This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
In the Newnan-Times Hearld article link below, The Braves New Stadium: A Financial Check 4 Months Into The Season, posted on Aug. 22, 2017 is an in-depth look at some of the major dollar figures related to the project in the following areas: What it cost the county? What's the return in regards to: Property Taxes? Sales Tax Revenues? And what's the "Halo Effect" for Cobb?
As with anything else the "devil is in the details", so I recommend you take your time, take notes, and do the math yourself. At the end of reading the article you'll probably have more questions than answers as I did. The entire time I read it I kept thinking two things: So where's all the money going?, and How does the county end up with a $30 million short fall in 2019? To me something doesn't add up based on recent articles posted and I know something that the powers to be don't know. There's alot of people more talented than me here and alot of great investigators on this department (both in uniform and out of uniform). My hope is to create a dialogue here with the information provided and maybe other information discovered along the way. The more we brainstorm ideas together and use the Investigative talents we've developed and sharpened over the years, I believe it will help us get closer to fixing all the issues we're facing and maybe even hold some feet to the fire. Please copy and paste the link and send it out to every officer you know. The more that know what's going on, the better it is for all of us. Knowledge Is Power and United We Stand!
2016 US Census, States Population- 50. Wyoming...............585,501 49. Vermont.................624,594 48. Washington DC....681,170 47. Alaska....................741,894 ... Cobb County, GA..748,150 46. North Dakota........757,952 ... 8. Georgia...............10,310,371
FBI: UCR (2011) Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants by region and geographic division by population group (table 70&71).
-South's average- Employees- 3.2 Officers- 2.5
-Nation's average- Employees- 3.4 County officers- 2.7
BJS within US Dept of Justice (2003)- Population served: 250,000 or more- average 2.5 officers per 1,000 residents
Looking at the numbers for Cobb, it appears we are 1:1,350 residents. That's not even including the 300,000 to 400,000 visitors that are here for work, school and play on a daily basis, which pushes us over a million people in the county.
So after review, where are the Cobb PD officers to cover the population, which is greater than Alaska's population or any of the other four smallest occupied states?
I like where your head is on this but I have to counter for clarity. The census is based on the whole county. For these numbers to be accurate you have to add in all of the city officers too in order to get the correct ratio.
I do think a forensic accountant preferably from the FBI should take a look at things.
How is it that the DJIA was 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. Now it closed at 23,557.23 today.
The message presented was " It is fair to say that the pension funds have not grown as anticipated due to earlier retirements, people living longer, etc., and the BOC is looking at all options of the pension plan"
How is that possible?
I'll tell you, They need to look at who manages the pension fund. Who chooses vehicles in which the money was placed? WHY were those chosen. If they were under performing why haven't changes been made? I dare say the person in charge has some explaining to do.
If this new retirement plan passes that will be the last slap in the face I can take. I will be taking my training to another department. It will be a mass exodus for sure.
Apparently the last time I typed this it did not make it on here so I will try again. I don't care if it's the FOP helping or us Sgt and Lt doing it, but if this pay "situation" keeps dragging on we need to take action legally if that is the best course of action. We all know what the county is doing to us is wrong and I have little faith they will fix this soon. So, if steps are being taken please let me know. I am willing to write my name on the dotted line and do whatever leg work needs to be done.
When you find that attorney let me know. Maybe he will help us not get screwed on our retirement for those who are vested. That's next. Kick us when we are down. This is a great place to work.
Another legal question. If the SPLOST money projects must legally be done (according to their tier) than the assigned vehicle program must be done, right? Is it illegal for the county to sell the idea of a SPLOST and then go back on the program since they used the money to buy cars but did not replace already existing cars in the fleet?
Somebody please confirm for me that we were able to purchase 3 new chargers and they went to,or are going to, the chief and the 2 deputy chiefs. If that is the case that sounds like command staff saying "let them eat cake."
You are correct. The chief and two deputy chiefs got brand new chargers. I'm not sure where the money came for those, the new uniforms for command staff, new uniforms for special units (K9, TAC), or any other expenses that were made. If someone knows, please let us know.
The Atlanta Braves and their associated businesses have generated more revenue for their parent company through the first three quarters of 2017 than all of 2016, according to new financial information released by the ballclub’s parent company this week.
The Braves Group, which consists of the major league ballclub, five minor league teams and various other assets like ballparks, generated $185 million in the third quarter of 2017, according to Liberty Media, the Braves’ parent company. In the same July-to-September period last year, the Braves Group generated $109 million in revenue, an increase of 70 percent. SunTrust Park hosted 41 home games during the third quarter this year as opposed to 35 in 2016.
In the third quarter, the Braves Group saw a profit — adjusted income before depreciation and amortization — of $48 million. The Braves Group saw revenue of $262 million in all of 2016, according to financial reports from Liberty. The report attributes the increase in revenue to an increase in ballpark operations at the new SunTrust Park, which saw ticket sales, concessions, corporate sales, suites and premium seat fees all increase in the third quarter. The same report states that about $718 million has been spent on SunTrust Park as of Sept. 30. Of that amount, about $390 million was provided by Cobb County and other related entities and about $328 million was provided by the Braves.
About $398 million has been spent on building The Battery Atlanta, the mixed-use development adjacent to the SunTrust Park, through Sept. 30, the report states. Of that amount, about $364 million came from the Braves.
MUST BE NICE.. Yet, the County can't commit to completing a take-home car program, a cost of living increase, a pay scale that is understood by everyone to include our own county HR dept instead of the mysterious "X", or a healthy pension fund. "Expect the Best".
Cobb and the Braves are adding a dollar to each parking pass to cover the cost of traffic services for the upcoming season. This is to relieve the burden of paying all the overtime for the officers. The county has also stopped overtime, unless there is prior approval for all special ops, to save up for the overtime at the Braves games
Only when they think they can continue to take from your back pocket. Look at the numerous lawsuits in the City of Dallas, TX that is coming just under $62mil and two more suits to be settled. The Dallas Police Officers and Firefighters are winning a long fight.
From the linked article, "In 1979, Dallas voters approved a pay raise for police and firefighters including step increases for different ranks within the departments. Over the years that followed, those step increases diminished so that there was not a set percentage of pay increase that happened when an officer was promoted." Numerous sources and sites can be found related to the story.
If you don't think it couldn't happen elsewhere. Ask yourself is it worth the fight?
And hasn't Heaton referenced the fact that cobb had a Step Plan "years ago"? I wonder, when cobb created the Step Plan years ago, and put pen to paper, did they put it in writing when it would end? Or did cobb just stop the Step Plan, just as Dallas did? Come on guys, there's enough old timers here that know people and could find out. By the way, Texas is a right to work state also.
I believe 1989 was when the step increases just went away. When I hired on in 1981 there was a 10 step plan. Each year we received a 5% step increase. Once employee's reached the 10th step they went into longevity. Each year those that were in longevity received a 2% to 3% increase. Compression was non existent up until 1989. For the next 2 or 3 years we did not receive any raises so compression started. Around 1993 or 1994 is when the infamous Slavin & Nevins study came in and pay raises were based on performance evaluations. From that point forward pay compression started and within 3 or 4 years the compression became pretty severe which continues today.
We never filed a lawsuit over pay compression. We were told then it was not winnable if all were treated the same. We (Lodge 13) did file a lawsuit over lunch breaks in the middle 90's and won. At the time we were working 9 hrs on the clock and only paid for 8 hrs. because they said all of us received an hour lunch break. As most of you know our lunch breaks were typically in the cars going from call to call.
Thanks Jimmy, This is the kind of information we need to get out. We need to bring back a 10 Year Salary Step Plan! I believe it is winnable and I think it's worth looking into.
So management opens up the door, speaks about your concerns, and asks us to trust them, they pat you on the back and smile, a very becoming smile. But still, no raise, no cost of living adjustment, no this, no that, nothing. They dodge the questions regarding the employees getting shafted with changes to their pension and the proposed Rule of 85. Do we trust them? NEVER, but at least we can say Go Braves.
To the earlier question (11-09-17) about buying Chargers for the Chiefs... it is confirmed, three Chargers have been delivered. They were seen at HQ today and they are in the process of being outfitted. Part of the outfitting was having the windows tinted. Interesting, does anyone remember this email sent out by a member of the command staff on 02-10-17: "Recently, I have been asked by several officers for permission to have window tint installed on their take home cars. After considerable thought and considering the budgetary and possible safety implications, I do not feel this is a good idea."
So let me get this right, we haven't completed the take home car program, we don't have any money, and the chief and deputy chiefs just got new chargers? With window tint no doubt. Correct me if I'm wrong didn't the chief in his meeting with the officers say that he might start asking for keys back to take home cars assigned to the officers? Wow, not hard to see where the priorities are... I wonder if there was a power point presentation to justify those cars... Hey officers do you feel that your being looked out for? Yea,I didn't think so.
Not YET, and if they do I know one shift will be working with 5 and sometimes only 4 beats filled. Also having to go to mandatory training on off days. So, if no OT, then there will be 4 maybe 3 beats filled. And we are supposedly close to being fully staffed. And by god, you better write those tickets.
Hey Did anyone see the 11/14 commissioners meeting? Ott and Boyce dropped their puzzle over the SPLOST funding for a Airport Firetruck. Their heads are so far up their ass they couldn't hear the words coming out of Dir Heaton or Chief Crider's mouth. It would be a great laugh if it wasn't so SAD!! Check it out. Tab 7 Public Safety
Yea, have you ever seen Heaton up there going to bat for police department like he does for the fire department? Yep, me neither. Good things are coming, hang in there.
The only person who must have any idea about airport operations or aviation firefighting is the pilot. Oh wait, did he mention that he works at an airport...
Chairman..."we have extra money in the SPLOST". Really? How many cars could be purchased with $887,007.00. But i will say...Crider and Especially Heaton, got so rattled. He was turning red and was shaking. LMAO how dare you question anything to do with Fire. They have the fire fund... why don't we have a fund for the PD? More importantly....EXTRA MONEY? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yeah, if there is EXTRA Money in the SPLOST then why are they not spending it on the parts that have not been met yet. Like the Take Home Car issue at hand? Why does FIRE get to say give it to us. REALLY. Hey County Manager, how about you fight for the Police side as hard as you do for the FIRE side.
Looks like they will continue to promote people and still have not fixed the Sgt and Lt pay. So a person that has been promoted for 5 minutes will make $15,000.00 more a year than someone that has been a supervisor for 5 years. Just more ammo for the law suit and back pay with interest. This place has turned into a joke to work for. You have a bunch of mental midgets running this county. They are under qualified to run a business as large as a county. I wouldn't make them a shift manager at Taco Bell.
And we are expected to believe that no back door under table money changed hands in Cobb during all the secret meetings that took place to bring them to this county? Lol! Cobb county is a pathetic joke, and all of our so called leaders are to blame. Has anyone since Jack Forsythe done the right thing with their position of power?
$13.2 million in upgrades underway at Jim Miller Park. 100 events generated $108,000 for the county's coffers. A little over $1,000 per event. What a great return on their money, and now the additional millions. What a great investment this will be.
Hopefully the chief will stay true to his word and fix the promotion process. Right now the test is a formality for an appointed position. If I have been here 13 years and a 5 year office scores better than me on the test all I can say is "congratulations, you beat me fair and square". Nobody to blame but myself. Right now if your combined road experience is 3 years and that includes the academy and FTO and they make you Sgt. I got 5o question if you have the experience to supervise a critical incident and able to make life and death decisions on the fly.
Everything right now is focused on answering the IACP report. No matter if they believe those decisions are the best for the department or not. Hell, they can't even figure out on how to pay supervisors fairly much less who they should promote.
McDonough is giving raises to make their Police Department the highest paid in the metro area. Gwinnett is going to give more funding to their Police department to retain officers. Looks like all the other counties commissioner's get high important public safety is except Cobb. We need to vote every single commissioner out of office. Public Safety is definitely not their highest priority.
So with the Command Staff's new uniforms, new duty weapons, and new Dodge Chargers we may have a new acronym for this chief. Chief Houser was GTAC (Good Things Are Coming) under Chief Register it will be LTEA (Let Them Eat Cake).
... LTEC ...lmao.. Also, DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO OR HAVE DONE MANY MANY MANY TIMES IN THE PAST.... I know some of the old timers around here have seen those many many things. Keep you mouths shut brothers, make your retirement!!!
Public Safety is not a priority. As long as the citizens are not calling the commissioners there is no problem. As far as raises and improvements go they are not coming either. Think about it. It costs X dollars to run the Police Dept annually. If the citizens aren't complaining why would they voluntarily decide to spend extra money on something that isn't a problem.
In the Newnan-Times Hearld article link below, The Braves New Stadium: A Financial Check 4 Months Into The Season, posted on Aug. 22, 2017 is an in-depth look at some of the major dollar figures related to the project in the following areas:
What it cost the county?
What's the return in regards to:
Property Taxes?
Sales Tax Revenues?
And what's the "Halo Effect" for Cobb?
As with anything else the "devil is in the details", so I recommend you take your time, take notes, and do the math yourself.
At the end of reading the article you'll probably have more questions than answers as I did. The entire time I read it I kept thinking two things:
So where's all the money going?, and
How does the county end up with a $30 million short fall in 2019?
To me something doesn't add up based on recent articles posted and I know something that the powers to be don't know. There's alot of people more talented than me here and alot of great investigators on this department (both in uniform and out of uniform).
My hope is to create a dialogue here with the information provided and maybe other information discovered along the way.
The more we brainstorm ideas together and use the Investigative talents we've developed and sharpened over the years, I believe it will help us get closer to fixing all the issues we're facing and maybe even hold some feet to the fire.
Please copy and paste the link and send it out to every officer you know. The more that know what's going on, the better it is for all of us.
Knowledge Is Power and United We Stand!
Where does Cobb County fall within the numbers?
ReplyDelete2016 US Census, States Population-
50. Wyoming...............585,501
49. Vermont.................624,594
48. Washington DC....681,170
47. Alaska....................741,894
... Cobb County, GA..748,150
46. North Dakota........757,952
8. Georgia...............10,310,371
FBI: UCR (2011)
Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants by region and geographic division by population group (table 70&71).
-South's average-
Employees- 3.2
Officers- 2.5
-Nation's average-
Employees- 3.4
County officers- 2.7
BJS within US Dept of Justice (2003)-
Population served: 250,000 or more- average 2.5 officers per 1,000 residents
Cobb PD Officers
2017- 568
2016- 604
2015- 546
2014- 524
2013- 522
Looking at the numbers for Cobb, it appears we are 1:1,350 residents. That's not even including the 300,000 to 400,000 visitors that are here for work, school and play on a daily basis, which pushes us over a million people in the county.
So after review, where are the Cobb PD officers to cover the population, which is greater than Alaska's population or any of the other four smallest occupied states?
I like where your head is on this but I have to counter for clarity. The census is based on the whole county. For these numbers to be accurate you have to add in all of the city officers too in order to get the correct ratio.
DeleteI do think a forensic accountant preferably from the FBI should take a look at things.
How is it that the DJIA was 6,594.44 on March 5, 2009. Now it closed at 23,557.23 today.
The message presented was " It is fair to say that the pension funds have not grown as anticipated due to earlier retirements, people living longer, etc., and the BOC is looking at all options of the pension plan"
How is that possible?
I'll tell you, They need to look at who manages the pension fund. Who chooses vehicles in which the money was placed? WHY were those chosen. If they were under performing why haven't changes been made?
I dare say the person in charge has some explaining to do.
Rule of 85
ReplyDeleteIf this new retirement plan passes that will be the last slap in the face I can take. I will be taking my training to another department. It will be a mass exodus for sure.
ReplyDeleteApparently the last time I typed this it did not make it on here so I will try again. I don't care if it's the FOP helping or us Sgt and Lt doing it, but if this pay "situation" keeps dragging on we need to take action legally if that is the best course of action. We all know what the county is doing to us is wrong and I have little faith they will fix this soon. So, if steps are being taken please let me know. I am willing to write my name on the dotted line and do whatever leg work needs to be done.
W.R. Pettitt
When you find that attorney let me know. Maybe he will help us not get screwed on our retirement for those who are vested. That's next. Kick us when we are down. This is a great place to work.
DeleteAnother legal question. If the SPLOST money projects must legally be done (according to their tier) than the assigned vehicle program must be done, right? Is it illegal for the county to sell the idea of a SPLOST and then go back on the program since they used the money to buy cars but did not replace already existing cars in the fleet?
ReplyDeleteSomebody please confirm for me that we were able to purchase 3 new chargers and they went to,or are going to, the chief and the 2 deputy chiefs. If that is the case that sounds like command staff saying "let them eat cake."
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. The chief and two deputy chiefs got brand new chargers. I'm not sure where the money came for those, the new uniforms for command staff, new uniforms for special units (K9, TAC), or any other expenses that were made. If someone knows, please let us know.
DeleteWord on the streets is no raises again, at least for the next two years, but hey, at least we have a new deputy county manager at $150,000 per year.
ReplyDeleteBraves bring in bucks
ReplyDeleteBy Ricky Leroux
The Atlanta Braves and their associated businesses have generated more revenue for their parent company through the first three quarters of 2017 than all of 2016, according to new financial information released by the ballclub’s parent company this week.
The Braves Group, which consists of the major league ballclub, five minor league teams and various other assets like ballparks, generated $185 million in the third quarter of 2017, according to Liberty Media, the Braves’ parent company. In the same July-to-September period last year, the Braves Group generated $109 million in revenue, an increase of 70 percent. SunTrust Park hosted 41 home games during the third quarter this year as opposed to 35 in 2016.
In the third quarter, the Braves Group saw a profit — adjusted income before depreciation and amortization — of $48 million. The Braves Group saw revenue of $262 million in all of 2016, according to financial reports from Liberty. The report attributes the increase in revenue to an increase in ballpark operations at the new SunTrust Park, which saw ticket sales, concessions, corporate sales, suites and premium seat fees all increase in the third quarter. The same report states that about $718 million has been spent on SunTrust Park as of Sept. 30. Of that amount, about $390 million was provided by Cobb County and other related entities and about $328 million was provided by the Braves.
About $398 million has been spent on building The Battery Atlanta, the mixed-use development adjacent to the SunTrust Park, through Sept. 30, the report states. Of that amount, about $364 million came from the Braves.
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Copyright © 2017 Marietta Daily Journal Marietta Daily Journal
Yet, the County can't commit to completing a take-home car program, a cost of living increase, a pay scale that is understood by everyone to include our own county HR dept instead of the mysterious "X", or a healthy pension fund.
"Expect the Best".
Cobb and the Braves are adding a dollar to each parking pass to cover the cost of traffic services for the upcoming season. This is to relieve the burden of paying all the overtime for the officers. The county has also stopped overtime, unless there is prior approval for all special ops, to save up for the overtime at the Braves games
ReplyDeleteOnly when they think they can continue to take from your back pocket. Look at the numerous lawsuits in the City of Dallas, TX that is coming just under $62mil and two more suits to be settled. The Dallas Police Officers and Firefighters are winning a long fight.
ReplyDeleteFrom the linked article, "In 1979, Dallas voters approved a pay raise for police and firefighters including step increases for different ranks within the departments. Over the years that followed, those step increases diminished so that there was not a set percentage of pay increase that happened when an officer was promoted."
Numerous sources and sites can be found related to the story.
If you don't think it couldn't happen elsewhere. Ask yourself is it worth the fight?
And hasn't Heaton referenced the fact that cobb had a Step Plan "years ago"?
DeleteI wonder, when cobb created the Step Plan years ago, and put pen to paper, did they put it in writing when it would end?
Or did cobb just stop the Step Plan, just as Dallas did?
Come on guys, there's enough old timers here that know people and could find out.
By the way, Texas is a right to work state also.
These lawsuits were filed in the 1990's? Talk about kicking the can...
DeleteI believe 1989 was when the step increases just went away. When I hired on in 1981 there was a 10 step plan. Each year we received a 5% step increase. Once employee's reached the 10th step they went into longevity. Each year those that were in longevity received a 2% to 3% increase. Compression was non existent up until 1989. For the next 2 or 3 years we did not receive any raises so compression started. Around 1993 or 1994 is when the infamous Slavin & Nevins study came in and pay raises were based on performance evaluations. From that point forward pay compression started and within 3 or 4 years the compression became pretty severe which continues today.
DeleteWe never filed a lawsuit over pay compression. We were told then it was not winnable if all were treated the same. We (Lodge 13) did file a lawsuit over lunch breaks in the middle 90's and won. At the time we were working 9 hrs on the clock and only paid for 8 hrs. because they said all of us received an hour lunch break. As most of you know our lunch breaks were typically in the cars going from call to call.
Thanks Jimmy,
DeleteThis is the kind of information we need to get out. We need to bring back a 10 Year Salary Step Plan!
I believe it is winnable and I think it's worth looking into.
So management opens up the door, speaks about your concerns, and asks us to trust them, they pat you on the back and smile, a very becoming smile. But still, no raise, no cost of living adjustment, no this, no that, nothing. They dodge the questions regarding the employees getting shafted with changes to their pension and the proposed Rule of 85. Do we trust them? NEVER, but at least we can say Go Braves.
ReplyDeleteTo the earlier question (11-09-17) about buying Chargers for the Chiefs... it is confirmed, three Chargers have been delivered. They were seen at HQ today and they are in the process of being outfitted. Part of the outfitting was having the windows tinted. Interesting, does anyone remember this email sent out by a member of the command staff on 02-10-17: "Recently, I have been asked by several officers for permission to have window tint installed on their take home cars. After considerable thought and considering the budgetary and possible safety implications, I do not feel this is a good idea."
ReplyDeleteThe peasants have no bread? Let them eat cake.
So let me get this right, we haven't completed the take home car program, we don't have any money, and the chief and deputy chiefs just got new chargers? With window tint no doubt.
DeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong didn't the chief in his meeting with the officers say that he might start asking for keys back to take home cars assigned to the officers?
Wow, not hard to see where the priorities are... I wonder if there was a power point presentation to justify those cars...
Hey officers do you feel that your being looked out for? Yea,I didn't think so.
Has anybody in the precincts been told no overtime, or is it just special ops?
ReplyDeleteNot YET, and if they do I know one shift will be working with 5 and sometimes only 4 beats filled. Also having to go to mandatory training on off days. So, if no OT, then there will be 4 maybe 3 beats filled. And we are supposedly close to being fully staffed. And by god, you better write those tickets.
DeleteHey Did anyone see the 11/14 commissioners meeting? Ott and Boyce dropped their puzzle over the SPLOST funding for a Airport Firetruck. Their heads are so far up their ass they couldn't hear the words coming out of Dir Heaton or Chief Crider's mouth. It would be a great laugh if it wasn't so SAD!! Check it out.
Tab 7 Public Safety
Yea, have you ever seen Heaton up there going to bat for police department like he does for the fire department? Yep, me neither.
DeleteGood things are coming, hang in there.
The only person who must have any idea about airport operations or aviation firefighting is the pilot. Oh wait, did he mention that he works at an airport...
DeleteChairman..."we have extra money in the SPLOST". Really? How many cars could be purchased with $887,007.00. But i will say...Crider and Especially Heaton, got so rattled. He was turning red and was shaking. LMAO how dare you question anything to do with Fire. They have the fire fund... why don't we have a fund for the PD? More importantly....EXTRA MONEY? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteYeah, if there is EXTRA Money in the SPLOST then why are they not spending it on the parts that have not been met yet. Like the Take Home Car issue at hand? Why does FIRE get to say give it to us. REALLY. Hey County Manager, how about you fight for the Police side as hard as you do for the FIRE side.
DeleteLooks like they will continue to promote people and still have not fixed the Sgt and Lt pay. So a person that has been promoted for 5 minutes will make $15,000.00 more a year than someone that has been a supervisor for 5 years. Just more ammo for the law suit and back pay with interest. This place has turned into a joke to work for. You have a bunch of mental midgets running this county. They are under qualified to run a business as large as a county. I wouldn't make them a shift manager at Taco Bell.
ReplyDeleteThis is the thieves your county sold you out for. This is who they proudly align with. What a f in waste.
And we are expected to believe that no back door under table money changed hands in Cobb during all the secret meetings that took place to bring them to this county? Lol! Cobb county is a pathetic joke, and all of our so called leaders are to blame. Has anyone since Jack Forsythe done the right thing with their position of power?
Delete$13.2 million in upgrades underway at Jim Miller Park. 100 events generated $108,000 for the county's coffers. A little over $1,000 per event. What a great return on their money, and now the additional millions. What a great investment this will be.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the chief will stay true to his word and fix the promotion process. Right now the test is a formality for an appointed position. If I have been here 13 years and a 5 year office scores better than me on the test all I can say is "congratulations, you beat me fair and square". Nobody to blame but myself. Right now if your combined road experience is 3 years and that includes the academy and FTO and they make you Sgt. I got 5o question if you have the experience to supervise a critical incident and able to make life and death decisions on the fly.
ReplyDeleteAnd if both of you get promoted, the 5yr rookie will probably make more $$$$. LMAO
DeleteEverything right now is focused on answering the IACP report. No matter if they believe those decisions are the best for the department or not. Hell, they can't even figure out on how to pay supervisors fairly much less who they should promote.
DeleteMcDonough is giving raises to make their Police Department the highest paid in the metro area. Gwinnett is going to give more funding to their Police department to retain officers. Looks like all the other counties commissioner's get high important public safety is except Cobb. We need to vote every single commissioner out of office. Public Safety is definitely not their highest priority.
ReplyDeleteSo with the Command Staff's new uniforms, new duty weapons, and new Dodge Chargers we may have a new acronym for this chief. Chief Houser was GTAC (Good Things Are Coming) under Chief Register it will be LTEA (Let Them Eat Cake).
ReplyDelete... LTEC ...lmao.. Also, DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO OR HAVE DONE MANY MANY MANY TIMES IN THE PAST.... I know some of the old timers around here have seen those many many things. Keep you mouths shut brothers, make your retirement!!!
ReplyDeletePublic Safety is not a priority. As long as the citizens are not calling the commissioners there is no problem. As far as raises and improvements go they are not coming either. Think about it. It costs X dollars to run the Police Dept annually. If the citizens aren't complaining why would they voluntarily decide to spend extra money on something that isn't a problem.
ReplyDeleteHow many... aaahhhh's.... can u say in 9 minutes and 22 seconds?