Saturday, December 16, 2017

Keep it clean

Recently there have been several posts laced with profanity and derogatory remarks targeting specific individuals.  If you find your post did not make the blog then you fell in this category.  Profanity and comments targeting individuals will not be allowed on this blog.  Thank you.


  1. What you actually mean, is that if you touch a nerve of one of these tiny heart syndrome having individuals that have assisted in destroying a great agency. The Cobb County PD of yesterday had died. IT will never again be reborn. I mean lets look at logic. Homeland Security Unit
    1. Major
    1. Captain
    1. Lieutenant
    1. Sergeant
    1. Officer

    All that will get exceeds standards on a meaningless eval system. This will reduce the ability to give that BS recognition to a deserving beat officer who is actually working to keep citizens safe.

    Tells me it will be a unit heavy in supervision and small on actual productivity for the citizens of Cobb County. In other word. A WASTE OF MONEY CHIEF. Yes this is your call and your hands will be all over this decision. 1 Major = How many Officers? 1 Captain = How many Officers? 1 Lieutenant = How many Officers?

  2. the county spends millions on libraries, yet no raises for 6 of the last 10 years...

  3. So they've now corrected Sgt and Lt pay ! didn't realize we were having a hard time keeping them !!
