This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Mar/Apr 2020 Open Comments
Upcoming BOC Meeting Dates: Mar 10... 0900 Mar 24... 1900 Apr 14... 0900 Apr 28... 1900
Why have we not posted the Station where the FF's were affected. Is it not known that our officers go into the fire stations on a regular basis. It would be nice to just know and not have our organization be holding shit from those of us that respond to events in the dark. It is this type of childish behavior that makes the workers have zero faith in those in upper supervisory roles.
Thanks anon. Usually get a Chief on here bitchin about us asking questions, figured a DC or command chronie might have a pair to put out some actual truthful info. You just proved this page serves it purpose. We take care of our own selves here.
Actually you would not know the difference between someone having the backbone to speak the truth and real bullshit. There are a few officers that don't cower or kneel in submission to the likes of you. I am certain you are in a supervisory role. Stay focused on that brown guidon your nose has been bumping into. You just might make it to that CS table yet. I am sure all around you see it. The truth is that we have a right to know and know instantly. Not only do we do this job but we go home to our families. These families we go home and take care of consist of those most at risk if exposed. A family we adore and definitely cherish much more than this job. There have been other exposures I am certain and the CS along with the super heroes above them are withholding vital information. Do the math of CFS for our FF'ers. How many CFS have they responded too where the patient had symptoms? You believe that to be zero? Conspiracy me says, "I think not". I can handle straight answers but will not tolerate toeing the line when it is wrong. Now as to your butthurt, toxic, attitude, and tone description. You are the one sounding as described. You soft-shell type people probably got into this line of work so that you could stop someone from stealing you daily allowance and unlike us that did so to keep the wolves at bay and need to toughen up your armor. The one you are currently wearing will unlike break soon. :)
His attitude probably is well placed. We respond to terrible circumstances by the minute and all we ask for is the truth. The truth in the form as simple as this. All, there has been a potential exposure at station 1 ccfd. We are acting with caution and sending those involved home to self monitor. That would have been easy. We always deal in the who, what, when, where, why. Did not happen in this case though the who being unnamed is understandable. The rest comes to a blatant disregard to our needing to know. Too bad if he hurt your feelings by his delivery. May be his style and I for one like it.
In light of covid19 and the stock market taking a dump, the boc now has the excuse they needed not to give us anymore raises. Enjoy the raise in march! It will be the last raise for years.
I understand that the department is now placing officers at the testing area at Miller Park and this location is for those they know have symptoms for Corona virus. Command staff tells officers to limited their exposure but will sacrifice officers to work a testing spot. Chief and command staff should be ashamed for what they are doing to these guys. Stay safe guys and I pray that none of our officers get this virus.
Chill out Skippy, I drove by that location and saw five officers, two command staff members and the Chief. I hear that the State will take it over next week.
I wonder, were you there or are you just attempting to cause disension?
Thank you to every single one of you that are working your tails off to protect this county during this troubling time. Please be safe. We the citizens of Cobb appreciate you.
County taking away annual leave bonus? Thanks for what you do but still come in. Everyone else giving more benefits to law enforcement. Never posted here but this is F@&*ing stupid.
Also, did anyone else notice that the Deputy County Manager, who used to be "Jackie," has elevated herself to "Dr. McMorris" and is still referring to the actual County Manager as "Rob?" I've seen some arrogance in my career, but her level of self-importance is nauseating.
I'm all for education, but a little humility goes a long way. I'll get my coronavirus advice from medical doctors rather than from a doctor of education.
They couldn't even muster up the balls to pay us, so they gave us a little bit of leave we probably won't get to use and will have taken away in October. Now we don't even get that, but they're going to keep paying non-essentials to stay home. If anyone hasn't figured it out by now or been here long enough to have lived it, you have now.
Hell some shifts still haven't even gotten masks! And if you want to watch your supervisors sweat ask them what the plan is if your shift gets exposed... Stay safe and act accordingly.
So we have a County Commissioner so afraid of this virus that she calls in via phone for the Emergency BOC meeting, but the county can't "afford" to give "essential" employees 1/2 hour of a/l accrual? Really? Thanks for showing how much we really mean to you and how much you appreciate us. We're the ones hanging it out trying to serve this county and make sure people are safe, just waiting to catch this virus. Meanwhile, the Cake Eaters get to sit at the house and telework drawing a paycheck. Way to look out for your essential folks.
How is the County Manager taking away the Annual Leave earned during the limited operations, since it is a policy recently adopted by the BOC? I don't recall anything about her getting to do whatever she wants in the new policy they emailed everyone.
So now we get the same thing as those that stay home and work, except we get exposed to the virus and no extra pay or time. Thanks a lot BOC and County Manager. Showing their true colors again. Public safety is our #1 priority, What Bullshit! F**k Cobb
In the Emergency BOC meeting Commissioner Gambrill specifically discussed how long this emergency and limited operation closures could take 8-10 weeks to be resolved. That is when they went to the 1/2 hour earned instead of an hour for hour, because it wasn't financially feasible for hour to hour. They discussed it, came to a conclusion and voted.
Now a week and a half into it, they are surprised that it will last longer than 2 weeks and they are going back on their word?
So my wife and kids have not left the house for 2 weeks. By all accounts they should be completely safe from any exposure to CV-19. Well, except for the fact that I leave everyday to work for Cobb County PD, risking being exposed and taking it home to them.
Yep, those of us still coming in to do a job instead of working from home are just like all of the rest of the county employees and taking the same risk they are. Why should the county give us anything more than our paycheck?
This county was on the verge of a manpower crisis before this whole virus thing began. If any of us get sick, I'm not sure how they will continue to function. At least they're not doing anything to make even more Officers want to leave.
Maybe Commissioner Ott can explain to the County Manager like he did Commissioner Gambrill that in the middle of the emergency isn't the time to start changing and debating how to do things when plans are already in place. If not, she can go watch the last BOC meeting, where he discussed it at length.
Metro Atlanta Public Safety Response to the Coronavirus Emergency
-Dekalb = give public safety an extra 50% overtime pay and 50% A/L -Gwinnett = give public safety an extra 15% an hour until April 13 -Pualding = give public safety an extra $2 an hour during the virus -Cobb = tell public safety they're #1 priority, but take back the extra 1/2 hr of leave you were getting.
Kind of feels like they're telling us we're #1 another way!
I don’t think the Chief visits this page but I’m sure he would not mind you visiting his office, calling or e-mailing him with your thoughtful ideas on how best to defend against this change.
I believe this page is being trolled. I have not heard one Officer complain about having to work during this emergency. Officers are volunteering to work extra shifts, longer shifts. I'm not sure where the attitudes that are represented here comes from. We lead!
Nobody is complaining about working during the emergency idiot. Everyone is just pissed that the county is screwing us yet again while we do it. That whole we lead thing lost traction on about the 3rd or 4th year of GTAC.
Maybe the one's who haven't been here long enough to bank a bunch of leave (most of the department) were jumping on the chance to get some overtime and a little extra leave too. Let's see how many volunteers you have after April 4.
That's probably because of who you are. But make no mistake, NONE of us signed up to put our family's lives on the line, and to be asked to do so deserves compensation above and beyond the norm. If you think this is "part of the job" I pity your loved ones.
I don’t even know you but I already can’t stand you. If anything YOU sound like a troll with that comment but I also wouldn’t be surprised Of you were serious too.
You’re either a noob who hasn’t had their eyes opened yet, thinking working at Cobb is all sunshine and unicorn farts, or you are high enough up on the totem pole that none of this effects you nearly as much, and you just wanna hear yourself talk. I bet you have a big old blue line flag tattoo somewhere on you huh?
Once again I’d like to say thanks Steve! Got your email and appreciate you taking this forward with the FOP and putting the pressure on them. FOP doesn’t have a lot of power and we understand that.
I can however, assure you the effort to fight for us doesn’t go unnoticed or un-appreciated. Keep it up!
It’s time to take care of the family first if this crisis is so bad, not babysit sick infested without eye protection, nor N95 mask or gloves for free, when I can stay at home and get the same pay as jeopardizing my families health.
Sorry, I’m going to shut up now. I read my COVID update and saw the message about losing the extra AL. How do you make a policy and a week later say that it is not sustainable? Who recommended the extra leave compensation in the first place? Fire his/her ass, that person is not competent! Makes me laugh at the idea that we are essential to the county. I’m going to show up everyday I’m scheduled to make sure my beat partner has C7 but the neglect is insulting.
So I guess other Cobb County Employees can sit at home and get paid, but public safety employees risk their health and risk exposure to their family??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! THE BOC AND COUNTY MANAGER DONT GIVE TWO CRAPS ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY!!! COBB COUNTY CAN AFFORD TO PROPERLY COMPENSATE THE ONES WHO RISK THE MOST!!!
I will begin this by stating 2 things...1st my name is Bill DeWalt and 2nd anyone that knows me knows I have no problem speaking my mind but if I'm going to I'm not going to hide behind the BS title of Anonymous. Having said that I feel qualified after having served 22 years in the military and 18 with CCPD to make the following comments... I don"t care if you like the Chief or the Director but I'd bet a paycheck neither of them knew about what our newly appointed county manager was going to do before she sent out that email taking away our leave the BOC gave us for manning the front line.
In all my years of leading troops I've never witnessed a more irresponsible act of leadership than what she did via email. I won't pretend to know what the long term impact of giving us additional leave will be but I do know that single email cut the legs out from under our chain of command. Even if it were necessary for some reason I can't fathom, it should have been done through them and they should have been the ones to inform us...not someone I seriously consider anything but a leader at this point. If she were my commander and I were her Sergeant Major I would be the 1st at this point to tell her she's wrong and she needs to own it...and fix it...before the morale of every county employee that serves in a critical position for the county falls far below anything this county has ever seen. We've been through tough times before but this demonstration of complete and total disregard for those of us that serve the public...through thick and indicative of a manager who has zero clue what a leader is and doesn't deserve either the consideration or respect the position of county manager should hold.
I wonder just how many patients this DOCTOR has seen. HMMM I TOO am not one to hide behind anonymous postings. Those that know me know I say what I mean and mean what I say. I say it and own it. For her to single handedly remove a policy that was voted on is troubling in itself. One person with that much power? The policy was in place and used many times. We should be getting a day for a day. Ott sought to change that and it carried a unanimous vote. If a day for day is sufficient for a wintery mix then it should be during these times too. I, Tim Boyd stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill and call this outright despicable. Classless to send out as the final email of the day. We should stand up and be counted as to how we feel about this. The cost? Time off with pay. For the added risk of putting our families and our homes in harms way. Manager, we signed up and know the physical risks we face. We do not shy away from putting our sweat and blood equity into this job. The stakes are higher when the risk of a very painful and suffering death is imposed upon our families. For that, we deserve better. Just for your doctor knowledge. One can go from a runny nose to full life support within an hour if they have this virus. The pain medication normally provided when intubation happens is scarce so those on life support are doing it painfully. I am waiting to see if the right thing happens.
She holds a Doctorate in Adult Education and was backed by Deane Bonner of the Cobb NAACP. She is not a friend or supporter of the police. Welcome to the NEW Cobb County!
Serious question, what authority does the County Manager have to suspend a single provision of a policy that was voted on by the BOC? This isn't a temporary benefit, it is part of the LOS policy that was adopted on March 16 by the BOC. Unless she is lifting the LOS for the entire county on the 4th she can't take away the leave accrual... right?
Actually, part 9 of the declaration reads, "The County Manager is hereby authorized to suspend any law, code provision or regulation prescribing the procedures for conduct of county business, or the orders, rules or regulations of any county agency, if strict compliance with any ordinance, resolution, order, rule or regulation would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency or disaster, provided that such suspension shall provide for the minimum deviation from the requirements under the circumstances and further provided that, when practicable, specialist shall be assigned to avoid adverse effects resulting from such suspension."
She has to show that Annual Leave accruing would "prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency or disaster" (the response to Coronavirus). Officers earning annual leave in no way affects the response to the emergency. Completely doing away with a policy that was voted into place by the elected officials does not qualify as a "minimum deviation".
She no more has authority to do this than she does to say that Title 16 or Title 40 is no longer valid, just because an Emergency Declaration says she can suspend laws too.
I hope that Chairman Boyce and the BOC reminds her that she works for them, not the other way around. I respectively ask that the Chief and Director stand up for their troops! This is not right plain and simple. Better is expected from us and we should be able to expect the same from all of our leadership in this County.
I understand that workers that were able to stay home and work were getting this additional annual leave as well. That was not what this was suppose to be used for. ONLY those that actually have to come in, ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL, should get rewarded with the extra annual leave and if someone is getting it that should not be getting it, then pull that annual leave back from them and if a supervisor is falsifying timecare then deal with them and not punish all of us. It is that simple.
Im sure this is a great recruiting tool. Go with other metro Atlanta agencies that give leave and more pay during time of crisis or come to our department and get nothing . Heck paulding is about to surpass us. They are even getting extra stuff during the crisis. Good job county leaders.
I would just like to point out that this is yet another excellent reason for why we need take home cars, and should've gotten them many years before we finally did. Could you imagine all the disinfecting we'd be doing between shifts if we were still hot seating cars?
So the BOC met today to discuss the current Emergency Declaration and if more was needed. Two of the Commissioners painfully video conferenced in and the rest were there. During that meeting they did not even broach the topic of the LOS policy.
Now it would seem to me, that today's meeting would have been a good time to iron out the details and clarify the intent of the order; either to correct a misunderstanding with the County Manager or to show solidarity and agreement with what she did.
Instead, there was another fine display of lack of leadership from this Board. I guess if they correct what she has done, then it would undermine her authority and embarrass her. If they showed that they agreed with her actions, then they all look inept since it would mean that they errantly voted to create this policy the previous week to her disregarding it. I guess silence and ignoring it saves everyone face!
On March 31 Dekalb County Commissioners met to revisit paying their essential employees Time-and-half for every hour and accruing Half-an-Hour A/L for every hour worked during the Emergency. The reaffirmed their decision and honored what they told their folks serving their community they would do.
On March 31 the Mayor of Atlanta announced that she was giving $500 a month to the essential workers there; 5400 essential employees was the number I heard.
Morale was at a low in this department before all of the Coronavirus stuff started. Add in the stress and hazards associated with working with the current health issues and things were a little bit tough.
Then there was the little bit of hope shed when the County showed they appreciated the people that come in to work where and when they are needed most. Maybe things were starting to actually turn around. Nope, just like that we were blindside by a 5 o'clock Friday email buried amongst some other trivial points with the dictatorship's new decision.
I read an article the other day that said pay close attention to how employers treat their employees during this crisis as it will reveal their true character. Probably one of the most truthful things I've read this week. Sadly.
As usual, we follow, others lead. . .except when it comes to showing appreciation for public safety. Then, Cobb comes in dead last. I'm so sick and tired of commissioners in election years telling us how much they appreciate us, and then not showing us that appreciation during the three years and six months of their term. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of getting the giant middle finger from our "leaders" in government. I truly hope our acting director and our chief stand up for us. This lousy decree by Dr. County Manager should not go unchallenged.
I always hate it when any of our leaders send out those Friday afternoon, quittin' time e-mails full of bad news. That is a coward's way of doing things. How about sending it out on a Monday morning, so people can respond right away.
And, to paraphrase a meme that's going around: My "essential" paycheck looks a hell of a lot like my regular paycheck.
I have been informed this morning that a proposal is being sent to the BOC and upon approval would provide for a $500 per month payment for 90 days with the first payment coming during the first pay period in May. A final determination is being made regarding who will qualify for this payment but I anticipate at least the ranks of officer / detective, sergeant and lieutenant. Others may qualify but this has yet to be finalized.
A re-evaluation of this proposal will occur after 90 days.
Yet Fire can still use the gyms. The medical professionals we all rely on for advice. Say what you want about the Fire guys but their COC always has their 6.
Got an email from Home Depot today. They are an essential business according to the Governor's declaration. Here's how they are supporting their employees during this crisis:
Added 80 hours of paid time off for all full-time hourly associates and 40 hours of paid time off for part-time hourly associates to be used at their discretion at any time in 2020 and paid out at year-end if not used
For associates who are 65 years of age or older, or determined to be at higher risk by the CDC, added 160 hours of paid time off for full-time hourly associates and 80 hours of paid time off for part-time hourly associates to be used at their discretion at any time in 2020 and paid out at year-end if not used
Providing paid time off for any associate who has contracted COVID-19 until released by a doctor
Providing up to 14 days paid time off for any associate required to be quarantined by a public health authority or the CDC
Providing additional bonuses to hourly associates in stores and distribution centers -- $100 per week for full-time hourly associates and $50 per week for part-time hourly associates Providing double pay for overtime hours worked by hourly associates
Extended dependent care benefits and waived co-pays
Hey, we want you to go out and patrol without a beat partner and we don't have enough hand sanitizer or masks for everyone while you're out on the road during this pandemic, but don't use the precinct gym because its dangerous.
You always have the option of defying the gym closure, go work out, possible get sick (since one precinct gym is already having to be santized) and then climb on top of the precinct, pound your chest in defiance and wonder why no one warned you that the gym might be contaminated and should be closed.
Or go to calls and possibly get sick. Stop by QT for coffee and possibly get sick. Or use the precinct bathroom and possibly get sick. Or go get your BWC off the charger and possibly get sick. How silly. You are no more likely to get sick in the gym than anywhere else.
How many of the commissioners are interested in doing a ride along with the officers now ? They are all safely tucked into their bunkers risking absolutely nothing as they demand our service to the community. And now they permit this new ego driven "Doctor of nothing" to remove the token show of appreciation for our sacrifice. We will serve our community because that is who we are, but we will not soon forget this betrayal.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth" - General George S. Patton
Another serious question, since the Governor's order that he signed yesterday says, "...any local ordinance or order adopted or issued since March 1, 2020, with the stated purpose or effect of responding to a public health state of emergency...combatting the spread of coronavirus or hereby suspended", does that mean that the Chairman's order is void? The Governor's order had a lot more in it, but that was the gist of it. If the county's order is void, then the County Manager no longer has the authority to disregard County Policy and take the annual leave accrual right?
Walk with me on this. Just a theory. County Commissioners appoint a new County Manager that only they can fire. They meet beforehand and tell Dr.Screw The Essentials that they are going to vote unanimously on this 1/2 time for Annual Leave. They tell her that she has to take the heat and come in a week later and use her Emergency Executive Powers and take it away. They know only they can fire her. They get to say they were pro-public safety knowing they were going to have her take the blame. They knew they were only going to do this for 2 weeks.
If I was a Commissioner and I had just appointed a County Manager a few weeks prior to her using Emergency Executive Order to override my vote, I would make a motion to fire her immediately. Unless I knew this was the plan all along.
We sound childish calling for the termination of a fellow county employee, based solely on an unpopular decision. The Chief clearly explained why we will not be receiving a supplemental pay and why we should be appreciative of the measures that have been passed recently in support of public safety. In these uncertain times, I’m committed to humbly and unselfishly serving our county.
You can suck that one by yourself. Seems you have not worked the road in a while. So you are telling me that other agencies that are doing for their troops are caring for selfish people? You are truly pitiful to post that bleeding heart bullshit here. You be a martyr all you want. Not me
I have to imagine you are humbly serving from your house or office. She is a fellow county employee like Jeffery Dahmer was a chef. Stop fooling yourself.
I am putting my name on this so that others may know that they aren't the only ones contemplating this. During these emergency times I am constantly evaluating the directives as they come out if they are constitutional. I hope everyone keeps a vigilant eye out to make sure that the there is no government overreach of individual liberties in the name of "emergency". This could be the summit of a slippery slope.
Totally agree with you and have had the same discussion with several other officers. It's the essence of our oath to support and defend the constitution. I won't violate someone's constitutional rights and impede the free exercise of religion (i.e. 1st Amendment the freedom of religion) nor impede someone's freedom of movement when no state law has been violated as I shockingly have seen happen other places around the country. I have confidence in our Chief but not our politicians at any level to make the right choices.
I sure hope the BOC, County Managers and other top command are healthy in their safe homes all hunkered down. Meanwhile, we will continue serving the citizens of this county even without the true appreciation from the county. Their words are empty.
Here is my message to the County Commissioners and the County Manager. You have a fair policy that you agreed on to compensate all employees that you deem essential that have to come to work a 1/2 hour of Annual Leave for every hour worked. For non-essential to continue to get paid full wages while not working in the furtherance of Cobb County. Every Cobb County Employee from Court Clerks,DAs Office, Solicitors Office, Road Department, Water Department, 911, Sheriff's Office, Fire Dept, and Police,(I am sure I am missing other very important people as well and I apologize) that risk not only their lives but their families lives as well, to make sure Cobb County does not lock down and go into chaos a 1/2 hour of leave for every hour you leave home to keep Cobb County running. You are paying full wages for non-essential to stay at home but are only paying half wages to be used at a later time to those that risk everything. If, in your mind, the worst case scenario is employees builds up 6 months to a year of annual leave and retires a year early, you say "Thank you" and pay it. You say "Thank you!" and mean it, because these people kept you safe and healthy during the Pandemic of 2020. If that new employee retires 29 years from now instead of 30 because of leave they built right now, you say "Thank you!" and pay it.
Ashamed Cobb County is the only one facing economic uncertainty with their tax digest. Even Peach County is showing appreciation for their folks on the front line with a $6/hr hazard pay. So what's that make it now, 10 or 11 Georgia jurisdictions running blindly into financial ruin to take care of their people now?
When will the leaders in this county realize that a complete lack of trust in management and leadership is as detrimental to morale as being under payed?
The county and BOC has been balancing it's budget on the backs of the employees for years. When every other county and city jurisdiction can find the means to fairly compensate it's employees with annual raises and benefits, our county cites reason after reason on why it can't compensate us. It puts how they feel about public safety into stark perspective. In the past our command and our BOC would say "well, go work for them". Well, if you haven't been paying attention, dozens of people have left and more leave on a weekly basis for better pay and benefits.
In the past we would only lose officers to Fed jobs. What a sad state of affairs. What's even sadder is the lack of concern from the BOC. Our population grows and our call volume grows but our manpower continues to fall. Many precincts run open beats on a daily basis. At what point is enough enough? Of course I realize no one really wants this job anymore. The pay is getting worse, the pension system is being dismantled, the hours aren't great and we have to work during pandemics. But we don't get the pick of the litter anymore because the newer generation compares pay and benefits and we fall short.
I'm tired of hearing how poor this county is every time we look for better pay. We go to the commissioners meetings and hear promises but when push comes to shove they stand there with their pockets turned inside out. They throw out "Step and Grade" promises but what we got was more of the same. The system is the same with a different name. Except for Dr. What's her name. She got a pretty sweet bump in pay.
The latest proof of how we are seen in the order of importance was the rescinding of the accrued holiday leave and the denial of the $500 a month bonus. We are too poor, but surrounding jurisdictions, ones with true Step and Grade policies, have no problem compensating their employees for working during this unprecedented crises. We are exposing officers on a daily basis to a virus that is killing thousands of people but according to the Chief we are just lucky to have a job. We are exposing our officers and their families to this virus. Think about that. As some commissioners opt to video conference their denial of added benefits, we are out there with paper masks and plastic glasses to protect us.
Oliver Wendall Holmes said "Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being stumbled over". Please stop telling us you can't afford to compensate us. Please stop telling us you can't afford to give us some sort of benefit for working during this crisis. I know I'm being kicked, I know better and you should be ashamed.
I used to be the biggest cheerleader for the county. I preached GTAC because I really believed things would get better. They have not and I have resigned to the fact that they never will. I am lucky enough to remember a time where I felt appreciated. Unfortunately that time has passed.
I'll continue to give my all because that is what my officers deserve. That is what the citizens deserve and because I consider myself an honorable person who swore to do a job. I will continue to drive on in spite of being repeatedly kicked.
That was thoughtfully crafted and well put. Interesting reference to "my officers"... inquiring minds want to know what rank you hold. No trace of koolaid, my money is on a veteran Sgt, maybe Lt. I am sure your shift realizes you have their back.
Thank you and you are correct on the rank although I'd rather leave people guessing. I have developed an innate distrust in some of our higher staff. Not all of them, we have some spectacular leaders, but some of them will throw you under the bus in a second to save themselves from looking bad.
I love my officers like they are my family. They don't work for me, we work together. I feel like that sentiment is lost above me. I'm tired of losing officers. I'm tired of seeing my people worry about money and feeling like they have no support. I love this job and am thankful I got to work in a time when we had the support of our BOC. A time when we could do our jobs without being second guessed every step of the way.
We suffer from "analysis paralysis" now. We over analyze and overthink every situation until any forward motion or decision-making become "paralyzed". No solution or course of action is decided upon or the decision takes forever and impacts us financially or kills morale.
Example? We had a chance to switch to 9mm at no cost, Just like dozens of other agencies did. It took 2 years to make that decision and it costed us a pretty significant sum to do so.
Outer vests. Why did it take so long? How many committees and subcommittees did we need to ultimately come to a decision on this? Is it better for the officers? Yes! Then do it! no more discussion!Will it raise morale? Yes! Just do it!
Let's not get into the dozens of cars sitting idly in a lot instead of being put into service due to the camera debacle.
I realize I sound negative but to be fair it took a decade to get this way. We do some things well. I still think we have excellent training and some of the most dedicated officers I've ever worked with. When I attend outside training I am always proud of how we look and conduct ourselves.
We used to be the tip of the spear. We used to have the best pay and benefits. People used to leave other agencies to come to us. We have lost our way.
Clayton county is about to vote on the $500 per month hazard pay. That would be ON TOP of the 40 hours of annual leave they already get per week. What kind of world do we live in falling this far behind Clayton....
"Today's vote and implementation of the Extreme Condition Hazard Pay Policy by the Augusta Commission is a testament to our awareness that many of our staff members must continue to go out each day, leave their homes and families, and place their health and safety on the line to ensure that our city operations are not disrupted," Mayor Hardie Davis Jr. said in the release. "We are appreciative of their efforts and recognize the sacrifice that they are making during this time. I applaud the members of the Commission for their favorable support of this measure."
Clayton and Dekalb used to be the punchline in jokes we would tell. My how the mighty have fallen.
Any attempt to talk about how our budget can't afford a benefit to our officers is disingenuous. Anyone who makes the statement that we can't afford it can't be trusted.
So Cherokee County Board of Commissioners voted and approved last night to give all their essential employees an extra $500 a month. Huh? I'll be damned!
Let's face it the BOC has determined that there will be a certain number of acceptable losses. They pay out 1.5x your salary and they are done with you.
As long as the citizens are not being inconvenienced by a lack of public safety services absolutely nothing will change. Until the BOC starts getting inundated by calls from angry citizens complaining about delayed responses or no response absolutely nothing will change. The only thing the BOC responds to is anything that might negatively impact their re-election.
All of our financial issues would have been solved by a millage rate increase. Every one of the issues. But that doesn't play well for re-election. Besides, the SPLOST can pay for all of the feel-good projects that win re-elections. But sorry, we can't compensate you from that SPLOST cash (see the kicked dog analogy above).
Our officers are way too professional to purposefully slow down their response times or stage a blue flu, and I am proud of that fact. However, We are critical enough with manpower that it won't be long until those 12 hour shifts come to fruition. We already have officers responding to dangerous calls alone because backup is not available. Now, with the cancellation of the next couple of academy classes, any relief for our officers is a long way off.
I see the "welcome to the new officers" emails and then look at the officers leaving and see more leaving then staying. We lose valuable officers that we have invested time an money into and all we are doing is training them for another agency. Sad. But as another poster stated these are acceptable loses.
Smyrna PD has started delivering groceries and medication to elderly people that live in the city limits. Would you be willing to do the same for elderly people living in your precinct?
It's a great idea and something we should be doing for that part of our community. And we've got specialized units, such as Community Affairs and the Ranger Unit, that fits in their mission.
The question is kind of leading. From the press release I read, Smyrna only has 2 officers dedicated to this task and both are community relations officers. So as a Pct officer, no I would not be interested in doing this. I would be ok with our community affairs officers doing this, but as has been stated they are filling beats to keep precincts afloat and manning the testing site. So not very realistic of a proposal
We've had 2 from Community Affairs working beats at Z4 for a couple of weeks. It's been the only way we've been able to get close to full manpower for over a year. We're still running at 70-80% manpower even with them a lot of days. We'll go back down to 50-70% tops when they return to their regular Community Affairs assignment. I appreciate the heck out of their help in the meantime.
Does Z4 really only have 14 officers on day shift? How do you manage? We had more officers in 2003 than we do now at Z4. More people, Higher volume...Less officers. What could go wrong?
Love the pep rally email, not. I have not forgotten her first letter canceling the A/L bonus...
Hello, everyone.
I pray you’re all doing well and finding some glimmers of hope and blessings in the midst of what we’re experiencing. Thank you for all you’re doing to assist in following the Executive Orders/Declarations both from the Governor and our Board. We’re working through next steps given the Governor’s Extension of the Public Health & Social Distancing Executive Orders. Again, on behalf of the Board, we thank you for doing your part in ensuring the health, safety and overall well-being of our communities--in ways we could not have imagined. A very heartfelt thank you and shout-out to all our public safety personnel doing an amazing job! You Absolutely Rock!
As you’re aware, tomorrow is Good Friday and our offices will be officially closed. I wish you a very peaceful Good Friday. We will re-open under Limited Operations on Monday.
This too shall pass, and we will get through it together!
Cobb County isn’t the federal government. They can’t print imaginary money to appease the masses. We need fiscally responsible leadership to keep the GTC. Dr. Morris probably did the right thing. We should be professional and just do our jobs. Thank you for serving in these dire times.
And the Annual Leave COVID 19 compensation was the most "fiscally conservative" choice that the boc made. If you worked in uniform you would see the hazard daily to yourself and the hazard you can bring home to your family! Actions speak louder than words and the best thing the county manager and the boc can do is stop thanking us because its bull$hit!! If they truly appreciated us and the work we're doing they would have kept the Annual Leave compensation. And to CS, stop trying to "spin" the bull$hit, its insulting and only destroys your credibility with the troops.
We do need fiscally responsible leadership. We don't have it! All of the surrounding depts are compensating their troops but we aren't. The county leadership is the same people who keep buying parks, giving themselves raises, buying donkeys, and selling salt trucks! Prospective new hires are seeing how much better other departments are being treated than us so why would they apply here? This is an opportunity, although unfortunate, to show that no matter what happens Cobb takes care of its employees. Leadership is more worried about re-election and their own raises.
But they can make good decisions with what they have. Why give non essentials who are not even teleworking their sick and annual leave accruals? Take that and split it up with the people out there doing the work!
Fiscally conservative? Really. You're either blind, new, or drank to much koolaid. You must mean "fiscally conservative" like paying $90k a pop for the same officer position 2 and 3 times over because the boc didn't and still doesn't want to competitive and fair with pay and benefits. And in case you haven't figured it out yet that "promised raise" you were told you were getting in October ain't happening. You know the one that was going to move most of the hybrid officers into the "step plan" based on years of service.
Every other agency is being fiscally irresponsible? is that it? Or do they realize the extreme danger their officers are facing and feel it deserves compensation?
We pay hazardous duty pay to units that may face hazards at some point during any given month. Is that also fiscally irresponsible? maybe we need to roll back that pay now.
That is a disingenuous post and you can't be trusted. Your last sentence is the most telling and proves you don't know working the road from a hole in the ground. Our officers are serving professionally and they are doing their job even after the slap in the face of not receiving any form of compensation.
We will lose officers because of this. I truly hope you are not in a command position. But if you are you wouldn't benefit from the compensation anyway so why fight for it?
Cobb would be in a far better economic position if it would have raised the millage rate. They didn't and now we are suffering. But hey, it's an election year and you can't make unpopular decisions.
Atlanta is not the federal government Paulding isn't the federal government Cherokee isn't the federal government I'd go on I don't have the time to document every agency that is doing the right thing.
They can't print money either yet somehow they see the value in compensating their troops.
Stop with the malarkey. Our officers are smarter than that.
The ENTIRE WORLD IS ON LOCKDOWN! And again the county won't fairly compensate the essential personnel with extra hours of Annual Leave. Here's an idea, how about the boc and the county manager open their homes to police officers and firefighters instead of putting our families at risk of getting sick or dying.
Here is the issue as I heard it from high up with the A/L thing. The county was giving the A/L to everyone who was working. Not just public safety. If you were coming in as a librarian to update the Dewey decimal system (I know I'm old) you were getting that annual leave added. Granted your biggest concern in that situation is a paper cut, but I digress. Unlike other agencies Cobb can't seem to separate public safety from everyone else.
So here is the issue. Other departments within the county earn and burn their leave. You don't generally see water department employees holding 480 hours of leave to be payed out when they leave or retire. By adding those extra hours to all employees the county would have to pay out hundreds of hours they would not normally have paid out to the earn and burn employees when they separate service. Apparently other county departments have enough manpower to give annual leave at will. Must be nice!
Now granted, that could be BS but I heard it from someone in county government that wasn't PD.
Gonna steal points made from previous posts from officers smarter than me. No one involved in any level of government has dealt with anything like this in their lifetime and "the ENTIRE WORLD IS ON LOCKDOWN!" COVID 19 is highly infectious and the likelihood of a deputy, firefighter, or police officer bringing this home to their family is great. That said public safety essential personnel who are the greatest risk of county employees should be compensated and it should be 1 hour of annual leave earned for every 1 hour worked! Or "how about the boc and the county manager open up their homes to police officers and firefighters instead of putting our families at risk of getting sick or dying." That's how serious this is and there plenty local governments and private sector companies that have figured this out and offer their people compensation/hazard pay as I've seen in a text message floating around amongst the troops. And if a deputy, firefighter, or police officer retires and cashes out with additional annual leave because of the compensation, "You say "Thank you!" and mean it, because these people kept you safe and healthy during the Pandemic of 2020. If that new employee retires 29 years from now instead of 30 because of leave they built right now, you say "Thank you!" and pay it. You see how pissed public safety personnel are about the county manager's decision not only on this blog but on FB also. The county manager's decision was negligent and reckless and we will lose more officers because of it. This action will also kill recruiting, why would I recommend cobb to a family member or friend after continually getting screwed over by the boc and now the county manager. To the boc and county manager, it is insulting to thank us for the risk to us and our families and then you spit in our faces by taking away the annual leave compensation. To CS, I also don't understand the need to "spin the bull$hit", you of all people know we know bull$hit when we see it. The solution is simple, 1 hour of annual leave earned for every 1 hour worked for essential public safety personnel.
I get not getting into the essential vs nonessential argument but I also get that public safety is far more likely to deal directly with infected people than almost anyone else. Paper mask or not. We are also more likely to end up hands on with them. It's myopic to not see the difference and to compensate public safety.
I saw a post above that mentioned the hazard duty pay some units get and that made me think. Are they more essential than you as a POII? They get paid for perceived hazards that you may also face but the pay is an additional compensation because they may find themselves in higher risk circumstances by the nature of their collateral duty.
I don't understand why the CS isn't coming out on the side of their troops and are siding with management. "This will have long term and far reaching effects on the relationship between the white shirts and the rest of us". That statement was taken directly from an officer on a shift at a precinct as he mentioned he has applied for other agencies.
The chance for someone to be a hero on this issue has long passed. We need another Jack Forsyth.
Comp time and a rule you have to use it before you leave is zero cost. Would be a one sentence policy. Everytime we bring this up we just get funny looks and no answers
I see and respect your point and my intention wasn't to start a fight. But to offer an opinion based on "essential" and "hazard", and that deputies, firefighters, and police officers should be compensated on a public safety forum. If others want to make an argument for hazard pay or compensation, such as liberians going in occasionally to a closed building, I support them as well.
It's the internet. We aren't fighting. Merely sharing opposing opinions. Some officers face more danger than others and get hazard pay. I'm not saying they are more essential than I am but they are getting paid extra due to the danger. Plus many get on-call pay. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Why shouldn't we all get the same compensation?
I'm not sure it's an opinion as much as an observation. There is a mechanism in place to pay officers more where there is an increased danger to them. Are we not all facing additional danger? Unprecedented danger. The President says so. The CDC says so. I say so. The BOC? not so much.
So if we are worried about being fiscally responsible why are we paying detectives to do as they wish and not come in to work. I mean, I for paying them if they are at their homes and could respond immediately if needed. But I see Facebook posts from several using this time and doing as they wish. Not at all sheltering in place. If they are getting paid and earning annual leave at home, are they not getting a 1 for 1 as we usually do for inclement weather. I know it is not PD only, it is all county employees. Some turkey hunting on the clock, fishing, working athletic skills with their kids. Simply put;this is unfair treatment of those who are showing up and reporting to their jobs. If we are to be fiscally responsible then how can one be inside their home in pajama of choice and earn the same as that one on scene carrying out the duties of their job class. Can someone smarter than me give me a good answer?
The detectives who are teleworking are not supposed to have gotten the annual leave at the extra rate. Also, Facebook might be deceiving about when the detectives are doing as they wish. I am not sure about turkey hunting or fishing while on the clock, but the detectives I know are doing things with their families during their off time.
The detectives who are teleworking were only getting the extra annual leave accrual when they were at the office, not at home. And all of their activities and dailies are being monitored and checked daily all the way up the chain. So do some of them take a couple hours and spend time with the kids? Probably. Are they still getting work done? Probably. Does this patrol vs detective annual leave accrual thing sound like someone trying to encourage infighting and take away focus from the actual issue and reality that PD keeps getting crapped on by BOC at every turn? Oh yeah
What have we become that we are now staging, waiting on Fire to arrive? I'm not talking about COVID-19 dispatches but instead any call. Remember when Fire waited on PD?
Where are we compared to last year (March 2020 compared to March 2019).
Incident reports: 22% less reports written Accident reports: 33% less reports written Traffic citations:63% less citations written Arrest charges: 48% less arrest charges
Exactly, it's as if there are those in law enforcement think that social distancing applies to everyone but us. Remember, just because you think you're a superhero doesn't mean you're immune to a virus that has shutdown the entire world and you could bring it home to your family.
Ok so right in the middle of a pandemic where we can't get compensation for dangerous conditions, we implement a new software program to track us with a $20,000 start up cost and $14,000 each year after. Nice.
I think there is a zero chance on the raises happening in October. But they weren’t budgeted, they were planned on being added to the budget. That vote would happen in July.
We heard there is a ton of hand sanitizer that was purchased by the county yet we still get the stuff that comes from local distilleries.
Each given 1 mask and told to reuse it.
Given some annual leave which was quickly stopped
But now a 3 Million dollar FEMA grant is coming and you know what will happen? We'll each get one more mask in August. All of those funds will disappear and the county will cry the blues about how expensive this was.
What we need is a forensic accountant to go through the books. The FBI to dig through the email servers.
Text message and phone records of the county commissioners and county manager searched.
How is it that OTT got a free pass on using county employees to provide info to the City of East Cobb committee?
Or we can do what we always do. Attend a few BOC meetings wearing blue shirts, get some empty promises and then go back to complaining when nothing changes.
“While we are sitting comfortably in our own homes, these people are out there exposing themselves to the risk getting the virus. I don’t think $500 is enough,” the Fulton Board of Commissioners’ chair said of a proposal to give each impacted worker $500 in hazard pay in response to the outbreak, the same amount the city of Atlanta approved April 14.
So after some discussion, at its April 15 recess meeting, the board voted 7-0 to approve $750 in hazard pay for the 1,600 front-line employees from March 18 through May 31, unless the virus crisis ends sooner. Though Pitts and some county leaders attended the meeting at Assembly Hall in downtown Atlanta, the rest of the commissioners and some department heads participated via videoconference from their homes due to the outbreak.
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Forsyth County commissioners are moving forward with plans to introduce hazard pay for its employees working in the field during the coronavirus pandemic.
At its April 14 video conference work session, county commissioners introduced a plan similar to one approved a week earlier in neighboring Cherokee County that will pay employees who face “significant elevated risk” of exposure to the coronavirus an additional $500 a month. Those employees facing “elevated risk” of exposure will receive $250 a month in hazard pay.
What a financial burden the Annual Leave compensation was for cobb and the insight the county manager had after an entire pay period was so fortunate for us. I couldn't imagine what it's like to work for a fiscally reckless employer like Cherokee or Forsyth County. How ever will the boc's in Cherokee or Forsyth recover politically from their grave mistake?
When the truth comes out as to why we really didn't get the extra compensation it will be devastating to what is left of the department morale. It had nothing to do with the budget.
Kennesaw Mayor Derek Easterling says his city laid off 23 employees, or just under 11% of its staff of 212, as closures due to the coronavirus have reduced tax revenues in the city.
Is this some shady attempt to say we should be thankful? Those employees will be fine, here's the rest of the article: (And Kennesaw is still probably better managed financially than the county)
Easterling told the MDJ the layoffs that took place on Friday are temporary, and the city's human resources division will file for unemployment on behalf of the affected workers. The mayor said the workers will receive their full paycheck next week, and they will continue to have health insurance through the city until the end of May. “I think they [employees] understand how fortunate they are that they’re in a position where they’re collecting compensation and benefits right now, where so many in the county are not afforded that opportunity,” he said.
The boc has successfully kicked the can far enough down the road to avoid fulfilling their promise of putting the new officers in the step plan based on their years of service.
Interesting, the assumptions and decisions being made even after the federal government layed out the guidelines to lift the state's shutdowns and reopen the economy. Any excuse to not do the right thing.
Douglas County Sentinel Facebook Page To give First Responders and Frontline Workers $200/pay period. The money would include retro pay dating back from March 16 and to end May 15. Prompted by Commission Chair Romona Jackson but all the commissioners said they were in favor of the bonus.
Very simply put. We have the ability to ensure they are all replaced. Speak to them with their wallets. Blue flu. Make it as bad as the Corona-virus. All tickets that you write, make warnings. Call Victory/Uber Task Force for DUI's that no injury or loss has transpired. Hit them in their DUI and Traffic Court revenue generating machine. Then they can't afford to pay Doctor's to sit on their asses. Fire the County Manager and fire that blowhard Boyce. Cobb County is over managed. Our Department is over managed. With all these damn supervisors and Staff, how can they not keep an eye on their troops. Now we throw money in the trash for this Guardian shit. COBB Sux and the world knows it should be our motto!
That was on old Slim Tim Shady Lee's watch. Him and Ole Skankerson. The needed jackasses and a stadium. Spent all that dang money and only had to look in the mirror to find to purebred JACKASSES for sure.
Well, help one employee maybe get one vote. Throw a million dollars at people and get hundreds of votes. Pure political expediency. Add to that the fact that a lot of employees live outside the people's Republic of Cobb so why help them?
Go to to watch Cobb County Commission Chair Candidates online Zoom Interviews schedule for Tuesday morning, April 21st:
• 10:00am: Candidate Ricci Mason begins • 11:00am: Candidate Larry Savage begins • 12:00pm: Candidate Mike Boyce begins
Hey boc, It's a done deal. Douglas County boc voted 4-1 and approved Hazard Pay of $200/pay period for front line workers. And at this time the hazard pay is retroactive from March 16rh to May 13th.
POII Officers just went up to 50kish a year. That works out to about $24.03 an hour. $24.03 x 80hrs of annual leave is $1923 versus $200 a pay period. It would take 10 pay periods for them to catch up assuming they get the pay that long. Even Atlanta is at $500 a month I believe. 4 months for them to catch up.
I know that A/L doesn't put food on the table or cover for part times lost but dollar for dollar I think we did ok.
I thought the A/L compensation was only for one pay period and was a 1/2 hour of A/L for every 1 hour of work? My math ain't the best but I that's only 40 hours of A/L.
A- They cut us off at the knees by cancelling the leave accrual at 1600 on a Friday. By email, from the safety of their home. B- Your math is off. But only by 50% lol. C- You're right. Fake News is not popular
Bottom line is cobb county should provide hazard pay. Considering what other cities/counties are doing, a 1 hour of annual leave for 1 hour of work is fair.
And how simple would it be to stipulate that those hours earned during the PANDEMIC for the purposes of hazard pay had to be used prior to retirement. The boc and the county manager are either incompetent to come up with a simple stipulation or they think we're fools.
Hello all. I want everyone to refocus your efforts on a new reality. If you are not one that follows politics and large business practices then pay very close attention.
You can see that States are asking Congress to ammend the Bankruptcy code that for now forbids them from filing.
The biggest savings large businesses and States go after first is their pensions owed. This is because they have ended any ability to properly fund the accounts by cutting out the option to bring in new payers.
I say this because if States are looking then you know large counties are quietly looking for the same relief. Our crooks in charge would love to steal our pensions in this manner.
For our command staff moles that troll here, how about some proactive checks into what the County cronies are doing on this matter. Instead of meeting in wether to wear you Command Blue or Command White golf shirts.
So cobb would fall under Chapter 9 if the state approved them to file for bankruptcy. Here's a link to a good article about Chapter 9. Municipal Bankruptcy Explained: What it Means to File for Chapter 9 | The Pew Charitable Trusts And for those that want the federal law, here's a link to the US Courts. Chapter 9 - Bankruptcy Basics | United States Courts
Plese cite your source of information related to the statement, "You can see that States are asking Congress to ammend the Bankruptcy code that for now forbids them from filing."
I'm not saying you are wrong but I know it is easy to make any statement without having to provide proof (It is done daily on this site.). I just want to see what proof you have and once proof is presented, I will consider how factual it is. You may be correct in your statement, you may not. I think we deserve to rationalized it ourselves.
By the way, a "no reponse" to this request will be considered as no proof to your statment.
Someone take away the chief's access to email. Or at least tell him that emailing about maybe good things happening before a decision has been made is a bad idea. You would think that past experience would have shown this is a bad idea because the good rarely ever actually happens and he is left holding the bag when he has to tell us it didn't get approved. Get him away from his email and take him out to go bowling or get a tattoo tomorrow.
Good point to a related previous comment. How is the raise going to happen this fall considering boyce telling the news the raise probably wouldn't happen, BUT in the last 3 years with a fantastic economy we got NO raises.
Why have we not posted the Station where the FF's were affected. Is it not known that our officers go into the fire stations on a regular basis. It would be nice to just know and not have our organization be holding shit from those of us that respond to events in the dark. It is this type of childish behavior that makes the workers have zero faith in those in upper supervisory roles.
ReplyDeleteI was told by other FF it was sta 1
ReplyDeleteThanks anon. Usually get a Chief on here bitchin about us asking questions, figured a DC or command chronie might have a pair to put out some actual truthful info. You just proved this page serves it purpose. We take care of our own selves here.
ReplyDeleteYour attitude sucks and your tone is a cancer to your fellow officers. Fix yourself or take your butthurt somewhere else. And I'm not command staff.
ReplyDeleteActually you would not know the difference between someone having the backbone to speak the truth and real bullshit. There are a few officers that don't cower or kneel in submission to the likes of you. I am certain you are in a supervisory role. Stay focused on that brown guidon your nose has been bumping into. You just might make it to that CS table yet. I am sure all around you see it. The truth is that we have a right to know and know instantly. Not only do we do this job but we go home to our families. These families we go home and take care of consist of those most at risk if exposed. A family we adore and definitely cherish much more than this job. There have been other exposures I am certain and the CS along with the super heroes above them are withholding vital information. Do the math of CFS for our FF'ers. How many CFS have they responded too where the patient had symptoms? You believe that to be zero? Conspiracy me says, "I think not". I can handle straight answers but will not tolerate toeing the line when it is wrong. Now as to your butthurt, toxic, attitude, and tone description. You are the one sounding as described. You soft-shell type people probably got into this line of work so that you could stop someone from stealing you daily allowance and unlike us that did so to keep the wolves at bay and need to toughen up your armor. The one you are currently wearing will unlike break soon. :)
DeleteHis attitude probably is well placed. We respond to terrible circumstances by the minute and all we ask for is the truth. The truth in the form as simple as this. All, there has been a potential exposure at station 1 ccfd. We are acting with caution and sending those involved home to self monitor. That would have been easy. We always deal in the who, what, when, where, why. Did not happen in this case though the who being unnamed is understandable. The rest comes to a blatant disregard to our needing to know. Too bad if he hurt your feelings by his delivery. May be his style and I for one like it.
DeleteIn light of covid19 and the stock market taking a dump, the boc now has the excuse they needed not to give us anymore raises.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the raise in march!
It will be the last raise for years.
No beards, they breed coronavirus.
ReplyDeleteWrong... it's a natural filter that blocks the particles.
DeleteI understand that the department is now placing officers at the testing area at Miller Park and this location is for those they know have symptoms for Corona virus. Command staff tells officers to limited their exposure but will sacrifice officers to work a testing spot. Chief and command staff should be ashamed for what they are doing to these guys.
ReplyDeleteStay safe guys and I pray that none of our officers get this virus.
Chill out Skippy, I drove by that location and saw five officers, two command staff members and the Chief. I hear that the State will take it over next week.
DeleteI wonder, were you there or are you just attempting to cause disension?
I would do it voluntarily... Medical staff are a prime target for violence right now. Protecting the vulnerable is a primary obligation.
ReplyDeleteThank you to every single one of you that are working your tails off to protect this county during this troubling time. Please be safe. We the citizens of Cobb appreciate you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support!
DeleteCounty taking away annual leave bonus? Thanks for what you do but still come in. Everyone else giving more benefits to law enforcement. Never posted here but this is F@&*ing stupid.
ReplyDelete100% agreed.
DeleteAlso, did anyone else notice that the Deputy County Manager, who used to be "Jackie," has elevated herself to "Dr. McMorris" and is still referring to the actual County Manager as "Rob?" I've seen some arrogance in my career, but her level of self-importance is nauseating.
I'm all for education, but a little humility goes a long way. I'll get my coronavirus advice from medical doctors rather than from a doctor of education.
They couldn't even muster up the balls to pay us, so they gave us a little bit of leave we probably won't get to use and will have taken away in October. Now we don't even get that, but they're going to keep paying non-essentials to stay home. If anyone hasn't figured it out by now or been here long enough to have lived it, you have now.
Hell some shifts still haven't even gotten masks! And if you want to watch your supervisors sweat ask them what the plan is if your shift gets exposed... Stay safe and act accordingly.
So we have a County Commissioner so afraid of this virus that she calls in via phone for the Emergency BOC meeting, but the county can't "afford" to give "essential" employees 1/2 hour of a/l accrual? Really? Thanks for showing how much we really mean to you and how much you appreciate us. We're the ones hanging it out trying to serve this county and make sure people are safe, just waiting to catch this virus. Meanwhile, the Cake Eaters get to sit at the house and telework drawing a paycheck. Way to look out for your essential folks.
ReplyDeleteHow is the County Manager taking away the Annual Leave earned during the limited operations, since it is a policy recently adopted by the BOC? I don't recall anything about her getting to do whatever she wants in the new policy they emailed everyone.
ReplyDeleteSo now we get the same thing as those that stay home and work, except we get exposed to the virus and no extra pay or time. Thanks a lot BOC and County Manager. Showing their true colors again. Public safety is our #1 priority, What Bullshit! F**k Cobb
ReplyDeleteIn the Emergency BOC meeting Commissioner Gambrill specifically discussed how long this emergency and limited operation closures could take 8-10 weeks to be resolved. That is when they went to the 1/2 hour earned instead of an hour for hour, because it wasn't financially feasible for hour to hour. They discussed it, came to a conclusion and voted.
ReplyDeleteNow a week and a half into it, they are surprised that it will last longer than 2 weeks and they are going back on their word?
So my wife and kids have not left the house for 2 weeks. By all accounts they should be completely safe from any exposure to CV-19. Well, except for the fact that I leave everyday to work for Cobb County PD, risking being exposed and taking it home to them.
ReplyDeleteYep, those of us still coming in to do a job instead of working from home are just like all of the rest of the county employees and taking the same risk they are. Why should the county give us anything more than our paycheck?
This county was on the verge of a manpower crisis before this whole virus thing began. If any of us get sick, I'm not sure how they will continue to function. At least they're not doing anything to make even more Officers want to leave.
Time for everyone to take sick leave!!!!! This is bullshit
ReplyDeleteHey Chief Cox, the guys and gals on the frontlines are watching your response to this. Will you stand up and defend us?
DeleteMaybe Commissioner Ott can explain to the County Manager like he did Commissioner Gambrill that in the middle of the emergency isn't the time to start changing and debating how to do things when plans are already in place. If not, she can go watch the last BOC meeting, where he discussed it at length.
DeleteMetro Atlanta Public Safety Response to the Coronavirus Emergency
Delete-Dekalb = give public safety an extra 50% overtime pay and 50% A/L
-Gwinnett = give public safety an extra 15% an hour until April 13
-Pualding = give public safety an extra $2 an hour during the virus
-Cobb = tell public safety they're #1 priority, but take back the extra 1/2 hr of leave you were getting.
Kind of feels like they're telling us we're #1 another way!
I don’t think the Chief visits this page but I’m sure he would not mind you visiting his office, calling or e-mailing him with your thoughtful ideas on how best to defend against this change.
DeleteI believe this page is being trolled. I have not heard one Officer complain about having to work during this emergency. Officers are volunteering to work extra shifts, longer shifts. I'm not sure where the attitudes that are represented here comes from. We lead!
ReplyDeleteNobody is complaining about working during the emergency idiot. Everyone is just pissed that the county is screwing us yet again while we do it. That whole we lead thing lost traction on about the 3rd or 4th year of GTAC.
DeleteMaybe the one's who haven't been here long enough to bank a bunch of leave (most of the department) were jumping on the chance to get some overtime and a little extra leave too. Let's see how many volunteers you have after April 4.
DeleteNope. No trolling. Folks are legitimately pissed. The officers here lead. Unless the county steps up bigtime, the officers will leave.
DeleteThat's probably because of who you are. But make no mistake, NONE of us signed up to put our family's lives on the line, and to be asked to do so deserves compensation above and beyond the norm. If you think this is "part of the job" I pity your loved ones.
DeleteI don’t even know you but I already can’t stand you. If anything YOU sound like a troll with that comment but I also wouldn’t be surprised Of you were serious too.
DeleteYou’re either a noob who hasn’t had their eyes opened yet, thinking working at Cobb is all sunshine and unicorn farts, or you are high enough up on the totem pole that none of this effects you nearly as much, and you just wanna hear yourself talk. I bet you have a big old blue line flag tattoo somewhere on you huh?
Nos inducas! (Latin for We DONT lead)
Once again I’d like to say thanks Steve! Got your email and appreciate you taking this forward with the FOP and putting the pressure on them. FOP doesn’t have a lot of power and we understand that.
ReplyDeleteI can however, assure you the effort to fight for us doesn’t go unnoticed or un-appreciated. Keep it up!
It’s time to take care of the family first if this crisis is so bad, not babysit sick infested without eye protection, nor N95 mask or gloves for free, when I can stay at home and get the same pay as jeopardizing my families health.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I’m going to shut up now. I read my COVID update and saw the message about losing the extra AL. How do you make a policy and a week later say that it is not sustainable? Who recommended the extra leave compensation in the first place? Fire his/her ass, that person is not competent! Makes me laugh at the idea that we are essential to the county. I’m going to show up everyday I’m scheduled to make sure my beat partner has C7 but the neglect is insulting.
ReplyDeleteThat's about what it boils down to.
DeleteHow is it a budget issue if they are not paying money for the leave they are giving us? Its just like comp time 0 cost.
DeleteSo I guess other Cobb County Employees can sit at home and get paid, but public safety employees risk their health and risk exposure to their family??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! THE BOC AND COUNTY MANAGER DONT GIVE TWO CRAPS ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY!!! COBB COUNTY CAN AFFORD TO PROPERLY COMPENSATE THE ONES WHO RISK THE MOST!!!
ReplyDeleteThey can, but they have proven time and again that they won't.
ReplyDeleteI will begin this by stating 2 things...1st my name is Bill DeWalt and 2nd anyone that knows me knows I have no problem speaking my mind but if I'm going to I'm not going to hide behind the BS title of Anonymous. Having said that I feel qualified after having served 22 years in the military and 18 with CCPD to make the following comments...
ReplyDeleteI don"t care if you like the Chief or the Director but I'd bet a paycheck neither of them knew about what our newly appointed county manager was going to do before she sent out that email taking away our leave the BOC gave us for manning the front line.
In all my years of leading troops I've never witnessed a more irresponsible act of leadership than what she did via email. I won't pretend to know what the long term impact of giving us additional leave will be but I do know that single email cut the legs out from under our chain of command. Even if it were necessary for some reason I can't fathom, it should have been done through them and they should have been the ones to inform us...not someone I seriously consider anything but a leader at this point. If she were my commander and I were her Sergeant Major I would be the 1st at this point to tell her she's wrong and she needs to own it...and fix it...before the morale of every county employee that serves in a critical position for the county falls far below anything this county has ever seen. We've been through tough times before but this demonstration of complete and total disregard for those of us that serve the public...through thick and indicative of a manager who has zero clue what a leader is and doesn't deserve either the consideration or respect the position of county manager should hold.
Well said Bill!
ReplyDeleteI wonder just how many patients this DOCTOR has seen. HMMM I TOO am not one to hide behind anonymous postings. Those that know me know I say what I mean and mean what I say. I say it and own it. For her to single handedly remove a policy that was voted on is troubling in itself. One person with that much power? The policy was in place and used many times. We should be getting a day for a day. Ott sought to change that and it carried a unanimous vote. If a day for day is sufficient for a wintery mix then it should be during these times too. I, Tim Boyd stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill and call this outright despicable. Classless to send out as the final email of the day. We should stand up and be counted as to how we feel about this. The cost? Time off with pay. For the added risk of putting our families and our homes in harms way. Manager, we signed up and know the physical risks we face. We do not shy away from putting our sweat and blood equity into this job. The stakes are higher when the risk of a very painful and suffering death is imposed upon our families. For that, we deserve better. Just for your doctor knowledge. One can go from a runny nose to full life support within an hour if they have this virus. The pain medication normally provided when intubation happens is scarce so those on life support are doing it painfully. I am waiting to see if the right thing happens.
ReplyDeleteShe holds a Doctorate in Adult Education and was backed by Deane Bonner of the Cobb NAACP. She is not a friend or supporter of the police.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the NEW Cobb County!
Serious question, what authority does the County Manager have to suspend a single provision of a policy that was voted on by the BOC? This isn't a temporary benefit, it is part of the LOS policy that was adopted on March 16 by the BOC. Unless she is lifting the LOS for the entire county on the 4th she can't take away the leave accrual... right?
ReplyDeleteRead the wording of the emergency declaration by the county chairman. It basically allows the county manager to suspend any policy she wants to.
DeleteActually, part 9 of the declaration reads, "The County Manager is hereby authorized to suspend any law, code provision or regulation prescribing the procedures for conduct of county business, or the orders, rules or regulations of any county agency, if strict compliance with any ordinance, resolution, order, rule or regulation would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency or disaster, provided that such suspension shall provide for the minimum deviation from the requirements under the circumstances and further provided that, when practicable, specialist shall be assigned to avoid adverse effects resulting from such suspension."
DeleteShe has to show that Annual Leave accruing would "prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency or disaster" (the response to Coronavirus). Officers earning annual leave in no way affects the response to the emergency. Completely doing away with a policy that was voted into place by the elected officials does not qualify as a "minimum deviation".
She no more has authority to do this than she does to say that Title 16 or Title 40 is no longer valid, just because an Emergency Declaration says she can suspend laws too.
I hope that Chairman Boyce and the BOC reminds her that she works for them, not the other way around. I respectively ask that the Chief and Director stand up for their troops! This is not right plain and simple. Better is expected from us and we should be able to expect the same from all of our leadership in this County.
Would our FOP legal support us for a class action lawsuit?
ReplyDeleteI understand that workers that were able to stay home and work were getting this additional annual leave as well. That was not what this was suppose to be used for. ONLY those that actually have to come in, ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL, should get rewarded with the extra annual leave and if someone is getting it that should not be getting it, then pull that annual leave back from them and if a supervisor is falsifying timecare then deal with them and not punish all of us. It is that simple.
ReplyDeleteEssential but allowed to telework here checking in.
DeleteOnly work at the office one day a week or so. Kronos is adjusted so I only accrue the AL on my days I am physically at the PCT.
If other units are getting both it needs to be looked into. I can safely say I am not and don’t know any other c10s who were.
Im sure this is a great recruiting tool. Go with other metro Atlanta agencies that give leave and more pay during time of crisis or come to our department and get nothing . Heck paulding is about to surpass us. They are even getting extra stuff during the crisis. Good job county leaders.
DeleteSo should we all file hr complaints for her violating county policy?
ReplyDeleteI would just like to point out that this is yet another excellent reason for why we need take home cars, and should've gotten them many years before we finally did. Could you imagine all the disinfecting we'd be doing between shifts if we were still hot seating cars?
ReplyDeleteNo because the commisioners knew about this the whole time.
ReplyDeleteSo the BOC met today to discuss the current Emergency Declaration and if more was needed. Two of the Commissioners painfully video conferenced in and the rest were there. During that meeting they did not even broach the topic of the LOS policy.
ReplyDeleteNow it would seem to me, that today's meeting would have been a good time to iron out the details and clarify the intent of the order; either to correct a misunderstanding with the County Manager or to show solidarity and agreement with what she did.
Instead, there was another fine display of lack of leadership from this Board. I guess if they correct what she has done, then it would undermine her authority and embarrass her. If they showed that they agreed with her actions, then they all look inept since it would mean that they errantly voted to create this policy the previous week to her disregarding it. I guess silence and ignoring it saves everyone face!
On March 31 Dekalb County Commissioners met to revisit paying their essential employees Time-and-half for every hour and accruing Half-an-Hour A/L for every hour worked during the Emergency. The reaffirmed their decision and honored what they told their folks serving their community they would do.
ReplyDeleteOn March 31 the Mayor of Atlanta announced that she was giving $500 a month to the essential workers there; 5400 essential employees was the number I heard.
Morale was at a low in this department before all of the Coronavirus stuff started. Add in the stress and hazards associated with working with the current health issues and things were a little bit tough.
Then there was the little bit of hope shed when the County showed they appreciated the people that come in to work where and when they are needed most. Maybe things were starting to actually turn around. Nope, just like that we were blindside by a 5 o'clock Friday email buried amongst some other trivial points with the dictatorship's new decision.
I read an article the other day that said pay close attention to how employers treat their employees during this crisis as it will reveal their true character. Probably one of the most truthful things I've read this week. Sadly.
Wait for - "The step in grade planned for October was voted down by the BOC due to the economic hardship created by the virus"
DeleteAs usual, we follow, others lead. . .except when it comes to showing appreciation for public safety. Then, Cobb comes in dead last. I'm so sick and tired of commissioners in election years telling us how much they appreciate us, and then not showing us that appreciation during the three years and six months of their term. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of getting the giant middle finger from our "leaders" in government. I truly hope our acting director and our chief stand up for us. This lousy decree by Dr. County Manager should not go unchallenged.
ReplyDeleteI always hate it when any of our leaders send out those Friday afternoon, quittin' time e-mails full of bad news. That is a coward's way of doing things. How about sending it out on a Monday morning, so people can respond right away.
And, to paraphrase a meme that's going around: My "essential" paycheck looks a hell of a lot like my regular paycheck.
After observing recent discussions, there is no doubt the Chief is voicing his strong opinions in support of the men and women in the Department.
ReplyDeleteEmail from the Chief this morning:
ReplyDeleteI have been informed this morning that a proposal is being sent to the BOC and upon approval would provide for a $500 per month payment for 90 days with the first payment coming during the first pay period in May. A final determination is being made regarding who will qualify for this payment but I anticipate at least the ranks of officer / detective, sergeant and lieutenant. Others may qualify but this has yet to be finalized.
A re-evaluation of this proposal will occur after 90 days.
Ah.. so essentials cant even go to the precinct gym? I'm excited to see what's next.
ReplyDeleteNo PT tests in 2020.
DeleteYet Fire can still use the gyms. The medical professionals we all rely on for advice. Say what you want about the Fire guys but their COC always has their 6.
DeleteForget beards, now that the barber shops are ordered closed I'm going to grow out a mullet or a ponytail.
ReplyDeleteHey Skippy, I want to know how many times you went to the gym anyway. Probably not much. ����
ReplyDeleteYou have to love when someone resorts to ad-hominem attacks instead of arguing the point.
DeleteWho the hell even says "Skippy" anymore...lmao
ReplyDeleteIt’s called sarcasm, Skippy.
DeleteMaybe he prefers "Sparky."
DeleteGot an email from Home Depot today. They are an essential business according to the Governor's declaration. Here's how they are supporting their employees during this crisis:
ReplyDeleteAdded 80 hours of paid time off for all full-time hourly associates and 40 hours of paid time off for part-time hourly associates to be used at their discretion at any time in 2020 and paid out at year-end if not used
For associates who are 65 years of age or older, or determined to be at higher risk by the CDC, added 160 hours of paid time off for full-time hourly associates and 80 hours of paid time off for part-time hourly associates to be used at their discretion at any time in 2020 and paid out at year-end if not used
Providing paid time off for any associate who has contracted COVID-19 until released by a doctor
Providing up to 14 days paid time off for any associate required to be quarantined by a public health authority or the CDC
Providing additional bonuses to hourly associates in stores and distribution centers -- $100 per week for full-time hourly associates and $50 per week for part-time hourly associates
Providing double pay for overtime hours worked by hourly associates
Extended dependent care benefits and waived co-pays
That's taking care of your troops.
DeleteHey, we want you to go out and patrol without a beat partner and we don't have enough hand sanitizer or masks for everyone while you're out on the road during this pandemic, but don't use the precinct gym because its dangerous.
ReplyDeleteYou always have the option of defying the gym closure, go work out, possible get sick (since one precinct gym is already having to be santized) and then climb on top of the precinct, pound your chest in defiance and wonder why no one warned you that the gym might be contaminated and should be closed.
DeleteOr go to calls and possibly get sick. Stop by QT for coffee and possibly get sick. Or use the precinct bathroom and possibly get sick. Or go get your BWC off the charger and possibly get sick. How silly. You are no more likely to get sick in the gym than anywhere else.
DeleteHow many of the commissioners are interested in doing a ride along with the officers now ? They are all safely tucked into their bunkers risking absolutely nothing as they demand our service to the community. And now they permit this new ego driven "Doctor of nothing" to remove the token show of appreciation for our sacrifice. We will serve our community because that is who we are, but we will not soon forget this betrayal.
ReplyDelete"Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth" - General George S. Patton
Why are the commissioners even still acting like they're doing something? I thought only ESSENTIAL people were supposed to be working......
DeleteAnother serious question, since the Governor's order that he signed yesterday says, "...any local ordinance or order adopted or issued since March 1, 2020, with the stated purpose or effect of responding to a public health state of emergency...combatting the spread of coronavirus or hereby suspended", does that mean that the Chairman's order is void? The Governor's order had a lot more in it, but that was the gist of it. If the county's order is void, then the County Manager no longer has the authority to disregard County Policy and take the annual leave accrual right?
ReplyDeleteYes Govenor's order over rides.
DeleteWalk with me on this. Just a theory. County Commissioners appoint a new County Manager that only they can fire. They meet beforehand and tell Dr.Screw The Essentials that they are going to vote unanimously on this 1/2 time for Annual Leave. They tell her that she has to take the heat and come in a week later and use her Emergency Executive Powers and take it away. They know only they can fire her. They get to say they were pro-public safety knowing they were going to have her take the blame. They knew they were only going to do this for 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteIf I was a Commissioner and I had just appointed a County Manager a few weeks prior to her using Emergency Executive Order to override my vote, I would make a motion to fire her immediately. Unless I knew this was the plan all along.
ReplyDeleteWe sound childish calling for the termination of a fellow county employee, based solely on an unpopular decision. The Chief clearly explained why we will not be receiving a supplemental pay and why we should be appreciative of the measures that have been passed recently in support of public safety. In these uncertain times, I’m committed to humbly and unselfishly serving our county.
ReplyDeleteYou can suck that one by yourself. Seems you have not worked the road in a while. So you are telling me that other agencies that are doing for their troops are caring for selfish people? You are truly pitiful to post that bleeding heart bullshit here. You be a martyr all you want. Not me
DeleteI have to imagine you are humbly serving from your house or office. She is a fellow county employee like Jeffery Dahmer was a chef. Stop fooling yourself.
DeleteI am putting my name on this so that others may know that they aren't the only ones contemplating this. During these emergency times I am constantly evaluating the directives as they come out if they are constitutional. I hope everyone keeps a vigilant eye out to make sure that the there is no government overreach of individual liberties in the name of "emergency". This could be the summit of a slippery slope.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Moore
Totally agree with you and have had the same discussion with several other officers. It's the essence of our oath to support and defend the constitution.
DeleteI won't violate someone's constitutional rights and impede the free exercise of religion (i.e. 1st Amendment the freedom of religion) nor impede someone's freedom of movement when no state law has been violated as I shockingly have seen happen other places around the country.
I have confidence in our Chief but not our politicians at any level to make the right choices.
I sure hope the BOC, County Managers and other top command are healthy in their safe homes all hunkered down. Meanwhile, we will continue serving the citizens of this county even without the true appreciation from the county. Their words are empty.
ReplyDeleteHere is my message to the County Commissioners and the County Manager. You have a fair policy that you agreed on to compensate all employees that you deem essential that have to come to work a 1/2 hour of Annual Leave for every hour worked. For non-essential to continue to get paid full wages while not working in the furtherance of Cobb County. Every Cobb County Employee from Court Clerks,DAs Office, Solicitors Office, Road Department, Water Department, 911, Sheriff's Office, Fire Dept, and Police,(I am sure I am missing other very important people as well and I apologize) that risk not only their lives but their families lives as well, to make sure Cobb County does not lock down and go into chaos a 1/2 hour of leave for every hour you leave home to keep Cobb County running. You are paying full wages for non-essential to stay at home but are only paying half wages to be used at a later time to those that risk everything. If, in your mind, the worst case scenario is employees builds up 6 months to a year of annual leave and retires a year early, you say "Thank you" and pay it. You say "Thank you!" and mean it, because these people kept you safe and healthy during the Pandemic of 2020. If that new employee retires 29 years from now instead of 30 because of leave they built right now, you say "Thank you!" and pay it.
ReplyDeleteAshamed Cobb County is the only one facing economic uncertainty with their tax digest. Even Peach County is showing appreciation for their folks on the front line with a $6/hr hazard pay. So what's that make it now, 10 or 11 Georgia jurisdictions running blindly into financial ruin to take care of their people now?
ReplyDeleteWhen will the leaders in this county realize that a complete lack of trust in management and leadership is as detrimental to morale as being under payed?
ReplyDeleteThe new county manager makes $275K base! Why such a substantial raise over the base pay of the last county manager?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is the DR in front of her name. Sounds fancy.
DeleteI'll go see her for a prescription if I start showing symptoms of the Rona.
DeleteBecause they knew she would do their dirty work for them and not stand up to them. She is a well paid sacrificial lamb.
DeleteThe county and BOC has been balancing it's budget on the backs of the employees for years. When every other county and city jurisdiction can find the means to fairly compensate it's employees with annual raises and benefits, our county cites reason after reason on why it can't compensate us. It puts how they feel about public safety into stark perspective. In the past our command and our BOC would say "well, go work for them". Well, if you haven't been paying attention, dozens of people have left and more leave on a weekly basis for better pay and benefits.
ReplyDeleteIn the past we would only lose officers to Fed jobs. What a sad state of affairs. What's even sadder is the lack of concern from the BOC. Our population grows and our call volume grows but our manpower continues to fall. Many precincts run open beats on a daily basis. At what point is enough enough? Of course I realize no one really wants this job anymore. The pay is getting worse, the pension system is being dismantled, the hours aren't great and we have to work during pandemics. But we don't get the pick of the litter anymore because the newer generation compares pay and benefits and we fall short.
I'm tired of hearing how poor this county is every time we look for better pay. We go to the commissioners meetings and hear promises but when push comes to shove they stand there with their pockets turned inside out. They throw out "Step and Grade" promises but what we got was more of the same. The system is the same with a different name. Except for Dr. What's her name. She got a pretty sweet bump in pay.
The latest proof of how we are seen in the order of importance was the rescinding of the accrued holiday leave and the denial of the $500 a month bonus. We are too poor, but surrounding jurisdictions, ones with true Step and Grade policies, have no problem compensating their employees for working during this unprecedented crises. We are exposing officers on a daily basis to a virus that is killing thousands of people but according to the Chief we are just lucky to have a job. We are exposing our officers and their families to this virus. Think about that. As some commissioners opt to video conference their denial of added benefits, we are out there with paper masks and plastic glasses to protect us.
Oliver Wendall Holmes said "Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being stumbled over". Please stop telling us you can't afford to compensate us. Please stop telling us you can't afford to give us some sort of benefit for working during this crisis. I know I'm being kicked, I know better and you should be ashamed.
I used to be the biggest cheerleader for the county. I preached GTAC because I really believed things would get better. They have not and I have resigned to the fact that they never will. I am lucky enough to remember a time where I felt appreciated. Unfortunately that time has passed.
I'll continue to give my all because that is what my officers deserve. That is what the citizens deserve and because I consider myself an honorable person who swore to do a job. I will continue to drive on in spite of being repeatedly kicked.
I sure am glad we got an email today reminding us the overpaid doc is violating policy
ReplyDeleteThat was thoughtfully crafted and well put. Interesting reference to "my officers"... inquiring minds want to know what rank you hold. No trace of koolaid, my money is on a veteran Sgt, maybe Lt. I am sure your shift realizes you have their back.
ReplyDeleteThank you and you are correct on the rank although I'd rather leave people guessing. I have developed an innate distrust in some of our higher staff. Not all of them, we have some spectacular leaders, but some of them will throw you under the bus in a second to save themselves from looking bad.
DeleteI love my officers like they are my family. They don't work for me, we work together. I feel like that sentiment is lost above me. I'm tired of losing officers. I'm tired of seeing my people worry about money and feeling like they have no support. I love this job and am thankful I got to work in a time when we had the support of our BOC. A time when we could do our jobs without being second guessed every step of the way.
We suffer from "analysis paralysis" now. We over analyze and overthink every situation until any forward motion or decision-making become "paralyzed". No solution or course of action is decided upon or the decision takes forever and impacts us financially or kills morale.
Example? We had a chance to switch to 9mm at no cost, Just like dozens of other agencies did. It took 2 years to make that decision and it costed us a pretty significant sum to do so.
Outer vests. Why did it take so long? How many committees and subcommittees did we need to ultimately come to a decision on this? Is it better for the officers? Yes! Then do it! no more discussion!Will it raise morale? Yes! Just do it!
Let's not get into the dozens of cars sitting idly in a lot instead of being put into service due to the camera debacle.
I realize I sound negative but to be fair it took a decade to get this way. We do some things well. I still think we have excellent training and some of the most dedicated officers I've ever worked with. When I attend outside training I am always proud of how we look and conduct ourselves.
We used to be the tip of the spear. We used to have the best pay and benefits. People used to leave other agencies to come to us. We have lost our way.
Clayton county is about to vote on the $500 per month hazard pay. That would be ON TOP of the 40 hours of annual leave they already get per week. What kind of world do we live in falling this far behind Clayton....
ReplyDeleteEven Augusta is giving their essential employees $5/hr hazard pay for the next two months.
"Today's vote and implementation of the Extreme Condition Hazard Pay Policy by the Augusta Commission is a testament to our awareness that many of our staff members must continue to go out each day, leave their homes and families, and place their health and safety on the line to ensure that our city operations are not disrupted," Mayor Hardie Davis Jr. said in the release. "We are appreciative of their efforts and recognize the sacrifice that they are making during this time. I applaud the members of the Commission for their favorable support of this measure."
Clayton and Dekalb used to be the punchline in jokes we would tell. My how the mighty have fallen.
ReplyDeleteAny attempt to talk about how our budget can't afford a benefit to our officers is disingenuous. Anyone who makes the statement that we can't afford it can't be trusted.
So Cherokee County Board of Commissioners voted and approved last night to give all their essential employees an extra $500 a month. Huh? I'll be damned!
ReplyDeleteAtlanta extended theirs to June 30th
DeleteLet's face it the BOC has determined that there will be a certain number of acceptable losses. They pay out 1.5x your salary and they are done with you.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the citizens are not being inconvenienced by a lack of public safety services absolutely nothing will change. Until the BOC starts getting inundated by calls from angry citizens complaining about delayed responses or no response absolutely nothing will change. The only thing the BOC responds to is anything that might negatively impact their re-election.
ReplyDeleteAll of our financial issues would have been solved by a millage rate increase. Every one of the issues. But that doesn't play well for re-election. Besides, the SPLOST can pay for all of the feel-good projects that win re-elections. But sorry, we can't compensate you from that SPLOST cash (see the kicked dog analogy above).
Our officers are way too professional to purposefully slow down their response times or stage a blue flu, and I am proud of that fact. However, We are critical enough with manpower that it won't be long until those 12 hour shifts come to fruition. We already have officers responding to dangerous calls alone because backup is not available. Now, with the cancellation of the next couple of academy classes, any relief for our officers is a long way off.
I see the "welcome to the new officers" emails and then look at the officers leaving and see more leaving then staying. We lose valuable officers that we have invested time an money into and all we are doing is training them for another agency. Sad. But as another poster stated these are acceptable loses.
Question for the group:
ReplyDeleteSmyrna PD has started delivering groceries and medication to elderly people that live in the city limits. Would you be willing to do the same for elderly people living in your precinct?
Without a doubt
DeleteI thought our community affairs unit was intended for this kind of community outreach. It seems to me they have lost their way.
DeleteI think some community affairs are working in Pct 4 to help with manpower and the others are working the testing site at Jim Miller.
DeleteIt's a great idea and something we should be doing for that part of our community. And we've got specialized units, such as Community Affairs and the Ranger Unit, that fits in their mission.
DeleteYes. Knock and drop.
DeleteThe question is kind of leading. From the press release I read, Smyrna only has 2 officers dedicated to this task and both are community relations officers. So as a Pct officer, no I would not be interested in doing this. I would be ok with our community affairs officers doing this, but as has been stated they are filling beats to keep precincts afloat and manning the testing site. So not very realistic of a proposal
DeleteWe've had 2 from Community Affairs working beats at Z4 for a couple of weeks. It's been the only way we've been able to get close to full manpower for over a year. We're still running at 70-80% manpower even with them a lot of days. We'll go back down to 50-70% tops when they return to their regular Community Affairs assignment. I appreciate the heck out of their help in the meantime.
ReplyDeleteDoes Z4 really only have 14 officers on day shift? How do you manage? We had more officers in 2003 than we do now at Z4. More people, Higher volume...Less officers. What could go wrong?
DeleteDon't forget Z4 also has 10 beats now.
DeleteLove the pep rally email, not. I have not forgotten her first letter canceling the A/L bonus...
ReplyDeleteHello, everyone.
I pray you’re all doing well and finding some glimmers of hope and blessings in the midst of what we’re experiencing. Thank you for all you’re doing to assist in following the Executive Orders/Declarations both from the Governor and our Board. We’re working through next steps given the Governor’s Extension of the Public Health & Social Distancing Executive Orders. Again, on behalf of the Board, we thank you for doing your part in ensuring the health, safety and overall well-being of our communities--in ways we could not have imagined. A very heartfelt thank you and shout-out to all our public safety personnel doing an amazing job! You Absolutely Rock!
As you’re aware, tomorrow is Good Friday and our offices will be officially closed. I wish you a very peaceful Good Friday. We will re-open under Limited Operations on Monday.
This too shall pass, and we will get through it together!
I feel much better DR. Thanks for that prescription of koolaid. Yeah!
ReplyDeleteShe's a joke.
ReplyDeleteCobb County isn’t the federal government. They can’t print imaginary money to appease the masses. We need fiscally responsible leadership to keep the GTC. Dr. Morris probably did the right thing. We should be professional and just do our jobs. Thank you for serving in these dire times.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Annual Leave COVID 19 compensation was the most "fiscally conservative" choice that the boc made. If you worked in uniform you would see the hazard daily to yourself and the hazard you can bring home to your family!
DeleteActions speak louder than words and the best thing the county manager and the boc can do is stop thanking us because its bull$hit!!
If they truly appreciated us and the work we're doing they would have kept the Annual Leave compensation.
And to CS, stop trying to "spin" the bull$hit, its insulting and only destroys your credibility with the troops.
We do need fiscally responsible leadership. We don't have it! All of the surrounding depts are compensating their troops but we aren't. The county leadership is the same people who keep buying parks, giving themselves raises, buying donkeys, and selling salt trucks! Prospective new hires are seeing how much better other departments are being treated than us so why would they apply here? This is an opportunity, although unfortunate, to show that no matter what happens Cobb takes care of its employees. Leadership is more worried about re-election and their own raises.
DeleteBut they can make good decisions with what they have. Why give non essentials who are not even teleworking their sick and annual leave accruals? Take that and split it up with the people out there doing the work!
DeleteFiscally conservative? Really.
DeleteYou're either blind, new, or drank to much koolaid. You must mean "fiscally conservative" like paying $90k a pop for the same officer position 2 and 3 times over because the boc didn't and still doesn't want to competitive and fair with pay and benefits.
And in case you haven't figured it out yet that "promised raise" you were told you were getting in October ain't happening. You know the one that was going to move most of the hybrid officers into the "step plan" based on years of service.
Are you posting that from home or your desk?
DeleteEvery other agency is being fiscally irresponsible? is that it? Or do they realize the extreme danger their officers are facing and feel it deserves compensation?
We pay hazardous duty pay to units that may face hazards at some point during any given month. Is that also fiscally irresponsible? maybe we need to roll back that pay now.
That is a disingenuous post and you can't be trusted. Your last sentence is the most telling and proves you don't know working the road from a hole in the ground. Our officers are serving professionally and they are doing their job even after the slap in the face of not receiving any form of compensation.
We will lose officers because of this. I truly hope you are not in a command position. But if you are you wouldn't benefit from the compensation anyway so why fight for it?
Cobb would be in a far better economic position if it would have raised the millage rate. They didn't and now we are suffering. But hey, it's an election year and you can't make unpopular decisions.
DeleteAtlanta is not the federal government
DeletePaulding isn't the federal government
Cherokee isn't the federal government
I'd go on I don't have the time to document every agency that is doing the right thing.
They can't print money either yet somehow they see the value in compensating their troops.
Stop with the malarkey. Our officers are smarter than that.
The ENTIRE WORLD IS ON LOCKDOWN! And again the county won't fairly compensate the essential personnel with extra hours of Annual Leave. Here's an idea, how about the boc and the county manager open their homes to police officers and firefighters instead of putting our families at risk of getting sick or dying.
DeleteI'll go there. They printed enough money to build a ballpark!
DeleteThere's no difference between 10 hours worked a day and using 10 hours of annual leave a day. Financial burden my butt.
ReplyDelete^---- THIS
DeleteThere is no way this is "unsustainable" unless everyone retires and cashes out all of their annual leave at the same time.
Here is the issue as I heard it from high up with the A/L thing. The county was giving the A/L to everyone who was working. Not just public safety. If you were coming in as a librarian to update the Dewey decimal system (I know I'm old) you were getting that annual leave added. Granted your biggest concern in that situation is a paper cut, but I digress. Unlike other agencies Cobb can't seem to separate public safety from everyone else.
ReplyDeleteSo here is the issue. Other departments within the county earn and burn their leave. You don't generally see water department employees holding 480 hours of leave to be payed out when they leave or retire. By adding those extra hours to all employees the county would have to pay out hundreds of hours they would not normally have paid out to the earn and burn employees when they separate service. Apparently other county departments have enough manpower to give annual leave at will. Must be nice!
Now granted, that could be BS but I heard it from someone in county government that wasn't PD.
Gonna steal points made from previous posts from officers smarter than me. No one involved in any level of government has dealt with anything like this in their lifetime and "the ENTIRE WORLD IS ON LOCKDOWN!"
DeleteCOVID 19 is highly infectious and the likelihood of a deputy, firefighter, or police officer bringing this home to their family is great. That said public safety essential personnel who are the greatest risk of county employees should be compensated and it should be 1 hour of annual leave earned for every 1 hour worked!
Or "how about the boc and the county manager open up their homes to police officers and firefighters instead of putting our families at risk of getting sick or dying." That's how serious this is and there plenty local governments and private sector companies that have figured this out and offer their people compensation/hazard pay as I've seen in a text message floating around amongst the troops.
And if a deputy, firefighter, or police officer retires and cashes out with additional annual leave because of the compensation, "You say "Thank you!" and mean it, because these people kept you safe and healthy during the Pandemic of 2020. If that new employee retires 29 years from now instead of 30 because of leave they built right now, you say "Thank you!" and pay it.
You see how pissed public safety personnel are about the county manager's decision not only on this blog but on FB also. The county manager's decision was negligent and reckless and we will lose more officers because of it. This action will also kill recruiting, why would I recommend cobb to a family member or friend after continually getting screwed over by the boc and now the county manager.
To the boc and county manager, it is insulting to thank us for the risk to us and our families and then you spit in our faces by taking away the annual leave compensation.
To CS, I also don't understand the need to "spin the bull$hit", you of all people know we know bull$hit when we see it.
The solution is simple, 1 hour of annual leave earned for every 1 hour worked for essential public safety personnel.
Let's not start a who's more essential fight. We do that and we all lose!
DeleteAnd before you ask, no I'm not command staff or an employee in another department. I'm a POII and stuck in this mess with everyone else.
I get not getting into the essential vs nonessential argument but I also get that public safety is far more likely to deal directly with infected people than almost anyone else. Paper mask or not. We are also more likely to end up hands on with them. It's myopic to not see the difference and to compensate public safety.
DeleteI saw a post above that mentioned the hazard duty pay some units get and that made me think. Are they more essential than you as a POII? They get paid for perceived hazards that you may also face but the pay is an additional compensation because they may find themselves in higher risk circumstances by the nature of their collateral duty.
I don't understand why the CS isn't coming out on the side of their troops and are siding with management. "This will have long term and far reaching effects on the relationship between the white shirts and the rest of us". That statement was taken directly from an officer on a shift at a precinct as he mentioned he has applied for other agencies.
The chance for someone to be a hero on this issue has long passed. We need another Jack Forsyth.
They can make all the excuses they want but quite frankly everyone else can pay compensate their employees.
DeleteI'm sure the Atlanta City Water Dept is an earn it and burn it group themselves....So that explanation is utter bullshit.
I could be wrong but I believe the County Managers annual bonus is tied directly to how close she stays under budget.
Also, don't think for a second that the county isn't excited about the unemployment rate swelling the ranks of the Police Department.
Comp time and a rule you have to use it before you leave is zero cost. Would be a one sentence policy. Everytime we bring this up we just get funny looks and no answers
DeleteI see and respect your point and my intention wasn't to start a fight. But to offer an opinion based on "essential" and "hazard", and that deputies, firefighters, and police officers should be compensated on a public safety forum.
ReplyDeleteIf others want to make an argument for hazard pay or compensation, such as liberians going in occasionally to a closed building, I support them as well.
Then let's call it hazard pay. Because that truly is what we're talking about.
DeleteIt's the internet. We aren't fighting. Merely sharing opposing opinions. Some officers face more danger than others and get hazard pay. I'm not saying they are more essential than I am but they are getting paid extra due to the danger. Plus many get on-call pay. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Why shouldn't we all get the same compensation?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure it's an opinion as much as an observation. There is a mechanism in place to pay officers more where there is an increased danger to them. Are we not all facing additional danger? Unprecedented danger. The President says so. The CDC says so. I say so. The BOC? not so much.
So if we are worried about being fiscally responsible why are we paying detectives to do as they wish and not come in to work. I mean, I for paying them if they are at their homes and could respond immediately if needed. But I see Facebook posts from several using this time and doing as they wish. Not at all sheltering in place. If they are getting paid and earning annual leave at home, are they not getting a 1 for 1 as we usually do for inclement weather. I know it is not PD only, it is all county employees. Some turkey hunting on the clock, fishing, working athletic skills with their kids.
ReplyDeleteSimply put;this is unfair treatment of those who are showing up and reporting to their jobs. If we are to be fiscally responsible then how can one be inside their home in pajama of choice and earn the same as that one on scene carrying out the duties of their job class.
Can someone smarter than me give me a good answer?
Im not smart either but i think this is the part where you get the be thankful you have a job speech. And hey we be praying for ya.
DeleteThe detectives who are teleworking are not supposed to have gotten the annual leave at the extra rate. Also, Facebook might be deceiving about when the detectives are doing as they wish. I am not sure about turkey hunting or fishing while on the clock, but the detectives I know are doing things with their families during their off time.
DeleteThe detectives who are teleworking were only getting the extra annual leave accrual when they were at the office, not at home. And all of their activities and dailies are being monitored and checked daily all the way up the chain. So do some of them take a couple hours and spend time with the kids? Probably. Are they still getting work done? Probably. Does this patrol vs detective annual leave accrual thing sound like someone trying to encourage infighting and take away focus from the actual issue and reality that PD keeps getting crapped on by BOC at every turn? Oh yeah
DeleteYes, the good answer is:
DeleteYou have been given bad information, fake news from someone.
What have we become that we are now staging, waiting on Fire to arrive? I'm not talking about COVID-19 dispatches but instead any call. Remember when Fire waited on PD?
ReplyDeleteIf you're staging on every call you're doing it wrong. If you can't tell the difference ask a supervisor.
DeleteWhere are we compared to last year (March 2020 compared to March 2019).
ReplyDeleteIncident reports: 22% less reports written
Accident reports: 33% less reports written
Traffic citations:63% less citations written
Arrest charges: 48% less arrest charges
Right. It's almost as if there's a deadly global disease and the whole world has been told to stay home. Some of us don't have that luxury.
DeleteExactly, it's as if there are those in law enforcement think that social distancing applies to everyone but us. Remember, just because you think you're a superhero doesn't mean you're immune to a virus that has shutdown the entire world and you could bring it home to your family.
DeleteOk so right in the middle of a pandemic where we can't get compensation for dangerous conditions, we implement a new software program to track us with a $20,000 start up cost and $14,000 each year after. Nice.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind this was likely an item that was already budgeted. Not everything is some sort of conspriacy.
DeleteRaises were budgeted also. What's the over-under on that happening this October?
DeleteI think there is a zero chance on the raises happening in October. But they weren’t budgeted, they were planned on being added to the budget. That vote would happen in July.
DeleteSo here we are a month into this mess.....
ReplyDeleteWe heard there is a ton of hand sanitizer that was purchased by the county yet we still get the stuff that comes from local distilleries.
Each given 1 mask and told to reuse it.
Given some annual leave which was quickly stopped
But now a 3 Million dollar FEMA grant is coming and you know what will happen? We'll each get one more mask in August. All of those funds will disappear and the county will cry the blues about how expensive this was.
What we need is a forensic accountant to go through the books. The FBI to dig through the email servers.
Text message and phone records of the county commissioners and county manager searched.
How is it that OTT got a free pass on using county employees to provide info to the City of East Cobb committee?
Or we can do what we always do. Attend a few BOC meetings wearing blue shirts, get some empty promises and then go back to complaining when nothing changes.
Delete“While we are sitting comfortably in our own homes, these people are out there exposing themselves to the risk getting the virus. I don’t think $500 is enough,” the Fulton Board of Commissioners’ chair said of a proposal to give each impacted worker $500 in hazard pay in response to the outbreak, the same amount the city of Atlanta approved April 14.
ReplyDeleteSo after some discussion, at its April 15 recess meeting, the board voted 7-0 to approve $750 in hazard pay for the 1,600 front-line employees from March 18 through May 31, unless the virus crisis ends sooner. Though Pitts and some county leaders attended the meeting at Assembly Hall in downtown Atlanta, the rest of the commissioners and some department heads participated via videoconference from their homes due to the outbreak.
Hey boc,
ReplyDeleteFORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Forsyth County commissioners are moving forward with plans to introduce hazard pay for its employees working in the field during the coronavirus pandemic.
At its April 14 video conference work session, county commissioners introduced a plan similar to one approved a week earlier in neighboring Cherokee County that will pay employees who face “significant elevated risk” of exposure to the coronavirus an additional $500 a month. Those employees facing “elevated risk” of exposure will receive $250 a month in hazard pay.
"we lead, others follow"
Good for Forsyth and Cherokee,
ReplyDeleteWhat a financial burden the Annual Leave compensation was for cobb and the insight the county manager had after an entire pay period was so fortunate for us. I couldn't imagine what it's like to work for a fiscally reckless employer like Cherokee or Forsyth County. How ever will the boc's in Cherokee or Forsyth recover politically from their grave mistake?
When the truth comes out as to why we really didn't get the extra compensation it will be devastating to what is left of the department morale. It had nothing to do with the budget.
ReplyDeleteYou are anonymous, right? Why not share?
DeleteYeah, please share.
DeleteSmells like someone trying to stir the pot without any evidence.
DeleteKennesaw Mayor Derek Easterling says his city laid off 23 employees, or just under 11% of its staff of 212, as closures due to the coronavirus have reduced tax revenues in the city.
ReplyDeleteIs this some shady attempt to say we should be thankful? Those employees will be fine, here's the rest of the article: (And Kennesaw is still probably better managed financially than the county)
No, I would never want to say anything that would hurt your fragile feelings and interfere with your RAGE at the establishment mentality.
DeleteIt was simply a factual statement from a media outlet. Your assumptions otherwise are inaccurate and immature.
Problem solved.
DeleteEasterling told the MDJ the layoffs that took place on Friday are temporary, and the city's human resources division will file for unemployment on behalf of the affected workers. The mayor said the workers will receive their full paycheck next week, and they will continue to have health insurance through the city until the end of May.
ReplyDelete“I think they [employees] understand how fortunate they are that they’re in a position where they’re collecting compensation and benefits right now, where so many in the county are not afforded that opportunity,” he said.
The boc has successfully kicked the can far enough down the road to avoid fulfilling their promise of putting the new officers in the step plan based on their years of service.
DeleteInteresting, the assumptions and decisions being made even after the federal government layed out the guidelines to lift the state's shutdowns and reopen the economy. Any excuse to not do the right thing.
DeleteGet down! Shut up!
DeleteI guess this is what happens when you have a couple dozen number 1 priorities...
DeleteThey are assuming a loss in revenue of $5 Million. Yet nobody is factoring in the several million in FEMA money that is coming.
DeleteDouglas County Sentinel Facebook Page
ReplyDeleteTo give First Responders and Frontline Workers $200/pay period. The money would include retro pay dating back from March 16 and to end May 15.
Prompted by Commission Chair Romona Jackson but all the commissioners said they were in favor of the bonus.
Very simply put. We have the ability to ensure they are all replaced. Speak to them with their wallets. Blue flu. Make it as bad as the Corona-virus. All tickets that you write, make warnings. Call Victory/Uber Task Force for DUI's that no injury or loss has transpired. Hit them in their DUI and Traffic Court revenue generating machine. Then they can't afford to pay Doctor's to sit on their asses. Fire the County Manager and fire that blowhard Boyce. Cobb County is over managed. Our Department is over managed. With all these damn supervisors and Staff, how can they not keep an eye on their troops. Now we throw money in the trash for this Guardian shit.
ReplyDeleteCOBB Sux and the world knows it should be our motto!
Talk about shady
Audit: Cobb owes FEMA $557,943
Aug. 21, 2014
That was on old Slim Tim Shady Lee's watch. Him and Ole Skankerson. The needed jackasses and a stadium. Spent all that dang money and only had to look in the mirror to find to purebred JACKASSES for sure.
ReplyDeleteSo Cobb can print money after all.
My wife lost her job and I lost my part time jobs. Hey Cobb, I'm pretty damn needy at this point.
DeleteHey boc,
DeleteThere are plenty more examples like this around department. Just goes to show how out of touch the boc is with the employees.
Hey y'all,
DeleteI know we don't like to ask for help, but if you know someone who needs help I believe the Chaplain's program is a resource that can help.
Well, help one employee maybe get one vote. Throw a million dollars at people and get hundreds of votes. Pure political expediency. Add to that the fact that a lot of employees live outside the people's Republic of Cobb so why help them?
DeleteGo to to watch Cobb County Commission Chair Candidates online Zoom Interviews schedule for Tuesday morning, April 21st:
ReplyDelete• 10:00am: Candidate Ricci Mason begins
• 11:00am: Candidate Larry Savage begins
• 12:00pm: Candidate Mike Boyce begins
Hey boc,
ReplyDeleteIt's a done deal.
Douglas County boc voted 4-1 and approved Hazard Pay of $200/pay period for front line workers. And at this time the hazard pay is retroactive from March 16rh to May 13th.
How about that. Now every county that connects to cobb gets hazard pay.
DeleteSurely this will save us from being!!
This is not going to be popular....
ReplyDeletePOII Officers just went up to 50kish a year. That works out to about $24.03 an hour. $24.03 x 80hrs of annual leave is $1923 versus $200 a pay period. It would take 10 pay periods for them to catch up assuming they get the pay that long. Even Atlanta is at $500 a month I believe. 4 months for them to catch up.
I know that A/L doesn't put food on the table or cover for part times lost but dollar for dollar I think we did ok.
I thought the A/L compensation was only for one pay period and was a 1/2 hour of A/L for every 1 hour of work? My math ain't the best but I that's only 40 hours of A/L.
DeleteA- They cut us off at the knees by cancelling the leave accrual at 1600 on a Friday. By email, from the safety of their home.
DeleteB- Your math is off. But only by 50% lol.
C- You're right. Fake News is not popular
Bottom line is cobb county should provide hazard pay. Considering what other cities/counties are doing, a 1 hour of annual leave for 1 hour of work is fair.
ReplyDeleteAnd how simple would it be to stipulate that those hours earned during the PANDEMIC for the purposes of hazard pay had to be used prior to retirement.
DeleteThe boc and the county manager are either incompetent to come up with a simple stipulation or they think we're fools.
Hello all. I want everyone to refocus your efforts on a new reality. If you are not one that follows politics and large business practices then pay very close attention.
ReplyDeleteYou can see that States are asking Congress to ammend the Bankruptcy code that for now forbids them from filing.
The biggest savings large businesses and States go after first is their pensions owed. This is because they have ended any ability to properly fund the accounts by cutting out the option to bring in new payers.
I say this because if States are looking then you know large counties are quietly looking for the same relief. Our crooks in charge would love to steal our pensions in this manner.
For our command staff moles that troll here, how about some proactive checks into what the County cronies are doing on this matter. Instead of meeting in wether to wear you Command Blue or Command White golf shirts.
So cobb would fall under Chapter 9 if the state approved them to file for bankruptcy.
DeleteHere's a link to a good article about Chapter 9.
Municipal Bankruptcy Explained: What it Means to File for Chapter 9 | The Pew Charitable Trusts
And for those that want the federal law, here's a link to the US Courts.
Chapter 9 - Bankruptcy Basics | United States Courts
Plese cite your source of information related to the statement, "You can see that States are asking Congress to ammend the Bankruptcy code that for now forbids them from filing."
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying you are wrong but I know it is easy to make any statement without having to provide proof (It is done daily on this site.). I just want to see what proof you have and once proof is presented, I will consider how factual it is. You may be correct in your statement, you may not. I think we deserve to rationalized it ourselves.
By the way, a "no reponse" to this request will be considered as no proof to your statment.
I did make the original post but this may be what they are referencing.
Take a look at the city of Detroit. Their pension was destroyed when the auto industry died there.
Don't think it can happen....We never thought we'd be furloughed or that we wouldn't get any raises during the biggest bull market in history either.
Someone take away the chief's access to email. Or at least tell him that emailing about maybe good things happening before a decision has been made is a bad idea. You would think that past experience would have shown this is a bad idea because the good rarely ever actually happens and he is left holding the bag when he has to tell us it didn't get approved. Get him away from his email and take him out to go bowling or get a tattoo tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGood point to a related previous comment. How is the raise going to happen this fall considering boyce telling the news the raise probably wouldn't happen, BUT in the last 3 years with a fantastic economy we got NO raises.
DeleteCobb County - Balancing the budget on it's employees backs since 2005.
DeleteIf you don’t want his e-mails, be man enough to go tell him, instead of complaining and hiding under anonymity.