Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November/December 2019 open comments

Upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting dates:

Nov 12 at 0900
Nov 19 at 1900 ... note date change for Thanksgiving
Dec 16 at 1800 ... note date and time change for Christmas


  1. I'm interested on hearing more about the proposed facial hair policy. Shouldn't take to long to implement considering there's already thousands of department policies to use.

    1. His plan as I understand it is to let 5-7 people try it and evaluate. The reason is it will take some time for some of the more traditional people in County management to accept it and see it. Also once they do that the plan is to test the bearded men in their gas masks and evaluate.

    2. smh, because in my 2 decades in law enforcement I've only donned my mask once a year at annual training.
      Plus the quality of the masks now seal better than the masks of past generations.

    3. Ah, medical waiver.

  2. Chairman Boyce was persuasive in his recent update. I recommend viewing the video to better understand his philosophy for leading the county.


    1. My takeaway from boyce's video.
      Out of touch with reality

      Bottom line is NOTHING is going to change!!!!!
      Count On Being Broke

    2. So Boyce had the gall to compare a an E-5 sergeant in the Military with 4yrs service to a police officer with 4yrs. Saying that they were comparable.

      Sergeant E-5 = $2804 Per month
      Basic Allowance for housing (Atlanta) $1806 Per month
      Basic Allowance for Subsistence (food) $369.39 Per month
      Total Compensation annually.... $59752.68

      That's a far cry from 4yr officer pay. It's actually more than 15yr officers.

      Boyce said it best when he said he didn't have the political capital for a millage increase.....And now he says some other commissioner will have to push for the millage increase.

      I don't think he'll have to worry about his political capital as he will not get re-elected

    3. Let's not forget that the soldier/employee also pays $000.00 for health insurance. So that's a savings of $60.00 to $526.00 a month for health insurance.
      And retirement is 50% of your pay after 20 years of service with no employee contributions.
      Sorry Mr. Boyce but you've entered the "No Spin Zone", but expected from a politician such as yourself.
      Count On Being Broke!!

    4. "Leading" the county to where, destruction?

  3. He basically says we are not going to get "top dollar" and expects us to stay. He said in the long run we will take care of you. The problem with that statement is it is so very not true anymore. The retirement is no longer worth staying for and they do not even have medical in retirement anymore. Just absolutely ridiculous.

  4. 42 officers left in 2011. The lowest number leaving Cobb PD since then was in 2014 when 67 left (a 59% increase). So far, 80 have left this year (a 90% increase if no one else leaves). I guess you're right Chairman Boyce, we don't have a retention problem.

    The 2 investigators and 1 officer we lost from training 2 weeks ago weren't retirements. The officers and Detectives we've lost and are losing to Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Brookhaven, Johns Creek, Canton, etc aren't retirements. Cobb PD no longer pays a competitive wage. It is not about getting top dollar. It is about fair compensation.

    Some of you say stop complaining and do something. I am. After watching this last update, I have lost faith in this board. I am in the process with another agency. I guess I'll be #81. A 92% increase.

    PS: Dunwoody PD is getting another 12% raise at the beginning of 2020.

    1. PPS: Sandy Springs PD recently got a 10% raise, is getting another 3% in February of 2020, and doing a pay study to compete with Brookhaven.

    2. "Top Dollar" is anything more than cobb is willing to pay.
      It has nothing to do with FAIR and COMPETITIVE pay.
      The boc doesn't care about public safety or wasting tax payers money to retrain someone for the same positions (lost) year after year after year.

  5. They took all this time to finally fix the compression in SGT's pay a while back and now they are considering cutting SGT's and LT's pay back to where is was to cover the cost of the new officers and better yet....to fund the Captains raises.

    Here is the worst part. On the informational Power Point slide where they outline the changes..... they completely left out the fact that they changed the SGT's and LT's pay grades.

    1. Hey boc,
      This proposed pay schedule doesn't change anything and wont keep officers from leaving at the rate they are.
      It makes the compression issue worse and the pay schedule and retention incentive ONLY benefits the Hybrid officers.
      There's nothing in it for the 10+ year / Rule of 80 officer. Just wait till the Rule of 80 / your experienced officers cut their loses and start leaving.
      The model to fix this problem is already out there, just copy Gwinnett's plan of action.

  6. The boc DOES NOT CARE about Public Safety!!!!!
    This bull$hit proposed pay schedule is just another example of the boc failing to act.
    The boc's failure to protect it's greatest investment (i.e. the businesses, a strong housing market, and good schools) is by allowing the pd to wither as it is now.
    When the pd is nothing more than a skeleton crew of officers and the crime rate soars the businesses, the housing market, and the good schools are gone.
    To date the country's economy is the strongest its ever been. If the boc fails to act and implement a true step in grade plan now, it will NEVER happen.

    1. We're basically already a skeleton crew. What has started annoying me the most lately is the comparison to other agencies. I've heard we have X number of open positions, which may be more than other agencies, BUT they're smaller so we have basically the same percentage of openings that most other agencies do. The TRUTH of the matter though is that even if we had every single position filled, and every single recruit finished with the academy and out of field training, we would still be understaffed. Pct 5 opened in.....2001 I believe it was. That pushed the department from having 34 patrol beats (4 precincts, with 1, 2, 4 having 8 beats and Pct 3 with 10 beats) to having 42 patrol beats. In....what 2017 or 2018 we added 2 beats to Pct 4 which moved us up to 44 patrol beats (Pct 1, 2 & 5 with 8 beats each and Pct 3 & 4 with 10 beats each).

      So in basically 16 years Cobb County has added a major league baseball team, several HUNDRED THOUSAND residents, added places like the Cobb Energy Center, countless neighborhoods, apartment complexes, businesses, all that has been added to the burden the PD is responsible for. And in that time we've added 2 patrol beats...... Yes we've added many more positions to the department in that time. But they've been put in spots like having yet another command staff member at each precinct, having yet another deputy chief, putting a 3rd Sgt on each shift, and adding bodies to units, and in some cases outright creating new units, that do lets face it, mostly admin jobs. That's great and all, and I'm not saying we shouldn't have those positions or those units. But we absolutely should not have those positions at the expense of patrol beats. Instead of 44 beats, we should have at least 60. 6 precincts, each with 10 beats. I don't know how many positions we'd need to add off the top of my head to make that happen, but at least 200 probably. The fact that we are trying to police this county in essence with 44 officers at any given time (never mind that many of those beats are now actually routinely left open) is criminal negligence if you ask me. They are neglecting the officers yes, but are also neglecting the citizens of this county.

    2. Well said Sir or Ma'am.
      We also have precincts that because of growth over the years (population, housing and crime) calls for service have increased yet the beat boundaries have remained the same at least 10-20 years.
      And it is very wrong that the boc has NEGLECTED the issue with the PD for over a decade now.
      Not if but WHEN an officer is seriously injured or KILLED due to manpower the FOP (and fellow officers) need to be an active part of suing the BOC!!!!!
      Also, this "reason" commissioners aren't going to vote a certain way is because "it's an election year" for certain commissioners is bullshit!
      EVERY election year is political and and an election year for a member of the boc.
      As stated 100's of times on this blog, the BOC DOES NOT CARE ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY or they would let their constituents know they need to raise taxes to avoid losing services and losing it's PD!!!!!

    3. Well, if an elected official truly cared about the public in general, and wanted to leave their area in a better place than when they started, they would do what OBVIOUSLY needs to be done. If that means raising the milage rate, even if it costs you the next election, then that's what you'd do. But, if one was so arrogant that they think the county is better off having them here in that position rather than some other guy, even as the county crashes and burns around you because you refuse to act on something that needs attention, we don't need you.

  7. Look people it's simple math.

    They realize in Ott's own words we lose 3 million a year training people that don't stay or don't make it.

    It costs 6-9 Million to fix this pay / recruiting issue. They are willing to eat the extra 3-6 million if saves face and stays in budget.

    What they are not talking about is kicking the can down the road trying to wait for a recession when candidates will be easier and cheaper to find.

    1. And then they can use the excuse, "we really wanted to do right by the employees this year but the budget doesn't allow it". "Maybe next year".
      Expect The Best!!

  8. CS,
    In the last couple weeks you've asked for input in regards to how to improve the proposed pay plan.
    The Top Out is much lower than the "generous" proposed $73k a year at Step 16, but in the words of our wise Chairman Boyce this is not a place that will pay "top dollar".
    Here's an idea for a true Pay in Grade Plan that's COMPETITIVE and FAIR.

    Step in Grade Plan
    POI: $45,776 (First 18 months)

    Step/Year 1: $51,291
    Step/Year 2: $53,134
    Step/Year 3: $54,976
    Step/Year 4: $56,818
    Step/Year 5: $58,661
    Step/Year 6: $60,503
    Step/Year 7: $62,345
    Step/Year 8: $64,188
    Step/Year 9: $66,030

    Current officers are brought in at their respective Step/Year based on years of service.

    Should starting salary increase, all steps increase the same percentage.

    1. I think this looks pretty fair and reasonable. Also we need to keep the current salary grades for Sgt and Lt. Fire is trying to force us back to parity with them when our Sgts supervise people and their engineers do not.

    2. Thanks, it's quite simple, really.
      The Sergeant's Salary Step Plan could look like this and run the same as the Officer Step Plan.
      Step/Year 1:$68,646
      Step/Year 2:$70,736
      Step/Year 3:$72,826
      Step/Year 4:$74,917
      Step/Year 5:$77,007
      Step/Year 6:$79,097
      Step/Year 7:$81,187
      Step/Year 8:$83,278
      Yeah I know it's a crazy concept, but yes a Year 1 sergeant makes more than a topped out officer.

      The Lieutenant's Salary Step Plan could look like this and run the same as the Sergeant Step Plan.
      Step/Year 1:$85,071
      Step/Year 2:$87,444
      Step/Yeat 3:$89,818
      Step/Year 4:$92,191
      Step/Year 5:$95,565

      The Captain's Salary Step Plan could look like this and run the same as the Lieutenant Step Plan.
      Step/Year 1:$96,558
      Step/Year 2:$99,498
      Step/Year 3:$102,438
      Step/Year 4:$105,379
      Step/Year 5:$108,319
      Step/Year 6:$111,259
      Step/Year 7:$114,199
      Step/Year 8:$117,140

      And the Major's Salary Step Plan could look like this and run the same as the Captain Step Plan.
      Step/Year 1:$118,756
      Step/Year 2:$121,980
      Step/Year 3:$125,203
      Step/Year 4:$128,427

      This literally took me 15 minutes and was taken straight from the proposed salary pay schedule that was presented to the boc.

    3. Current SGT top out is 89. The proposal is 85 and you gave another haircut down to 83. That is not gonna fly.

    4. There is a survey that was sent out about the step plan. I recommend everyone fill it out. There is a section where you can write in what you think. Everyone should take the opportunity to do that. If you want your voice heard, that is an opportunity. I know some people will say they will ignore it. That may be. But if you do nothing but complain on here or with each other at work, nothing gets done. At least take the opportunity to speak up. It is also anonymous.

    5. Dec 5.
      Good call. The only pay schedule I saw was from 10/21 and po2's top out at $75k and not $73k.
      Either way neither is attainable based on the boc's decade plus long track record of raises.
      At best a new officer is looking at 32 years to top out if you're lucky enough to get a raise every other year and that will never happen!
      Po2 and sgt might as well have top out of $750k and $850k cause no one will ever reach it.
      The pay schedule will fail to retain people.
      The boc should just be up front and say, public safety if you don't like what we offer f<"k yourself and leave cause we ain't paying "top dollar".

  9. Anyone have any comments on Major Owens running for Sheriff? I think its good and it is time for Warren to be gone. He is out of touch and is letting things go sideways within the county without speaking out.

    I know some people immediately post about supporting Warren and only voting for him but I think those people are out of touch with reality. Or possibly they just do not want a specific type of person as Sheriff.

    1. Owens was my boss for several years. He takes some getting used to, but I think he'd be a good sheriff. Definite improvement over the current status quo.

  10. I think Owens running for sheriff is a good thing.
    We need someone with a law enforcement background as sheriff.
    This would only benefit cobb county and the sheriff's office.

    1. All you have to do go to Records and ID or their Training classrooms to see how poorly the Sheriff treats the staff. The place is infested with mold and rats. I was shocked and disgusted that they could be treated that way. All of them were concerned about keeping their jobs if they spoke out.

  11. I've read many articles and have even been told by management in the private sector that your "best recruiters" are your employees.
    Once again we have a proposed plan that does nothing for the officers (rule of 80) that have been waiting for GTAC and also discriminates those officers from the retention incentive.
    I can't see how treating 300-400 officers this way will help with recruiting efforts.

    1. It seems your problem is that you haven't realized that they don't want people under rule of 80 to stay.... They want us to leave as soon as possible to get all employees under the hybrid plan.

    2. You are absolutely correct, they are focusing on retaining the 3 to 7 year officers who are under the hybrid plan because that plan is portable and costs less to the county in the long run, hence the whole reason for going to that plan in the first place. The R80 employees are a huge long term financial liability to the county if they make it all the way to 80. A cop who hired in at age 23 will hit R80 in less than 30 years and will start collecting the pension by age 52. If that same guy gets fed up with the BS and/or finds a lucrative gig in the private sector and leaves before R80, the county is off the hook for 15 or 20 years until that guy hits age 67. What’s not to like? Why pay retention incentives to try to keep that huge financial liability around?

    3. It’s a win win, older cops and their spouses cost the county more in medical bills than young healthy unmarried cops. Don’t forget the county is self insured for medical.

    4. True, except the county budgets for it. Then they take whatever is left over at the end of the year WHICH INCLUDES your contributions and rolls it back into the general fund.

  12. Read the MDJ article where Mike Boyce is asking lawmakers to change the legislation that makes it too easy for police departments to poach officers within two years of completing their training. He believes making Cobb a more attractive place to work would not, in the long run solve the county's problems. Well damn we are in the here and now. We are very clear to not "Trust this Board" and there is no GTAC. You are so out of touch and can't be voted out soon enough. Why these new officers are staying and or coming here is beyond me! https://www.mdjonline.com/news/we-re-just-chasing-a-rabbit-county-head-asks-lawmakers/article_a8319bca-1870-11ea-bf9a-2f2400ec132e.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=user-share if this link doesn't work go to our local FOP page on Facebook

  13. You want to see something disgusting?


    1. Forget making this a great place to work. Let's force them to stay. Yeah, cause that will work out well for all involved.
      Cobb County has to be the first local government to promote indentured servitude!!
      Mr. Boyce, after my time served will Cobb County be giving us plots of land?

    2. "We're just chasing a rabbit", please!!
      That's like an officer saying I'm "10-80" and only WALKING in the same direction of the bad guy.
      And then asking the legislatures to change the time from 2 years to 4 years.
      Once again, stop trying to make this like the military. Or give us FREE retirement and healthcare.
      Boyce you're a joke and no one in public safety has a shred of respect for you anymore.

    3. It's ironic isn't?
      Boyce spent his career in the military fighting for our freedom, but is now anti-freedom.
      Mr. Boyce,
      People leaving for better pay and benefits (which you used to support and offered to provide a letter of recommendation) is called the free market and is extremely common in the private sector, in a FREE COUNTRY!!

  14. Forget tattoos and beards, can we have eye patches and earrings? That doesn't cost anything and I get to be a Pirate Cop! I mean come on, with all the other stupid things being kicked around, why not?

  15. Just saw the MDJ article where Boyce is trying to change the law so that if an officer leaves before 4 years instead of 2 years, their training has to be repaid by the department that hires them. So his solution is to make us all indentured servants. Thank you Mr. Boyce, are you still giving out those letters of endorsement if we leave?

  16. Hey Mike,
    Why stop at 4 years of indentured servitude?
    Why not make it 8 years of indentured servitude since training costs per officer is $80k?
    That way you can kick the can even further down the road.
    Or you could cut your training costs to next to nothing and model our academy training to match north central's at $6k-$8k per officer.
    Expect the best!!

  17. Leave it to cobb county to turn public servant into an indentured servant.

  18. Great idea Mr. Boyce.
    This would definitely improve morale among the troops.
    Pure genius, force people to work longer somewhere than they want to.
    You sir are a true leader and obviously were the type of military officer that listened to his NCO's. smh

  19. Most states have counties, some have parishes, but cobb wants to change from a county to a plantation. Can't say I saw that one coming.
    Also, thanks for what you servants do every day so the citizens of cobb don't realize the crisis the police department and the sheriff's office is really in.

  20. I wonder if we could convince Jack Forsythe to run for chairman? Before he resigned in disgust as DPS director he sent out his 5 year plan to everyone. I saved it.... If he'd had his way by now we'd have 8 precincts.

  21. Director Crider,
    I watched your dps survey video.  I have been with the pd for approximately 15 years +/-  and have a few questions.

    1. Why do you call the pay schedule you presented to the boc a "step in grade" plan when it clearly is not and was admitted not be a "step in grade" by Mr. Volckmann?

    2. Why dont you also offer a real "step in grade" plan to the boc, tho not asked for, with the additional costs attached so the boc can see the difference and it can be on record?

    3. If dps has "parity" among police, fire, and sheriff, why does a deputy with "(4) continuous years of service" (a deputy sheriff III) get a 5% increase from deputy sheriff II but police officers do not?

    4. What is your concurrent plan for the seasoned, experienced officers, (deputies, and firefighters) in the rule of 80 that DAILY guide the officers in the hybrid from actions that could've resulted in civil suits resulting in hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars?

    Because if it weren't for the "non-hybrid officers" (deputies and firefighters) which make up the backbone of public safety, continue to be neglected, and now look to be penalized, cobb county public safety would fall a part!!

    I look forward to your response via this blog, county email, or a dps video.

  22. There is nothing more encouraging than logging into my email at work today and seeing that we are adding even more stickers to the back of our cars. I'm glad to see that we are reaching out and streamlining the process for those interested that are too stupid to use a search engine and find our website. I'm sure we will have a major response to the thousands of dollars we are investing in stickers, seeing as that's about all we have to offer. The midnight basketball and dance teams aren't recruiting like we thought they would, and I for one am shocked. I wonder if the fact that we are a spineless department, who pays below market value, and are more worried about pleasing the less than 10 percent of residents who don't approve of the job we are doing (according to the IACP report) has anything to do with it? No I guess not. More stickers and changing state law to hijack people's law enforcement careers is how they improve moral around here. And y'all really need to ask why no one wants to work for us?

    1. They know you’re frustrated, if you can just hang on two to three more years they’ll get another committee together to discuss out vest carriers. Should have one in about six years.

  23. I guess mike register got his personal affairs in order and is now back at work.


    1. Good! This job doesn’t own you. No matter what level or rank you are. Who wouldn’t like the opportunity to work from home and have a better opportunity to care for their family. Congratulations Chief.

  24. Positive note. Pct 3 did a bang up job on the homicide/10-80 the other night. Great communication on the radio!

  25. Well said.
    Great job Precinct 3!!!

  26. Merry Christmas y'all and be safe out there...
