a big issue to the PD since no one shows up at the meeting. Let's prove him wrong and pack out the room. It couldn't hurt to show the crisis is real to the BOC.
ReplyDeleteI'll be there even though I'll be leaving soon for better pay.
ReplyDeleteHope the lobbying firm for Washington DC that the Board decides to vote on soon has a sincere interest in public safety. We could use the help.
ReplyDeleteI'll be there too!
Lost a 5 year, bilingual FTO to Brookhaven. 17k raise to start, retirement and better benefits.
ReplyDeleteHey boc,
DeleteAre you seeing what's happening again!!
This isn't going to stop and won't get fixed with the standard "3%" response.
We need a real salary step plan with a 10-12 year top out like the other departments.
Ignoring this won't make it go away, only more officers.
Anyone want to guess how many will leave by the end of March? I think it will be another 3-4 officers.
We've already lost 9 for the year, which is more than the class of 8 that finishes the academy soon.
Don't forget March 26th boc meeting and bring a friend or family member.
New Sgt/LT test scores will be out “by close of business on March 11.” I see the command staff couldn’t even manage to pull that one off..... Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteYet another example of Cobb County leadership falling flat on their face. "Results of the Sgts exam will be distributed no later than close of business on March 11th". From the people I know who took the test it is 1845 and the results are still not posted. Several hours after close of business. Officers in this department are expected to be on time for every squad meeting and dog and pony show the chief cooks up and being a minute late earns you a write up. But they promise a room of over 100 people to deliver on a deadline and yet again fall flat on their face. Kind of like that meeting MJR had with "the troops" and was put on the ropes about the chase policy. He said "I will email an update in no more than 90 days". That was 9 months ago and still waiting on that email Chief.
Internet Troll
It's a scantron!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis place cannot even get the promotional process right. And if you think Major P really cares about you then you are living in a fantasy world.
ReplyDeleteHey hey calm down im sure its just some sort of mix up. Hahahahahahah
ReplyDeleteEven if every single question was appealed and had to be reviewed it still shouldn’t have taken a week and a half, much less beyond. There’s only 100 questions..... If this testing company is throwing out so many poorly worded, inaccurate, or otherwise jacked up questions out of only 100 maybe we should find a new testing company. Or do away with the written test all together and just do assessment.
ReplyDeleteYou do know that select command staff formulate and/or review all the questions on the test prior to the test.
DeleteBOC is looking at a 3% across the board raise. Yeah that's going to fix the problem.....smdh
ReplyDeleteComrade, it's only fair.
DeleteIt's the Socialist County of Cobb (Count On Being Broke).
So what you're saying is my benefit contributions are going up between 1.5% - 2.2% just like my other "raises".
DeleteAJC: Dwindling police ranks take center stage at Cobb County town hall
We will again be at both of the town hall meetings this afternoon and evening a the South Cobb Community Center in Mableton, handing out information and talking to tax payers about the serious state of our Cobb Public Safety Officers and Deputies. A lot of people are upset over this and the response has been overwhelmingly supportive. We will not ease up and we will not be ignored. I have been emailing and calling the BOC and Boyce repeatedly and warned them that this will continue as more and more citizens do the same. And now we have media coverage, with more to follow. Thank you for your service and may God bless our LEO's.
ReplyDeleteThree more in the last three days.
ReplyDelete10% raise effective now, another 10% January 1st 2020, County paid POAB, and full 401K matching up to 10%. And magic bottles with to grant wishes.
ReplyDeleteGo to Chris Jose's (WSBTV CH2) FB page and check out his interview with Steve.
ReplyDeleteSteve, Thanks for all you do!!
As of today, 03-17-19, Steve's interview has been viewed 18,000 times since 03-14-19.
DeletePer the Director, the proposed salary step plan was tailored after Greenville PD's pay scale.
ReplyDeleteSo that said GPD has a 10 and 12 year pay scale. 10 years for a PO II and 12 years for a PO III.
So it begs the question, are they proposing a 10-12 year step plan to the boc or are they still proposing at 20-25 years step plan?
Keep in mind Atlanta and Brookhaven PD both start at $48k/yr and CCPD starts at $40/yr (20% less).
Also keep in mind that Atlanta PD tops out after 10 years and Gwinnett PD tops out at 12 years.
To be competitive, will cobb increase the starting salary to $48/yr and implement the recommended 10-12 year step plan?
Based on past practice, highly doubtful in my humble opinion.
Also, rumor has it Sandy Springs PD will be matching Brookhaven's pay to retain their officers, what a novel idea.
Wake up boc!!!!!
And then select "GPD FY17 Pay Plan_Combined_Recruitment"
Greenville PD, has other good benefits.
DeleteA take-home car program after successful completion of Field Training Program, and
Longevity bonuses paid every 5th year.
WAKE UP BOC!!!! We train the best officers around, they stay for 1-3 years, then leave for higher pay and better retirement. This cycle can not be sustained. Cobb Police should be getting the best from the smaller departments and not the other way around. The citizens of Cobb County deserve the best, and sadly the citizens are not getting the best right now due to the lack of action by the BOC!!! Maybe the Sunday hours at the library can wait for a while the right thing soon, because inaction is costing more officers to leave!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood point, for a "fiscally conservative" county one would think if total costs to train an officer is $89k and you're doing so for one position every 2-3, how is that fiscally responsible with the tax payers money?
DeleteSomeone should look into this wasteful spending of tax payer dollars. I'm sure it's in the millions of dollars considering how many years this has been going on and how many officers have left for better pay and benefits.
I'd be willing to bet if the boc would've reinvested those same wasteful dollars back in the officers it would only be a fraction of what's been lost over the years.
But then again the boc doesn't answer to shareholders as they would in the private sector and would be removed from the board in quick vote for wasting their money.
#Expect The Best!
It's cheaper to pay several people premium overtime a couple shifts a day per precinct than it is to give everyone a raise. The whole "public safety is our priority" thing is a sham to garner support from the citizens and FOP.
DeleteIn July 1999 we lost two great guys that were under equipped and over worked. After they died the SWAT team tripled in size and received all kinds of additional funding.
Who is it that's gonna die?
How many are gonna die?
In September everyone needs to max out their life insurance options during open enrollment. One or more of us will need it.
Directly from the Marietta Daily Journal:
ReplyDelete“What we need to do is fix that gap, and I’m committed to fixing that gap, and we’re going to fix that gap with our tax digest,” Boyce said. “The problem we have is (officers) get to about five years in the system, and that’s when we start to lose our edge competing with other counties, and so they go off. And I’ll say this to anybody — your responsibility is to your family, and if this county can’t pay you a wage that lets you take care of your family, then I will write you a letter of endorsement if you want to go somewhere else. You need to take care of your family.”
So you have nothing to worry about if you want to leave, Boyce will not only support you leaving but he will personally write you a letter of endorsement! And you thought he didn't care...
DeleteIt's the COBB way, so
Go to the "Blue Thanksgiving" Facebook page and check out the video (8:36) at today's town hall meeting with Mr. Boyce.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Blue Thanksgiving!!
We appreciate you speaking up for those in Cobb County Public Safety that cannot.
We'll see you at the boc meeting on March 26th.
Two more good officers just resigned from Precinct One the other day. They were both well trained and experienced.
ReplyDeleteTheir new departments thank the Cobb Taxpayers for the free training and experience!!!! More money down the drain, I guess Mr Boyce wrote them a nice letter of recommendation!
How ironic, there are two officers at my precinct, on my shift that are in the process with other agencies in the metro area and aren't on anyone's radar.
DeleteI hope Mr. Boyce will write these two officers a nice letter of recommendation also.
Good luck to the former Precinct One officers and the two officers from my precinct.
It does make me wonder though, how many officers on the other 14 shifts are in the process with other agencies and aren't on anyone's radar.
Let's hypothetically say it's "only two" per the other 14 shifts, that's 28 letters of recommendation Mr. Boyce will be writing.
#We Leave, others follow
Hey boc,
DeleteThe hypothetical is what the FBI would call a clue and you should pay attention.
Ignoring the exodus of officers is only going to make it worse and keep in mind that it takes 12-18 months to get a new officer functioning on their own.
#Expect The Best!
Don't forget about the officers in CIU and other specialized units.
DeleteHey boc,
DeleteAs of today Steve's interview with WSBTV Chris Jose, on 03-14-10, has been watched 26,000 times (one week).
Thanks Steve and Blue Thanksgiving (FB)!!
#Expect The Best!
Well how about that.
I remember reading another ajc article saying the city of east cobb would have a police department of 142 officers.
DeleteI'd be willing to bet that at least 100 of those officers would come from cobb pd.
Cobb is quickly going the route of Fulton county and the boc is to ignorant to see what's happening and what's coming.
#Expect The Best!
DeleteHow about cobb county gets the best. We've worked more with less for at least 10-15 years now, be it officers and calls for service or detectives and their case load.
Delete"Expect the best" of who?
The officers and detectives of this department give their best everyday.
When will the boc be held to the same standard?
When will the boc start giving their best?
# I Expect The Best Of The boc
Hey boc,
ReplyDeleteAnother officer is leaving for Brookhaven PD in two and a half weeks.
#Expect The Best!
Congrats to that officer and I hope Chairman Boyce wrote that officer a letter of recommendation.
Delete#Expect More!!
So, where are the results of the recent employee satisfaction survey? I guess it takes time to change answers so it shows what you want it to... The resignations speak for themselves, we ain't happy boss!
ReplyDeleteWake up boc,
ReplyDeletePew Research Center
September of 2018
American Middle Class / Income Calculator
Per the article, among other things it stated Middle Income households had incomes ranging from $45,200 - $135,600 in 2016.
So a cobb officer starting at $40k/yr or a 12-14 year officer making $53k-$55k/yr is barely considered Middle Class.
And per the U.S. Census Bureau / American Community Survey, the average median income for Cobb County in 2017 was $72,004.
The fact that Mr. Boyce and the boc doesn't see a problem with that is troubling and all officers should take note and act accordingly.
In the past supervisors and command staff would respond to officer salary concerns with, "no one goes into law enforcement to get rich".
Well, as officers have always known and the Pew Research Center / U.S. Census Bureau confirmed expecting a fair salary, of $70k/yr, with a 10-12 year step plan, does not make anyone "rich".
#Expect Better!!
4 more left this past weekend.
ReplyDeleteHow bad to things have to be when lateral's start leaving for their old departments?
ReplyDeleteTo be continued...
How many former Cobb officers have returned within the last three years? Appears the Cobb pastures aren't greener than what supervisors are saying.
DeleteI wonder if the department is counting the handful of officers currently deployed overseas in their strength report? In reality I'm sure the department is more than 100 officers short at the present time.
ReplyDeleteFor some of the officers that went on active duty and dont have 15+ plus years with the department, what incentive do they have to even come back to the department after a deployment?
Good job boc!
ReplyDeleteAdd a Detective to the list leaving. A good one too that volunteered more in their career here than most do in 20-30 years.
#Expect Better!
#We Leave, Others Follow
Just always remember, "Trust the Board"...
ReplyDeleteBecause GTAC!!
DeleteNo, they really are this time.
With the attitude and priorities displayed by most of the boc last night I'm more doubtful than ever we'll get what we need to be competitive.
DeleteThe boc will do what they always do, they'll put a bandaid on a gunshot wound and the PD will bleed out like it did after the furlough days.
To hear the Chairman say tonight that he needed to see the community's involvement and hear their concerns before moving on this crisis is akin to not making deposits into your checking account until the bank sends you the overdraft notice. That is incredibly short sighted and indicative of your leadership style. You have known for years that the "bank account" of highly trained professionals was dwindling, yet for your sake of ego and "we are the board" mentality, the situation worsened. This is a crisis that you didn't create but you sure let it fester. If you hired the much needed folks tomorrow with some magical back-room fix that has been available all along, we would still be months or even years away from full staffing. Until then, let's just consider the lessening of those services required by our community to be the overdraft fees.
ReplyDeleteSome one got butt hurt and turned defensive. Truth hurts.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding, could you imagine if we took everything personal that they've said and not done for us in the last 10 years.
DeleteWell done Steve, Kimberly and Suzanne!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for speaking on our behalf tonight.
I would like to thank all of you who came out to the BOC meeting tonight. We made an impression, but we will not stop until changes are made. I did take note of the ducimus representation.
As if Boyce’s overall response wasn’t bad enough…….. he starts by saying “I want to be a straight shooter here tonight” which is normally translation for “brace yourself, I’m about to lie to all of you”. Boyce responds to Lance and implies that he knows what it is like to be on other end of a gun fight. He specifically says “there are some of us here on this board who do know what it does to be on the other end of a gun fight”. Well…. after going to Boyce’s Facebook page, an open source of intelligence, and finding a photo of him in his Marine uniform, you can clearly see that he does not have a Combat Action Ribbon, the Marine Corps only combat ribbon. He was an aviator and has an Air Medal which could indicate combat action from the air. However, according to the regulations for the Air Medal, the ribbon for that medal should have a numeral which indicates the number of strikes or flights that Boyce was involved in. This is how they define strikes and flights.
ReplyDelete• Strikes are sorties that deliver ordnance against the enemy, insert or extract assault personnel, or engage in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations that encounter enemy opposition.
• Flights are sorties that deliver ordnance against the enemy, insert or extract assault personnel, or engage in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations that encounter no enemy opposition. The distinguishing feature of a flight is that although it takes place in a nominally hostile environment, it does not encounter enemy opposition.
So, Boyce is either not wearing the appropriate accoutrements for that specific ribbon, which is unlikely as he is a Marine Colonel, or he is a liar about what he actually experienced.
He was the guy who protected Hillary when she was taking sniper fire in Bosnia.
DeleteThis was round 1. It is their SOP to now go back to business as usual. Next month nothing will have been done. In May the response will be "Wait, What?.....We did not know things were THAT bad" Then in June they'll tell us they are close to a solution. In July they will say we've completed our plan and it'll be released in August. Then in August they will announce a whopping 3% raise across the board and a 25yr step and grade. Then they will expect everyone to thank them.....Lastly they will throw out that we need another pay study to justify more money.
ReplyDeleteA source acknowledged that the BoC was going to complete a 12yr step and grade plan with the starting salary at $48k.
ReplyDeleteApril Fool's Day!!!
Cupid has announced her plans to run for Commission Chairman. I would vote for her over Boyce anyday. #ANYONEBUTBOYCE
ReplyDeleteListen to what the director is really saying.....He never thought any of these issues were issues and as a result he was complicit in kicking the can down the road.
ReplyDeleteI love how they continue to pat themselves on the back for the patrol vehicle program but it was the tax payers themselves that voted for the SPLOST that took care of us.
Good bye and good riddance
Curly Bill
DeleteWell, bye.....