Thursday, August 3, 2017

August open comments


  1. This county's leadership is a disgrace. To the commissioners in particular, you are all liars. I have heard in person each and every one of you, at some point, say that public safety is your number one priority. Not a single one of you has done a damn thing to show it. Actions speak louder than words, and your silence is deafening. Your job is to take care of the county, not get reelected. A bunch of angry, demoralized, inexperienced, undertrained, poorly equipped, unfairly compensated, micromanaged, and unretainable officers cannot protect this county, but that is what you seem to want through your inaction. Only by the sheer dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the Cobb PD have we been able to do more with less, but everyone has their limits. Better step up to the plate and do the right thing before you have another public safety crisis. If you have to raise taxes and lose your office to do the right thing, well... the PD is hiring.

  2. "Things are going to get tight", Again!
    Except this time it's under a healthy economy.
    And last time libraries were determined as "essential" over furloughing cops.
    GTAC people. GTAC!!
    (Good Things Aren't Coming)

  3. Sometimes you just got to laugh!!
    So the County Commissioners hired a new Police Chief to come in and right the ship, to turn things around. Bring in new ideas to recruit and retain officers. To answer and correct the issues in the IACP report. ALL the Commissioners gloated over the new Chief at his swearing in. Ha Ha... but this is where it gets good. They vote down any millage rate increase so he has no extra money to fund anything. AND now their talking no merit raises for next year. I can't even imagine the officers morale if that falls through. So the Commissioners sing the praises of the new Chief while they kick him in the ass. Welcome back to Cobb Chief Register! Where parks and libraries take precedence over public safety.

    1. You got that right, funny how this thing has worked out. Kicking that can, that's all they ever do. Get ready, storms a comin....sorry I can't help you with your pay but I can give these big tax breaks to Tyler Perry and the Braves...gee I wonder why we can't keep officers and have a revolving door and vancancies? I also like the way Heaton set up the kicking of the can with another one of his riveting DPS updates...I really liked how pointed out how happy he was that the "fire" budget didn't get touched, I wonder where his loyalty lies?

    2. It really would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Working in this county is a roller coaster ride... and it aint a fun one.

  4. The more things change the more they stay the same. New commission chairman comes in says he is for public safety. All the commissioners claim they are for that matter. But what you see is they only use that line to save face in the public eye. Behind the scenes they show they really don't care about public safety at all. They care about parks, libraries, and SunTrust Park. Librarians don't protect the public, and you can't go to a park and get a copy of a police report. Not sure how long the department can keep navigating rough waters before it bares a strong resemblance to Atlanta pd or DeKalb pd.

    1. In his defense, Mike Boyce was asking for the tax increase and only Lisa Cupid went along with him on the vote.

    2. Your right he did. But the fine print reads he only did so because it was to fund the parks bond which was a campaign promise. He stated point blank at one of his mingle with Mike sessions that he would not vote for a tax increase for public safety.

  5. The crazy thing is that the Tax Digest is at an all time high, and they can't find any extra money. In the meanwhile Mr Hankerson is laughing all the way to the bank with his golden parachute retirement!

  6. So based on the mdj and dps leadership, not only won't the millage rate be raised, but it's going to be lowered, and things are going to get tight.
    So will cobb county start furloughing their police officers again in fiscal year 18, 19, or 20?
    It's amazing if you think about it really. Nearly two-thirds of the department wasn't effected by the last round of furloughs.
    I wonder, this same two-thirds who doesn't have half the retirement that the 200 plus officers had that left during the last furlough period.
    How will they respond to the measures that will be put in place when things get tight again?
    Maybe with a new county manager, chairman, and police chief the county's "priorities" will be different this time. Or will it be the same lip service of things will get better and "thanks for all you do".
    My heart hopes things will change for the better before we lose the police department and the county joins the same club as clayton, dekalb, and fulton. Of a much higher crime rate, poorer performing schools, and home values go down.
    But my gut is telling me nothing will change and it will be a repeat of last time.
    As the chairman said recently, to keep cobb's standard of living up, the County will need more money.

  7. Morale sucks, crime is up, and tighter times ahead. Sounds like DeKalb county to me. Sad to see what is happening to this department but the ones who can do something about it have their heads in the sand.

  8. Per ODMP as of today, the total of Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty for 2017:75
    And per the USFA as of today, the total of Firefighters fatalities for 2017: 61.
    Sorry, still can't find any stats on deaths/fatalities for other county jobs, such as librarians.
    Just sayin!!

  9. Hey boc,
    Still think Police are the same as any other county job?
    While you were sleeping comfortably in your home over night a total of 6 Law Enforcement Officers were shot.
    2 Officers in Kissimmee,FL. 1 dead and 1 in grave condition.
    2 Officers in Jacksonville,FL. 1 shot in the stomach and 1 shot in both hands.
    2 Troopers in Pennsylvania. 1 life flighted to the hospital and 1 by ambulance. Both in stable condition.
    God comfort the 6 families who were awoken tonight to the worst news they could get.

  10. What is happening to this police department?

    1. So it appears that apathy has set in. With the hiring of the new Chief, new County Manager and the new Chairman it looked like good things were coming. Enthusiasm was building and morale was starting to turn around. Well with the commissioners mishandling the county budget and and putting Public Safety on the back burner. Then voting not to raise the mileage rate to cover the parks bond. It leaves the county employees without a COLA or a merit raise. Cobb is one of the richest counties, the economy is steaming along. YET Cobb has no money. HAHAHA #@&%

  11. The roar of silence on this site is deafening...wake up brothers and sisters...look around you and see what's going on...let your voice be heard...

  12. Welcome to the world of political correctness.

  13. Well I think this is pretty clear as to whether the new Chief is going to be fair, or fire you to look good on camera. Was he offered to retire or quit in lue of termination? Or was it that saying the Lt retired or quit doesn't look as good as saying we fired him?

    1. Yes it is clear, there was a very brief comment about the department backing its officers. If you buy that I got some ocean front property in Arizona for you. They got your back alright.
      So far the new Chief has made it all about himself. Look what I have done, look at me, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that, etc..etc...but what's really happened?
      Well you did it sir, everyone is looking. I wouldn't lay my neck on the line for this department anymore. They'll turn their backs on you quicker than you can blink.
      You know they're gonna try to sell some bull in the coming days. Don't fall for it. Watch each other's backs, look out for one another. The head hunting is at an all time high. Don't give the CS the satisfaction of being able to punish you.
      Oh and by the that loyal servant that got hung out to dry. I hate what happened to you, it was bull crap. I hope this goes away quickly and you get on to enjoying your life, you deserve it.
      Open your eyes and open your ears, we only have each other, CS doesn't care. They'll sell you down the river don't give them the chance.

    2. Another one bites the dust.....


    1. The greatest thing about Cobb County and how I made it great again was to put it in a rear view mirror and hit the after burners

  15. Yea I find this all very interesting. Our Chief holds this press conference, holds these "chats" at the Civic center. Talks about what's right, accountability, etc...etc...doing what's right and don't do wrong, yet riddle me this...
    Wasn't he granted some prestigious martial arts award recently? There was a picture right? Wasn't Victor Hill in the photograph with him? Has anyone googled Victor Hill lately? Has anyone read about Victor Hill in the past? Really? We have to hear about right, wrong,and accountability but our "chief is posing in photographs with Victor Hill? Does anyone else find this concerning or interesting?

    1. Don't forget that they cropped Victor Hill out of the picture that was in the department news letter. Wonder why they did that?

  16. If anyone is still holding out hope that Register is going to save this department, get your head out of your ass. He is giving us exactly what he said he was going to give us, we just didn't listen because we all got wrapped up in his reputation. Well guess what, his reputation doesn't mean shit. He is a pandering, community policing politician, not a "cop's cop" like everyone hoped. The sooner everyone comes to terms with that the sooner the next exodus can begin, and the county will finally have stomped out all remaining shreds of morale from the troops. Seriously, if you have other employment options, TAKE THEM. You are seeing what it's going to be like as an employee from now on. 28 years of meritorious service? Lol nope, you made a stupid mistake, you're fired!

  17. I will say this! Mike Boyce, you are a fucking disgrace. You walked in here boasting your Marine Corp credentials stating that you know how we feel. I am a Marine and still have the balls to call you a bullshit artist. You have drank from the proverbial cool- aid cup, hell; you make the shit now. I would not follow you to the pisser unless it was to piss on your back. Cobb Police WILL NEVER be great again. NEVER! to my friends that have not joined those of us that were able get off that sinking ship, jump and jump now. I watched a news conference today and observed vultures pounce on the carcass of a decent man. A man that upholds honor integrity and had a moment recorded where he fell off of the Cobb Pedestal. Each one of those men in that room have dirt on there hands from there past and you all succumb to politics. Then you lay in the bed with Lisa Cupid. I guess she handed out the keys to motel she "STUDIES" at to many. Which one of you hard working dedicated officers will be next. Looks like the SCLC, NAACP are on a witch hunt and there hunters were on the podium today. The funny thing is, Old Sammy Boy just sits in the corner and shuts his mouth like a good little puppet. Sickens me to the core of my bones.

    Greg Abbott, I know you are a hell of a man and though terms were not of your choosing, you and your family just had the shackles removed from your ankles and you can now be free from the bondage of CCPD.

    1. Man you are correct about Boyce. Hey Mike, you're not the only Marine in the world. We got it, you were in the Marines, quit throwing it in our faces constantly.
      Cupid and those keys, that's awesome. Most folks seem to have forgotten about that night and just how much she hates the police. I wonder who she was studying with? Hmmmmm. Folks you don't actually believe that woman would side with the police do you?
      Sammy boy, everyone saw through his bs long ago and he knows it. That's why he just sits in the corner and sulks.
      You said NACCP and SCLC,don't forget about BLM and ANTIFA. The department gave into those organizations too. Yea those organizations that denounce the police and promote the killing of police.
      We used to hear good things were coming, well good things are never coming to this department. They're going to take away as much from you as they can. They want morale to be low and they want to break your spirit. They thrive on it. They're even taking your discretion from you. You can't take a person to jail if they don't have a license. What will they take next? Probably won't have to wait too long to find out.
      This police department is controlled by corrupt politicians. They place figures in key positions that they can control or that share their same views. Some say we are heading down the path to becoming Atlanta PD or Clayton County PD, we are already there.

  18. Blue FLU. Yes that is how you speak. Grab the young studs they have brought on and tell them what you went through just a short few years ago and tell them where they are now headed. They will see it now that that part time called the braves dwindles down and they are not making bank.

    Are the Officers together enough to speak as one? Blue FLU works, try it and do not just rely on this link. Stand together for once, weed out the leakers from the HQ and make a stand.

  19. I want to thank the Chief for having the moral courage to do the right thing. The Nation was watching our county and we chose to be on the right side of history. Best of luck to Abbott but his kind of professionalism is not right for our department, others should take note.

    1. Moral courage, what? That didn't take any courage at all. Abbott's kind of professionalism? Man was nothing but here for this department and one little snippet of a video sends him packing and you question his professionalism? Others should take note? Is that a threat? Are you sitting behind the grinding wheel sharpening your axe? You coming out swinging?

  20. The department needs to take down the Facebook page. All it's doing is giving the trolls an outlet to spew their rhetoric in the comments. Sad......

  21. During yesterdays press conference Chief Register said he didn't know Abbott's heart. I've known Greg Abbott for a lot of years 15 or more. I've worked with Greg and worked for Greg. I've spent a lot of time off duty with him. I know his heart! Greg Abbott is as HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY as the day is long. Greg is kind, giving and caring. Greg is NOT a racist. That's his heart. Greg Abbott gave a lot to this department and several years ago almost his life . Greg has 27 or more years here, still gets out there a works like a rookie and is the epitome of a supervisor.
    Greg has a strong faith and will land on his feet. It's sad that the way this incident was handled has turned me... my heart breaks for all law enforcement.

  22. Don't forget, he even took our water away. Stay thirsty my friends.

  23. You guys are so far off base. Snap to reality and debate during the four mandatory meetings. You of little insight and faith. It's so easy to say these things with no name. I'm very disappointed. This is 2017.

  24. You guys are so off base. It's so easy to write this crap. We'll have four mandatory meetings next week. I would welcome your debate in public. I stand by my decision. I protected this department and officers. You guys are a piece of work. Thank you for your anonymous insight. MJR

    1. Sir with all due respect, this blog is here to protect officers. If a dedicated LT who is well respected will be fired for making a sarcastic comment, how do you honestly expect us to step into the light and make our voices heard? You have planned meeting after meeting to see the mood of the department. This blog is a true reflection. It really is that bad. People really are this angry. And though you feel confident and stand by your decision, I have not spoken to another officer in this department that agrees with you. If it looks like everyone in the room is wrong but you, it's time to look at yourself and reevaluate your view. I gave you a fair shake. I held all opinions until you had time to settle in. I waited to watch your decisions. I do not trust you. I do not trust most of his command staff. Though there are some that still do a good job. Though it would be ignorant of me to say I speak for everyone here, scandal with certainty that I speak for the majority. I will not name myself. I will post as anonymous. Because I am seeing injustice and have an honest fear that you would fire me on the spot if you knew who wrote this. If I am wrong please let me know, because if you want a true feeling of the department, this is it. There is no trust. There is no hope. The news wrongly portrays police as persecutors of minorities. But don't forget we are also a minority. And we are being killed nationwide for the clothes we wear. We feel persecuted. And we are angry. But current county police takes our voice from us. That is why this blog exists.

    2. No Chief it is you that is so far off base. Its easy for you to throw out the debate me in public statement when YOU have nothing to lose. Much like the post before this one I also waited and didn't rush to judgement based on what I heard of you and your past.
      We are all clear that you stand behind your decision. We also feel you don't stand behind your officers unless it's to shove them out in front of the bus.
      The men and women who work the streets have snapped to reality, we are there everyday. It's you who needs to snap to it. You and the CS are so far removed from actual police work you have forgotten what's like to work the streets.
      You question the faith of those who wish to remain anonymous. This faith you question, is it our faith in God or our faith in you? If it is my faith in you that is in question, well your right, I have no faith in you. My faith in God has always been there.
      You and all the CS know that you would retaliate ten fold if challenged with the comments made here. None of you could handle it. Thank you for the anonymous insight, your welcome. Thank you and the CS for continuing to hide behind that rank pinned on your collars.

  25. The county's course of action was WRONG!
    There's no way Lt.A's dedication, years of service, work history, or discipline history was considered.
    No one disputes what Lt.A said was absolutely inexcusable, of course should be punished, but not a fireable offense.
    It was a spontaneous statement which I'm sure he regretted after he said it. Everyone that wears the uniform has said something stupid when trying to be creative on the fly and thought after the call, there's a complaint coming.
    The intent of his words didn't justify the punishment. We are a department of rules, Not men. And I'm Very concerned based on the department's internal climate, thanks to the boc's course of action in the last 10 years, we will pay dearly in manpower and with what's ever left of officer's morale.
    Shame on the county making their decision based on public opinion and taking the easy way out in fear of what an assumed response would be from an organized group that's just looking for a reason to "protest".
    Can you imagine if an officer on a call used the same reasoning? "Yeah I should arrest this guy, but I'm worried me and my beat partner might get hurt or killed".

  26. "You guys are so far off base. Snap to reality and debate during the four mandatory meetings. You of little insight and faith. It's so easy to say these things with no name. I'm very disappointed. This is 2017."

    Sir, yes this is 2017 and you missed a few years hear in that shithole. Think back not so long ago. Did you leave this county on your terms?

    Being anonymous gives us the freedom to speak without being fired. You just showed the world we cannot utilize free speech. So write an absolute guarantee that there will be no reprisals for telling the truth and I will debate you in the forum of officers only. No supervision. The men who sweat on the road today in 2017. No one but you, the officers and DC COX if he wishes. That other guy in your office does not have the integrity to stand in the same room as I.

    LT A was absolutely wrong, but the guys/gals on the other side of that stop have created thus environment. Not these Cobb Officers.

    Get you liberal media folks to show what police do daily. How we act when called house nigger, uncle Tom, and whity's boy and being black in this uniform. All of those CS personnel have been off the road way to long to know what does on out here. The truth is not in the reports and video you scan to see what is happening. Sir you do not have the right to criticize anyone here who speaks in an anonymous forum. If you don't like it. Don't read it. This site just so happens to speak the truth and for now, it seems you have your feathers ruffled. Welcome to the fucking club. Ours habe been for years and here is the medicine for you, GTAC! Swallow that shit like we have for years. It tasted like shit then and will taste like shit now. Good day to you all.

    1. You sir are the man...begin slow clap...

  27. Let's see, I can't say fuck to a fellow officer, shit, or any other "Code of fucking conduct loophole statement. Say hitch and the world nearly ends. You entered onto this site "RJM". Wow, you really think that took courage to put your initials here. We do not care to piss you off because you piss off each one of us daily. You, because you chose to step into the arena of Chief. You had best grow some thick skin fella, what you are witnessing is reality. Meetings do not solve shit. We gave had way to many over the years and yes GTAC is known by all. So glad you got to put a fork in it and get that shit taste in your mouth. How does it taste. We do not need one more meeting, one more survey, outside group to tell us what changes to make. We need someone with the balls to tell this county and it's people that public safety is dangerous, and stressful to the point that we make mistakes from time to time. We don't make $100,000 annually. We have to steal time from our kids and family to work a fulltime part time gig to make a few t salary. No time to decompress because 10 hour days suck. Yes, the three days are good to have but they don't provide the off time necessary to put this shit out of our heads at home. How about you coming out and working a beat. Not supervise it. Work the best in Z2 or Z3 days and evenings. You will wake up and see policing is not what were use too when you left. Park you high horse expectations and find out what your officers are going through by sweating with them. One more bullshit meeting and I will like.
    It is time for actions as we have seen words do nothing at all.

  28. Why did Chief Register leave the department.
