Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 2017 Open Comment



    Can we tint our windows on our take home vehicles? If not, why?

    Thank you

    1. Hey, Why don't you start with your SGT !!

  2. I will address this in a departmental e-mail.

    1. Your profile says Deputy Chief Cox but I suggest you change it to reflect your new title as Chief Cox. You have earned it Sir.

  3. I didn't think tint was one of our big issues. Go tint it yourself and ask for forgiveness later.

  4. From what I have seen PO III is not going to be in the new proposed new pay scale. I would like to suggest that we keep PO III and make it like a Master Patrolman rank. You automatically make PO III after 20 years with the department. That way we don't loose valuable experience to retirement to officers who were exceptional enough to get some exceeds over their career (Not me by the way) and are topped out before they reach rule of 80. My rule of 80 is at 25 years of service. If I am topped out for those last couple of years I am taking my retirement and running as soon as I hit 80. If I had a chance of increasing my pay I would stay 30.

  5. The F.O.P. is working with the Cobb County Commissioners closer than we have ever worked with them in the past. Chairman Boyce and Commissioners Ott & Weatherford have shown that they are truly interested in working towards making Cobb County Public Safety a great place to work. They have been very open to listen to the concerns and suggestions of the rank and file. We have representation on a good number of committees and we are working towards making some of the changes recommended by the Public Safety Committee formed by Chairman Boyce after he won the election. I know some have said why is the FOP concerned with nepotism and the tattoo policy? Why are they not working to get us more pay and a better retirement plan? Well the simple fact is some issues are easier to get pasted and others take some time. Also, just because you might not be effected by the nepotism or tattoo policy other members are.

    I can assure you that the FOP is working to obtain better pay, benefits, and a separate retirement plan for Public Safety. These are not issues that can be changed over night and will take some budget planning. As we get new information we will publish this to our members.
    Please do not listen to all the rumors and spread them without getting some confirmation from someone who might have direct involvement.

    ** The FOP is NOT trying to get the County PD to switch back to 8 hour shifts. We support the 10 hour shifts because our members like the off day schedule it gives them. I would support the effort to move the shifts back to one squad instead of an A&B squad.

    ** The CCSO will not be under cutting the CCPD to get the part time at SunTrust Park. This event and all the activities around SunTrust park will be a TEAM effort by both groups. For those that keep spreading this rumor, you are WRONG. There will be more than enough part time jobs available as a result of this venue.

    ** The Braves! have caused all officer's days off and vacation days to be cancelled. There are some staffing and scheduling needs being addressed and some special units have been advised that they might be covering traffic issues at every game. This is nothing different than what has been done with special units in the past.

    There are numerous other false rumors out there, but I can't address them all so I would just ask that you investigate the statement before you spread it as fact.

    The FOP is here to represent all our members and we are working with both the Sheriff & his staff and the Chief & his staff as well as the Commissioners to make things better.

    1. Will you comment on the latest information regarding the pay study implementation? The latest email from Chief Cox included the following: "Full-time employees that are in positions with a pay range change will have their salaries adjusted (based on their June 4, 2017 salary) to one that places them in between the minimum and Market Control Point (MCP) or mid-range. Calculation of the updated salary will be based a mathematical formula that includes the length of time employees have been in their positions (not how long they have been with the county) and their last three years performance appraisal ratings."

      That quote indicates that those of us who are near or at the new midpoint will not receive a raise in June, while newer officers who are below or near the minimum will receive a raise. Many of us joined the department around the time of the recession and served for 5-6 years without a pay raise, and then watched as newer officers were brought on and were paid the same rate despite having 5 years less experience. The implementation described in the above quote will magnify pay compression.

      Has the FOP done anything to raise this issue? Is pay compression viewed as a problem by the FOP or by the chief's office? If pay compression is seen as a problem, what are the proposed solutions to fix it?

  6. The merit raise went into effect on Feb 12th but we still haven't been told what the "X" factor is. Why is this such a big secret?

    1. Their still trying to get the BS number to break free from their A$$

  7. So after the pay study was approved, Those of us who stayed around during the furloughs and bad times still will not receive anything. We keep getting told by Gaynor to hang in there and things are going to get better and he had Boyce's ear. This pay study vote proves to the senior officers that it's once again all talk. I have lost all hope in this department,county leaders and even the FOP that has drank the Kool aid with this new commission. Talk is cheap and that's all they give us now. Congratulations to the new officer's that didn't have to work here during the hard times but yet now they received our compensation.

    1. Well, it didn’t take long for a complainer to post a comment on Ducimus following the BOC vote on the pay study. Your heartfelt complaint made it onto the site in less than 12 hours after the vote! You were here throughout the furloughs and “bad times” and “still will not receive anything”? You probably posted the comment from the computer in your take home car while receiving shift differential pay and educational incentive. You could have posted the comment while being over paid at one of the many part time jobs that are available to us. When you were looking for a job and applied, was the pay and benefits package kept a secret from you until your first day? I can see it now, you were at orientation and BAM! Mr. Hankerson comes in holding your insurance card and pay stub to surprise you. When you decided to become a police officer, did no one inform you that it was common knowledge police officers are not paid well for the job they do? Did no one tell you can’t become rich working for local/state government?

      Let’s get one thing straight, I’m not a Kool Aid drinker. Our department is not perfect but it’s better than most. Some want to leave for greener pastures? Bye! Same problems with different patches. Your constant complaining is a problem though. It’s poisonous to everyone around you and it’s helpful to no one. I’ll bet that if the BOC voted to pay you 100k per year you would post a comment complaining that you were in a higher tax bracket!

    2. Well put. Boys and Girls, the county has been making us older guys chase the carrot for years and the only thing that we got from it was a bloody nose. Don't believe the hype.

    3. Sounds like you are a Kool aid drinker for bashing a guy for his thoughts. I expect that from command staff but not fellow officers. If the department has been good to you then congratulations. Others feel this place is going down hill quick and I don't fault them for feeling that way. You forget all those benefits you mentioned such as take home cars and education incentive and abundant part times cost Cobb little if anything at all. Cars cost the county $0 thanks to splost. So what have they really done? Whatever it is caught you hook line and sinker.

    4. Wow, way to have your fellow officers six! To your arguments- Does everyone have an assigned car yet? NO, that's right they have half-@$$ed things as usual and ran out of funds before they got all of the required vehicles to make the program a success. Does everyone get an equitable shift differential? NO, its based off of shift assigned to, not actual hours worked, so you have officers assigned to different shifts on the clock at the same moment not earning the same differential if any at all. The education incentive is the only thing they didn't do a half-hearted effort at, and it only applies to fraction of the officers within the department.

      I agree that negativity can be a very powerful thing that spreads, but I think you miss that the responsibility for that lies with the failed leadership of this county and pd. They have lied, stalled, and created a very powerful and real feeling of mistrust with their officers. The citizens have experienced the same thing with the way the Braves deal was implemented, they just don't have to live it everyday. I believe your lashing out is a bit misplaced and maybe you should look to the true source of your issues instead of attacking a fellow officer for their thoughts.

  8. Hey Cobb County,
    What a novel idea, have a great salary and benefits package and get more applicants. GSP has received twice as many apps as usual. Wonder how many of those apps are Cobb officers that have less than 7 years (same retirement plan).
    I heard today a trooper out of the academy starts at $46k and by year 3 they're at $55k. That's more than an officer I work with makes with 10 years.
    The amended budget also includes $27.3 million for a 20 percent increase in salaries for law enforcement officers, as well as additional increases for public safety trainers and criminal investigators. The salary increases went into effect on January 1 and were implemented to reduce turnover and improve recruitment. Since the increase was announced in September, the Department of Public Safety has received twice as many state trooper applications as usual.

    1. This is not a secret, it's just kept on the downlow but GSP has requested 48 Officer files. Now GSP is't going to hire 48 Cobb Officers. They might take 15 to 20. What if they take 25 to 30? It would take YEARS to replace those numbers. Based on the information in IA block at Annual Training... we can't afford to lose 1 officer.

  9. I'm not a veteran officer but I empathize with them because it must be a HUGE slap in the face and middle finger from the county as a result of the pay study. I am very sorry to you guys and hope this is rectified, or I, like LeBron, will take my talents elsewhere.

    1. Hey, I think you shouldn't wait and leave right now! Can I have your car when you're gone? Hopefully your talents will rub off on me!

    2. Wow...obviously you didn't get the Lebron James reference when he went to Miami from Cleveland. I'm not tooting my own horn, I was making a joke, Eeyore (did you get that reference?). If you want to act like a jerk, sign your name to this and we can discuss your attitude like men. Meanwhile, I will continue to support the veteran officers for what they deserve, and I'm not one that's getting a fat pay raise like some of the new guys.

    3. When I leave you can have the old crown Vic with over 140,000 miles that I drive. I would caution you though it does have some mechanical issues. Enjoy it and just remember, the longer you are here the worse they will treat you!

  10. I'm sick and tired of the leadership failing to do their job around here. How many times have we heard that they realize there are flaws with this or that, but they don't want to hold it up. Let's just get it in, and we'll fix it later. As is status quo around here, later never comes.

    We have a shift differential that is unfair to those who work cross-over hours; how do I answer a call with a guy that's making 50 cent more an hour than me based on which shift we're assigned to? The former chief (who retired to his cushy Braves gig) assured us that it was going to be fixed later; let's just get it for now he said. Well when does later come? And now we have a pay compensation plan that they know has flaws, but they say, they'll fix it later. Yeah right!

    Boyce is turning out to just be another politician full of empty promises. The only reason the county did a pay study was because Ducimus packed the Commissioner's Meeting and started shedding light on concerns within the department. And now we get the slap in the face of a faulty study that says pretty much everyone but the police are in need of a raise? Read it for yourselves, the study cherry picked the data to evaluate police salaries:

    "the analysis for line-level public safety benchmarks was supplemented by data from some of the smaller municipalities in Cobb and along the northern arc of Metro Atlanta."

    In other words, they "supplemented" the data to get an outcome they wanted.

    All this government has managed to do over the past few years is to continually stall and exhibit a repetitive inability to be transparent and honest with its officers or the citizens.

    Moral is at an all time low, recruiting is down and officers continue to flood out the door. The County's response is to pretend there isn't a problem. Don't worry though, we're just a couple of months away from all the world seeing how understaffed we are....

  11. Am I the only one who thinks the last chief saw the writing on the wall and knew this was going to blow up. I can see it now "Sorry Chief Cox the shit is gonna hit the fan when this pay study hits. I'm out!". I know all our Command Staff fight for what they can but they are in a loosing battle.


    What are the results of the newest survey about part time/voluntary overtime? How many officers have signed up?

  13. Dear Officers with less than 10 years,

    I hope you enjoy your new raise as a result of the pay and compensation study, but please take note of how the county keeps screwing their veteran officers. I hope you're smart enough to take the money and run. Remember, it won't be too much longer before you are that veteran officer they are screwing over. Get out while you still are young enough to have options.

  14. The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves!

  15. I was curious...

    While visiting and commenting on this site, if I press 'PRINT' will my printer start printing out tissue paper because there is a lot of crying going on.

    1. I would be willing to bet you typed this inside your take home car while making the extra dollar an hour in shift diff and probably have some extra pay from FTO/specialty unit.

  16. We've been following Marietta's lead in regards to the employee clinic and the rifles. So why not follow APD's lead with a pay plan.


    1. I know this is low on the priority list but.... is it possible to visit something in regards to updating uniforms for a better tactical and safety advantage. Also, do you see (once manpower gets resolved) crime suppression units being formed within each precinct, for each precinct? Dolan Mentioned that specialized units have a large purpose. With the amount of entering autos and niche crimes that have occurred while not being able to chase it makes sense to have a pro active unit within each precinct.

    2. Everyone likes to pull the safety card. Our class A uniform is what the citizens expect to see, get over it. Cool clothes don't make you any better at your job.

    3. Our class A's don't mean a thing to the citizens. I get asked what jurisdiction I am ALL THE TIME. Even from city officers. Ever had a Marietta officer say "Hey, you're Smyrna PD right?" It's embarrassing. Nobody cares what we are wearing, they just want the po-po. And "cool clothes" LITERALLY do make me better at my job, when you are talking temperature. And lets not forget being able to actually carry essential items instead of having to go back to my car. Your safety card may not be important to you, but when I can be safer, more comfortable, and better prepared to do my job, all at a lower cost to the taxpayers, I say do it.

    4. Yeah we pull the safety card because safety is our number one priority right? I understand you were probably here in the days where we wore the hat no matter what and that is okay. However, the citizens expect to be helped, they do not care what they see. like the second poster said, half of the time they do not know the difference in us or marietta except by the car color of the car. Mind you, marietta has adopted the outer shell carriers and can carry a lot of different tools necessary to what they are doing. Just makes more sense to take strain off of the lower back, have more tools, and have the ability to operate safer.

  17. I have nearly 20yrs here and still work a beat.
    We don't dig ditches, they give you clothes to wear and half of the people have a car. There are two reasons why more people don't have cars. 1. People wreck brand new cars constantly. 2. The funds thought to be allocated exclusively to the Police side for cars had to be shared with the Sheriff's Office. That was an unforeseen curve ball.

    Maybe if you controlled your spending and did not live outside your means the money issue would not rule your lives. You cannot expect to buy a car or truck valued at the same money as your annual salary. You can't buy a 300k hours with the hopes of making more money someday.

    Lastly, people have a tendency to over estimate their value. If the average cops salary in GA is 40k and you are at or near 40k, guess what? That is all you are worth.
    Our salary package total value is neatly 80k a year.

    We are what we are.....

    1. Well if that's all we are then why don't we all go over to the S.O. and not loose a dime. They get paid the same as we do then there job is equal to ours correct. I mean they answer calls for service like we do, there more at risk of getting hurt like we are, they do as much paper work as we do.. right? I guess going over there to pat down a bag guy every now and again is ok.

    2. Thank you for a factual comment that isn't just gryping and crying about how the county sucks. No matter how bad people complain about the county, they thought this was a great place to work when they applied. I've seen too many people go from department to department chasing money and they aren't any happier.

      Now the big thing is "GSP!" Ok, so you make all that new money in salary which is nice. You get a lot more time off because you get comp time not overtime. Let's also not forget that when you complete your lengthy and more militaristic academy you will find a new place to live in the middle of nowhere in South Georgia (very few low paying part times). Then when you try and make rank you have to move posts.

    3. And this was a great place, until you find out that your retirement doesn't include your over time. And then you find out your retirement is like 1% for every year of service. So if top pay is $60,000 and after 25 years I should be there. That gives me around $15,000 a year to retire on. NOT even close, cause I don't know anyone with 2 or 3 times more years than me that is close to top pay, do you?
      Cause the way it was explained to me is the Merit % is multiplied by the hourly market control point and not even the hourly rate of those over the market control, so do the math, how can anyone reach top pay that way.
      Oh I know, just like GSP and maybe APD know how. It's called Salary Steps which for GSP is 6 years at $61,000 currently. And from the news conference last week the new APD Chief will be announcing a 4 year step plan soon. Don't believe me, look for yourself.

      Just some Facts,
      GSP Troop C is Metro-Atl and has a total of 6 posts. 4 are precincts, 1 is dui, and 1 is motors.
      Then there is Troop A with a total of 8 post. 7 are precincts and 1 is swat. Of the 7, 4 are in Cartersville, Hiram, Rome, and Jasper (For those living in Cherokee).
      So that's 4 precincts+7 more precincts for a total of 11 precincts, but to stay near Cobb it would only be 8 precincts using only the precincts mentioned in Troop A. And since most officers own homes outside of Cobb, that's convenient.
      Recently I spoke to a Trooper at a part time and he told me that odds were pretty good one could get Metro-Atl because most the applicants are from every where but Atl and because of rumors of how busy it is they don't want to be near Atl.
      Don't believe me, look for yourself and remember, 10-8 and 10-35 from the driveway.
      And yes I'm looking at applying, just waiting to see if the state law makers pass the 2018 budget. Cause if they do the Trooper said another 20% in their pay. That should put top pay around $72,000 and for me 6 months in the academy for a 50 month career is worth it.
      I wonder, if I go to GSP, how many of my buddies would hook me up with part times until I've got 6 years on?

    4. I took my X factor to Walmart and put a Snickers on layaway!!

    5. I've heard the same thing.
      I'm also waiting.
      And I don't care where GSP puts me, housing and the people get better outside Atlanta.

    6. Haha, that's funny.

    7. Hey 20 years still working a beat! You're THAT GUY...

  18. I took my X factor to Walmart and put a Snickers on layaway!

  19. I understand that Chairman Boyce, Sam Heaton and Tony Hagler have been asked to attend the next FOP meeting, March 1, 2017, 4 pm. (That'd be at the Kermit C Sanders Lodge 13)
    They will be answering any and all questions regarding the pay study, braves and any other concerns you have.
    How about showing up and getting a 1st hand answer verses a hear say one?!

    1. The meeting will be at 1700 hours not 1600 hours!


    2. On Wednesday March 1st at 1700 hours, the FOP Lodge at 2350 Austell Road will be hosting a question and answer session for ALL Public Safety personnel who want to attend. Chairman Boyce has arranged for HR Director Tony Hagler, Acting Police Chief Tim Cox, and possibly Commissioner Bob Weatherford to be with him to personally outline the goals and answer questions. This meeting will be for ALL Public Safety personnel ONLY (911, Cobb Fire & staff, Cobb Police & staff, and Cobb Sheriff Deputies & staff). No other Cobb County employees, the public, or the media will be allowed in the building and I will have my Sergeants at Arms and representatives from the Cobb Fire Union and 911 Center assisting to make sure only Public Safety is allowed in the building. The building will hold 140 folks, so if you want to hear what the plans are or ask some questions, plan on being there. If you can not make it to the meeting, then see if at least one person from every precinct, unit, or group can attend to bring back the valuable information.

      So the ball is in your court! Will you be part of the play or will you just sit on the sidelines and complain about things? Be a part of your future and take part in the political process and make your voices heard.

  20. Look folks Cobb County is slow, they have always been slow and always will be slow. Hell nobody got pepper spray until 2000. Police had been using it for decades.
    That said we are fiscally solvent and have no issues paying bills. Cobb County was one of the lowest paid agencies in the 95,96 time frame. Then in '97 the base pay got bumped up several thousand bucks over the next couple of years. They are slow but they get the message eventually.

    Those with the garbage retirement I get it you have no reason to stay except this...Many people who have left have come back.
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    1. Slow:
      Totally agree, and to the point of two officers paying the ultimate price!!
      Bills / Pay:
      Almost 10 years ago I was picking up a patrol car at Charles Hardy Ford and the employee at the Service Dept, not being sacrcastic, began to explain that due to Cobb County's balance being so high and not being caught up, they were going to need this service bill paid for me to leave with that patrol car. As I started to tell the employee that I understood and that was above my pay grade a supervisor overheard, understood my position and authorized the release.
      And to the issue of Pay, this has aways been Cobb County's "MO", and they do it because it benefits Cobb County only. For those who have only been here for 3-4 years, you witnessed it for the first time with the 2 year pay study. By waiting it allowed Cobb County to give what looked like a decent raise but in reality not. Because there was such a delay in compensation to the employees it saved Cobb a lot of money.
      And after July, as stated in an earlier post, when GSP gets a total of a 40% raise in 2 years, Cobb County will respond with an announcement of GTAC and how the police have been neglected, and how Cobb County is going to give the police a separate "substantial" raise of 10%!!!
      And Cobb County will spin that 10% on how it's really 12.9% (Merit raise) on top of what maybe 45% of the PD might get soon.
      When in reality it's only a 10% reaction to a 40% action to put into terms that most officers will understand (Action vs Reaction-thanks Bob). It comes down to what I heard an officer say recently and now understand, Priorities. Cobb County CAN find $300M over night to make SunTrust stadium happen, but Cobb County, the richest county in the state, CAN'T find let's say $30M (10%) to bring the pay up to a competitive number, CAN'T incorporate a similar step plan to GSP's step plan, and CAN'T finish buying enough cars to have a LEGITIMATE take-home car program.
      But Cobb County CAN keep the libraries open, CAN furlough the police, and CAN give what I heard the glorified Books-A-Million employees, I mean librians (thanks Ofc C), a possible larger pay range and raise of $6,000- $12,000.
      Many have come back:
      Now I totally disagree on this one. Of the 215 officers that Cobb County let leave between 2011-2014, and put the citizens of Cobb County at risk along with the officers (again), if 10% qualifies as "many", then based on the numbers I heard of officers leaving or in the process of leaving. Don't worry, it's not many!
      To the newer officers, in a few more years the compression issue will be your reality also.
      It's time to stop giving Cobb County a pass. It's time to come together as one and make a stand. And it's time to LEAD. Ducimus!!

  21. I would like to stress to the members of Cobb County Public Safety and in particular the members in the Police Department. That the FOP Executive Board has attempted to work with the Commissioners to address a number of issues which have been allowed to fester for many years. I can’t change the fact that Former Cobb County Chairman Tim Lee choose to furlough Public Safety personnel rather than close the libraries for a few hours. During that period we (Public Safety) we not allowed to speak up for ourselves and were under orders not to appear at the Commissioner Meeting. As a representative of the State Lodge FOP, I did show up at that meeting and I saw an entire room of librarians and their supports that filled the room and clearly influenced the decisions made that night. From that moment on the mood and resolve of my Public Safety Brothers & Sisters changed and has been on a steady downward spiral. However, during the election of 2016, the FOP took a stance to back Chairman Candidate Mike Boyce and present Commissioner Bob Ott. At that time we formed a solid relationship with both individuals and with the support we were already were getting from Commissioner Bob Weatherford, we pushed forward to make some serious changes which are drastically needed to keep the citizens of Cobb County safe and to improve the working conditions for my Brothers & Sisters in Public Safety. I am deeping hurt by the anonymous statements being posted on the Ducimus blog site regarding the FOP’s actions as well as the back stabbing that is occurring between various officers. As a veteran officer with over 25 years of service with the Cobb County Police Department, I am upset that some think I have “drank the cool aid” and have sold you out. If I wanted to do that I would have taken my good pension and accepted one of the good jobs that I was offered and kicked back in my recliner. But, I feel God has put other things on my plate which are more important than making more money. If you do not think that I work day and night for you and the FOP, then I would say ask my wife and children as they often get pushed to the side as I fight for what I feel is right and just for my Brothers & Sisters who are still not allowed to stand up for themselves.

  22. My response was to long.
    So here is the plan,
    I would like everyone to stop posting these nasty anonymous posts and begin acting like the true professional I know you all are. The problem with pay and pay compression did not just start and it has been a problem during most of my 25 years of service, so therefore it will not be corrected over night. Please give Chairman Mike Boyce a chance and stop grouping him in with the past administrations. He has only been in office for about 60 days and during my meetings with him and my observations of him, he has shown that he is a man of honor and does what he says he will do. If you did not see the Commissioner Meeting on February 14th, when they approved the pay study, than I would recommend you go online and watch it. We all know the pay study was flawed from the start when individuals who were in control decided to throw all of the Cobb County employees into the mix when only Public Safety was having issues hiring and retaining staff. Then they dragged this pay study out for about two and half years making it even more obsolete and less effective. To add to that, Governor Deal then gave all the State Law Enforcement Agencies a 20% raise effect January 1st, 2017. All of these factors created an even more serious problem within the Public Safety environment in Cobb County and around the State of Georgia.

    When Chairman Boyce took office he assured me that he and the other Commissioners would immediately address the pay study and take action to begin to address the serious issues within Public Safety. As I said, he is a man of his word and on February 14th the Commissioners did pass the pay study with the full Board promising to continue fighting to make Cobb County Public Safety better, as they realized the study did not address all the issues. In fact, Commissioner Ott went so far as to publicly make a point that the pay study was just a start and he asked the other Commissioners to pledge that they would continue to work with the Chairman to make things right in Public Safety.

    So, I would ask that you give the Commissioners and our new Chief a little time to work things out and determine what the next step is. As I think most of you know “nothing in government happens overnight”.

    1. Look Steve, We get it.. Everyone is trying to do everything they can for us. That's what we have been told, but until we see results, things on our end probably wont change. The county has had a reputation for dragging this along for years and years and by the time they do something its either to late or not done right. Case in point, the take home car program. In November someone said it would be halted.. Then it was said thats no true. No we see it is and probably going to be halted for two years cause there is no money. Everyone is tired of the lies and distrust. County needs to make it happen. If the state can bust out 20% then Cobb can to. For the record, I dont think your a cool aid drinker but I do think you are fighting a loosing battle.

    2. Totally agree, anyone who has been with Cobb for five minutes and has met or worked for Steve knows his heart is here for the officers. Maybe I've misread some of the past posts but I read rally cries and uniting like we've done in the past. But I also believe if the state can do 20% and it looks like another 20% this year with a 6 year step plan, than I'm sorry I know Cobb can at least do 20% and match the 6 year step plan.

  23. Steve, Thank you for all you do for us.
    I believe one of the problems is that Boyce promised changes when he stood before the FOP before the election and then changed his tone when he got elected. One of the biggest promises that he went back on was getting rid of Hankerson. We all know that he had stood in the way of progress for the police department and should have never had his contract renewed. Also, Tony Hagler is another thorn in our side and should have been shown the door with Hankerson. As long as those two remain in the county nothing will change.
    I applaud you for trying and you have my support. I will be at the FOP Meeting to see them talk in circles again.

  24. Also, has anyone address the fact that every time there is a merit raise shortly after the county takes half away by telling me I have to pay more into medical ... Really

    1. You can give me all the pay in the world, but if you take half away in "contributions" its not staying in my pocket. Yes... when you look at the Gross pay salary, its OK.. When you look at the net, well that is a different story. Hey Commish.. maybe just maybe you can find some way to keep more money in my pocket

    2. Sorry,
      Standard Operating Procedure for about the last 10 years.
