Monday, August 10, 2015

The can just got kicked down the road again.....

Commissioner Lee just put out an email touting how he has presented a budget full of rainbows and unicorns.  He patted his back saying public safety is a top priority and the millage rate is back where it was before the economy tanked.  At the end of the email he snuck in the kick to the stomach.  The implementation of the pay and classification study has been postponed until 2017.  This seems odd especially since the results haven't been released yet.  I wonder just what is in that report that has the commissioner fumbling to punt the can?

On a side note it has been mentioned that readers are concerned about their anonymity on this site.  The editor does not record data transmitted on this site nor is any info stored.  Even if someone were to have the knowledge and ability to access that information, they would be violating state and federal laws to gain access to such information short of a court order or search warrant.  That being said, keep it clean and professional.


  1. After reading that email and the pay study being postponed, I can't help but wonder if it was going to show that we deserve a more substantial pay than the BOC wanted to give. Maybe, just like the furloughs, the BOC needs more money for the Braves. Is it a coincidence that the pay study is not coming back until 2017, the year of the Braves? I think not! Tim Lee does not and never will put public safety first no matter how much he tries to spin it. Shameful!

    1. Unfortunately, once again comments are posted without all the information. To set the record straight, the Pay and Class Study is expected to be delivered to Cobb County leadership in late October or early November. Once it is recieived it is to be reviewed. Implementation is expected to begin in February or March. While the Chairman did consent earlier today that his message could have been more clear for those not close to the project, the mention of 2017 was intended to mean the cost of the results of the Pand C study cannot be made a part of the 2016 budget because we do not know what the cost will be until the study is complete, which is after the 2016 budget is due by law. Clearly it is not possible to budget for something you have no idea what it will cost, therefore, the cost of sustaining the study results will have to be added to the 2017 budgets and beyond. If you will recall, the Chairman, the Board and the County Manager have stated and continue to state the monies necessary to act on the recommendations are currently sitting in reserves. Again, the expectation is that this will begin in February or March. As stated at the recent active shooter training, I and the D/C are always available to help anyone with an issue they do not understand. I hope this information helps to resolve this misunderstanding. That said, I realize the budget process and terminology can be a confusing issue to those who don't deal with it daily, so if by chance there are still questions please call me and I will be happy to help. Major J. Patellis

    2. I before E except after C

  2. I've always suspected the pay study was nothing more than a stall tactic. The county needs to pay for the pedestrian bridge over I-285 and other associated Braves cost. I suspect County leadership also chose to lower the millage rate instead of honoring the recommendations of the pay study. At least the PD is getting take home cars. Other county employees are getting nothing.

  3. The commissioners work for the voters not the employee. It is politically correct to recognize the efforts of the working class but the worker is not the priority. Each person must decide if they are ok with being a pawn in a political chess match. This will be true no matter where you work especially in government.

    1. YEA, and several Hundred Cobb Officers left the job in the past 4 years because of it, with pay being the number one issue. Tim Lee promised to correct any pay issues with this NEW study. The commissioners knew this pay study was coming out 2 years ago. They failed to plan for it, and so they failed the employees. This Pawn plans to put King Lee in CHECK MATE.

  4. Way to show their commitment level to the improvement plan. Between the waffling on the improvement plan and Cupid's false allegations I'm sure we'll have recruit candidates beating the doors in to come work here.

  5. So what vendor are we going to use to make magnets for all the unmarked cars now that Cupid wants them marked?
