Thursday, May 4, 2017

May open comments


  1. It’s all about LEVERAGE

    Verb 2
    use (something) to maximum advantage.
    "the organization needs to leverage its key resources"

    For three years, Cobb Officers have waited on the County Board of Commissioners to correct issues with retention and recruiting to beef up the Police Department before the Braves first pitch. Well first pitch was over two week ago and we’re still in the same leaking boat. Cobb County Police lost 350 officers in the last 5 years. It still falls on deaf ears.

    Officers tried to push the Commissioners to make corrections in pay and even attended the BOC meetings wearing Blue T shirts, but what we didn’t have at that time was leverage. The BOC teased us with a pay study that shut us up for two plus years. But then gave us nothing while voting themselves 30% raises.

    Brothers and Sisters, I’m here to tell you that we now have leverage and LOTS OF IT. It’s going to test us as a group but If we stand together in solidarity we can win. We don’t have a union to fight for us so we must fight for each other.

    We as Officers have been taken for granted for far too long, it’s time to use our leverage. The BOC brought the Atlanta Braves to Cobb County spent millions and millions on SunTrust Park and Battery Atlanta. What did they do for The Cobb County Police Department? They offered us a part time job making $40 an hour.

    So, what’s our leverage? Don’t sign up to work any SunTrust Park or Battery Atlanta activities until we get a 15% across the board pay raise. The Battery and SunTrust park are part times and are NOT required to work. If you committed to work 25 games like I did, there are 70+ game left. Wait them out!

    Asking for 15% isn’t too much. Cobb County has the money.

    On 3/22/17 the State of Georgia approved an “additional” 20% raise for their state law enforcement officers for a total of 40% in two years back to back. Now GSP has the pick of the crop.

    So, what are the repercussions? STEP, Motors, DUI, TAC, K9 and Rangers will be forced to work every game until the BOC gives us our due. The BOC will cave! They can’t work special ops like that and take them away for their regular duties. The community and the media will hammer the BOC.

    The Atlanta Braves will not let the bowl go without Law Enforcement support, they CAN’T!

    The national media will pick up the story. The local media will run stories and will hammer the BOC.

    Ducimus will be front and center with all of Cobb’s dirty laundry pasted all over it.

    Boyce said maybe Public Safety can get a raise in the 2019 budget! NOT GOING TO CUT IT.

    Cobb Officers made the County look good during the first Braves home stand. I saw the upper echelon strut around in the stadium with their chest out like “thanks to me”. Yep!! Thanks to “YOU” I wrote THIS!

    1. I think you're on to something. Boyce has failed to follow through on his promises. He points the finger at his predecessor and says his hands are tied. What about the rest of the BOC? They were all present and accounted for when this Braves debacle started.

      They find money for what's important to them: Braves, parks and libraries.

      They have made it clear they could care less about public safety by their actions.

      I, like most officers and fire personnel, refuse to slack off on the services to the citizens I took an oath to protect.

      The Braves are a private entity getting richer and richer on the tax payers some though and I owe them nothing.

      It's time we say No More! And it's not just about money. Make the fix the manpower shortages while they're at it before they get one of us hurt!

      Your precious SunTrust Park would be a disaster without the hard work of the public safety personnel you refuse to support!

    2. Great idea!!!
      I have been working STP, but there are plenty of other part-times I can work instead.
      There are 2 easy traffic part-times that never completely get filled and always looking for officers. And if you prefer standing on your part-times, like at STP, there's a venue (M.E.) just 5 minutes south of STP that now pays $50/hr and it never gets filled. If you don't know about the 2 traffic part-times, ask around and have someone help you get on the email list. And for the M.E. part-time at $50, you've seen it offered on your county email at least twice this week.
      Guys, think about it, half to two thirds of the department were hired in the last five years and most are millenials. And everyone knows that most of them don't work part-times to begin with, so they fall into the "leverage" by default.
      And to those that did commit to the 25 games, I encourage, as does anyone else on this site, to honor your commitment.
      It shows we are men & women of our word despite how we are being treated and maybe Cobb County will see what Honor and Integrity looks like.
      But after that, find a part-time any where else other than in and around STP.
      I think a 15% raise across the board is MORE than FAIR and REASONABLE. I truly believe a 20% raise is even more appropriate since GSP got a 40% raise in the last two years.
      For once let's fight for ourselves with the same drive and passion we fight for the citizens of Cobb.
      It will be demanding and hard on the officers in special ops, but believe me they know, understand, and are ready for the "leverage" to begin.
      No More Part-times at STP!!!

  2. GENIUS!!! I've not been down there so i'm already boycotting it.

  3. OK...OK... It's time for show and tell. Let's see which way the Command Staff pushes! They come down on us for not signing up? or they push up to the BOC. "We can't make them work a part time! Funny, how things work out in this world. The Dude's got a point. I'm all in!

  4. It's a good thing the Braves and the pay has been such a big deal on here lately. We sure wouldn't want anyone to remember the flawed promotional process and the improper practice sessions held by the upper command that has been swept under the rug. One of those helped got promoted. Typical"Cobb Way". Disappointed in the interim Chief for looking the other way on this.

  5. I'm in.
    I didn't commit to 25 games, so as of today it's back to the interstate for me. $40/hr is $40/hr, be it on the interstate or at SunTrust Park. And it's true about M.E. being $50/hr now.
    WE HAVE THE POWER and the circumstances can't be any better for all of US. Again it comes down to priorities. Public Safety (DS,FF's, and PO's) gets a 20% raise across the board which is Very Fair and Very Reasonable in fiscal year 2018 (October 2017). And the braves get their police officers back.
    And if not, it will be all over the news/social media how and why the Cobb Police officers are not at SunTrust Park. The BOC and the braves CANNOT afford the black eye it would cause.
    And for those that say they would just hire deputies to work the part-time, I say good luck because of one simple word. PARITY!!! We all benefit from refusing to work the part-time. See you on the interstate.

  6. I know where the Cobb Board of Commissioners can come up with $7M in a hurry to get the raise for Public Safety started by this October.
    Solution: N70CR

    1. The BOC has plenty of money, With a AAA rating the BOC could easily find the money to pay a 15% public safety raise for one year and then budget for the next few years. I KNOW for fact the County has raised the property values, not the mileage rate, My parents live in Cobb and their property went up $50 G's for a west Cobb home! Boyce thinks he's slick but I bet he's a one term'er. My parents have friends at 100 Cherokee St and everyone HATES Boyce!! They say he rules with an iron fist. Weatherford wouldn't piss on Boyce if he was on fire. That's a quote!!

  7. Great idea! Except for one flaw… LOL, no one wants to work down there anyway. So even if Boyce caved and gave us the 15% no one would still work down there. The fact is the newness is wearing off and the numbers of officers willing to work are getting slimmer. During the part time negations, the Braves weren’t willing to pay $40 per and caved. So, if you think the Braves are going to up the PT $ to match the parking PT $ your wrong. The Brave said F the Cobb Officers we’ll just hire more security felons.
    Officers will soon be going back to the paving, security and light traffic direction part times. The Braves PT will be for fools.

  8. A small ray of sunshine with the passing of the new Annual Leave and Bereavement policy. Of course its only so that we are not worse than the surrounding areas but a improvement is a improvement. However until either a pay increase (10-20%) or a change to the retirement plan I do not believe they will not stop the exodus.

  9. What am I going to do with two extra days? I already have over 480 hrs and some officers around me have over 500! Yes, I've been here over 15 years and every year I get a letter from the county that I have to burn 30 to 60 hours or give it back. Without giving away my identity, I can't burn that kinda time without getting behind. A pay raise would have gone a long way. I can't even remember a COLA in the last 10 years, that's way over due. I love my job and the guy's I work with are the best. The morale is pretty low because of several reasons, goose eggs from the pay study, take home car program stall and what seem's to be a lack of support from the County Commissioners. The younger officers are all upset about the retirement plan or lack there of. I can't blame them, I'm on the old plan. Maybe the younger officers should boycott the STP too.

  10. Should be interesting to see how the new Chief will address these issues. I hear that the BOC is going to hire from the outside and apparently that will be Mike Register. Guess we will see!

  11. How about we bring pack the pension system for ONLY PUBLIC SAFETY. We are the only ones having trouble keeping people and the county will be able to afford it.

  12. Saw the article the AJC put up detailing the traffic plan at SunTrust Park. I like how all the commissioners in place when the deal went down started backpedaling when asked why on duty resources we're being used at the taxpayers expense. Everyone knew from day one the county was planning on paying for the traffic plan. Heaton stepped up and admitted it. If you haven't figured it out by now, the braves management is concerned about money and money alone. If the braves want something they go directly to the commissioners and get exactly what they want when they want it. I won't lift one finger to help the braves organization earn a dime. That includes inside or outside the stadium.

  13. I wondered if the county owning a jet was true so I looked up the tail number posted above and what do ya know. A multi million dollar jet belonging to the Cobb county development authority. And I'm sure none of our commissioners or county leaders have ever set foot on it.....

    1. Also noticed under "Registration" for Cobb's jet it said "Government" and not Co-Owned, Corporation, or
      Nevermind, it's not uncommon for other metro counties to have aircraft also.
      Kinda like how 4 out of 6 of Clayton County Police Department's active aircrafts say Government under Registration.
      Or how DeKalb County Police Department's 3 Eurocopters say Government under Registration.

  14. Has anyone noticed how much Boyce is the stadium and sitting in the "suites" can't imagine how that happened. I'm sure there are no deals being made during those games. (Sarcasm)

  15. Per ODMP
    As of today 05-16-17 the 2017 Law Enforcement Officers Fatality Statistics are:
    Total: 50 +35%
    Gunfire:18 +6%
    Auto: 21 +62%
    Other: 11 +57%

    I think a 20% raise across the board is Very Fair and Very Reasonable.

    1. Cobb is one of the richest counties in Georgia and can definitely afford to give Public Safety a 20% raise across the board.

  16. So on MDJ posted on 05-18-17 was the article "Cobb Police Department Review: Staffing a Major Issue".
    In the article it keyed in on the IACP's report of the lack of manpower. How although the PD has an authorized strength of 690 officers, we only have a working strength of 636 officers (wasn't surprised).
    But the report went on to say of those 636, 53 were recruits that effectively did not count as functional sworn personnel, and putting the PD at 107 positions below the PD's authorized strength.
    The report also said the PD's attrition rate is about 60 officers a year. The IACP deemed the PD's manpower as "critical" and recommended Cobb adjust it's authorized strength to 750 officers on order to maintain operational minimums and fill "crucial" positions throughout the PD.

    1. Yes that was a good article and it was nice to see the issue getting some attention. The SO is just as bad with many unfilled positions and I would not be surprise if their attrition rate was as high or even higher.

  17. GSP has a man power issue also and obviously has come up with a solution. Since GSP has gotten a 40% raise in the last two fiscal years, GSP's applications nearly quadrupled and now a Trooper after completing Trooper school makes more than a Cobb officer with 10-12 years at $55k a year. Think about what I just said, let it resonate for a minute. After finishing a six month academy you're making $55k a year. And let's not forget when you reach 6 years as a Trooper you top out at $74k. And retaining officers would never be an issue again.
    Think of the number of people that would apply and the number of laterals we would get to apply.
    Once folks would find out that a Cobb officer was topped out in 6 years we finally would lead and others would follow us again.

  18. I think this is worth posting again for those new to the site:

    Anonymous March 24, 2017 at 10:58 AM
    Looked what "happened over night".
    To the Cobb BOC,
    On 03.22.17 the State of Georgia legislatures approved an additional 20% raise for their state law enforcement officers for a total of 40%, in two years, back to back.
    For those that don't think GSP's raise effects Cobb? Consider this, 12 of the 51 posts service 12 of the closest counties in the metro area at a micro perspective. And that's approximately 25% of all patrol posts.
    Also when you consider that 7 of the 12 special ops posts service the same metro counties, you're now at approximately 30% of all GSP posts service Bartow, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, and Paulding.
    Now consider that most Troopers don't want to work the metro area (as mentioned on earlier posts), now at a conservative number someone has a 30-50% chance of getting one of the 12 GSP posts.
    Not to mention, GSP will put new Troopers right out of the academy in a special ops unit (i.e. Motors). Special Ops includes GSP's version of Motors, STEP, SWAT, and Task Force.

  19. I left CCPD for GSP a number of years ago but I manage to keep in touch with a couple officers Cobb was lucky enough to retain. I frequently see some misinformed posts about a 40% pay raise. Let me just clear the air and tell you GSP only received a 20% pay raise. A “slick-sleeve” Trooper tops out just under 61k not the 74k mentioned above. I’ll place our benchmark pay scale below so you all can see for yourself.
    Cadet: $36,100
    Trooper: $46,422
    TFC1: $51,552
    TFC2: $56,707
    TFC3: $61,825
    Corporal: $68,007
    Sergeant: $74,808
    SFC: $82,289
    Lieutenant: $90,518

    1. Former Cobb,
      Thanks for the info. How many years to make TFC1? I also have 10-12 years with Cobb and make just a grand or two more than a TFC1?
      Is the other post pretty accurate about the GSP Posts in Metro Atlanta?

    2. TFC1 is made after an 18 month probationary period. So basically 18 months after your Trooper School graduation date. Each step after TFC1 is 18 months from the prior. Also, our Nighthawks unit receives a 10% incentive (so a ranking Trooper would make the salary of a TFC1) ; Dive and SWAT an additional 5%.

      Chances are extremely high for a metro Atlanta assignment. They're immediate staffing needs throughout Troop C and Troop A.

  20. Crime is up, shootings are off the chain, more folks fighting and shooting at cops then ever before. Two officer involved shootings this week but hey who cares right? As long as we have money for parks and an airplane to fly executives around in. Beatings will continue until morale improves.

  21. Based on the last 10 years nothing will improve for Public Safety. It is always lip service and "atta-boys" on holiday weekends from the regime's cellphone thanking us for making them look good.
    That's why half the PD has less than 7 years. All the years of NEGLECT by the BOC and nothing will change. And because the BOC refuses to pay Public Safety a Fair and Reasonable raise the quality of people applying is below average from what the norm used to be. Cobb is slowly becoming a DeCobb County and the BOC is to blame.

    1. This has to be the dumbest comment I have ever seen on this site. Really? There has not been any improvement for the officers in the last 10 years? If you really believe it is that bad then who is to blame for you staying here?

  22. Tired of seeing careers ruined by DUI.
