Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June open comments


  1. Transparency is needed on Sgt's list...Tired of secret lists and command staff who can put personal opinions to destroy good officers...lets stop the "good ole boy system".

  2. You mean like the secret practice session at training and a certain Major who met with a candidate in his office and that candidate was promoted to Lieutenant. You mean that good ole boy system?

  3. To all of the officers STILL BEING FORCED to work for the Braves, on their off days, against their will, at their regular hourly rate (while the part timers get extra holiday pay on top of their $40-$50 an hour), in the rain, on a holiday, and at the Cobb taxpayers' expense of nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR, I say good luck and stay safe. Hopefully Chief Register will do the right thing and put an end to this travesty.

