This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Monday, April 3, 2017
April open comments
The merit raises I've received the past few years now mean NOTHING with the new pay study. I could've slacked off and get paid the same. Thanks commissioners!!! You almost make DeKalb County look competent. You people say all the right things but do NOTHING. We should do a study on the Commissioners to see if we should recall them.
Also the appeal process; What CAN you appeal if you can't appeal for seniority, work performance, or amount of work. I also can't appeal because I was not not told that I could do a PDQ. At my precinct, the FTO's were forced to sit with these lunatics for a few hours.
Someone please give me good news... it could be about ANYTHING. I see no reason to be productive anymore let alone a reason to stay.
What would be great is a 20% raise. I see world peace happening before that.
What was the point of spending money on this pay study when the highest percentage and the backbone of this department (patrol) all see a zero on how it affects them? Aslo, spare me the GSP, back in my day, and stop crying comments. I'm not mad about what I make. I'm mad about the amount and time spent on something to tell me what the rumor policy told us day one.
You want good news? I'll give it to you, you can work for the Braves...Consider yourself lucky and you should pay the commissioners and the interim Chief to be able to take the boning you are privy to... But by the way...Don't you dare take your steerage ass down to that stadium until your asked to... Remember your are something special and God don't make no junk as long as the chief and the braves want you to work traffic and part times for the Braves....Other than that you keep your leper ass away from that beloved stadium.... You see world peace, I say buy yourself a bag of frozen peas and get world peas my friend...It used to be said GTAC good things are coming...But with the current regime in power at the Cobb County Police Department I say BOHICA...Bend over here it comes again...And again....And again....And again.....Stay lubed my friends!
Yea I couldn't agree with you more. The email from the chief, or excuse me, the interim Chief was pretty condescending...about staying away from the stadium. You know you, " the command staff", and Braves management can handle it yourselves if you want...Oh wait....No you can't...My bad....
Cobb County has essentially implemented a 10 salary step plan. The minimum starting salary is now going to be $40,014 a year and at 10 years your top out / maximum salary at $50,018 a year. That's brilliant! Can someone please tell me how much Cobb County paid the Archer Company to add $1,000 a year for every year in grade for the first 10 years. Yeah, I know the new maximum salary is $64,000 a year, but I see no step plan for those officers above the Midpoint or below Maximum salary. Eventually the second half of the salary step plan will be revealed and I suspect another 10-12 years to reach Maximum Salary from the Midpoint. But Wow, that first $1,000 a year raise from 40,014 a year to 41,015 (or Year 1) almost matches the 2.7% US Inflation Rate for the last 12 months ending in February of 2017. I know I'm a simple officer, but something tells me that as an officer gets closer the to Year 10/$50,018/Midpoint, that $1,000 a year raise gets even further from matching the 2.7% Inflation Rate. Now apparently Cobb County or the Archer Company never read GSU's, Office of Planning and Budget, Ken Heaghney's "Georgia Economic Trends and Outlook December 2015" report or his "Georgia Economic Trends and Outlook December 2016" as did the State of Georgia when they prepared the state budget for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017. In the reports, page 4 for both reports, Personal Income is discussed and simply put from 2014-2016 Personal Income in Georgia has averaged over 5.0% year after year growth over that period. By my math that's at least 15%. I wonder how much of an influence those reports had on the State of Georgia's decision to give their law enforcement officers a total of a 40% raise, in the last two fiscal year budgets?
Now that the new Classification & Pay Study has been implemented, it's obvious that RETAINMENT is not a priority! I bet this wakes the sleeping giant again like Cobb County did between '11-'14. I hope my newer brothers and sisters are paying attention.
Congratulations Cobb BOC for rewarding those that have were not here during the furloughs and no pay raises. BOC you made sure those of us that stuck it out know exactly how you feel about us. We will not forget it come election time. Cobb County cares nothing about their long term employees. Remember this you new employees. It will too happen to you!
Wait...Wait....Wait.... Don't forget not only did they "stick it" to those who have "stuck it out" they gave that director of public safety and Tony Hagler those enormous raises....What was the amount of those raises? Tens of thousands of dollars right? If I am wrong please correct me... But I mean damn, those two are the glue that binds us together, without those pillars we would crumble.... BOHICA, Stay lubed my friends!
You are a wizard, you come stacked with facts that cannot be argued with. Just judging by the silence in all the other posts I doubt very seriously anyone will challenge your credible information. Like the old saying goes " knowledge is power" and if the powers that be could shut this site down I believe they would. Keep posting and informing us, I thank you whoever you are. P.S. please remain anonymous, there are moles about!
I don't know if retainment has ever been a real issue, perhaps with Chief Houser it was. I believe the only priority right now is the Braves, that's all "they" care about. I believe even Boyce said something to the effect of "failure is not an option" so you can see where the priorities lie. As an officer of the Cobb County Police Department you are expendable. As long as the big wigs and Braves succeed who cares if you stay or go? "They surely don't!"
The three H's should go immediately. Hankerson,Hagler and Heaton but they will stay around and continue to run this county into the ground. I was hoping that Boyce would bring in Forsyth as the county manager but that would be too much of a good thing. Hagler is incompetent and Heaton is a yes man so we are doomed. No one stands up for the veteran officer's anymore. We will soon be DeCobb County.
Thanks Cobb County BOC for screwing over the County's dedicated career oriented officers and sergeants out of a fair and reasonable raise. And let's not forget the castration job, I mean the reclassification, of the lieutenants by making them managerial. But it is the County's M.O. to illogically look out for it's self before it's employees. Case in point, the absurd furloughs over the libraries. And time after time the County is taking advantage of the officers, sergeants, and lieutenants personality of dedication and service. I'm offended that Cobb County would do such a thing to such a group of people, that on a daily basis put others before themselves, make split second life changing decisions, and also multimillion dollar decisions. And for the record, and to put it all into perspective, as of today 33 police officers have been killed in the line of duty for 2017.
I couldn't agree with you more. Yea, I had better hopes for Boyce too but after all he is a politician. So far he has put his pretty Puma's on and kicked the s#@! out of that can down the road. Except for the Braves of course...We will not fail! Moo....Moo...Goes the Cobb County cash cow! But if he may go on the record, "the county is broke and he is not a crook". Couldn't agree with you more on Forsyth, he should be brought back. The man had a set of stones to step up and tell it like it is and even called out Hankerson. With that said, as long as Hankerson and Heaton are here Boyce won't bring him back and we ARE doomed. Hell they renewed Hankerson's contract and that dude has been supressing the police department since he has been here. Not to mention Hankerson is probably the most truthful and honest person in the county (NOT)! Hey, Heaton and Hagler how's your fat raises working out for you and your families? Heaton a yes man, understament of the year brother. You can go back to past posts here where the folks tore him a new one! And by new one I mean TORE him a new one. Talk about Kool aid, when I hear Heaton I think "Oh Yea" and expect a big red glass pitcher man to come crashing through my wall to give me a big savory gulp of county Kool aid. You hear that? Yea me too, not a thing.
$0.0 raise veteran checking in. I hope none of you that got 49'd by the county are working any part times at the stadium. I say it's time we show "them" that they need us more than we need them. Who is down for a Braves boycott? Oh wait, I think that already happened. Anyone remember the "there will be no mandatory overtime" promise? I bet special ops does...
As the PD continues to deteriorate through the continued lack of attention by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners, we will be a DeCobb County Police Department, and the latin phrase on our patch will need to be changed to: "Nos Relinquo Ceteri Sequuntur".
I am a special ops guy. I remember the promise of no forced overtime well. Anyone who tries to say it isn't happening is a flat out liar. All of traffic services and most of the other special ops, bomb, k9, Tac have to be at every game. They have no choice. They have to leave their families for 7, 10, 12 game streaks. And most of us opened a 0.00 raise. Cause that's what the county thinks we are worth. They have no problem destroying our families but won't even pay us enough to try and make up for it. We waited 3 years for GTAC and what did we get? Shift Diff? Oh that's right. Most of the people forced to work 12 nights in a row have been denied it because it's "not their regular assigned shift".
10 Cities Where Police Officers Earn Less Than the Average Wage PoliceOne has uncovered numerous areas where LEO's salaries are lower than average. Mar 31, 2017
By Megan Wells, PoliceOne Contributor
Some argue that paying officers a higher salary can go a long way to improving community relations. Not only would increased wages incentivize stronger recruits, it can also boost the morale of the existing workforce. PoliceOne analyzed 450 areas to see how LEO wages measured up to other occupations. 59 areas are guilty of paying officer less than the average wage. We've listed the top 10 offenders below, and included an interactive map detailing which areas are below the mark when it comes to paying law enforcement officers. HERE ARE THE TOP 10 AREAS WITH THE LARGEST DIFFERENCE IN PAY 1. Mobile, Alabama LEO average salary: $32,600 All industry average salary: $42,060 Difference in annual wage: -$9,460 2. Durham, North Carolina LEO average salary: $47,640 All industry average salary: $56,980 Difference in annual wage: -$9,340 3. Jackson, Mississippi LEO average salary: $33,990 All industry average salary: $40,980 Difference in annual wage: -$6,990 4. Pearl, Mississippi LEO average salary: $33,990 All industry average salary: $40,980 Difference in annual wage: -$6,990 5. Augusta, Georgia LEO average salary: $35,570 All industry average salary: $42,320 Difference in annual wage: -$6,750 6. Atlanta, Georgia LEO average salary: $43,260 All industry average salary: $49,430 Difference in annual wage: -$6,170 7. Sandy Springs, Georgia LEO average salary: $43,260 All industry average salary: $49,430 Difference in annual wage: -$6,170 8. Johns Creek, Georgia LEO average salary: $43,260 All industry average salary: $49,430 Difference in annual wage: -$6,170 9. Alpharetta, Georgia LEO average salary: $43,260 All industry average salary: $49,430 Difference in annual wage: -$6,170 10. Gulfport, Mississippi LEO average salary: $35,530 All industry average salary: $41,190 Difference in annual wage: -$5,660
Full methodology: We used the 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) salary data, to identify the mean wage in 450 metro areas for all occupations. BLS collects wage data over the course of a three-year period that samples nearly 1.2 establishments and allows for a detailed estimate of salary data based on geography, industry, and occupation. Using the same set of data we identified the mean wage for LEOs in the same 450 metro areas.
Yea the word is out around the precincts that the special ops folks are getting it from both sides. You can't really blames folks for not wanting to go over there and work overtime and off days to get treated like them. Maybe that's why there are so few volunteers and post left open.
Yea I heard the higher ups just ride around looking for things to complain about or the cameras pick you up and anything that you are doing wrong, everyone in the cushy command center let's you know...So c'mon down on your off days.
If they really cared about those that are "voluntold" to work traffic, the county would provide a more comfortable uniform such as polo shirt, like viper wear, and bdu pants and ball caps with tennis shoes or more comfortable boots. The only problem is that would mean we would have to change from doing it the "Cobb Way" for a change and with certain people in charge that won't happen. I know that Chief Cox will actually get out in the road and help direct traffic but the other 2 Deputy Chiefs only walk around trying to find something you are doing wrong. Oh and don't forget about Heaton watching for officers using their phone to look at the app that was provided to us to help the visitors get around. Then he will call a Deputy Chief to tell us to not use our phone.
Chief, Deputy Chiefs, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants.... DO any of you read these posts anymore, are you paying attention anymore? If you aren't then you should. No one become a cop to be rich, the money isn't the real problem here. We have a major morale issue that is being ignore by the chain of command. The pay study and the end results just add to everything else but are not the cause. We have become a stat driven department yet we ignore our internal stats. All shifts in all precincts routinely work with open beats every week but you want those officers to bring in the same amount of citations and arrests as before, in some cases you want more to make up for the open beats. Your younger officers can stop a car and write a ticket like nobody's business but if they go on real call, requiring a report and follow up, they are unclear as to how to handle it and the intricate details. It is not their fault in the least, they were pushed through, in many cases even when they shouldn't have been. And then when they are released they get told how great they are when they write 100 tickets and get 10 arrests for suspended/no license or small bags of weed. If their numbers drop because they are taking some classes, getting out and meeting the community they police, or start working on other areas of policing that interest them they are talked to about self initiated activity. Stat driven officers are not well rounded but that is all that it seems supervision wants anymore. Now is the time to help our officers grow, to stop riding them, and to show them that someone actually has an interest in them and their careers. With our turnover rate we have very few who see this as a career anymore, it is now just a job.
In defense of the above listed Command Staff, I have a personal friendship with several of them. I KNOW that if it were up to them, we would be the highest paid officers in the country. Problem is they don't get to make that decision. Also, they get heat from their bosses too. The Command Staff didn't bring the Braves, didn't lower the mileage rate, didn't ask for the stupid Dekalb County pay study. Recruiting is difficult for every police dept. YES raises are over DUE but lets focus our attention where it belongs... the County Commissioners. Stats driven... maybe I'm not in a Pct. I will say this, Stats aren't a important as the Braves!
The Command Staff does read these blog posts. I heard that one of the C.S. was reading the blog, on his phone, while DRIVING, in his assigned VEHICLE! :o
Now wait a minute, I'll by just smidge of what you're trying to sell. I'll agree that "some" command staff would like to see the PD get the pay we deserve. Especially our recently retired Chief. I'll even partially agree that not all of the command staff wanted the braves. But I don't care what else you say, the command staff has the power to tell the Braves no. They have the power to tell those commissioners no when it comes to the Braves and having a 'whatever it takes" attitude in regards to the Braves. How many other businesses in the county does the command staff force officers to go and work specifically for the business on duty and at the expense of the tax payers. None, that's how many. Every Braves position, "ALL" of them should be a part-time position that is paid for by the Braves plain and simple.
HaHa, yea the Command staff has the power to say no but when they do, the Braves call a Commissioner, the Commissioner calls Heaton, Heaton calls the Chief. The Chief argues his point and stands his ground. Heaton tells him don't care do it anyway, gives him a direct order. Case in point, Officer involved shootings are investigated by the GBI that as our CAP Code 10 how to!
There's plenty of things that are within the power of the command staff to make happen, that would boost morale and benefit the department, and they are either afraid or unwilling to do it. And I'm not talking about pay, it's the little things that add up to make a difference.
Well I guess according to you we are doomed. Is it all officer involved shootings or did they go back to picking and choosing? I'll agree with you when it comes to Heaton, he is no good for the police department. That has been put out on Ducimus time and time again. It will continue to be until the day he leaves. They should dissolve that position all together.
One of these poor Special Ops guys that are stuck doing mandatory traffic ALONG WITH their regular shift will get into a horrific accident because they are tired, and the County will be sued for about as much as they put into the Brave$, and rightfully so. What will be the plan then? There's not one. This needs to be fixed now because it is dangerous for those guys to work their shift, do traffic for the Brave$, and then wake up 5 hours later for their normal shift.
Liberty Media, who owns the Braves, are one of the wealthiest companies in the world. THEY OWN FORMULA ONE. They paid a total of EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS to take control of the company that owns the most premier racing series in the world.
I say that because traffic needs to be a PART TIME that is not mandatory for STEP/MOTORS/Task Force/Hit and Run and should be at least $50 an hour. Parking just got raised to 50 because LAZ actually understands what it takes.
Also, Marietta PD wants to help, but can't because the County Sheriff is stubborn and won't give them arrest powers in the area around the stadium. I also found out he has a LT drive him around everywhere, same with their Chief Deputy. Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Everybody was anxiously awaiting a new police chief to be named but now everyone knows that it doesn't make a difference it's just a job title nothing will change. The Board of Commissioners and the County Manager run the department always have always will especially now that the Braves are here, they call the shots. At least one member of the command staff got the part time pay up to 50 dollars an hour but they want you there at 0900 for day games and 1430 for evening games. That's going to have to be A/L or an off day because nobody's shift can cover that. Maybe if you work morning watch and it's a day game you can without sleep. Public Safety is not anyone's priority. We are just a bunch of whiny brats to them that just want more........ I would say most County employees don't matter because we don't live in Cobb so our votes don't matter. Boyce has already said there will be no money until 2019 so we can beat this dead horse all we want the BS Archer study will be funded 13 million dollars worth and then that's it for now.....shift differential is flawed, still need several cars for the "take home policy", the only thing that was done right was the education incentive if you qualify. My merit didn't cover the increase in the retirement contribution.
Usually by now Chief Cox has gotten on here and tried to "calm the waters" but I think he knows there is nothing he can say. The majority of public safety got hosed on this pay study and there is nothing we can do about it. As if an appeal will make a difference.
Spot on!! The Board of Commissioners and the County Manager run the PD. It's obvious, and no fault to any past, current, or future Chiefs. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
Great job Cobb PD with handling opening day at STP. You are a testament to professionalism and dedicated service. Don't allow bitter naysayers to demoralize you and deter your commitment to the People of Cobb. Leaders lead!
I agree that leaders lead! Would be nice if we had some leading the Cobb County Police Department. When is there going to be a commitment to the Police Officers of Cobb County? It is apparent that nobody in the P.D., FOP, or BOC is going to stand up for us. All they do is continue to take and take from us and our families. And for your information we are already demoralized. The moral of this department is at an all time low and we just continue to get kicked while we are down. We don't need you to tell us we are professional and dedicated, we already know that. What we need is for the leaders of the department to start standing up for us.
News flash!!!! People don't want to work here. That is why if they can leave they get out as quick as they can. Are you seeing the quality of people that are applying? We have lowered our standard of training and still loosing recruits at a high rate.
It is time that the officers unite and us come up with a way to make our point and start protecting ourselves also. Wearing blue shirts and showing up to BOC meetings, putting trust in the commissioners to do a pay study (ha ha), and the FOP to stand up for us is not working.
Count me in. I will not work a part time at the Braves Stadium until changes happen. What will the commissioners do when none of the part times spots are filled and the Braves brass is calling them and asking what the problem is. Then the commissioners will have to say "the problem is us not taking care of our officers." They don't care enough about us to treat us right so lets play hard ball and force them in a corner.
This agency panders to the Braves. How in hell do you justify putting on duty resources at the Braves stadium to manage their traffic for them. No other business or corporation gets that service with the exception of the east cobber parade and the only reason the east cobber got that attention was because Bob Ott Tim Lee and Joann birrell stood to gain favors or attention for it. It's a shame things in the police department have gotten this outta hand. The common denominator in all this is poor leadership and politics.
Today will be the last time that I post on this site. Due to the demand for time in my life, I just don't have time to review all the posts that are made here.
As always, I'm available to discuss any issue with you. Call me, send me an e-mail, or meet with me but I will no longer discuss issues on this site.
Sir, I completely understand where you are coming from. However, please realize that the issues discussed on this site, while not always expressed in the most professional manner, are real ones. Make no mistake, the complaints being made here are legitimate and serious, and need to be addressed or the very real downfall of this department will continue unabated.
Opinions here are expressed so vehemently because the officers behind them genuinely care about this department. And the volume of posts speaks to the multitude of issues still remaining to be addressed. You turning your back on this site gives the impression of turning your back on the officers begging for the right thing to be done, because this is the only place safe for them to express their concerns. The avenues you offer for discussion involve the risk of personally identifying ourselves. And unfortunately in this department, that is a very real risk when going against the "Cobb Way".
Please don't give up on us, and please don't be a stranger to Ducimus!
Your comment is disrespectful to the sacrifice that the City Manager have provided to this county. The day you walk away from the profession you have dedicated a large proportion of your life I hope that you are celebrated for your service and take pride in the acknowledgement of that service. Stay Safe Brother and thank you for your service!
You must have been one of hankersons minions to be singing his praises. Because everyone who knows his true colors knows he has never been a supporter of the police department. Nice try though
Yea, you three hit the nail on the head. City Manager? C'mon man you gotta do better than that. That minion statement is spot on. Hankerson has held the police department back and battled it every step of the way, right down to the stupid hubcaps. Stay safe, when has he been out there laying it on the line?
Yea, you couldn't be more right. Boyce said what he needed to, got elected, and hasn't done a thing since. Matter of fact, he has done what Lee did....Nothing (nepotism policy doesn't count sorry). Everyone knows Lee got voted out because he snuck in the Braves. Other than that, Boyce wouldn't have gotten elected and would be out capaign money. Word on the street now is Boyce is after special ops for their"productivity". He wants to know why their numbers are so low. Really Boyce? Is this the best time to go after those who have helped so much with those beloved Braves? Or are you picking on them because they don't have a choice and are forced to go and work traffic? Couldn't someone (Heaton) maybe step in and suggest that now might not be best the time for all of that. Yea, yea, I know, what was I thinking. I also find it interesting that our interim Chief has decided he won't comment on the blog anymore, he's leaving. Wow, that speaks volumes to me and in a negative way. Brothers and sisters don't let the little people that ride around in their unmarked cars mean mugging you scare you. Don't let the people that get on here singing Hankersons praise fool you, he has been a big part of the problem (nepotism hint inserted here). Don't let the people that get on here and say your comments are negative and unprofessional scare you. They are trying to fool you, scare you, and make a negative work place for you. These are the same people that try to call you out and get you to reveal your identity. These are the same people that hide behind their rank and position and tell you do as I say not as I do. To the folks in special ops hang in there!
I too heard about Boyce’s inquiry into the productivity up in Special Ops but at the Braves detail they thought it was just the Motors. I’m not 100% but I think the Motor unit is half the size it was only a few years ago. Why would anyone in their right mind want that position now. If Boyce wants productivity first he needs to get them some help up there. Second thing they need is to cut down on all the details and dog and pony shows. Everyone knows that the police department is suffering from low morale. Its gotten even worse since “every” officer in the dept waited for 2+ years on a pay study expecting a raise. Only to be kicked in the teeth by a new County Chairman that said maybe in the 2019 Budget. Ok, I’ll admit I was sucked into the Boyce hype. And has a Cobb voter I even cast a ballot for him. I’m extremely disappointed in the way the County Chairman has handled the pay study. It was the officers in blue t shirts pushing the Commissioners to right the direction the police dept was headed. We were losing officers to other departments and recruitment was a huge issue because of stating pay and incentives. But then, every other department in the county including Heation and Hagler got huge raises. I still can’t wrap my brain around that. Brothers and Sisters there is a movement afoot that will get the attention of the County Commissioners, the command staff and the media. Standby, it’s about to get good.
Thank you to all of those that participated in the Camp Puzzle event today. Activities like Camp Puzzle helps to connect us to the community. If you represented the Department today give yourself a pat on the back.
In regards to your aforementioned concerns, may I suggest the county spend a ridiculous amount of money to fund a Summons, Fine and Revenue Study. Said study should be projected to take about a year, but not return any information for at least 3 years. I'll save you the suspense though; it will say there should be a $0.00 increase.
That number feels vaguely familiar as I typed it....oh, I recognize it now. It looks very similar to the pay adjustment I got from the bogus pay and compensation study. Hmmm....?
I guess I'm the fool in the room though, because I believed what you said you would do to help out public safety. I voted for you, asked others to vote for you and made sure folks knew you would support us officers. Dissapointing!
Some very interesting reading here. Most I agree with, but I don't think this is a form that the Chief of Police should have ever be posting on. For the Chief, it’s a no-win situation. I've not been on the blog for a few weeks but no one is asking me direct questions and I'm not being demeaned for a slow response or not responding. So, don't blast the Chief for correcting his mistake although it was with good intentions.
So, in Cobb County it looks like the Police Department does all the heavy lifting, and the other departments ride along on their coat tails. I.E. the ridicules findings of the pay study. When the police officers show up to several BOC meetings with people to speak on their behalf they get the G.T.A.C. speech from the Chairman. When a group of Cobb citizens show up and speak, they get a multimillion dollar park bond and Libraries. I get it, they’re voters. Chairman Boyce said he can’t find the money to give Public Safety the raises they deserve until the 2019 budget, Maybe! We all know Public Safety is just acronym for “back burner employees”. What are the employees to do? We do our jobs and hope that things turn around and the BOC finally throws us a bone. It’s usually just enough to keep us quiet for a period. So, now it’s been three years and by the time 2019 budget comes around it will be over five. What if something comes up and the BOC needs to focus its 2019 budget in other directions and just can’t find the funds. Sorry maybe next time? I’ve been here a little over 10 years and my first several years I went without a raise. Yet I did my job waiting for the economy to turn around. So, what happen when things got better, BRAVES. I believe it’s time to correct the pay due to its public safety employees. IT’S TIME TO MAKE A STAND!!!
The merit raises I've received the past few years now mean NOTHING with the new pay study. I could've slacked off and get paid the same. Thanks commissioners!!! You almost make DeKalb County look competent. You people say all the right things but do NOTHING. We should do a study on the Commissioners to see if we should recall them.
Also the appeal process; What CAN you appeal if you can't appeal for seniority, work performance, or amount of work. I also can't appeal because I was not not told that I could do a PDQ. At my precinct, the FTO's were forced to sit with these lunatics for a few hours.
Someone please give me good news... it could be about ANYTHING. I see no reason to be productive anymore let alone a reason to stay.
What would be great is a 20% raise. I see world peace happening before that.
What was the point of spending money on this pay study when the highest percentage and the backbone of this department (patrol) all see a zero on how it affects them? Aslo, spare me the GSP, back in my day, and stop crying comments. I'm not mad about what I make. I'm mad about the amount and time spent on something to tell me what the rumor policy told us day one.
You want good news? I'll give it to you, you can work for the Braves...Consider yourself lucky and you should pay the commissioners and the interim Chief to be able to take the boning you are privy to...
But by the way...Don't you dare take your steerage ass down to that stadium until your asked to... Remember your are something special and God don't make no junk as long as the chief and the braves want you to work traffic and part times for the Braves....Other than that you keep your leper ass away from that beloved stadium....
You see world peace, I say buy yourself a bag of frozen peas and get world peas my friend...It used to be said GTAC good things are coming...But with the current regime in power at the Cobb County Police Department I say BOHICA...Bend over here it comes again...And again....And again....And again.....Stay lubed my friends!
Yea I couldn't agree with you more. The email from the chief, or excuse me, the interim Chief was pretty condescending...about staying away from the stadium.
You know you, " the command staff", and Braves management can handle it yourselves if you want...Oh wait....No you can't...My bad....
Cobb County has essentially implemented a 10 salary step plan. The minimum starting salary is now going to be $40,014 a year and at 10 years your top out / maximum salary at $50,018 a year. That's brilliant! Can someone please tell me how much Cobb County paid the Archer Company to add $1,000 a year for every year in grade for the first 10 years. Yeah, I know the new maximum salary is $64,000 a year, but I see no step plan for those officers above the Midpoint or below Maximum salary. Eventually the second half of the salary step plan will be revealed and I suspect another 10-12 years to reach Maximum Salary from the Midpoint.
But Wow, that first $1,000 a year raise from 40,014 a year to 41,015 (or Year 1) almost matches the 2.7% US Inflation Rate for the last 12 months ending in February of 2017. I know I'm a simple officer, but something tells me that as an officer gets closer the to Year 10/$50,018/Midpoint, that $1,000 a year raise gets even further from matching the 2.7% Inflation Rate.
Now apparently Cobb County or the Archer Company never read GSU's, Office of Planning and Budget, Ken Heaghney's "Georgia Economic Trends and Outlook
December 2015" report or his "Georgia Economic Trends and Outlook December 2016" as did the State of Georgia when they prepared the state budget for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017.
In the reports, page 4 for both reports, Personal Income is discussed and simply put from 2014-2016 Personal Income in Georgia has averaged over 5.0% year after year growth over that period. By my math that's at least 15%.
I wonder how much of an influence those reports had on the State of Georgia's decision to give their law enforcement officers a total of a 40% raise, in the last two fiscal year budgets?
Now that the new Classification & Pay Study has been implemented, it's obvious that RETAINMENT is not a priority!
I bet this wakes the sleeping giant again like Cobb County did between '11-'14. I hope my newer brothers and sisters are paying attention.
Congratulations Cobb BOC for rewarding those that have were not here during the furloughs and no pay raises. BOC you made sure those of us that stuck it out know exactly how you feel about us. We will not forget it come election time. Cobb County cares nothing about their long term employees. Remember this you new employees. It will too happen to you!
Wait...Wait....Wait.... Don't forget not only did they "stick it" to those who have "stuck it out" they gave that director of public safety and Tony Hagler those enormous raises....What was the amount of those raises? Tens of thousands of dollars right? If I am wrong please correct me...
But I mean damn, those two are the glue that binds us together, without those pillars we would crumble....
BOHICA, Stay lubed my friends!
You are a wizard, you come stacked with facts that cannot be argued with. Just judging by the silence in all the other posts I doubt very seriously anyone will challenge your credible information.
Like the old saying goes " knowledge is power" and if the powers that be could shut this site down I believe they would. Keep posting and informing us, I thank you whoever you are.
P.S. please remain anonymous, there are moles about!
I don't know if retainment has ever been a real issue, perhaps with Chief Houser it was. I believe the only priority right now is the Braves, that's all "they" care about.
I believe even Boyce said something to the effect of "failure is not an option" so you can see where the priorities lie.
As an officer of the Cobb County Police Department you are expendable. As long as the big wigs and Braves succeed who cares if you stay or go? "They surely don't!"
The three H's should go immediately. Hankerson,Hagler and Heaton but they will stay around and continue to run this county into the ground. I was hoping that Boyce would bring in Forsyth as the county manager but that would be too much of a good thing. Hagler is incompetent and Heaton is a yes man so we are doomed. No one stands up for the veteran officer's anymore. We will soon be DeCobb County.
Thanks Cobb County BOC for screwing over the County's dedicated career oriented officers and sergeants out of a fair and reasonable raise.
And let's not forget the castration job, I mean the reclassification, of the lieutenants by making them managerial.
But it is the County's M.O. to illogically look out for it's self before it's employees. Case in point, the absurd furloughs over the libraries.
And time after time the County is taking advantage of the officers, sergeants, and lieutenants personality of dedication and service.
I'm offended that Cobb County would do such a thing to such a group of people, that on a daily basis put others before themselves, make split second life changing decisions, and also multimillion dollar decisions.
And for the record, and to put it all into perspective, as of today 33 police officers have been killed in the line of duty for 2017.
I used to love this county.
I couldn't agree with you more. Yea, I had better hopes for Boyce too but after all he is a politician. So far he has put his pretty Puma's on and kicked the s#@! out of that can down the road. Except for the Braves of course...We will not fail! Moo....Moo...Goes the Cobb County cash cow! But if he may go on the record, "the county is broke and he is not a crook".
Couldn't agree with you more on Forsyth, he should be brought back. The man had a set of stones to step up and tell it like it is and even called out Hankerson. With that said, as long as Hankerson and Heaton are here Boyce won't bring him back and we ARE doomed. Hell they renewed Hankerson's contract and that dude has been supressing the police department since he has been here. Not to mention Hankerson is probably the most truthful and honest person in the county (NOT)!
Hey, Heaton and Hagler how's your fat raises working out for you and your families? Heaton a yes man, understament of the year brother. You can go back to past posts here where the folks tore him a new one! And by new one I mean TORE him a new one. Talk about Kool aid, when I hear Heaton I think "Oh Yea" and expect a big red glass pitcher man to come crashing through my wall to give me a big savory gulp of county Kool aid.
You hear that? Yea me too, not a thing.
$0.0 raise veteran checking in. I hope none of you that got 49'd by the county are working any part times at the stadium. I say it's time we show "them" that they need us more than we need them. Who is down for a Braves boycott? Oh wait, I think that already happened. Anyone remember the "there will be no mandatory overtime" promise? I bet special ops does...
Amen, I don't think "they" realize that "they" do need us WAY more than we we need them. Well put!
As the PD continues to deteriorate through the continued lack of attention by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners, we will be a DeCobb County Police Department, and the latin phrase on our patch will need to be changed to:
"Nos Relinquo Ceteri Sequuntur".
I am a special ops guy. I remember the promise of no forced overtime well. Anyone who tries to say it isn't happening is a flat out liar. All of traffic services and most of the other special ops, bomb, k9, Tac have to be at every game. They have no choice. They have to leave their families for 7, 10, 12 game streaks. And most of us opened a 0.00 raise. Cause that's what the county thinks we are worth. They have no problem destroying our families but won't even pay us enough to try and make up for it. We waited 3 years for GTAC and what did we get? Shift Diff? Oh that's right. Most of the people forced to work 12 nights in a row have been denied it because it's "not their regular assigned shift".
And don't dare think about being comfortable and wear that baseball hat.
10 Cities Where Police Officers Earn Less Than the Average Wage
PoliceOne has uncovered numerous areas where LEO's salaries are lower than average.
Mar 31, 2017
By Megan Wells, PoliceOne Contributor
Some argue that paying officers a higher salary can go a long way to improving community relations. Not only would increased wages incentivize stronger recruits, it can also boost the morale of the existing workforce.
PoliceOne analyzed 450 areas to see how LEO wages measured up to other occupations. 59 areas are guilty of paying officer less than the average wage. We've listed the top 10 offenders below, and included an interactive map detailing which areas are below the mark when it comes to paying law enforcement officers.
1. Mobile, Alabama
LEO average salary: $32,600
All industry average salary: $42,060
Difference in annual wage: -$9,460
2. Durham, North Carolina
LEO average salary: $47,640
All industry average salary: $56,980
Difference in annual wage: -$9,340
3. Jackson, Mississippi
LEO average salary: $33,990
All industry average salary: $40,980
Difference in annual wage: -$6,990
4. Pearl, Mississippi
LEO average salary: $33,990
All industry average salary: $40,980
Difference in annual wage: -$6,990
5. Augusta, Georgia
LEO average salary: $35,570
All industry average salary: $42,320
Difference in annual wage: -$6,750
6. Atlanta, Georgia
LEO average salary: $43,260
All industry average salary: $49,430
Difference in annual wage: -$6,170
7. Sandy Springs, Georgia
LEO average salary: $43,260
All industry average salary: $49,430
Difference in annual wage: -$6,170
8. Johns Creek, Georgia
LEO average salary: $43,260
All industry average salary: $49,430
Difference in annual wage: -$6,170
9. Alpharetta, Georgia
LEO average salary: $43,260
All industry average salary: $49,430
Difference in annual wage: -$6,170
10. Gulfport, Mississippi
LEO average salary: $35,530
All industry average salary: $41,190
Difference in annual wage: -$5,660
Full methodology:
We used the 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) salary data, to identify the mean wage in 450 metro areas for all occupations.
BLS collects wage data over the course of a three-year period that samples nearly 1.2 establishments and allows for a detailed estimate of salary data based on geography, industry, and occupation.
Using the same set of data we identified the mean wage for LEOs in the same 450 metro areas.
Yea the word is out around the precincts that the special ops folks are getting it from both sides. You can't really blames folks for not wanting to go over there and work overtime and off days to get treated like them.
Maybe that's why there are so few volunteers and post left open.
Yea I heard the higher ups just ride around looking for things to complain about or the cameras pick you up and anything that you are doing wrong, everyone in the cushy command center let's you know...So c'mon down on your off days.
If they really cared about those that are "voluntold" to work traffic, the county would provide a more comfortable uniform such as polo shirt, like viper wear, and bdu pants and ball caps with tennis shoes or more comfortable boots. The only problem is that would mean we would have to change from doing it the "Cobb Way" for a change and with certain people in charge that won't happen. I know that Chief Cox will actually get out in the road and help direct traffic but the other 2 Deputy Chiefs only walk around trying to find something you are doing wrong. Oh and don't forget about Heaton watching for officers using their phone to look at the app that was provided to us to help the visitors get around. Then he will call a Deputy Chief to tell us to not use our phone.
Chief, Deputy Chiefs, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants.... DO any of you read these posts anymore, are you paying attention anymore? If you aren't then you should. No one become a cop to be rich, the money isn't the real problem here. We have a major morale issue that is being ignore by the chain of command. The pay study and the end results just add to everything else but are not the cause.
We have become a stat driven department yet we ignore our internal stats. All shifts in all precincts routinely work with open beats every week but you want those officers to bring in the same amount of citations and arrests as before, in some cases you want more to make up for the open beats.
Your younger officers can stop a car and write a ticket like nobody's business but if they go on real call, requiring a report and follow up, they are unclear as to how to handle it and the intricate details. It is not their fault in the least, they were pushed through, in many cases even when they shouldn't have been. And then when they are released they get told how great they are when they write 100 tickets and get 10 arrests for suspended/no license or small bags of weed. If their numbers drop because they are taking some classes, getting out and meeting the community they police, or start working on other areas of policing that interest them they are talked to about self initiated activity.
Stat driven officers are not well rounded but that is all that it seems supervision wants anymore.
Now is the time to help our officers grow, to stop riding them, and to show them that someone actually has an interest in them and their careers. With our turnover rate we have very few who see this as a career anymore, it is now just a job.
In defense of the above listed Command Staff, I have a personal friendship with several of them. I KNOW that if it were up to them, we would be the highest paid officers in the country. Problem is they don't get to make that decision. Also, they get heat from their bosses too. The Command Staff didn't bring the Braves, didn't lower the mileage rate, didn't ask for the stupid Dekalb County pay study.
Recruiting is difficult for every police dept. YES raises are over DUE but lets focus our attention where it belongs... the County Commissioners. Stats driven... maybe I'm not in a Pct. I will say this, Stats aren't a important as the Braves!
The Command Staff does read these blog posts. I heard that one of the C.S. was reading the blog, on his phone, while DRIVING, in his assigned VEHICLE! :o
Now wait a minute, I'll by just smidge of what you're trying to sell. I'll agree that "some" command staff would like to see the PD get the pay we deserve. Especially our recently retired Chief. I'll even partially agree that not all of the command staff wanted the braves.
But I don't care what else you say, the command staff has the power to tell the Braves no. They have the power to tell those commissioners no when it comes to the Braves and having a 'whatever it takes" attitude in regards to the Braves. How many other businesses in the county does the command staff force officers to go and work specifically for the business on duty and at the expense of the tax payers. None, that's how many.
Every Braves position, "ALL" of them should be a part-time position that is paid for by the Braves plain and simple.
HaHa, yea the Command staff has the power to say no but when they do, the Braves call a Commissioner, the Commissioner calls Heaton, Heaton calls the Chief. The Chief argues his point and stands his ground. Heaton tells him don't care do it anyway, gives him a direct order. Case in point, Officer involved shootings are investigated by the GBI that as our CAP Code 10 how to!
You hear that? Yea me too.... Silence.
There's plenty of things that are within the power of the command staff to make happen, that would boost morale and benefit the department, and they are either afraid or unwilling to do it. And I'm not talking about pay, it's the little things that add up to make a difference.
Despite what the command staff says, we now work for the Braves. Keep an eye out for a new patch with a tomahawk on it.
Well I guess according to you we are doomed. Is it all officer involved shootings or did they go back to picking and choosing? I'll agree with you when it comes to Heaton, he is no good for the police department. That has been put out on Ducimus time and time again. It will continue to be until the day he leaves. They should dissolve that position all together.
One of these poor Special Ops guys that are stuck doing mandatory traffic ALONG WITH their regular shift will get into a horrific accident because they are tired, and the County will be sued for about as much as they put into the Brave$, and rightfully so. What will be the plan then? There's not one. This needs to be fixed now because it is dangerous for those guys to work their shift, do traffic for the Brave$, and then wake up 5 hours later for their normal shift.
Liberty Media, who owns the Braves, are one of the wealthiest companies in the world. THEY OWN FORMULA ONE. They paid a total of EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS to take control of the company that owns the most premier racing series in the world.
I say that because traffic needs to be a PART TIME that is not mandatory for STEP/MOTORS/Task Force/Hit and Run and should be at least $50 an hour. Parking just got raised to 50 because LAZ actually understands what it takes.
Also, Marietta PD wants to help, but can't because the County Sheriff is stubborn and won't give them arrest powers in the area around the stadium. I also found out he has a LT drive him around everywhere, same with their Chief Deputy. Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars.
You are right about that!
Everybody was anxiously awaiting a new police chief to be named but now everyone knows that it doesn't make a difference it's just a job title nothing will change. The Board of Commissioners and the County Manager run the department always have always will especially now that the Braves are here, they call the shots. At least one member of the command staff got the part time pay up to 50 dollars an hour but they want you there at 0900 for day games and 1430 for evening games. That's going to have to be A/L or an off day because nobody's shift can cover that. Maybe if you work morning watch and it's a day game you can without sleep. Public Safety is not anyone's priority. We are just a bunch of whiny brats to them that just want more........ I would say most County employees don't matter because we don't live in Cobb so our votes don't matter. Boyce has already said there will be no money until 2019 so we can beat this dead horse all we want the BS Archer study will be funded 13 million dollars worth and then that's it for now.....shift differential is flawed, still need several cars for the "take home policy", the only thing that was done right was the education incentive if you qualify. My merit didn't cover the increase in the retirement contribution.
Usually by now Chief Cox has gotten on here and tried to "calm the waters" but I think he knows there is nothing he can say. The majority of public safety got hosed on this pay study and there is nothing we can do about it. As if an appeal will make a difference.
Spot on!! The Board of Commissioners and the County Manager run the PD. It's obvious, and no fault to any past, current, or future Chiefs. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
Go sell Kool Aid some place else.
Folks you have to understand that the BOC,County management and the Command staff DO NOT care about us. It's cheaper to replace us then to keep us.
Nos Relinquo Ceteri Sequuntur
Great job Cobb PD with handling opening day at STP. You are a testament to professionalism and dedicated service. Don't allow bitter naysayers to demoralize you and deter your commitment to the People of Cobb. Leaders lead!
I agree that leaders lead! Would be nice if we had some leading the Cobb County Police Department. When is there going to be a commitment to the Police Officers of Cobb County? It is apparent that nobody in the P.D., FOP, or BOC is going to stand up for us. All they do is continue to take and take from us and our families. And for your information we are already demoralized. The moral of this department is at an all time low and we just continue to get kicked while we are down. We don't need you to tell us we are professional and dedicated, we already know that. What we need is for the leaders of the department to start standing up for us.
News flash!!!! People don't want to work here. That is why if they can leave they get out as quick as they can. Are you seeing the quality of people that are applying? We have lowered our standard of training and still loosing recruits at a high rate.
It is time that the officers unite and us come up with a way to make our point and start protecting ourselves also. Wearing blue shirts and showing up to BOC meetings, putting trust in the commissioners to do a pay study (ha ha), and the FOP to stand up for us is not working.
Any suggestions?
Count me in. I will not work a part time at the Braves Stadium until changes happen. What will the commissioners do when none of the part times spots are filled and the Braves brass is calling them and asking what the problem is. Then the commissioners will have to say "the problem is us not taking care of our officers." They don't care enough about us to treat us right so lets play hard ball and force them in a corner.
This agency panders to the Braves. How in hell do you justify putting on duty resources at the Braves stadium to manage their traffic for them. No other business or corporation gets that service with the exception of the east cobber parade and the only reason the east cobber got that attention was because Bob Ott Tim Lee and Joann birrell stood to gain favors or attention for it. It's a shame things in the police department have gotten this outta hand. The common denominator in all this is poor leadership and politics.
Today will be the last time that I post on this site. Due to the demand for time in my life, I just don't have time to review all the posts that are made here.
As always, I'm available to discuss any issue with you. Call me, send me an e-mail, or meet with me but I will no longer discuss issues on this site.
Thank you Chief Cox
Sir, I completely understand where you are coming from. However, please realize that the issues discussed on this site, while not always expressed in the most professional manner, are real ones. Make no mistake, the complaints being made here are legitimate and serious, and need to be addressed or the very real downfall of this department will continue unabated.
Opinions here are expressed so vehemently because the officers behind them genuinely care about this department. And the volume of posts speaks to the multitude of issues still remaining to be addressed. You turning your back on this site gives the impression of turning your back on the officers begging for the right thing to be done, because this is the only place safe for them to express their concerns. The avenues you offer for discussion involve the risk of personally identifying ourselves. And unfortunately in this department, that is a very real risk when going against the "Cobb Way".
Please don't give up on us, and please don't be a stranger to Ducimus!
all ye rejoice!!!! for the fuhrer has removed himself from his castle!
Jack Forsythe for county manager!!!!
Your comment is disrespectful to the sacrifice that the City Manager have provided to this county. The day you walk away from the profession you have dedicated a large proportion of your life I hope that you are celebrated for your service and take pride in the acknowledgement of that service. Stay Safe Brother and thank you for your service!
One H down could we be so lucky to get rid of the other two H's! Come on Hagler and Heaton it's time to go too!!
You must have been one of hankersons minions to be singing his praises. Because everyone who knows his true colors knows he has never been a supporter of the police department. Nice try though
I think you meant ...the COUNTY Manager HAS... come on man, get it together.
And I think you meant county manager not city manager.
At this rate we need to add a B to the list. Boyce has been nothing but a lying politician too. Lots of promises, but only buckets of bullshit.
Yea, you three hit the nail on the head. City Manager? C'mon man you gotta do better than that. That minion statement is spot on. Hankerson has held the police department back and battled it every step of the way, right down to the stupid hubcaps.
Stay safe, when has he been out there laying it on the line?
Yea, you couldn't be more right. Boyce said what he needed to, got elected, and hasn't done a thing since. Matter of fact, he has done what Lee did....Nothing (nepotism policy doesn't count sorry). Everyone knows Lee got voted out because he snuck in the Braves. Other than that, Boyce wouldn't have gotten elected and would be out capaign money.
Word on the street now is Boyce is after special ops for their"productivity". He wants to know why their numbers are so low. Really Boyce? Is this the best time to go after those who have helped so much with those beloved Braves? Or are you picking on them because they don't have a choice and are forced to go and work traffic? Couldn't someone (Heaton) maybe step in and suggest that now might not be best the time for all of that. Yea, yea, I know, what was I thinking.
I also find it interesting that our interim Chief has decided he won't comment on the blog anymore, he's leaving. Wow, that speaks volumes to me and in a negative way.
Brothers and sisters don't let the little people that ride around in their unmarked cars mean mugging you scare you. Don't let the people that get on here singing Hankersons praise fool you, he has been a big part of the problem (nepotism hint inserted here). Don't let the people that get on here and say your comments are negative and unprofessional scare you. They are trying to fool you, scare you, and make a negative work place for you.
These are the same people that try to call you out and get you to reveal your identity. These are the same people that hide behind their rank and position and tell you do as I say not as I do.
To the folks in special ops hang in there!
Got one tapping out!
City manager...What? Oh, county manager. That post is so bad it reeks of Kool Aid without sugar, yuck.
I too heard about Boyce’s inquiry into the productivity up in Special Ops but at the Braves detail they thought it was just the Motors. I’m not 100% but I think the Motor unit is half the size it was only a few years ago. Why would anyone in their right mind want that position now.
If Boyce wants productivity first he needs to get them some help up there. Second thing they need is to cut down on all the details and dog and pony shows. Everyone knows that the police department is suffering from low morale. Its gotten even worse since “every” officer in the dept waited for 2+ years on a pay study expecting a raise. Only to be kicked in the teeth by a new County Chairman that said maybe in the 2019 Budget.
Ok, I’ll admit I was sucked into the Boyce hype. And has a Cobb voter I even cast a ballot for him. I’m extremely disappointed in the way the County Chairman has handled the pay study. It was the officers in blue t shirts pushing the Commissioners to right the direction the police dept was headed. We were losing officers to other departments and recruitment was a huge issue because of stating pay and incentives. But then, every other department in the county including Heation and Hagler got huge raises. I still can’t wrap my brain around that.
Brothers and Sisters there is a movement afoot that will get the attention of the County Commissioners, the command staff and the media. Standby, it’s about to get good.
Thank you to all of those that participated in the Camp Puzzle event today. Activities like Camp Puzzle helps to connect us to the community. If you represented the Department today give yourself a pat on the back.
Dear Chairman Boyce,
In regards to your aforementioned concerns, may I suggest the county spend a ridiculous amount of money to fund a Summons, Fine and Revenue Study. Said study should be projected to take about a year, but not return any information for at least 3 years. I'll save you the suspense though; it will say there should be a $0.00 increase.
That number feels vaguely familiar as I typed it....oh, I recognize it now. It looks very similar to the pay adjustment I got from the bogus pay and compensation study. Hmmm....?
I guess I'm the fool in the room though, because I believed what you said you would do to help out public safety. I voted for you, asked others to vote for you and made sure folks knew you would support us officers. Dissapointing!
Some very interesting reading here. Most I agree with, but I don't think this is a form that the Chief of Police should have ever be posting on. For the Chief, it’s a no-win situation. I've not been on the blog for a few weeks but no one is asking me direct questions and I'm not being demeaned for a slow response or not responding. So, don't blast the Chief for correcting his mistake although it was with good intentions.
Rob Hosak is your next county manager and Hankerson will be retained as a consultant. You heard it first here.
So, in Cobb County it looks like the Police Department does all the heavy lifting, and the other departments ride along on their coat tails. I.E. the ridicules findings of the pay study. When the police officers show up to several BOC meetings with people to speak on their behalf they get the G.T.A.C. speech from the Chairman.
When a group of Cobb citizens show up and speak, they get a multimillion dollar park bond and Libraries.
I get it, they’re voters.
Chairman Boyce said he can’t find the money to give Public Safety the raises they deserve until the 2019 budget, Maybe! We all know Public Safety is just acronym for “back burner employees”. What are the employees to do? We do our jobs and hope that things turn around and the BOC finally throws us a bone. It’s usually just enough to keep us quiet for a period.
So, now it’s been three years and by the time 2019 budget comes around it will be over five. What if something comes up and the BOC needs to focus its 2019 budget in other directions and just can’t find the funds. Sorry maybe next time? I’ve been here a little over 10 years and my first several years I went without a raise. Yet I did my job waiting for the economy to turn around. So, what happen when things got better, BRAVES. I believe it’s time to correct the pay due to its public safety employees.
If you want to work with a motivated group of officers come to Pct 2 morning watch. Our supervisors are excellent and we would love to have you.
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