This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Sunday, April 29, 2018
May open comments
Apologies to those whose comments got stuck in cyberspace during the last couple of months. This site is back up at this time. Pending comments have been posted.
From the Smyrna Chief of Police: Monday night the Smyrna City Council passed a recruitment bonus for Police Officers that include: Non-certified officers $3,000 Certified Officers with 2 years experience from 20+ officer agency $5,000 If the person has 3 years active duty military an additional $1,000. They also passed the first of its kind, a one time re-enlistment bonus of $5,000 after 5 years of continuous service signing an additional two year contract. $1,000 at signing and $4,000 after completion of the additional 2 years
Anybody know how much Chief Let-them-eat-cake spent on the 3 word decals on the back of the cars? We don't have money for things we need, but we do have money to create "feel good" positions and programs. I still haven't forgotten that we don't have any money for cars, that is until the new car smell wears out of a chief or DC car, then we buy 3 new Dodge Chargers.
Check out the AJC article from May 4 about the credit rating agencies downgrading the county's financial outlook to "negative" due to "fiscal challenges". Now the $30M hole might be a $55M hole. Meanwhile we're "paying millions out of the general fund" for Suntrust Park. $13,000 for new feel good decals on the cars. "Cobb County doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem". How about spending to recruit and retain officers (see the new Smyrna bonus program above).
It is not a waste of 13,000 on the stickers, we have people in the community calling our behavior super extra like this young girl below who hates the police and put us on the you tube. These stickers will bring about the new "vision" and make everyone like us again.
To say that stickers will make this citizen like the police shows that whoever made that post is out of touch with reality. Nothing will make that citizen like the police. She is already on the take of government assistance and is the only person escalating the event. The weak minded man who is pimped by her is just another noncompluant offender looking for a day of hate. I hope the person that said we can change these people with stickers will visit behavior health like soon. You son are ridiculous!
For those of you visiting our site because of the AJC article, welcome. Despite what the command staff (and another "politician" Steve Gaynor) would like you to believe, this site actually represents the opinions of a majority of officers, not the disgruntled few. Ask the chief about attendance at his officer and sergeant meetings. Attendance was pitiful not because there are no problems, but because no one thinks his/her comments will result in change. Officer Gaynor has a lot of reasons to think the way he does. The FOP has no ability to affect change, so what little face time he can get with the chain of command is based upon him being able to kiss their butts. He can't publicly criticize them. Ask Officer Gaynor about his daily experience working with the public and if training has helped. My guess is he can't answer because he doesn't deal with the public as a retired part time paper pusher. Morale in this department is terrible, and grows worse daily as the chain of command micro manages every hour of every shift. The US Supreme Court acknowledges police often make split second decisions and should be given the benefit of the doubt when it occurs. This department does not agree with that philosophy and scrutinizes everything sitting in offices. Soon every officer will feel unable to make a decision, and when they do will stress about whether the decision will result in punishment later. With our new chief our command staff now have several new uniforms for different events to improve some type of image. Maybe it was just to make them feel more special than insignia on the collar. New decals on the cars will not change the perception of the police by anyone. For those of you who are not officers, please respond and tell me if your perception of the department improved. My guess is you already like the police and are indifferent, or hate the police and still hate the police. Policing is not "just like any other profession". Officers have the authority to detain and arrest. We have the authority to use deadly force when necessary. Decisions are not made drinking a latte sitting around a conference table. We deal with the people who feel discriminated against even when doing something as simple as speeding. We are required to listen to liars, sit in the same room with child molesters, and tolerate people using profane language and racial slurs toward us that if we said once results in punishment. Our profession is simple and never changes. The chief's job is to adapt to how to present the cold basic facts of the job in a changing environment. My job is to keep dealing with the same crap to the best of my ability. I wish I could count on the chain of command to support me, but I do not. The county commissioners only care about their jobs and the power and prestige they think comes from it. They have "managed" one of best counties in the south into a downward spiral, and this police department suffers as a result. Another school active shooter. Officers have been scolded and fired for not acting, others ran into a gunfight and are heros. The average citizen wants the hero, but with what is happening to law enforcement everywhere I wouldn't go into law enforcement unless I was completely incapable of getting a job somewhere else. That will be the person who responds to your emergency or the one you hope saves your child. The county commission and department command staff could try to make the Cobb County Police Department the best police department anywhere to attract the best heroes possible, but that isn't happening. We appreciate the comments from those of you who do support us and recognize that law enforcement is a difficult task.
It's Sgt. Gaynor, and what a shame that apparently you never got to work next to him. Equally, what a shame that you will call him out by name on a Blog on the internet yet you use the name anonymous...
You live by double edged sword and you should really look in the mirror at what's pointing back at you when you're pretty busy pointing that self-serving finger of yours.
To “Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM”, While my Husband (Sergeant Steven Gaynor) will not respond to your remarks about him on this blog, I will. Like it or not “Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM”, it is still “Sergeant Gaynor” to you. Everyone on the board of the Kermit C. Sanders Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police works for the officers. They are the “voice” of the Cobb Police Department’s Officer’s when they aren’t comfortable speaking out. The FOP “can” affect change by being voice for officers. They don’t get paid to support them - they do it because they care! I don’t know about the other Board Members but Sergeant Gaynor is available 24-7. He truly cares about everyone, even those that don’t feel the same about him. (I know a few of you so believe me, he and I have had this discussion). As the President of the Kermit C. Sanders Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police, Sergeant Gaynor listens to what his fellow officers would like have and see happening within the department. Call him a “politician” if that makes you feel better. Say, “what little face time he can get with the chain of command is based upon him being able to kiss their butts”. As FOP President, he must interact with the Chief, Chairman, Commissioners and various other individuals to bring items to their attention and work toward achieving goals officers would like. No, he doesn’t publicly criticize them like you are doing him on this blog (Which by the way is public). He holds his position to a higher standard and has more integrity. Sergeant Gaynor retired two years ago but recently returned to a part-time position at the training center. His job is to work with Veteran new hires to ensure they receive their government check. This position allows him to work with his fellow officers and new hires. “Paper pushing has its perks”, especially since it is located at the training facility where eventually EVERY OFFICER will pass through. “Ask Officer Gaynor about his daily experience working with the public and if training has helped. My guess is he can't answer because he doesn't deal with the public as a retired part time paper pusher.” This is absurd and hilarious at the same time!!!! You don’t really know him do you?! Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM, I hope at some point you find peace or consider a new career. If you are not happy with what the Kermit C. Sanders, Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police is doing for the Officers or how it is being run, I suggest (if you are a member) that you run for office during the next election. TO THE ADMIN RUNNING THIS BLOG, Please abide by your rules: September open comments 2017 Folks as a general reminder attacks on named individuals in the department will not be posted on this blog. We understand everyone's frustration at recent events and rightfully so however keep it professional. Thank you. Keep it clean: Recently there have been several posts laced with profanity and derogatory remarks targeting specific individuals. If you find your post did not make the blog then you fell in this category. Profanity and comments targeting individuals will not be allowed...
Infighting will not get anything accomplished. I believe our Chief is trying his hardest, and for someone who never worked with/for him before, he seems to be an honorable man. We will never get what we want accomplished with you people acting the way you are. To get change, we need to give them the solution. It worked (for the most part) with the take home program. We explained how it would save money in the long run. Now we just need someone who understands retirement plans better than we do to come up with a pension plan that works for us and the county instead of us botching. At the end of the day though, we need the commissioners to be on our side and understand that we need more funding.
I'm all over the place, but I love this department and want to stay here, but I won't if we can't support each other. If we dont support each other we will never get what we want accomplished.
I'm with you both. This is a great department headed in the right direction. I hired on 18 years ago. There have been ups and downs, and I can testify that we're on an upward trend like I haven't seen before. We still have some hurdles to get over, but I believe that sticking it out will result in a good payoff. I'm not even close to jumping ship. We finally have competent and honorable leadership.
I spent 30 minutes typing comments to some of the above comments. Then deletes it. It doesn't matter what is thought or said here. Gaynor should not have been called out, directly. But he nor anyone that leaves a comment or reads any of these comments are angels. The command staff, the public, most officers don't care. And even if they did nothing will change. Kiss ass, get fires, be warm and fuzzy. It is all BS. Even if we get killed. In 6 months, no one really cares. Do the job or don't. As much as I HATE the saying... It is what it is.... suck it up. I HATE it as much as anyone, but if we want the pay check, we got to do the job, even with all the B.S..
NO RAISES AGAIN. Thank Mr. Chairman for that one. They'll talk about the budget, have a few pep rally's, but if the commissioner who's in a runoff votes against a millage increase in July, we'll be probably lose our Rule of 80, get a few furlough days, pay higher insurance premiums, etc. Balancing the budget on the backs of employee. It's worked for years now and will lead to a further decline in morale as well. It's the Cobb Way. COBB Count On Being Betrayed
Anyone else being held captive at their Pct because they don’t want to lose their take home car (which was supposed to stay with them) ? It’s sad when you’ve stuck by this Dept through all the years of no pay raises, furloughs etc.. You FINALLY get a take home car but now you can’t change pcts unless you can find someone to swap with you who also has a take home car!! Isn’t that why they removed the pct numbers from the car? Some of us take very good care of our vehicles. Others don’t and I don’t want one of their nasty cars. Once again we get punished because the dept/county didn’t do something right. No wonder we can’t keep people here. It’s one thing after another.
Anyone else being held captive at their pcts because you can’t change pcts without losing your take home car that you’ve waited so long for? Some of us have stuck by this Dept through all the years without pay raises, furloughs etc. Now we can’t change pcts unless we get someone to swap who also has a take home car. That’s not how it was supposed to work. That’s why we don’t have pct numbers on the cars. Some of us take good care of our cars. We shouldn’t have to worry about losing it or losing money by driving out povs to the Pct again. Once again we get screwed over because of something the county or Dept didn’t do right. No wonder we can’t keep anyone here.
An officer got permission to drive his take home car 27 miles from 100 Cherokee st from a certain major but an officer at another precinct can't drive his take home car a fraction of a mile over the limit. If you are going to have a rule enforce it the same for everyone.
If you dislike the department as much as some of you seem to, why are you still here? I'll tell you why. You would never survive in the public sector. You would be viewed as a counterproductive cancer you are and surgically removed. Instead, you choose to stay, collect a paycheck, and complain. Frankly, we "the real" officers don't want to work with you, so if you are that unhappy just leave. Honestly, we will enjoy not hearing you whine. Or, garner some courage, ban together and go to the commission meeting and voice your position. At least be productive in that way OR bye.
The Chief wasn't here when the budget was made. He does not write the checks for purchases and he ASKS for funding in the PD budget. He is not some all powerful dictator with an AMEX black card for buying things.
As for uniforms and decals, that money comes out of different pots of money that are allocated within the police budget. It's always been there. He is not spending your baby formula money.
Last time I checked my A/C in my car works, my check showed up on time and my insurance claims get paid.
You can choose to be miserable or choose to come to work and find a way to make it enjoyable. I assure you it is far better than cubicle life somewhere else.
But the chief did half of the 10% specialty pay in the budget and created a 3rd DC. Rob Hassack put 10% in the budget for specialty pay. Now we get 5% and a new DC. Chief LTEC (Let them Eat Cake) strikes again. I wonder if we got to buy the new DC a new charger like the other chiefs.
My career here is halfway over and it has never been tougher to support a family on this paycheck than it is now. The cost of everything is going up and my pay stays the same. Even when we get a merit increase every other year, it only covers rising inflation and health care. I have fully enbraced the slogan "I'm just here for the part times". I hate sacrificing time with family, but the part times are the only thing good right now. The only thing keeping me going is clocking out where I'm underpaid to go clock in where I'm overpaid!!! I've got part time fever!!!
I want to know why my previous comments are not it because the managers of this site don't want the truth..........let's see if you post this....I and others will be watching
Funny how the "leadership" textbooks with all the great ideas are required reading for Sgt and LT candidates, but these leadership principles are often abandoned once the stripes, bars, or other rank is sewn or pinned on. (We do have a few good leaders in the precincts and command staff.) Lead by example? How about the REMF who rides around the stadium, no uniform, vest or gun belt, making it miserable for the front line guys working there. Respect: first Tenet of Conduct and fourth Core Value. Respect is not blindly given to leaders but must be earned. If you want my respect, first respect me.
Is no one else outraged that Chief LTEC took 5% pay from all investigators to fund a 3rd DC and extra major and extra rank positions? He funded this by making front line pay for it. Have the rank and file pay for more brass! He says he is the Chief of transparency, then be transparent about this. He denied all our pay study appeals because he knew he was going to steal from us.
There is a Major, with over 35 yrs in this department, going around telling people he is the next Deputy Chief. If this person gets in that position he will destroy this department and the morale will even be lower. Power hungry!
wow, I usually agree with most things said and add in when i can but last few are way off. I wish some would know about what they are talking about before posting. It would give more credibility to what we are all saying.
From the Smyrna Chief of Police:
ReplyDeleteMonday night the Smyrna City Council passed a recruitment bonus for Police Officers that include:
Non-certified officers $3,000
Certified Officers with 2 years experience from 20+ officer agency $5,000
If the person has 3 years active duty military an additional $1,000.
They also passed the first of its kind, a one time re-enlistment bonus of $5,000 after 5 years of continuous service signing an additional two year contract. $1,000 at signing and $4,000 after completion of the additional 2 years
Anybody know how much Chief Let-them-eat-cake spent on the 3 word decals on the back of the cars? We don't have money for things we need, but we do have money to create "feel good" positions and programs. I still haven't forgotten that we don't have any money for cars, that is until the new car smell wears out of a chief or DC car, then we buy 3 new Dodge Chargers.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the AJC article from May 4 about the credit rating agencies downgrading the county's financial outlook to "negative" due to "fiscal challenges".
Now the $30M hole might be a $55M hole. Meanwhile we're "paying millions out of the general fund" for Suntrust Park. $13,000 for new feel good decals on the cars. "Cobb County doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem". How about spending to recruit and retain officers (see the new Smyrna bonus program above).
It is not a waste of 13,000 on the stickers, we have people in the community calling our behavior super extra like this young girl below who hates the police and put us on the you tube. These stickers will bring about the new "vision" and make everyone like us again.
To say that stickers will make this citizen like the police shows that whoever made that post is out of touch with reality. Nothing will make that citizen like the police. She is already on the take of government assistance and is the only person escalating the event. The weak minded man who is pimped by her is just another noncompluant offender looking for a day of hate. I hope the person that said we can change these people with stickers will visit behavior health like soon. You son are ridiculous!
DeleteFor those of you visiting our site because of the AJC article, welcome. Despite what the command staff (and another "politician" Steve Gaynor) would like you to believe, this site actually represents the opinions of a majority of officers, not the disgruntled few. Ask the chief about attendance at his officer and sergeant meetings. Attendance was pitiful not because there are no problems, but because no one thinks his/her comments will result in change. Officer Gaynor has a lot of reasons to think the way he does. The FOP has no ability to affect change, so what little face time he can get with the chain of command is based upon him being able to kiss their butts. He can't publicly criticize them. Ask Officer Gaynor about his daily experience working with the public and if training has helped. My guess is he can't answer because he doesn't deal with the public as a retired part time paper pusher.
ReplyDeleteMorale in this department is terrible, and grows worse daily as the chain of command micro manages every hour of every shift. The US Supreme Court acknowledges police often make split second decisions and should be given the benefit of the doubt when it occurs. This department does not agree with that philosophy and scrutinizes everything sitting in offices. Soon every officer will feel unable to make a decision, and when they do will stress about whether the decision will result in punishment later.
With our new chief our command staff now have several new uniforms for different events to improve some type of image. Maybe it was just to make them feel more special than insignia on the collar. New decals on the cars will not change the perception of the police by anyone. For those of you who are not officers, please respond and tell me if your perception of the department improved. My guess is you already like the police and are indifferent, or hate the police and still hate the police.
Policing is not "just like any other profession". Officers have the authority to detain and arrest. We have the authority to use deadly force when necessary. Decisions are not made drinking a latte sitting around a conference table. We deal with the people who feel discriminated against even when doing something as simple as speeding. We are required to listen to liars, sit in the same room with child molesters, and tolerate people using profane language and racial slurs toward us that if we said once results in punishment. Our profession is simple and never changes. The chief's job is to adapt to how to present the cold basic facts of the job in a changing environment. My job is to keep dealing with the same crap to the best of my ability. I wish I could count on the chain of command to support me, but I do not.
The county commissioners only care about their jobs and the power and prestige they think comes from it. They have "managed" one of best counties in the south into a downward spiral, and this police department suffers as a result.
Another school active shooter. Officers have been scolded and fired for not acting, others ran into a gunfight and are heros. The average citizen wants the hero, but with what is happening to law enforcement everywhere I wouldn't go into law enforcement unless I was completely incapable of getting a job somewhere else. That will be the person who responds to your emergency or the one you hope saves your child. The county commission and department command staff could try to make the Cobb County Police Department the best police department anywhere to attract the best heroes possible, but that isn't happening.
We appreciate the comments from those of you who do support us and recognize that law enforcement is a difficult task.
Lol, all that typing you must be on leave or morning watch. Stop your whining, cash your county checks, and live a good life.
DeleteIgnorance is truly bliss.
DeleteIt's hard to live a good life when you make $22/hr and don't have a retirement.
It's Sgt. Gaynor, and what a shame that apparently you never got to work next to him. Equally, what a shame that you will call him out by name on a Blog on the internet yet you use the name anonymous...
DeleteYou live by double edged sword and you should really look in the mirror at what's pointing back at you when you're pretty busy pointing that self-serving finger of yours.
To “Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM”,
DeleteWhile my Husband (Sergeant Steven Gaynor) will not respond to your remarks about him on this blog, I will.
Like it or not “Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM”, it is still “Sergeant Gaynor” to you.
Everyone on the board of the Kermit C. Sanders Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police works for the officers. They are the “voice” of the Cobb Police Department’s Officer’s when they aren’t comfortable speaking out. The FOP “can” affect change by being voice for officers. They don’t get paid to support them - they do it because they care!
I don’t know about the other Board Members but Sergeant Gaynor is available 24-7. He truly cares about everyone, even those that don’t feel the same about him. (I know a few of you so believe me, he and I have had this discussion).
As the President of the Kermit C. Sanders Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police, Sergeant Gaynor listens to what his fellow officers would like have and see happening within the department. Call him a “politician” if that makes you feel better. Say, “what little face time he can get with the chain of command is based upon him being able to kiss their butts”. As FOP President, he must interact with the Chief, Chairman, Commissioners and various other individuals to bring items to their attention and work toward achieving goals officers would like. No, he doesn’t publicly criticize them like you are doing him on this blog (Which by the way is public). He holds his position to a higher standard and has more integrity.
Sergeant Gaynor retired two years ago but recently returned to a part-time position at the training center. His job is to work with Veteran new hires to ensure they receive their government check. This position allows him to work with his fellow officers and new hires. “Paper pushing has its perks”, especially since it is located at the training facility where eventually EVERY OFFICER will pass through.
“Ask Officer Gaynor about his daily experience working with the public and if training has helped. My guess is he can't answer because he doesn't deal with the public as a retired part time paper pusher.” This is absurd and hilarious at the same time!!!! You don’t really know him do you?!
Anonymous May 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM, I hope at some point you find peace or consider a new career.
If you are not happy with what the Kermit C. Sanders, Lodge #13 Fraternal Order of Police is doing for the Officers or how it is being run, I suggest (if you are a member) that you run for office during the next election.
Please abide by your rules:
September open comments 2017
Folks as a general reminder attacks on named individuals in the department will not be posted on this blog. We understand everyone's frustration at recent events and rightfully so however keep it professional. Thank you.
Keep it clean: Recently there have been several posts laced with profanity and derogatory remarks targeting specific individuals. If you find your post did not make the blog then you fell in this category. Profanity and comments targeting individuals will not be allowed...
Infighting will not get anything accomplished. I believe our Chief is trying his hardest, and for someone who never worked with/for him before, he seems to be an honorable man. We will never get what we want accomplished with you people acting the way you are. To get change, we need to give them the solution. It worked (for the most part) with the take home program. We explained how it would save money in the long run. Now we just need someone who understands retirement plans better than we do to come up with a pension plan that works for us and the county instead of us botching. At the end of the day though, we need the commissioners to be on our side and understand that we need more funding.
ReplyDeleteI'm all over the place, but I love this department and want to stay here, but I won't if we can't support each other. If we dont support each other we will never get what we want accomplished.
Agreed, DeKalb County is considering a Police-Fire type pension in an effort to attract and retain officers.
DeleteSee the link below:
I'm with you both. This is a great department headed in the right direction. I hired on 18 years ago. There have been ups and downs, and I can testify that we're on an upward trend like I haven't seen before. We still have some hurdles to get over, but I believe that sticking it out will result in a good payoff. I'm not even close to jumping ship. We finally have competent and honorable leadership.
DeleteI spent 30 minutes typing comments to some of the above comments. Then deletes it. It doesn't matter what is thought or said here. Gaynor should not have been called out, directly. But he nor anyone that leaves a comment or reads any of these comments are angels. The command staff, the public, most officers don't care. And even if they did nothing will change. Kiss ass, get fires, be warm and fuzzy. It is all BS. Even if we get killed. In 6 months, no one really cares. Do the job or don't. As much as I HATE the saying... It is what it is.... suck it up. I HATE it as much as anyone, but if we want the pay check, we got to do the job, even with all the B.S..
ReplyDeleteNO RAISES AGAIN. Thank Mr. Chairman for that one. They'll talk about the budget, have a few pep rally's, but if the commissioner who's in a runoff votes against a millage increase in July, we'll be probably lose our Rule of 80, get a few furlough days, pay higher insurance premiums, etc. Balancing the budget on the backs of employee. It's worked for years now and will lead to a further decline in morale as well. It's the Cobb Way. COBB Count On Being Betrayed
ReplyDeleteAnyone else being held captive at their Pct because they don’t want to lose their take home car (which was supposed to stay with them) ? It’s sad when you’ve stuck by this Dept through all the years of no pay raises, furloughs etc.. You FINALLY get a take home car but now you can’t change pcts unless you can find someone to swap with you who also has a take home car!! Isn’t that why they removed the pct numbers from the car? Some of us take very good care of our vehicles. Others don’t and I don’t want one of their nasty cars. Once again we get punished because the dept/county didn’t do something right. No wonder we can’t keep people here. It’s one thing after another.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else being held captive at their pcts because you can’t change pcts without losing your take home car that you’ve waited so long for? Some of us have stuck by this Dept through all the years without pay raises, furloughs etc. Now we can’t change pcts unless we get someone to swap who also has a take home car. That’s not how it was supposed to work. That’s why we don’t have pct numbers on the cars. Some of us take good care of our cars. We shouldn’t have to worry about losing it or losing money by driving out povs to the Pct again. Once again we get screwed over because of something the county or Dept didn’t do right. No wonder we can’t keep anyone here.
ReplyDeleteAn officer got permission to drive his take home car 27 miles from 100 Cherokee st from a certain major but an officer at another precinct can't drive his take home car a fraction of a mile over the limit. If you are going to have a rule enforce it the same for everyone.
ReplyDeleteIf you dislike the department as much as some of you seem to, why are you still here? I'll tell you why. You would never survive in the public sector. You would be viewed as a counterproductive cancer you are and surgically removed. Instead, you choose to stay, collect a paycheck, and complain. Frankly, we "the real" officers don't want to work with you, so if you are that unhappy just leave. Honestly, we will enjoy not hearing you whine. Or, garner some courage, ban together and go to the commission meeting and voice your position. At least be productive in that way OR bye.
ReplyDeleteNews Flash.....People need to grow up.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief wasn't here when the budget was made. He does not write the checks for purchases and he ASKS for funding in the PD budget. He is not some all powerful dictator with an AMEX black card for buying things.
As for uniforms and decals, that money comes out of different pots of money that are allocated within the police budget. It's always been there. He is not spending your baby formula money.
Last time I checked my A/C in my car works, my check showed up on time and my insurance claims get paid.
You can choose to be miserable or choose to come to work and find a way to make it enjoyable. I assure you it is far better than cubicle life somewhere else.
But the chief did half of the 10% specialty pay in the budget and created a 3rd DC. Rob Hassack put 10% in the budget for specialty pay. Now we get 5% and a new DC. Chief LTEC (Let them Eat Cake) strikes again. I wonder if we got to buy the new DC a new charger like the other chiefs.
DeleteThis site running ?
ReplyDeleteMy career here is halfway over and it has never been tougher to support a family on this paycheck than it is now. The cost of everything is going up and my pay stays the same. Even when we get a merit increase every other year, it only covers rising inflation and health care. I have fully enbraced the slogan "I'm just here for the part times". I hate sacrificing time with family, but the part times are the only thing good right now. The only thing keeping me going is clocking out where I'm underpaid to go clock in where I'm overpaid!!! I've got part time fever!!!
ReplyDeleteI want to know why my previous comments are not it because the managers of this site don't want the truth..........let's see if you post this....I and others will be watching
ReplyDeleteFunny how the "leadership" textbooks with all the great ideas are required reading for Sgt and LT candidates, but these leadership principles are often abandoned once the stripes, bars, or other rank is sewn or pinned on. (We do have a few good leaders in the precincts and command staff.) Lead by example? How about the REMF who rides around the stadium, no uniform, vest or gun belt, making it miserable for the front line guys working there. Respect: first Tenet of Conduct and fourth Core Value. Respect is not blindly given to leaders but must be earned. If you want my respect, first respect me.
ReplyDeleteIs no one else outraged that Chief LTEC took 5% pay from all investigators to fund a 3rd DC and extra major and extra rank positions? He funded this by making front line pay for it. Have the rank and file pay for more brass! He says he is the Chief of transparency, then be transparent about this. He denied all our pay study appeals because he knew he was going to steal from us.
ReplyDeleteThere is a Major, with over 35 yrs in this department, going around telling people he is the next Deputy Chief. If this person gets in that position he will destroy this department and the morale will even be lower. Power hungry!
ReplyDeletewow, I usually agree with most things said and add in when i can but last few are way off. I wish some would know about what they are talking about before posting. It would give more credibility to what we are all saying.