This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Monday, September 2, 2019
September/October 2019 Open Comments
Upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting dates:
Sep 10 at 0900
Sep 24 at 1900
Oct 8 at 0900
Oct 22 at 1900
Atlanta Police Department by the numbers: Comparing Aug. 20, 2019, to same date in 2018 • Number of officers hired: 125 now; 71 then • Number of officer applicants: 3,449 now; 2,050 then • Re-hires (officers who left APD and returned): 13 now, with 8 more pending; 5 then • Resignations: 33 now; 58 then • Net officer gain: 81 now; 9 then • Total sworn officers: 1,774 now; 1,663 then
Hmmmmm. It's almost as if higher pay and better benefits encourages people to both apply and stay.... Someone should rush this shocking revelation to our board of commissioners!
The Atlanta Police Department is committed to creating and maintaining one of the elite law enforcement agencies in America. An important part of this commitment is our ability to provide our officers with the compensation, benefits, support and resources they need to continuously answer the call.
Details of the benefits and programs we proudly provide officers include:
Lateral Police Officer Positions- Minimum of two years Sworn.
Returning Atlanta Police Officers will be credited their years of service minus one tier for the pay scale.
Looking for APD's salary step plan, but I believe they top out in 10 years and NOT 16 years like the county is proposing. In what world does that make sense and make cobb competitive with other departments?
It's interesting to watch the board collectively vote and approve a recommendation without a rebutal or a nay vote, except for when it comes to public safety. During the last couple appointments for the chief and director positions. A commissioner would say well, I respect and admire this nominee, but I will vote no due to the process. By the way, didn't they go along with the process up to that point.
Now kudos to the new county attorney who got an increase from the previous person's salary and is now at $198K with a slew of benefits. Shared from a MDJ article, all the travel and cost-of-living expenses, merit increases, per diems, training costs and other allowances and reimbursements afforded agency directors, his new contract states. In addition, the county can raise Rowling’s salary and other forms of compensation at any time. He will also be reimbursed for any bar association membership fees and dues, continuing legal education courses and materials, subscriptions and other expenses deemed “reasonably necessary” for the job, the contract states.
All of that which was unanimously approved by the board. Again this is not ill written towards Mr Rowling who fully deserves all of it. He is a professional and a scholar.
The board needs to act forthwith as public safety steeps below in hiring opportunities, hiring standards and the lack of officers to respond to our citizen's needs. If not, in the end the county will pay out more long term from a split second decision by an officer than what other county department's budgets are for an entire year. It's time to unanimously approve a 10 or 12 year step-and-grade scale before you write a bigger check down the road.
Just wanted to give props to the Chief. I heard he stopped by PCT 3 and met with the troops, even fielded questions in squad meeting or after if wanted in private.
No one wants brass breathing down their necks all day but those types of informal visits don’t go un noticed, they are appreciated.
Never did I think that Cobb would get to this point, wait yes I did. We stopped arresting people for drug charges last month. Now our wonderful leaders in the Cobb Judicial Circuit are having an expungement party so some criminals can have their records sealed.
I can save them and myself some time and headache by ensuring our parks are the safest places in the county.
You’re obviously missing the point and if had to guess you got a little rank on your “collar”. I believe a lot of folks are proud of Cobb that’s why they stick it out day after day, week, month, and years. They feel frustrated with the way things have become. Especially the rule of 80 folks, I believe they’re frustrated with the way command staff and the commissioners have let the department get in the shape that it is. I’ll say this, with the way folks are leaving the department be careful what you wish for because it may just come true. The “day” you look forward to there may not be too many folks left and that will mean you may have to get down off your high horse and start answering those calls yourself!
Expungement is a normal process in the legal process. Please tranfer to the parks department. They need some opinionated grass cutters. P.S. you didn't stop arresting for drug charges, just some minor marijuana charges.
It is a law on the books and if it is so minor then it should be repealed or made to be not an arrestable offense. We take people to jail for suspended license but no license at all could get you just a ticket and walk. Strange times we live in.
It's pretty simple really. With maturity comes the realization that things change and that there are things outside your control. You'll learn to manage without complaining because you realize your crappy attitude is a cancer to everyone around you and you are making things worse than the original issue.
Totally agree there are things outside your control, but competitive pay and benefits is not one of them. It's up to us to let our "leaders" know what the market calls for to be competitive. Shame on us if we don't speak up and shame on the boc if they don't listen to the market. The "cancer" is the boc and those in public safety that are in the position to speak up and tell the public what's going on. I truly think the public deserves to know the state of affairs of THEIR police department. Based on how junior the pd is now odds are you don't know this started almost 10 years ago and I know our "attitude" has been that of patience and we believed the lies that Good Things Are Coming. And now we're done!! You blaming officers for the "cancer" is like blaming a victim of a crime instead of the criminal. If you dont like the fact your fellow officers are leaving then tell your board of commissioners. They seem receptive and I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. "Expect The Best" right?
So what I'm hearing is STFU, put my head in the sand and everything will be fine. Are you kidding me? Our department is only a 600 man department (not now) and look how many years it's taken and still taking to have a take-home for all officers. You're either a fool or a non patrol koolaid drinking ranking member of the department.
Yep that’s what your hearing, they want you to STFU and bury your head in the sand. We all know that’s not anyone working the road that would talk like that. The hard working men and women of this department with concerns and or opinions on this blog are CERTAINLY NOT CANCER. They are the exact opposite, they’re the backbone of this department. The troll that gets on here and hides behind their rank pinned on their collar accuses us of being cancer and encourages folks to leave is the actual cancer of this department. We look forward to the day these cancerous ranking trolls leave the department and quit making it such a dismal place to work.
Comment 09/09 at 6:36 PM is obviously someone that is not and has not worked a beat in a long time (dire I say troll). Definitely need to watch what you say because that's the silent MAJORITY you speak of. You would know that if you were a beat cop. Ignorance is truly bliss. So much so there's another double digit group of officers leaving soon. I have a feeling the "130" projection by the end of the year is wishful thinking. GTAC!! Like being the highest paid by the end of the year.
You know what screams the loudest from the 09/09 at 6:36 P.M.? He doesn’t deny what has been said about not working a beat or being a troll. I think a lot of us have a good idea of who it may be, no surprise.
Amazing how fast the county works when they want something.
Metro Atlanta’s Cobb County could try transit referendum in 2022 - Curbed Atlanta
I honestly think things will get much better here out of necessity. Talk to some old timers. The market ebbs and flows and causes counties to fix themselves or fail. The affected public will eventually demand it when they start feeling the effects. Politicians will come and go, but this is our department and I'm invested and I'm willing to see it through for now.
Wow! That LinkedIn article speaks to my soul. I see it every day, and you know what? I'm on the line. And so are almost everyone I know that don't have rule of 80 waiting for them. Management better come to terms with reality fast, or more people are going to step across. Sad.
This was a great article and couldn’t be more true. I believe a lot of folks in the department (a majority) are at this point and some may not want to admit it. The only problem is the higher ups won’t read it, but a great article, thanks for sharing.
I am also a rule of 80 employee who is on the line. Although I don’t come to work and take it out on the public nor do I bring it home, I’m close to stepping over that line. It’s not solely about the money for me never really has been. I’m close!
Rule of 80 and I'm on the line. And I keep hearing about a proposed 16 year step plan at the same pay range. How is that competitive with APD's 10 year and Gwinnett PD's 12 year salary step plans? Who else is metro Atlanta has a 16 year step plan?
It's not competitive. If you want competitive and fair Starting Salary needs to be $48-$50k a year. With no more than a 10-12 Year Step Plan. And a Top Out of $70k a year. That would solve our retaining and recruiting issues immediately. Hell, you want "shock and awe" or "We Lead and Others Follow", have Starting Salary at $48k and Top Out at $68k in 8 years. "Hypothetically" a 16 year step in grade with a Starting Salary of $42k and a Top Out of $66k a year is pointless. News flash, that means you won't break $50k a year until the half way point. BTW, 9 more officers are leaving by the end of the month. GTAC!!
I hear a lot of opinions being presented but not many of these self reported management experts doing anything about it. Quit complaining and do something. Maybe become a sergeant, lieutenant, captain or other management position and make an impact for good for the department.
Or——-take the easy route and do nothing but complain and blame others for your plight and continue to show your unwillingness to help.
It doesn't take rank to make recommendations "for the good of the department". Who are you to say which officer or organization has better ideas or is the authority on what's the better recommendation for the boc? All rank does is cause one to lose touch with what impacts the backbone of this department. Ignorance is truly bliss, the salary step plan recommendation was simple research and analysis of other metro departments. We don't see you offering any ideas, just more criticism!! Maybe it's because you are of rank and you truly can't relate.
Sounds like someone is taking these comments personal. All I see is another officer voicing his or her opinion. Are you BOC or CS? Cause it sure does look that way. But what do I know, I'm not a sergeant, lieutenant, captain or other management position. You actually sound like the fella that commented on 09/06 at 6:36 pm. Stay safe everyone and remember officer safety and backing up your beat partners come first! Calls can hold, but our safety doesn't.
Another someone with rank that has done nothing asserting their knowledge on all the peasants below them. Get over yourself dude. Glad you were good at taking a test and passing an assessment that’s managed by civilians. Oh and clearly your such a good manager that you have made a difference in this department. We are in such good shape. Get over yourself.
Yeah let me just snap my fingers and get promoted... If I remember correctly over 130 officers sat for the sgts test. That's 130 officers trying to do something. How many supervisors can you count that are out there putting themselves on the line to make this a great place to work? Go ahead and count em up boss, I'll wait...
One day you will realize it's not as much the pay as it is the people like you that is driving people out of this department. The people that talk about stats and proactivity when their shift is running open beats every day. The people that shit on "complainers" and don't listen to anything that's being said. The people that think they deserve respect just because they have rank but don't know the first thing about leadership. It sure as hell isn't the poor officer who continues to show up every day asking themselves why they haven't quit yet while listening to your crap.
No brother leo, I've been policing for over two decades and not even the biggest douchebag officer I know would do that to another officer. This guy is a wannabe poser rent a cop at best that couldn't pass the psych and wet his bed up into his preteen years. And doesn't understand brotherhood and comradery. Choke yourself troll.
Whether he is a LEO or a wannabe poser is unknown and I have no idea if he could pass the psych test but I do know he pissed you off severely and must have psyched you out.
Who ever is in this passing match. Take your drama elsewhere, so we who are here to stand as a united front to take care of each other and share legit information. Can continue to do so. We are here because our elected and appointed officials have drove us into an under funded county retirement, under paid public safety employee salary, broken take-home car program, low morale, over 100 unfilled police officer vacancies, numerous deputy vacancies, unfilled 911 dispatcher positions, understaffed officer responses requiring additional resources that are not available on calls for service and other safety concerns. Some of us are hanging on because of personal reasons and others because we know these issues can be fixed, but continue to be mislead by supervision.
If only citizens knew the problems their elected and appointed officials have misrepresented and created under their tenure.
There is a reason why two communities in Cobb are trying to become incorporated. It's not difficult to grasp. People want the government services for which their paid taxes are for and not for some official's pet projects.
What exactly happened in the last week to move the needle toward the Step and Grade?
The board of commissioner's do not arbitrarily decide to give raises. They make their decisions prior to budget time based on information presented to them.
Who is responsible for presenting the step and grade information to the board for a vote?
I imagine the information used to make a determination comes from finance. How long does it REALLY take to work the numbers? Seeing as how that is their only job.
There are hundreds of actuarial calculators out there to help with projections.
Did you know there is this really cool thing called a budget amendment? They are used for issues that arise outside of the normal budget process. Pretty cool huh?
Hey all, Don't forget this week the boc's annual retreat takes place Thursday-Saturday, at the Cobb Senior Wellness Center, 1195 Powder Springs Street, with each session starting at 9 a.m. and is open to the public!
Cobb commissioners' out-of-town retreat relocated to Marietta | East Cobb News
Job Announcement: Police Officer I (Lateral Entry Program) Department of Public Safety Position: 5055457 Closing date: 10/5/2019
The Cobb County Police Department is a CALEA-accredited and nationally recognized full-service law enforcement agency, with an authorized strength of over 700 sworn officers, located in the metropolitan Atlanta area, and services a population of approximately 800,000 citizens.
“Today, when Judge —— denied bond for ——— —————, R—y and the rest of his family stood up to exit the court room. As he exited, R—y stated, “that officer needs to be shot down”, referring to Ofc. ———The statement was heard by the court interpreter who brought it to Ofc. ——-‘s attention. I followed R—y into the lobby as Ofc. ———- informed the Prosecutor, Judge —- was notified and R—y was ordered back into the court room. A hearing was held and the court interpreter testified as to what he heard. The prosecutor requested that a warrant be issued for terroristic threats and R—y be arrested. After some deliberation, Judge —— told R—y that he was being “warned” and permitted him to leave. She requested that Ofc. ———- stay in the court room to allow for R—y and his family to leave the building. When Ofc. ———- went to leave, the court had a Marietta PD officer escort him to his vehicle. An SO incident report was created.”
A quote of the information released with names redacted.
Thank you for the info. If I’m not mistaken I believe she’s going to be running for a position come election time. This needs to get out so folks don’t vote for her. That’s the last type of thing that we need. I definitely agree with the previous comment where if the threat were made against her.
Well we're almost halfway through this pay period that allegedly has the new raise on it and I still don't know how much I make. Come on Cobb, it's really not that hard.
If you will post your hourly rate, I will do the math for you and post your new hourly rate. I will even multiply the hourly rate by 40 hours and then by 52 weeks and tell you what your annual pay will be.
It would be nice if it was that easy. But as has been stated multiple times on here it’s not. I’ve had deputy chiefs and majors in the same meeting give 2 different answers for how it will be calculated, and heard the same DC’s and majors give a different answer a few weeks later. Some have said 7% of what you make right now period. Which is what you seem to think. Some have said 4%, then 3% based off the number that comes after adding the 4%, and I’ve heard 3% then 4% added to that number. And no, it’s not just semantics guy. For me it will be a difference of up to 16 cents an hour depending on how they do it. In the decades (plural) that I’ve been working here I’ve come to learn that Cobb math is never that simple.
In Cobb County knowing how much I'm supposed to make, and how much I actually do make, are not necessarily the same thing. Kudos is they come through with a legitimate 7%. But I for one will remain skeptical until I see it in writing. Around here 7% has a funny way of turning into 6.something% after all the yeah buts are applied.
And don't forget the increase in your benefits. It hasn't happened yet, but if you've been here over 10 years you know it's coming. cobb doesn't give something without taking something away.
I'm very disappointed that in an agency that is below critical staffing levels officers are still being b****ed at about stats and "proactivity". An agency that for many, many years got by with 2 deputy chiefs and a major OR captain at each precinct. Not only are there no captain, major or DC open positions, but we now have 3 DC's and a captain AND a major at each Pct...... And patrol sergeant is now little more than a glorified admin position thanks to all the pointless busy work they're given. Command staff is getting by with extra bodies. Extra bodies that apparently allow them the time to sit around and think about how officers aren't doing s***, while routinely working with numbers of open beats that would've been viewed as an emergency situation just a few years ago. Sad. I think we should open up a few of those command staff positions and put those slots back in a beat.
To the poster above: Your fluctuation of possibly .16 cents equates to just under $13 a paycheck. IMO that is not worth the anger and frustration you seem to be carrying around. It's not healthy.
That's not the point. This is how it has always been as long as I've been with Cobb. My wife recently got a raise. She knew almost a year in advance exactly to the cent how much it was going to be. And she works for a much larger organization than Cobb County. The point isn't how much it is. She didn't get speculation and rumor and months of conflicting statements about how much and when it was going to be (as recently as 2 weeks ago I was told by a DC that we'd be getting part of the raise on this check and the rest of it on the next check). We should've gotten a letter from HR within days of the announcement (months ago) saying effective this date this is your new hourly rate. This sort of incompetence in overlooking the relatively small things is indicative of bigger problems in an organization.
You know the sad thing? Nothing is going to change, this decline has been going on for years and the issues are not getting addressed. Commissioners come and commissioners go, and the same goes with the command staff. The proverbial can continues to get kicked down the road by command staff and commissioners doing nothing. This is the new normal unfortunately, if you want better it’s out there just not with this department anymore. None of the command staff are going to create waves they are in it for themselves at this point. That’s why you have to look out for you, unfortunately no one else will. For the folks that decide to stay you just have to accept that this is how things are and the way that they will be from now on, it’s been this way for years now. It sucks!
Next Thursday at 1330hrs The county manager is supposed to make a presentation as to the step and grade plan to the commissioners. Because it effects all of us, has anyone heard what is in the plan? what is going to be presented? The details? If not, why not. Anyone from the FOP care to chime in?
I've heard of four Step in Grade plans being brought before the boc. And I heard of the four plans the favorable plan has 16 steps or it takes 16 years to reach top pay. With starting pay being where it is now for step 1, not breaking the $50k a year threshold until step 7 (or at year 7) and top out at $66k a year at step 16 or 16 years. Obviously not even competitive with Atlanta, Gwinnett, GSP or anyone comparable in size. All I know is the boc better get off their butts and fix this before we have an additional 100 openings and an officer gets seriously hurt or killed!!
Finally got the official 39 on the raise. They came through, true 7% of my base pay, not 7% of midpoint. Worked out to be about a $4500 annual increase for this PO2, thanks BOC.
With this pay scale adjustment the new topout for PO2 appears to be $69,243, up from $66,580. This is an increase from the old topout of $63,148 under the previous pay scale.
Yep, I must give credit where credit is due. Mine ended up being 4 cents more than I expected. Was a 7.125% increase for me. I was expecting some wizard math, especially with how they hem hawed around about getting the numbers out. A very good start.
This raise still does not fix the issues we are facing in recruiting and retention. One of the issues we are facing is competition for new recruits and competition in keeping the officers we train. This raise still has most officers with five years or less experience under the starting salaries for APD and Brookhaven. The other issue is most agencies far outpace us when it comes to pay raises once you are hired. This is why we lose officers in that five years of experience range and earlier. And a 16 step plan is absolutely not the right answer. To be competitive, we should probably copy someone like Gwinnett. They spell out they have a 12 step pay system with 4% annual raises. This is not taking into account the times they have given pay raises in addition to their step system. We have to do better in order to find the best and keep the best.
Let's not forget morale issues. We can have all the pay in the world and people will still leave if you treat them like shit. Poor leadership, lack of support, and refusal to modernize to name a few. Happy employees stay and produce, unhappy employees leave. It's as simple as that.
I agree that good leadership is key to any organization so what are you doing about it. Are you just complaining on this site or are you trying to put yourself in those leadership positions so you can make the needed corrections?
It's easy to write an opinion rant and not do anything.
Nope, some foster the complaining attitude and relish the concept of being a victim. I’m just challenging some of those with a “victim mentality “ to do something about it.
Some people on this site harp about leadership but I challenge anyone to produce a reputable leadership book, article or course that says being a good leader is displayed by complaining about your situation and not doing something about it.
Since your reading comprehension skills appear to be nonexistent [over 130 of your so called victims "did something" about it] how about you give everyone your input. What are your suggestions for doing something about the many issues discussed on this site?
You sound very much like someone who is part of the problem, and who refuses to listen to what is actually being said, so please don't say "stop complaining." I dearly hope with your man-of-action tone you have something better than that to suggest, so now is your time to shine. What should we be doing?
You should be acting like a leader instead of ranting and raging at the situation. Take a page from Admiral William H. McRaven's book "Make Your Bed". Admiral McRaven is a 37 year Navy Seal (retired).
1: Start each day was a task completed (not complaining). 2: Know that life is not fair. (it is not fair to anyone, you or I). 3: Take some risks (do something to get promoted or improve the situation). 4: Know that you will fail (it is ok to fail as long as you try again). 5: Face down the bullies (challenge the raging individuals on this site).
The Cumming Police Department is hiring post certified police officers!
Starting pay based on law enforcement experience. 0-2 years: $48,048-$51,324 2-5 years: $51,324-$54,600 5-10 years:$54,600-$58,968 10+ years: $58,968+
- Annual 4% raise. - 144 PTO hours per year. - Nine (9) paid holidays. - BCBS PPO $500 (Single) and $1,500 (Family) deductible health plan. - City paid short term disability & life insurance through AFBA. - 100% City funded Defined Benefit Retirement Plan (GMA). - 100% City paid POAB dues. - City paid uniform dry cleaning. - Uniforms and equipment provided by the city, including boots. - Take home car program. - Facial hair permitted. - Visible tattoos permitted.
I wondered when someone was going to post this. Even after my 7% raise I still dont make as much or more than a cumming officer with the same amount of years.
And the county wonders why people are still leaving after the 7% raise. I bet we lose another 10 officers by the end of the year. But if you ask CS "good things are coming". They don't know when or how, but its coming. Yeah sure it is!! Just stop the bull$hit and tell everyone this is good as it gets if you want to be a cobb officer. The sooner tptb does so, the sooner we can shrink to a 400 man department and the sooner we can evolve to another subpar metro county department. Really, how do you plan to retain and recruit the best if you don't offer the best?
Of course the cumming 39 took a week or two to make it on here. Sorry to burst your bubble, but one it's posted here the whole department knows and means more competition.
This step and grade is BULL-SHIT. Get placed into the grade and step that your pay is currently at? So a 1 year officer is within an 8-10 year. I'm so angry I can't even articulate how upset I am. The commissioners don't care about us, or are just that clueless. On top of that, they would have to vote every year to increase everyone's step.
1. Director Crider is solid. The board tee'd him up a few times and he told them what time is was.
2. People are going to be really, I mean REALLY pissed about the implementation.
3. If you have more than 10yrs or so on the job you're screwed
4. They mention having meetings with command staff about these pay and retention issues. That's a great idea, wait until someone bails and ask them at the exit interview. Or its just a bunch of guys making 100k a year talking about what kinda pay it would take to keep the minions around....But nobody ever asks the minions.
In the boc meeting yesterday it was mentioned a couple of times that a true step and grade could not be implemented because it would obligate future boards of commissioners to something they never agreed to or approved and made it appear it was some type of law prevented the current boc from doing so. If that's the case then how did Gwinnett County government and the City of Atlanta accomplish a true step in grade plan? Instead of a step in grade plan proposed a "pay table" is what one individual finally admitted it really was. This "pay table" only benefits the 2-4 year officer and does nothing to fix the compression issue. It actually makes the compression issue worse!! The simple solution is to take the "pay table" shown at the meeting and change the "steps" to equate to years of service, place officers in it accordingly, and ALL of your recruiting & retention issues and your compression issues go away overnight. But based on the personalities of the boc and based on the meeting yesterday the only two that look like they would agree to it was Cupid and Ott (to my surprise).
If you haven't seen the meeting go to YouTube and watch it before your Active Shooter training / meeting with the Chief.
I say the following out of respect and a real concern for the state of the county and the PD. After the latest campaign for months of "good things are coming" in regards to a step in grade plan and then followed up yesterday at the BOC meeting with a proposed "salary table". Myself and others have had many conversations in different groups and the ship is no longer just sinking, it's now on fire! Myself and others implore the Command Staff and the BOC to do whatever needs to be done to implement a true competitive and fair step in grade plan. If Gwinnett and Atlanta can do it, I know Cobb can too.
Just watched the work session online. I think everyone should watch it. Commissioners really seem puzzled about what it will take to stop the bleeding and want to hear from the rank and file. How do we as PD employees present a united front and offer clear, helpful guidance as opposed to random venting in this forum? What would it really take to be the leading department in the Southeast, the one that everyone wants to work for and no one wants to leave? How about an old fashioned defined benefit retirement in addition to leading everyone in pay? Bottom line is, I think if there is a true fix to this, we need to figure out what it is, come together as one voice and tell them how to fix it.
The answer is simple. Take the proposed "pay table" and use it as a true functional "step in grade" plan. That means each step equals a year in service and every officer is brought in at their respective step (like 90% in this country does). It automatically solves retention, recruitment, and compression issues. The only grades that need to be adjusted are the ranks above po2. Sergeants start at top out po2 pay and lieutenants start at top out sergeants pay, and so on.
The BoC has demonstrated consistently over the past 15 years that they are not interested in "helpful guidance". So long as their most vocal constituents raise more hell about taxes than short changing county employees, they have no incentive to do anything beyond applying band-aids like 7% raises after three years without cost of living increases. I'm not saying the commissioners are villains or intentionally trying to harm us, they just don't have the incentives or the courage to tell the residents that having good public service and fancy new stadiums requires more tax dollars.
The only point of leverage officers do have to pressure the BoC is the Braves stadium. If every single officer refused to work part-times at the stadium and battery until the BoC adequately addressed pay and benefits for public safety, we might see some progress. Sadly, the BoC placing the county's economic burdens on the employees' backs has the added benefit (for them) of making officers dependent on secondary employment to make up for the lower pay and laughable retirement. I don't know if it's possible at this point to convince everyone working there to give up their extra income for the chance to change things long term, but I can't think of any other way for officers to demand the BoC's attention.
When the economy is good, public safety recruiting and retention always suffers. How many folks are leaving the PD for civilian jobs as opposed to other departments? We currently have a 3.6% unemployment rate in GA as compared to 10% in 2011. We are not just competing against other agencies but against the private sector as well. And you don’t have to deal with all the civilian experts and the media second guessing your split second decisions when you work in the private sector.
Watched the meeting today. And their excuse for not being able to do a true step in grade plan is due to future commitments and not knowing what the future brings. I say BULLSHIT!! Did they really think we forgot about the Braves stadium and the future financial commitment with that. The boc is playing us and think we're freakin fools!
AnonymousOctober 22, 2019 at 12:16 PM The answer is simple. Take the proposed "pay table" and use it as a true functional "step in grade" plan. That means each step equals a year in service and every officer is brought in at their respective step (like 90% in this country does). It automatically solves retention, recruitment, and compression issues. The only grades that need to be adjusted are the ranks above po2. Sergeants start at top out po2 pay and lieutenants start at top out sergeants pay, and so on.
Exactly! I've been looking at other agencies around the South with similar cost of living as metro Atlanta (i.e. metro Dallas and Austin area) and they start out in the $50's - $60k a year with a 10 year step in grade plans and they're a right to work state also with a state retirement for their leo's.
Wow, TX apparently put some thought into their retirement system. Other states also have state funded retirement plans for local LEO’s; Check this out:
My new pants have little zippered pockets in them so I can carry my blistex everywhere I go! All my dreams have been answered, I'm not going anywhere! Who needs money when you have little zippered pockets!
I thought it would be fitting to repost this from March 2019 and wonder if the offer still stands?.
AnonymousMarch 16, 2019 at 10:17 AM Directly from the Marietta Daily Journal:
“What we need to do is fix that gap, and I’m committed to fixing that gap, and we’re going to fix that gap with our tax digest,” Boyce said. “The problem we have is (officers) get to about five years in the system, and that’s when we start to lose our edge competing with other counties, and so they go off. And I’ll say this to anybody — your responsibility is to your family, and if this county can’t pay you a wage that lets you take care of your family, then I will write you a letter of endorsement if you want to go somewhere else. You need to take care of your family.”
So you have nothing to worry about if you want to leave, Boyce will not only support you leaving but he will personally write you a letter of endorsement! And you thought he didn't care...
Once again the boc throws the "cobb curveball" and calls the new pay schedule a pay in grade plan. All it does is make the compression issue worse, puts an officer with 5-6 years of service in the same step as a brand new PO II and tells everyone else you're not valued as an employee or an investment. So based on past practice, for a new officer that starts today and the boc agrees to give us a raise every 3 years, it will only take that new officer 48 years to top out as a PO II. COBB, Count On Being Broke!
Might as well set top out to $500,000 since no one can ever reach it even with 30 years and cobb can say they're the highest paid in the nation! Does the boc really think we can't see through their decade of bullshit? We deal with bullshitters for a living.
Here's the takeaway, going to the boc meetings are pointless. You're better off using that time more wisely. Spend quality time with your family. Work another part time to compensate for the noncompetitive and unfair pay. Or a look for job with better pay and benefits which won't be to hard.
Well said, because they don’t really care if you show up or not. They’re going to do as they want. Like previous post have said, this is the new normal. This is as good as it is going to get. For god’s sake the command staff can’t even do the little things that folks are suggesting to make life better. Look how long it is taking for new body cameras and the vest carriers that folks would like. My god its been in the works for YEARS....YEARS!
I disagree about not showing up. Earlier this year when we packed out several meetings and especially when they could not get their people into the room for presentations, they were embarrassed. This is why they did the bonus and then the 7%. Now we really have to pack it out and get regular citizens to come as well. If they hear enough then a millage rate increase may be possible. The only way the BOC will do the proper step and grade implementation is if they do a millage rate increase.
Reality It's NEVER going to get better. The proposed pay in grade plan turned pay table will happen. As past practice has shown in the last 12 years we WILL NOT get an annual raise and it will continue to average a raise every 3-4 years. We will NEVER be paid a COMPETITIVE and FAIR wage for the metro Atlanta area. The boc DOES NOT and HAS NEVER made public safety a priority. So STFU, drink the koolaid, and do what you're told peasant!! And as always Count On Being Broke (C-O-B-B).
Speaking of bleeding, as I understand it 10 officers will be leaving by the end of November. I also wouldn't be surprised if 4-6 more officers are gone by the end of the year.
Absolutely. I'm afraid all those that could speak out in public forums and are eligible to retire won't speak out. To me that speaks volumes and tells me we're on our own. The public needs to hear from more than just Steve / the FOP or Bluethanksgiving. Nothing is going to change until drastic changes are made to our pay and benefits. We're in the position we're in because of over a Decade of Neglect. If cobb really wants to recruit and retain the best, they're going to have to offer the best pay and benefits. This is a competitive industry, unlike the military, and the internet allows for more employment opportunities.
Our department has issues, for sure. So do the commissioners. I'm just curious as to why you say command staff doesn't have your back. And I'm not command staff.
I can't speak for the original officer that posted the 9:53 PM comment. I think CS definitely has our back for day to day issues and operations. But I would hope that when CS is at different community/town hall style meetings they take the opportunity to inform the public on the state of our department and have a very candid discussion. Because groups like the FOP and Bluethanksgiving are a big help, but I think it would go a long way if the community heard the PD's issues from our leadership. And that would be a collective hope among the officers for what it's worth.
I for one am tired of waiting for good things to come. It's just been too long. NOW, I will say I watched the entire work session from front to back. It seemed to me that the commissioners knew the proposal was put together within some unstated confines and that it was not going to cut it. I got the impression that Hagler, Crider and Volkeman(sp) were told to go back to the drawing board and start over. Told to put together something that would keep people and not do it based on the way they think the board will vote. Ott did point out that the loss of trained officers currently equates to about 3 million bucks a year. That tells me they understand the long term cost.
Current officers are brought in at their respective Step/Year based on years of service. Should starting salary increase, all steps increase the same percentage.
It turns out us rule of 80 people are not as stuck as we thought. If you leave now you can collect at 55 with a 40% penalty, which is not good, but if you collect at 65 there is no penalty. So if you leave now and go somewhere that has match of up to 8% you may be coming out ahead then if you stayed with Cobb and contributed more than 8% to your retirement. The 16% contributed, 8% from you and 8% match, is yours to leave to your family when you pass. Depending on how many years left till 65 it may be worth it.
Wow, that definitely gives some more officers the ability to capitalize on their experience and training here and find employment elsewhere. I understand besides local agencies there are state agencies looking for officers with experience and there's that state retirement.
I know this site is primarily for voicing frustrations in pay inadequacies and the bleeding of officers from the department. I do not want to detract from those issues. I do want to say, and I speak on behalf of other precinct officers, that the active shooter training this year was outstanding. I would imagine there were a lot of behind the scene effort that took place and a lot of good people who made that training happen.
I suspect if the same effort were applied with the step and grade or the body camera legal work, we would not still be holding our breath, but honestly, the police department does not have control there anyways. The chief did an excellent job addressing the precincts at A.S., and while his effort may not stem the flow of officers leaving, it was appreciated.
Although it seems like pay and retention is all that folks talk about here, this site is really for anything we want to discuss at any given moment. It doesn't just have to be a gripe session.
I also appreciate the Chief taking the time to meet with us but I was left feeling concerned. He seemed defensive at times and reminded me of a politician. When asked about a reduction in services he rephrased it as "making the public suffer" and seemed to question whether we at times really only have a single unit covering 3 beats. Maybe he was just tired or maybe I read it wrong
I know that we have concerns about pay and the step-n-grade proposal but I wanted to bring a media investigation to everyone's attention. Some have praised Atlanta's pay plan and I will not dispute that it appears to be a decent plan but read the article on the attached link:
If pay is the only focus, this article may not be a concern but maybe there is more than just pay to consider. Maybe working in an enviroment that treats officers like this is a concern.
Officers getting written up for forgetting to activate a recording device when the original complaint is deemed unfounded? Low level supervisors taking it upon themselves to start "bad" files on officers they don't like? Being forced to go to shitty doctors by your employer? None of those things would EVER happen in Cobb...
If there is one thing I've learned over the years, its that the decision makers who run people off have far more ACCURATE information than the rumor mill. Also...I've often seen the CoC around here stand up for people that don't deserve it.
You will also learn over time that there are people here that should not be and sometimes it can take a long time for their antics to catch up with them.
I have heard some of the command staff say that this blog is just the same 7 or 8 officers getting on here to complain and stir up trouble. I have also heard that they claim to not check the blog. Both of those comments are false and they know it. Members of command staff regularly post on this blog, as I think they should cause this should be a discussion between everyone about the state of our department. That being said, I know members of command staff will read this post and report it back to the chief.
Chief not everyone here points a finger at you for our current situation. I think that you must be in a terrible position to have to answer to the stuffed shirt politicians at 100 Cherokee St and then look at all of us with a straight face and tell us to hold on. But I respect your efforts in the last few weeks. I have always been a fan of your question and answer sessions at active shooter. Even under former administrations you came out and updated us on whats going on and took questions from officers. As an officer, I appreciate being able to ask you questions directly in that environment. I also support your decision on the change to the tattoo policy. I know you have said you are not personally a fan of cops covered in tattoos, but you put that aside and made a change that was within your power for the betterment of moral. You also mentioned in active shooter about considering allowing beards and displayed vest carrier choices. Again I commend this action. I personally have no interest in growing a beard, but I know it's something some people here feel strongly about. And the vest carries just make sense with the amount of gear we carry and the ergonomic studies that have been published on how they save officer's backs.
Without sounding too much like a kiss *ss, I just wanted to say thank you for setting your personal preferences aside and doing something for your troops. I hope you continue to stay open minded and listen to us because though you can't give us a raise or fix our pitiful retirement, there are operational things like the ones I mentioned that are in your power change.
I for one appreciate the bonus in the last check and am looking forward to the raise in October.
ReplyDeleteAtlanta Police Department by the numbers:
DeleteComparing Aug. 20, 2019, to same date in 2018
• Number of officers hired: 125 now; 71 then
• Number of officer applicants: 3,449 now; 2,050 then
• Re-hires (officers who left APD and returned): 13 now, with 8 more pending; 5 then
• Resignations: 33 now; 58 then
• Net officer gain: 81 now; 9 then
• Total sworn officers: 1,774 now; 1,663 then
Hmmmmm. It's almost as if higher pay and better benefits encourages people to both apply and stay.... Someone should rush this shocking revelation to our board of commissioners!
DeleteThe Atlanta Police Department is committed to creating and maintaining one of the elite law enforcement agencies in America. An important part of this commitment is our ability to provide our officers with the compensation, benefits, support and resources they need to continuously answer the call.
DeleteDetails of the benefits and programs we proudly provide officers include:
TOP OUT SALARY $71,792.00
STARTING SALARY $50,440.00-$59,008.00
TOP OUT SALARY $71,792.00
Lateral Police Officer Positions- Minimum of two years Sworn.
Returning Atlanta Police Officers will be credited their years of service minus one tier for the pay scale.
Looking for APD's salary step plan, but I believe they top out in 10 years and NOT 16 years like the county is proposing.
DeleteIn what world does that make sense and make cobb competitive with other departments?
It's interesting to watch the board collectively vote and approve a recommendation without a rebutal or a nay vote, except for when it comes to public safety. During the last couple appointments for the chief and director positions. A commissioner would say well, I respect and admire this nominee, but I will vote no due to the process. By the way, didn't they go along with the process up to that point.
ReplyDeleteNow kudos to the new county attorney who got an increase from the previous person's salary and is now at $198K with a slew of benefits. Shared from a MDJ article, all the travel and cost-of-living expenses, merit increases, per diems, training costs and other allowances and reimbursements afforded agency directors, his new contract states. In addition, the county can raise Rowling’s salary and other forms of compensation at any time. He will also be reimbursed for any bar association membership fees and dues, continuing legal education courses and materials, subscriptions and other expenses deemed “reasonably necessary” for the job, the contract states.
All of that which was unanimously approved by the board. Again this is not ill written towards Mr Rowling who fully deserves all of it. He is a professional and a scholar.
The board needs to act forthwith as public safety steeps below in hiring opportunities, hiring standards and the lack of officers to respond to our citizen's needs. If not, in the end the county will pay out more long term from a split second decision by an officer than what other county department's budgets are for an entire year. It's time to unanimously approve a 10 or 12 year step-and-grade scale before you write a bigger check down the road.
Just wanted to give props to the Chief. I heard he stopped by PCT 3 and met with the troops, even fielded questions in squad meeting or after if wanted in private.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants brass breathing down their necks all day but those types of informal visits don’t go un noticed, they are appreciated.
Totally agree!!
DeleteDid they have to raise their hands?
DeleteNever did I think that Cobb would get to this point, wait yes I did. We stopped arresting people for drug charges last month. Now our wonderful leaders in the Cobb Judicial Circuit are having an expungement party so some criminals can have their records sealed.
ReplyDeleteI can save them and myself some time and headache by ensuring our parks are the safest places in the county.
I'm proud of Cobb and I look forward to the day that those with opinions like the you have expressed is in the minority in our department.
DeleteYou’re obviously missing the point and if had to guess you got a little rank on your “collar”. I believe a lot of folks are proud of Cobb that’s why they stick it out day after day, week, month, and years. They feel frustrated with the way things have become. Especially the rule of 80 folks, I believe they’re frustrated with the way command staff and the commissioners have let the department get in the shape that it is.
DeleteI’ll say this, with the way folks are leaving the department be careful what you wish for because it may just come true. The “day” you look forward to there may not be too many folks left and that will mean you may have to get down off your high horse and start answering those calls yourself!
Expungement is a normal process in the legal process. Please tranfer to the parks department. They need some opinionated grass cutters. P.S. you didn't stop arresting for drug charges, just some minor marijuana charges.
DeleteIt is a law on the books and if it is so minor then it should be repealed or made to be not an arrestable offense. We take people to jail for suspended license but no license at all could get you just a ticket and walk. Strange times we live in.
DeleteWow, now we are encouraging folks to leave because they have opinions. These clearly are strange times we live in.
DeleteIt's pretty simple really. With maturity comes the realization that things change and that there are things outside your control. You'll learn to manage without complaining because you realize your crappy attitude is a cancer to everyone around you and you are making things worse than the original issue.
DeleteTotally agree there are things outside your control, but competitive pay and benefits is not one of them.
DeleteIt's up to us to let our "leaders" know what the market calls for to be competitive. Shame on us if we don't speak up and shame on the boc if they don't listen to the market.
The "cancer" is the boc and those in public safety that are in the position to speak up and tell the public what's going on. I truly think the public deserves to know the state of affairs of THEIR police department.
Based on how junior the pd is now odds are you don't know this started almost 10 years ago and I know our "attitude" has been that of patience and we believed the lies that Good Things Are Coming.
And now we're done!!
You blaming officers for the "cancer" is like blaming a victim of a crime instead of the criminal.
If you dont like the fact your fellow officers are leaving then tell your board of commissioners. They seem receptive and I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
"Expect The Best" right?
The "cancer" is the LACK of COMPETITIVE and FAIR pay and benefits.
DeleteSo what I'm hearing is STFU, put my head in the sand and everything will be fine.
DeleteAre you kidding me?
Our department is only a 600 man department (not now) and look how many years it's taken and still taking to have a take-home for all officers.
You're either a fool or a non patrol koolaid drinking ranking member of the department.
Yep that’s what your hearing, they want you to STFU and bury your head in the sand. We all know that’s not anyone working the road that would talk like that. The hard working men and women of this department with concerns and or opinions on this blog are CERTAINLY NOT CANCER. They are the exact opposite, they’re the backbone of this department.
DeleteThe troll that gets on here and hides behind their rank pinned on their collar accuses us of being cancer and encourages folks to leave is the actual cancer of this department.
We look forward to the day these cancerous ranking trolls leave the department and quit making it such a dismal place to work.
Well said, couldn't agree with you two more!
DeleteComment 09/09 at 6:36 PM is obviously someone that is not and has not worked a beat in a long time (dire I say troll).
ReplyDeleteDefinitely need to watch what you say because that's the silent MAJORITY you speak of. You would know that if you were a beat cop. Ignorance is truly bliss.
So much so there's another double digit group of officers leaving soon. I have a feeling the "130" projection by the end of the year is wishful thinking.
Like being the highest paid by the end of the year.
Couldn’t agree with you more, well said.
DeleteYou know what screams the loudest from the 09/09 at 6:36 P.M.? He doesn’t deny what has been said about not working a beat or being a troll. I think a lot of us have a good idea of who it may be, no surprise.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how fast the county works when they want something.
ReplyDeleteMetro Atlanta’s Cobb County could try transit referendum in 2022 - Curbed Atlanta
I honestly think things will get much better here out of necessity. Talk to some old timers. The market ebbs and flows and causes counties to fix themselves or fail. The affected public will eventually demand it when they start feeling the effects. Politicians will come and go, but this is our department and I'm invested and I'm willing to see it through for now.
DeleteGood Read...
Wow! That LinkedIn article speaks to my soul. I see it every day, and you know what? I'm on the line. And so are almost everyone I know that don't have rule of 80 waiting for them. Management better come to terms with reality fast, or more people are going to step across. Sad.
DeleteI am a rule of 80 employee and I’m on the line.
DeleteThis was a great article and couldn’t be more true. I believe a lot of folks in the department (a majority) are at this point and some may not want to admit it. The only problem is the higher ups won’t read it, but a great article, thanks for sharing.
DeleteI am also a rule of 80 employee who is on the line. Although I don’t come to work and take it out on the public nor do I bring it home, I’m close to stepping over that line. It’s not solely about the money for me never really has been. I’m close!
DeleteRule of 80 and I'm on the line.
ReplyDeleteAnd I keep hearing about a proposed 16 year step plan at the same pay range.
How is that competitive with APD's 10 year and Gwinnett PD's 12 year salary step plans?
Who else is metro Atlanta has a 16 year step plan?
It's not competitive.
DeleteIf you want competitive and fair Starting Salary needs to be $48-$50k a year.
With no more than a 10-12 Year Step Plan.
And a Top Out of $70k a year.
That would solve our retaining and recruiting issues immediately.
Hell, you want "shock and awe" or "We Lead and Others Follow", have Starting Salary at $48k and Top Out at $68k in 8 years.
"Hypothetically" a 16 year step in grade with a Starting Salary of $42k and a Top Out of $66k a year is pointless. News flash, that means you won't break $50k a year until the half way point.
BTW, 9 more officers are leaving by the end of the month.
I hear a lot of opinions being presented but not many of these self reported management experts doing anything about it. Quit complaining and do something. Maybe become a sergeant, lieutenant, captain or other management position and make an impact for good for the department.
ReplyDeleteOr——-take the easy route and do nothing but complain and blame others for your plight and continue to show your unwillingness to help.
It doesn't take rank to make recommendations "for the good of the department".
DeleteWho are you to say which officer or organization has better ideas or is the authority on what's the better recommendation for the boc?
All rank does is cause one to lose touch with what impacts the backbone of this department.
Ignorance is truly bliss, the salary step plan recommendation was simple research and analysis of other metro departments.
We don't see you offering any ideas, just more criticism!!
Maybe it's because you are of rank and you truly can't relate.
Sounds like someone is taking these comments personal. All I see is another officer voicing his or her opinion.
DeleteAre you BOC or CS? Cause it sure does look that way. But what do I know, I'm not a sergeant, lieutenant, captain or other management position.
You actually sound like the fella that commented on 09/06 at 6:36 pm.
Stay safe everyone and remember officer safety and backing up your beat partners come first!
Calls can hold, but our safety doesn't.
Another someone with rank that has done nothing asserting their knowledge on all the peasants below them. Get over yourself dude. Glad you were good at taking a test and passing an assessment that’s
Deletemanaged by civilians. Oh and clearly your such a good manager that you have made a difference in this department. We are in such good shape. Get over yourself.
Well it didn’t take you three long to decide to just be complainers. I guess that was the easier decision for each of you.
ReplyDeleteYeah let me just snap my fingers and get promoted... If I remember correctly over 130 officers sat for the sgts test. That's 130 officers trying to do something. How many supervisors can you count that are out there putting themselves on the line to make this a great place to work? Go ahead and count em up boss, I'll wait...
ReplyDeleteOne day you will realize it's not as much the pay as it is the people like you that is driving people out of this department. The people that talk about stats and proactivity when their shift is running open beats every day. The people that shit on "complainers" and don't listen to anything that's being said. The people that think they deserve respect just because they have rank but don't know the first thing about leadership. It sure as hell isn't the poor officer who continues to show up every day asking themselves why they haven't quit yet while listening to your crap.
Well played Sir.
DeleteWell he is upset but still not doing anything but complaining.
ReplyDeleteWhat’s interesting is that I have posted my comments the last two days and got you so upset but I don’t even work for your department.
ReplyDeleteYou make accusations that don’t even apply to me. I work under a union contract for a department many miles away from you.
I just wanted to see if I could get you upset.
I guess I succeeded.
Game over, wish you success in the future and be safe. Hopefully no hard feelings.
Why the Dick move from a brother leo?
DeleteNone the less be safe "brother leo".
No brother leo,
DeleteI've been policing for over two decades and not even the biggest douchebag officer I know would do that to another officer.
This guy is a wannabe poser rent a cop at best that couldn't pass the psych and wet his bed up into his preteen years.
And doesn't understand brotherhood and comradery.
Choke yourself troll.
Whether he is a LEO or a wannabe poser is unknown and I have no idea if he could pass the psych test but I do know he pissed you off severely and must have psyched you out.
Pissed off leo-0
Wannabe poser-1
Now I will sit back and watch the drama unfold.
Who ever is in this passing match. Take your drama elsewhere, so we who are here to stand as a united front to take care of each other and share legit information. Can continue to do so. We are here because our elected and appointed officials have drove us into an under funded county retirement, under paid public safety employee salary, broken take-home car program, low morale, over 100 unfilled police officer vacancies, numerous deputy vacancies, unfilled 911 dispatcher positions, understaffed officer responses requiring additional resources that are not available on calls for service and other safety concerns. Some of us are hanging on because of personal reasons and others because we know these issues can be fixed, but continue to be mislead by supervision.
DeleteIf only citizens knew the problems their elected and appointed officials have misrepresented and created under their tenure.
There is a reason why two communities in Cobb are trying to become incorporated. It's not difficult to grasp. People want the government services for which their paid taxes are for and not for some official's pet projects.
The world breaks everyone and afterwards, some are stronger at the broken places.
ReplyDeleteWill you decide to be stronger?
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others anymore than the lion needs the approval of the sheep.
ReplyDeleteAre you the lion or the sheep?
I like criticism, it makes you strong.
ReplyDeleteThe 7% raise was a good start
What exactly happened in the last week to move the needle toward the Step and Grade?
The board of commissioner's do not arbitrarily decide to give raises. They make their decisions prior to budget time based on information presented to them.
Who is responsible for presenting the step and grade information to the board for a vote?
I imagine the information used to make a determination comes from finance. How long does it REALLY take to work the numbers? Seeing as how that is their only job.
There are hundreds of actuarial calculators out there to help with projections.
Did you know there is this really cool thing called a budget amendment? They are used for issues that arise outside of the normal budget process. Pretty cool huh?
Check out the MDJ today....
ReplyDeleteIt appears that the Pension is still under funded.
I am all for low taxes but trying to lower them when you can't afford it is irresponsible.
This equates to making the minimum payment on your credit cards for a long time and wondering why you haven't paid it off.
So no chance of Public Safety being brought into the old retirement?
Hey all,
ReplyDeleteDon't forget this week the boc's annual retreat takes place Thursday-Saturday, at the Cobb Senior Wellness Center, 1195 Powder Springs Street, with each session starting at 9 a.m. and is open to the public!
Cobb commissioners' out-of-town retreat relocated to Marietta | East Cobb News
Apparently all the boc worked on was the SPLOST and nothing related to the dps step plan.
DeleteMore interesting is that the Chief nor the FOP has put out anything about the boc's retreat and the work the boc put into a dps' salary step plan.
DeleteDid you not watch the Director's video?
DeleteSeems to me the Directors video kinda put the board on the spot to implement a plan.
DeleteSo is the 115 or so police officer openings based on the 740 (IACP Recommendation) or 690 authorized strength?
ReplyDeleteHere's your answer per today's job announcement.
ReplyDeleteJob Announcement:
Police Officer I (Lateral Entry Program)
Department of Public Safety
Position: 5055457
Closing date: 10/5/2019
The Cobb County Police Department is a CALEA-accredited and nationally recognized full-service law enforcement agency, with an authorized strength of over 700 sworn officers, located in the metropolitan Atlanta area, and services a population of approximately 800,000 citizens.
Last I saw it was 705 sworn.
DeleteSo Judge Hill gives a warning to a man who made a terroristic threat towards an officer in open court????
ReplyDeleteRemove her now.
Deputies would still be posted guarding the judge’s house if the threat had been made against them...
DeleteWhat is the actual story on this? Can anyone confirm?
Delete“Today, when Judge —— denied bond for ——— —————, R—y and the rest of his family stood up to exit the court room. As he exited, R—y stated, “that officer needs to be shot down”, referring to Ofc. ———The statement was heard by the court interpreter who brought it to Ofc. ——-‘s attention. I followed R—y into the lobby as Ofc. ———- informed the Prosecutor, Judge —- was notified and R—y was ordered back into the court room. A hearing was held and the court interpreter testified as to what he heard. The prosecutor requested that a warrant be issued for terroristic threats and R—y be arrested. After some deliberation, Judge —— told R—y that he was being “warned” and permitted him to leave. She requested that Ofc. ———- stay in the court room to allow for R—y and his family to leave the building. When Ofc. ———- went to leave, the court had a Marietta PD officer escort him to his vehicle. An SO incident report was created.”
ReplyDeleteA quote of the information released with names redacted.
Thank you for the info. If I’m not mistaken I believe she’s going to be running for a position come election time. This needs to get out so folks don’t vote for her. That’s the last type of thing that we need.
DeleteI definitely agree with the previous comment where if the threat were made against her.
Well thank goodness that an SO incident report was created. As we all know a case number solves all your problems.
DeleteWell we're almost halfway through this pay period that allegedly has the new raise on it and I still don't know how much I make. Come on Cobb, it's really not that hard.
ReplyDeleteIf you will post your hourly rate, I will do the math for you and post your new hourly rate. I will even multiply the hourly rate by 40 hours and then by 52 weeks and tell you what your annual pay will be.
DeleteAs it's been stated, it's really not that hard.
Current hourly x 1.07 = New hourly
DeleteIt would be nice if it was that easy. But as has been stated multiple times on here it’s not. I’ve had deputy chiefs and majors in the same meeting give 2 different answers for how it will be calculated, and heard the same DC’s and majors give a different answer a few weeks later. Some have said 7% of what you make right now period. Which is what you seem to think. Some have said 4%, then 3% based off the number that comes after adding the 4%, and I’ve heard 3% then 4% added to that number. And no, it’s not just semantics guy. For me it will be a difference of up to 16 cents an hour depending on how they do it. In the decades (plural) that I’ve been working here I’ve come to learn that Cobb math is never that simple.
DeleteIn Cobb County knowing how much I'm supposed to make, and how much I actually do make, are not necessarily the same thing. Kudos is they come through with a legitimate 7%. But I for one will remain skeptical until I see it in writing. Around here 7% has a funny way of turning into 6.something% after all the yeah buts are applied.
DeleteAnd don't forget the increase in your benefits. It hasn't happened yet, but if you've been here over 10 years you know it's coming. cobb doesn't give something without taking something away.
DeleteI'm very disappointed that in an agency that is below critical staffing levels officers are still being b****ed at about stats and "proactivity". An agency that for many, many years got by with 2 deputy chiefs and a major OR captain at each precinct. Not only are there no captain, major or DC open positions, but we now have 3 DC's and a captain AND a major at each Pct...... And patrol sergeant is now little more than a glorified admin position thanks to all the pointless busy work they're given. Command staff is getting by with extra bodies. Extra bodies that apparently allow them the time to sit around and think about how officers aren't doing s***, while routinely working with numbers of open beats that would've been viewed as an emergency situation just a few years ago. Sad. I think we should open up a few of those command staff positions and put those slots back in a beat.
ReplyDeleteTo the poster above: Your fluctuation of possibly .16 cents equates to just under $13 a paycheck. IMO that is not worth the anger and frustration you seem to be carrying around. It's not healthy.
ReplyDeleteThat's not the point. This is how it has always been as long as I've been with Cobb. My wife recently got a raise. She knew almost a year in advance exactly to the cent how much it was going to be. And she works for a much larger organization than Cobb County. The point isn't how much it is. She didn't get speculation and rumor and months of conflicting statements about how much and when it was going to be (as recently as 2 weeks ago I was told by a DC that we'd be getting part of the raise on this check and the rest of it on the next check). We should've gotten a letter from HR within days of the announcement (months ago) saying effective this date this is your new hourly rate. This sort of incompetence in overlooking the relatively small things is indicative of bigger problems in an organization.
DeleteYou know the sad thing? Nothing is going to change, this decline has been going on for years and the issues are not getting addressed. Commissioners come and commissioners go, and the same goes with the command staff. The proverbial can continues to get kicked down the road by command staff and commissioners doing nothing. This is the new normal unfortunately, if you want better it’s out there just not with this department anymore. None of the command staff are going to create waves they are in it for themselves at this point. That’s why you have to look out for you, unfortunately no one else will.
ReplyDeleteFor the folks that decide to stay you just have to accept that this is how things are and the way that they will be from now on, it’s been this way for years now. It sucks!
Next Thursday at 1330hrs The county manager is supposed to make a presentation as to the step and grade plan to the commissioners. Because it effects all of us, has anyone heard what is in the plan? what is going to be presented? The details? If not, why not. Anyone from the FOP care to chime in?
ReplyDeleteI've heard of four Step in Grade plans being brought before the boc. And I heard of the four plans the favorable plan has 16 steps or it takes 16 years to reach top pay.
DeleteWith starting pay being where it is now for step 1, not breaking the $50k a year threshold until step 7 (or at year 7) and top out at $66k a year at step 16 or 16 years.
Obviously not even competitive with Atlanta, Gwinnett, GSP or anyone comparable in size.
All I know is the boc better get off their butts and fix this before we have an additional 100 openings and an officer gets seriously hurt or killed!!
I've seen one of them myself. The question is which of those plans or parts of those plans are being presented and what are the details.
DeleteFinally got the official 39 on the raise. They came through, true 7% of my base pay, not 7% of midpoint. Worked out to be about a $4500 annual increase for this PO2, thanks BOC.
ReplyDeleteWith this pay scale adjustment the new topout for PO2 appears to be $69,243, up from $66,580. This is an increase from the old topout of $63,148 under the previous pay scale.
DeleteYep, I must give credit where credit is due. Mine ended up being 4 cents more than I expected. Was a 7.125% increase for me. I was expecting some wizard math, especially with how they hem hawed around about getting the numbers out. A very good start.
DeleteBut if you've been here long enough, you know the boc doesn't give anything without taking something away. So I expect our benefits to go up in 2020.
DeleteThis raise still does not fix the issues we are facing in recruiting and retention. One of the issues we are facing is competition for new recruits and competition in keeping the officers we train. This raise still has most officers with five years or less experience under the starting salaries for APD and Brookhaven. The other issue is most agencies far outpace us when it comes to pay raises once you are hired. This is why we lose officers in that five years of experience range and earlier. And a 16 step plan is absolutely not the right answer. To be competitive, we should probably copy someone like Gwinnett. They spell out they have a 12 step pay system with 4% annual raises. This is not taking into account the times they have given pay raises in addition to their step system. We have to do better in order to find the best and keep the best.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget morale issues. We can have all the pay in the world and people will still leave if you treat them like shit. Poor leadership, lack of support, and refusal to modernize to name a few. Happy employees stay and produce, unhappy employees leave. It's as simple as that.
DeleteI agree that good leadership is key to any organization so what are you doing about it. Are you just complaining on this site or are you trying to put yourself in those leadership positions so you can make the needed corrections?
DeleteIt's easy to write an opinion rant and not do anything.
So what are you going to do about it?
Save us all with your leadership expertise.
Let me refer you to the post from September 19th at 1030am... because it applies to you.
DeleteNope, some foster the complaining attitude and relish the concept of being a victim. I’m just challenging some of those with a “victim mentality “ to do something about it.
DeleteSome people on this site harp about leadership but I challenge anyone to produce a reputable leadership book, article or course that says being a good leader is displayed by complaining about your situation and not doing something about it.
Since your reading comprehension skills appear to be nonexistent [over 130 of your so called victims "did something" about it] how about you give everyone your input. What are your suggestions for doing something about the many issues discussed on this site?
DeleteYou sound very much like someone who is part of the problem, and who refuses to listen to what is actually being said, so please don't say "stop complaining." I dearly hope with your man-of-action tone you have something better than that to suggest, so now is your time to shine. What should we be doing?
You should be acting like a leader instead of ranting and raging at the situation. Take a page from Admiral William H. McRaven's book "Make Your Bed". Admiral McRaven is a 37 year Navy Seal (retired).
Delete1: Start each day was a task completed (not complaining).
2: Know that life is not fair. (it is not fair to anyone, you or I).
3: Take some risks (do something to get promoted or improve the situation).
4: Know that you will fail (it is ok to fail as long as you try again).
5: Face down the bullies (challenge the raging individuals on this site).
The City of Cumming Police Department is hiring!
ReplyDeleteThe Cumming Police Department is hiring post certified police officers!
Starting pay based on law enforcement experience.
0-2 years: $48,048-$51,324
2-5 years: $51,324-$54,600
5-10 years:$54,600-$58,968
10+ years: $58,968+
- Annual 4% raise.
- 144 PTO hours per year.
- Nine (9) paid holidays.
- BCBS PPO $500 (Single) and $1,500 (Family) deductible health plan.
- City paid short term disability & life insurance through AFBA.
- 100% City funded Defined Benefit Retirement Plan (GMA).
- 100% City paid POAB dues.
- City paid uniform dry cleaning.
- Uniforms and equipment provided by the city, including boots.
- Take home car program.
- Facial hair permitted.
- Visible tattoos permitted.
I wondered when someone was going to post this. Even after my 7% raise I still dont make as much or more than a cumming officer with the same amount of years.
DeleteAnd the county wonders why people are still leaving after the 7% raise. I bet we lose another 10 officers by the end of the year.
DeleteBut if you ask CS "good things are coming". They don't know when or how, but its coming.
Yeah sure it is!!
Just stop the bull$hit and tell everyone this is good as it gets if you want to be a cobb officer.
The sooner tptb does so, the sooner we can shrink to a 400 man department and the sooner we can evolve to another subpar metro county department.
Really, how do you plan to retain and recruit the best if you don't offer the best?
Of course the cumming 39 took a week or two to make it on here. Sorry to burst your bubble, but one it's posted here the whole department knows and means more competition.
ReplyDeleteGood Things Are Coming!!
ReplyDeleteThis step and grade is BULL-SHIT. Get placed into the grade and step that your pay is currently at? So a 1 year officer is within an 8-10 year. I'm so angry I can't even articulate how upset I am. The commissioners don't care about us, or are just that clueless. On top of that, they would have to vote every year to increase everyone's step.
ReplyDeleteCan you elaborate on this? I thought a POII would be placed in the time bracket corresponding to their years of service. Did I miss something?
DeleteNever mind. I got it clarified. Shit.
DeleteAs of 10-20-19 Brookhaven PD has 3-4 openings now.
ReplyDeleteWhy do they have openings if they are so good? Are officers leaving them too?
DeleteFollow up.
DeleteThe openings are due to discipline issues and needed to be replaced.
The boc should visit every squad meeting at every precinct and ask us if this is what we want.
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to what? They currently use witchcraft to decide if you get a raise.
DeleteToday's work session is on Youtube.
ReplyDeleteTake aways:
1. Director Crider is solid. The board tee'd him up a few times and he told them what time is was.
2. People are going to be really, I mean REALLY pissed about the implementation.
3. If you have more than 10yrs or so on the job you're screwed
4. They mention having meetings with command staff about these pay and retention issues. That's a great idea, wait until someone bails and ask them at the exit interview. Or its just a bunch of guys making 100k a year talking about what kinda pay it would take to keep the minions around....But nobody ever asks the minions.
In the boc meeting yesterday it was mentioned a couple of times that a true step and grade could not be implemented because it would obligate future boards of commissioners to something they never agreed to or approved and made it appear it was some type of law prevented the current boc from doing so.
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case then how did Gwinnett County government and the City of Atlanta accomplish a true step in grade plan?
Instead of a step in grade plan proposed a "pay table" is what one individual finally admitted it really was.
This "pay table" only benefits the 2-4 year officer and does nothing to fix the compression issue. It actually makes the compression issue worse!!
The simple solution is to take the "pay table" shown at the meeting and change the "steps" to equate to years of service, place officers in it accordingly, and ALL of your recruiting & retention issues and your compression issues go away overnight.
But based on the personalities of the boc and based on the meeting yesterday the only two that look like they would agree to it was Cupid and Ott (to my surprise).
If you haven't seen the meeting go to YouTube and watch it before your Active Shooter training / meeting with the Chief.
Cue video at 19:36.
To Command Staff and the BOC,
ReplyDeleteI say the following out of respect and a real concern for the state of the county and the PD.
After the latest campaign for months of "good things are coming" in regards to a step in grade plan and then followed up yesterday at the BOC meeting with a proposed "salary table".
Myself and others have had many conversations in different groups and the ship is no longer just sinking, it's now on fire!
Myself and others implore the Command Staff and the BOC to do whatever needs to be done to implement a true competitive and fair step in grade plan.
If Gwinnett and Atlanta can do it, I know Cobb can too.
Just watched the work session online. I think everyone should watch it. Commissioners really seem puzzled about what it will take to stop the bleeding and want to hear from the rank and file. How do we as PD employees present a united front and offer clear, helpful guidance as opposed to random venting in this forum? What would it really take to be the leading department in the Southeast, the one that everyone wants to work for and no one wants to leave? How about an old fashioned defined benefit retirement in addition to leading everyone in pay? Bottom line is, I think if there is a true fix to this, we need to figure out what it is, come together as one voice and tell them how to fix it.
ReplyDeleteThe answer is simple. Take the proposed "pay table" and use it as a true functional "step in grade" plan.
DeleteThat means each step equals a year in service and every officer is brought in at their respective step (like 90% in this country does).
It automatically solves retention, recruitment, and compression issues.
The only grades that need to be adjusted are the ranks above po2.
Sergeants start at top out po2 pay and lieutenants start at top out sergeants pay, and so on.
The BoC has demonstrated consistently over the past 15 years that they are not interested in "helpful guidance". So long as their most vocal constituents raise more hell about taxes than short changing county employees, they have no incentive to do anything beyond applying band-aids like 7% raises after three years without cost of living increases. I'm not saying the commissioners are villains or intentionally trying to harm us, they just don't have the incentives or the courage to tell the residents that having good public service and fancy new stadiums requires more tax dollars.
DeleteThe only point of leverage officers do have to pressure the BoC is the Braves stadium. If every single officer refused to work part-times at the stadium and battery until the BoC adequately addressed pay and benefits for public safety, we might see some progress. Sadly, the BoC placing the county's economic burdens on the employees' backs has the added benefit (for them) of making officers dependent on secondary employment to make up for the lower pay and laughable retirement. I don't know if it's possible at this point to convince everyone working there to give up their extra income for the chance to change things long term, but I can't think of any other way for officers to demand the BoC's attention.
When the economy is good, public safety recruiting and retention always suffers. How many folks are leaving the PD for civilian jobs as opposed to other departments? We currently have a 3.6% unemployment rate in GA as compared to 10% in 2011. We are not just competing against other agencies but against the private sector as well. And you don’t have to deal with all the civilian experts and the media second guessing your split second decisions when you work in the private sector.
ReplyDeleteTRUMP 2020!!!
Watched the meeting today.
ReplyDeleteAnd their excuse for not being able to do a true step in grade plan is due to future commitments and not knowing what the future brings.
Did they really think we forgot about the Braves stadium and the future financial commitment with that.
The boc is playing us and think we're freakin fools!
ReplyDeleteAnonymousOctober 22, 2019 at 12:16 PM
The answer is simple. Take the proposed "pay table" and use it as a true functional "step in grade" plan.
That means each step equals a year in service and every officer is brought in at their respective step (like 90% in this country does).
It automatically solves retention, recruitment, and compression issues.
The only grades that need to be adjusted are the ranks above po2.
Sergeants start at top out po2 pay and lieutenants start at top out sergeants pay, and so on.
DeleteI've been looking at other agencies around the South with similar cost of living as metro Atlanta (i.e. metro Dallas and Austin area) and they start out in the $50's - $60k a year with a 10 year step in grade plans and they're a right to work state also with a state retirement for their leo's.
Wow, TX apparently put some thought into their retirement system. Other states also have state funded retirement plans for local LEO’s; Check this out:
My new pants have little zippered pockets in them so I can carry my blistex everywhere I go! All my dreams have been answered, I'm not going anywhere! Who needs money when you have little zippered pockets!
ReplyDeleteI thought it would be fitting to repost this from March 2019 and wonder if the offer still stands?.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousMarch 16, 2019 at 10:17 AM
Directly from the Marietta Daily Journal:
“What we need to do is fix that gap, and I’m committed to fixing that gap, and we’re going to fix that gap with our tax digest,” Boyce said. “The problem we have is (officers) get to about five years in the system, and that’s when we start to lose our edge competing with other counties, and so they go off. And I’ll say this to anybody — your responsibility is to your family, and if this county can’t pay you a wage that lets you take care of your family, then I will write you a letter of endorsement if you want to go somewhere else. You need to take care of your family.”
So you have nothing to worry about if you want to leave, Boyce will not only support you leaving but he will personally write you a letter of endorsement! And you thought he didn't care...
Once again the boc throws the "cobb curveball" and calls the new pay schedule a pay in grade plan.
ReplyDeleteAll it does is make the compression issue worse, puts an officer with 5-6 years of service in the same step as a brand new PO II and tells everyone else you're not valued as an employee or an investment.
So based on past practice, for a new officer that starts today and the boc agrees to give us a raise every 3 years, it will only take that new officer 48 years to top out as a PO II.
COBB, Count On Being Broke!
Might as well set top out to $500,000 since no one can ever reach it even with 30 years and cobb can say they're the highest paid in the nation!
DeleteDoes the boc really think we can't see through their decade of bullshit?
We deal with bullshitters for a living.
Here's the takeaway, going to the boc meetings are pointless. You're better off using that time more wisely.
ReplyDeleteSpend quality time with your family.
Work another part time to compensate for the noncompetitive and unfair pay.
Or a look for job with better pay and benefits which won't be to hard.
Well said, because they don’t really care if you show up or not. They’re going to do as they want. Like previous post have said, this is the new normal. This is as good as it is going to get. For god’s sake the command staff can’t even do the little things that folks are suggesting to make life better. Look how long it is taking for new body cameras and the vest carriers that folks would like. My god its been in the works for YEARS....YEARS!
DeleteI disagree about not showing up. Earlier this year when we packed out several meetings and especially when they could not get their people into the room for presentations, they were embarrassed. This is why they did the bonus and then the 7%. Now we really have to pack it out and get regular citizens to come as well. If they hear enough then a millage rate increase may be possible. The only way the BOC will do the proper step and grade implementation is if they do a millage rate increase.
ReplyDeleteIt's NEVER going to get better. The proposed pay in grade plan turned pay table will happen. As past practice has shown in the last 12 years we WILL NOT get an annual raise and it will continue to average a raise every 3-4 years.
We will NEVER be paid a COMPETITIVE and FAIR wage for the metro Atlanta area.
The boc DOES NOT and HAS NEVER made public safety a priority.
So STFU, drink the koolaid, and do what you're told peasant!!
And as always Count On Being Broke (C-O-B-B).
So true. Expect The Best!!
ReplyDeleteOnce again the county is trying to treat a gunshot wound with a bandaid and we will are / will continue to bleed officers from the pd.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of bleeding, as I understand it 10 officers will be leaving by the end of November. I also wouldn't be surprised if 4-6 more officers are gone by the end of the year.
DeleteTotally agree but remember to stand with each other and watch each other’s back because command staff and commissioners won’t, be safe!
DeleteI'm afraid all those that could speak out in public forums and are eligible to retire won't speak out.
To me that speaks volumes and tells me we're on our own.
The public needs to hear from more than just Steve / the FOP or Bluethanksgiving.
Nothing is going to change until drastic changes are made to our pay and benefits.
We're in the position we're in because of over a Decade of Neglect.
If cobb really wants to recruit and retain the best, they're going to have to offer the best pay and benefits.
This is a competitive industry, unlike the military, and the internet allows for more employment opportunities.
Our department has issues, for sure. So do the commissioners. I'm just curious as to why you say command staff doesn't have your back. And I'm not command staff.
DeleteI can't speak for the original officer that posted the 9:53 PM comment.
DeleteI think CS definitely has our back for day to day issues and operations.
But I would hope that when CS is at different community/town hall style meetings they take the opportunity to inform the public on the state of our department and have a very candid discussion.
Because groups like the FOP and Bluethanksgiving are a big help, but I think it would go a long way if the community heard the PD's issues from our leadership.
And that would be a collective hope among the officers for what it's worth.
I for one am tired of waiting for good things to come. It's just been too long. NOW, I will say I watched the entire work session from front to back. It seemed to me that the commissioners knew the proposal was put together within some unstated confines and that it was not going to cut it. I got the impression that Hagler, Crider and Volkeman(sp) were told to go back to the drawing board and start over. Told to put together something that would keep people and not do it based on the way they think the board will vote. Ott did point out that the loss of trained officers currently equates to about 3 million bucks a year. That tells me they understand the long term cost.
ReplyDeleteI found that encouraging but maybe im a sucker.
Hey boc,
ReplyDeleteI acknowledge that several agencies in the metro Atlanta area top out in the low $70k's.
Here's an idea for a true Pay in Grade Plan that's COMPETITIVE and FAIR.
Step in Grade Plan
POI: $45,776 (First 18 months)
Step/Year 1: $51,291
Step/Year 2: $53,134
Step/Year 3: $54,976
Step/Year 4: $56,818
Step/Year 5: $58,661
Step/Year 6: $60,503
Step/Year 7: $62,345
Step/Year 8: $64,188
Step/Year 9: $66,030
Current officers are brought in at their respective Step/Year based on years of service.
Should starting salary increase, all steps increase the same percentage.
It turns out us rule of 80 people are not as stuck as we thought. If you leave now you can collect at 55 with a 40% penalty, which is not good, but if you collect at 65 there is no penalty. So if you leave now and go somewhere that has match of up to 8% you may be coming out ahead then if you stayed with Cobb and contributed more than 8% to your retirement. The 16% contributed, 8% from you and 8% match, is yours to leave to your family when you pass. Depending on how many years left till 65 it may be worth it.
ReplyDeleteWow, that definitely gives some more officers the ability to capitalize on their experience and training here and find employment elsewhere.
DeleteI understand besides local agencies there are state agencies looking for officers with experience and there's that state retirement.
I know this site is primarily for voicing frustrations in pay inadequacies and the bleeding of officers from the department. I do not want to detract from those issues. I do want to say, and I speak on behalf of other precinct officers, that the active shooter training this year was outstanding. I would imagine there were a lot of behind the scene effort that took place and a lot of good people who made that training happen.
ReplyDeleteI suspect if the same effort were applied with the step and grade or the body camera legal work, we would not still be holding our breath, but honestly, the police department does not have control there anyways. The chief did an excellent job addressing the precincts at A.S., and while his effort may not stem the flow of officers leaving, it was appreciated.
Although it seems like pay and retention is all that folks talk about here, this site is really for anything we want to discuss at any given moment. It doesn't just have to be a gripe session.
DeleteI also appreciate the Chief taking the time to meet with us but I was left feeling concerned. He seemed defensive at times and reminded me of a politician. When asked about a reduction in services he rephrased it as "making the public suffer" and seemed to question whether we at times really only have a single unit covering 3 beats. Maybe he was just tired or maybe I read it wrong
ReplyDeleteI know that we have concerns about pay and the step-n-grade proposal but I wanted to bring a media investigation to everyone's attention. Some have praised Atlanta's pay plan and I will not dispute that it appears to be a decent plan but read the article on the attached link:
If pay is the only focus, this article may not be a concern but maybe there is more than just pay to consider. Maybe working in an enviroment that treats officers like this is a concern.
Just a thought.
Officers getting written up for forgetting to activate a recording device when the original complaint is deemed unfounded? Low level supervisors taking it upon themselves to start "bad" files on officers they don't like? Being forced to go to shitty doctors by your employer? None of those things would EVER happen in Cobb...
DeleteIf there is one thing I've learned over the years, its that the decision makers who run people off have far more ACCURATE information than the rumor mill. Also...I've often seen the CoC around here stand up for people that don't deserve it.
DeleteYou will also learn over time that there are people here that should not be and sometimes it can take a long time for their antics to catch up with them.
I have heard some of the command staff say that this blog is just the same 7 or 8 officers getting on here to complain and stir up trouble. I have also heard that they claim to not check the blog. Both of those comments are false and they know it. Members of command staff regularly post on this blog, as I think they should cause this should be a discussion between everyone about the state of our department. That being said, I know members of command staff will read this post and report it back to the chief.
ReplyDeleteChief not everyone here points a finger at you for our current situation. I think that you must be in a terrible position to have to answer to the stuffed shirt politicians at 100 Cherokee St and then look at all of us with a straight face and tell us to hold on. But I respect your efforts in the last few weeks. I have always been a fan of your question and answer sessions at active shooter. Even under former administrations you came out and updated us on whats going on and took questions from officers. As an officer, I appreciate being able to ask you questions directly in that environment. I also support your decision on the change to the tattoo policy. I know you have said you are not personally a fan of cops covered in tattoos, but you put that aside and made a change that was within your power for the betterment of moral. You also mentioned in active shooter about considering allowing beards and displayed vest carrier choices. Again I commend this action. I personally have no interest in growing a beard, but I know it's something some people here feel strongly about. And the vest carries just make sense with the amount of gear we carry and the ergonomic studies that have been published on how they save officer's backs.
Without sounding too much like a kiss *ss, I just wanted to say thank you for setting your personal preferences aside and doing something for your troops. I hope you continue to stay open minded and listen to us because though you can't give us a raise or fix our pitiful retirement, there are operational things like the ones I mentioned that are in your power change.
Yep. Tim Cox is a good man. Also remember that this is OUR department and not the department of the transient politicians.
DeleteAgree 1000%.
DeleteTotally agree!!
DeleteThanks Chief!!
Yep, it's a tough spot to be in. Especially with a board like we have now. I wouldn't want to do it.