Friday, January 15, 2016

January 2016 open comments


Anonymous said...

There's a Go Fund Me account that's been set up to help Ofc. Lawson with his legal fees...

Anonymous said...

Good!!!!! Someone got to it before I could.
WOW..80hrs...granted he should get a day or two, but, WOW. (Trying to keep it clean). Well, all I will say is, don't be human and make any mistakes.....kiss their butts no matter what they do or say.

Anonymous said...

What ever you do do not let your ticket count go down...or you will be branded. These types of situations should never effect you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Big cases = big problems
Little cases = little problems
NO cases = NO problems

Anonymous said...

So, any idea why the GBI is investigating austell pd's shooting and not CAP?

Anonymous said...

Well let's see... They let the politicians cut the legs out from under our command staff. They give out 80 hour suspensions for a courtesy complaint. They acquiesce and deviate from normal procedures and protocol for handling complaints and open records. But fear not. Stand tall he says....don't let it get you down.

This county is destined to becoming the cesspool Atlanta is known for because the politicians and some leaders are placating to the false narrative of the media that the police are evil. Careful what you ask for! We are all that stands between you and the evil you should truly fear.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Lawson sues for libel and slander!! Somehow I could see the county as a defendant in it. Good luck Lawson and stay strong, your partners got your back.

I'm not going to let Lisa Stupid stop me from aggressively going after criminals, and neither should anyone else. I'm on the new retirement system, so if I get thrown under the bus like Lawson, I'll just take my talents elsewhere.

What will be 2010's punishment for violating policy?
"Hey, don't do that again. Where to for lunch?"

Anonymous said...

Admin, can you post links on the main page to donate to Carl Ely and Lawson?

Anonymous said...

2010's punishment. . .promotion of course.

Anonymous said...

So today I wake up and turn the news on to see a story that Director Heaton has asked for a $95,000 independent review of the department. Gee sir, thanks for communicating that to your troops before the media release. Way to make it appear that there's a problem here. The biggest problems we face is from a lack of support from our "leadership". Way to confirm to this group of highly trained professionals that you have our you sir, I say, goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Every leadership book and training course I've been to supports the idea that if your people know you care about them and have their interest in mind, they will loyally do everything it takes to accomplish the job and be content with it. This has been a disappointing display of leadership from the top of this county. What trace of moral was left is about to surely be vanquished. Not only are they failing the men and women of the department, but they are failing this community as a whole.

Anonymous said...

"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare." Edmund Burke

Anonymous said...

It is because the Public Safety Director Sam Heaton would not let CCPD CAP work it, even though they are highly trained in that specific field. Heaton made them call the G.B.I. because the perp was black and the Officer is white.

Anonymous said...

Case dismissed = $150,000 + promotion

Anonymous said...

The GBI agents that responded had never worked a shooting before and had to ask our CAP what to do... Way to go SAM

Anonymous said...

There will soon be another mass exit of officers. Many have lost faith in the upper command and DPS Director. We need new leadership.

Anonymous said...

In every cloud, a silver lining. The county has just paid $150K for a Federal judge to review and evaluate our promotional procedures to determine specifically if there is any evidence of racial bias. Not only was there no evidence found to support those allegations, the judge took the time to write a meticulously detailed 146 page opinion which explains his decision to dismiss the racial discrimination claims. This is great news for the county because now we don't have to pay an additional $90K for a "study" to be performed by some "review group" of questionable qualifications which will determine the same thing.

Anonymous said...

The $150k, went to a new Captain, not the judge. That was what was meant buy previous entry. Case dismissed= promotion and $150k

Anonymous said...

How about a promotion system similar to the Army based on a point system? Promotion board (panel interview) grants X amount of points, time in service points, awards/special unit points, training points. Each category has a maximum level. Your total points are your promotion level and do not expire, i.e. you don't need to go back every two years. When it comes time for promotion the department can simply say we need 5 Sergeants so those officers with the top five point scores are promoted. This eliminates any bias of any kind, to include "we like him" even though he is in the middle of the promotion list.

Anonymous said...

Promotion for mishandling EVIDENCE. Most would be fired for that action. 2010 failed his subordinates and his superiors applauded him for it. Has anyone seen the need for two Precinct Commanders. I have not! I guess they will compete for email stats to see who is the better officer. I see some new Stat postings around the precincts now that all the changes are in place. Hey geniuses, STATS make bad cops make worse decisions. Oh wait, you idiots have no clue because you have not seen the real streets in decades. Oh well, I'm still waiting for those GOOD THINGS to arise.