Friday, July 11, 2014

July update

As we all know morale is still in the tank and nothing to this point has been done to fix the issues facing the police department.  That being said, there are folks fighting to change that.  I learned yesterday of a meeting that took place between the chief's office and a group of concerned officers from the department.  The chief continues to push for much needed equipment and better pay for our officers.  As has been stated in the news, take home cars are included in the SPLOST list for now.  That's always subject to change however the word is four of our commissioners are in favor of keeping the cars on the list.  While this is a step in the right direction they should start looking for other ways to fund the program without being dependent on SPLOST passing to implement the program.  I'm told the chief is also pushing for educational incentives, shift differential, and tweaking the mandate program to better suit the needs of the department.

An officer submitted an idea the other day while in conversation about ways to change the fate of the police department.  The idea was called a stop-gap measure.  Dekalb PD used this tactic last year with its officers and after hearing the idea it could work if implemented the right way.  It works by giving the officer a lump sum one time payment, i.e. $5000, to stay with the department for one year. That puts money in the officers pocket now and gives the department time to implement more permanent measures to keep the employee at the end of the one year commitment.  This seems like a potentially great program if you can do it the right way.  Rather than giving the lump sum payment based on a percentage of an officers base salary, you keep the amount the same for each officer in the department.  Again I think this is a good idea if you can get a commitment from county leaders to continue to invest in public safety during that year.

The bottom line is we need something to happen now.  Not four to six months down the road.  Our situation worsens daily.  You can say your concerned about public safety all day long but at the end of the day your judged by your actions not your words.  Let's see some action and put cobb back to the front.

Stay safe.


  1. This SPLOST is bloated with garbage and doomed to lose in the vote. As stated somewhere on here before, who in their right mind...after having one of the largest single expenditures of public funds in the history of the county rammed down their throat without so much as ONE public going to vote FOR a splost? This is a pipe dream.

  2. You are right it will most likely fail. It does show however that the commission is at the very least starting to take notice of the problems at the police department. That's more than we have seen from them in the past.

    1. I for one live, pay taxes and work here. I totally agree something needs to be done NOW, but the SPLOST is already DOA. Nobody I talk to in the area that I live in want another tax burden placed on them. The Braves event has shot that idea down for the next unforeseeable future. If our survival is SPLOST dependent, then we will continue to diminish as a police agency and as a community.

    2. Are they really starting to take notice? Or are they just publicly supporting something that they already KNOW will fail just so they can say they were trying to support public safety, then turn around and blame the voters for it not passing. This is one of the most affluent counties in the Southeast. If the commission wanted us to have take home cars we would've had them years ago. If they wanted us to have decent retirement and benefits we would. But they don't. If they truly were taking notice and wanted to fix things they could call an emergency meeting today and could at least institute some stop gap measures that might at least slow down the bleeding until more permanent fixes can be passed. The problem is they haven't even tried to do anything. Not one single thing. Wow a vote for 40 more positions? Whoopie. Knowing we still can't fill them, that doesn't cost them a dime. Like many I'm getting tired of waiting for something to happen. I'm "stuck" here under rule of 80. But I'm starting to realize it might be worth giving it up to not have to go to work everyday and be miserable. My wife has been looking for a job. I told her to start looking out of state too. If the county doesn't do something soon, and I mean real soon, I'll be gone. Rule of 80 or not.

  3. The only way things will truly change is when you have people in the BOC that are pro-police. The only way that is going to happen is when officers / FOP who are willing to publicly support such a candidate.
    In a nutshell that means that prior to an election a questionnaire would go out to the candidates and then we the officers decide who best suits our needs and endorse that person. Then we with our Cobb County FOP shirts go out and actively campaign, i.e. community events, door to door, and of course at the poles.
    Believe me...ask any officer in this country that has great pay & benefits (except the south) and you'll see that this is how it's basically done. The question is are we fed up enough with the "Cobb Way" of doing things and expecting a different result?
    A common police officer trait is to take action when someone is be victimized. So are you tired of feeling like a DV victim yet? Are you tired of being "assaulted" followed by "promises" of change?
    It's a cycle that's never going to change until we decide to change.

  4. The ONLY reason they would even consider cars is IF the SPLOST passes. It barely passed last time, like by 90 votes out of thousands cast. Hate to say it but the SPLOST is doomed. I hope you get the car's, since that seems to be what most talk about. Be prepared for the fall out though. That won't do anything for the other county employees and everyone can forget about raises and reduction in costs of your benefits for the foreseeable future.

  5. I live in Cobb and fully support some of the items included in the Splost. But I'm also fed up with the politicians asking for 1 more penny. As for me and my house, we will cast 4 no votes come November.

  6. Something that is not mentioned here and has a real affect on what is happening within this County. More officers are getting injured and being taken of the manpower availability. Does anyone know how many officers are out of work or on light duty due to injury incurred on duty. More of the officers that are staying here and putting up with these conditions WILL fall into this category sooner than later if things don't change.
    My family is begging me to give up on this department as they have given up on us. I say US because my family has invested nearly 15 years of their life into supporting this department and all the BS that has come on from time to time that has INTERFERED with our normal lives.
    As for all the other employees of Cobb County, We police officers are not trying to place ourselves upon a pedestal stating that we are better than any other people that are employed here. We are just stating the fact that what we do is different. What we do incurs more risk and that risk is there the moment we step out of our homes in the uniform. We are asking to be compensated with a benefits package that is relevant to the type of work we do. We do not get to put on our PT clothes and work out in a gym built and equipped with county funds during our work day, nor do we get to have BBQ events at the precinct while we are working and we do not get to crawl up in a bed and lay on a pillow to sleep while we are on our shift. That saying, those that do have important, but different jobs than we do. So I think the county commissioners should realize that a pay and benefits package can be different and DOES NOT have to apply to ALL County employees. If that is the case, I want the same damn pay as Tim Lee, David Hankerson and all the top tier wage earners employed at cobb county.

    1. If you are not content then move on. Life's too short to be miserable every day you go to work. It sounds like you envy the job of a FF. They are currently hiring so make the move.

    2. My question to you is, Are you content? You speak as if you are a supervisor and think everything is so great here. You also show your ignorance if jealousy is what you depicted from the post. For your ignorance I will explain. It speaks of parity and stating that something can be done for officers and officers only and not the entire county to make this a better place for all. I will guide my path on my time, not yours, but thanks.

  7. I am a police officer and know the pain we are dealing with. Knowing this I am imploring people to vote NO on the upcoming SPLOST. A take home ride is not worth all that other baggage packed into this SPLOST. We do vote in Cobb and WE will cast a NO vote.

    1. Why are you voting "No"? Because the referendum has many "pork"? I think it's doing a disservice voting "no". The commissioners have finally recognized the turmoil the department is enduring. I think the referedum will increase revenue for county necessaties, including precinct renovations. Then, the commissioners will have increased general funds to increase public safety pay package.

      The commissioners votes on what projects will be covered for the next 6 years. Let's wait until July 22 then you can repeat your decision.

    2. Another 12 year vet gone and another finishing his final interview. But we'll be ready for the BRAVES games.

  8. The SPLOST isn't going to pass for 2 reasons. First the people of Cobb County were lied to about how the money would be used for the last one and it barely passed. And secondly the people are upset how the Board of Commissioners handled the Braves.

    If Cobb County can instantly come up with an extra $30 million for the Braves. Cobb County can come up with $10 million for take-home cars.

    Once again it comes down to priorities and the Cobb County Police Department is NOT a PRIORITY for the Board of Commissioners. I'm afraid we're going to be the next Fulton County Police Department.

  9. Austin Tx. Police Dept. Is a great idea. I bet if enough people, who are interested, email their recruiting unit at the link below a trip to Metro Atlanta would be worth their time. The first link is to send an email to their recruiting unit and the second link is to see their generous pay & benefits. (scroll half way down) (Scroll half way down)

    I strongly encourage everyone to look at their pay scale. For example a 2nd year police officer makes $69,851.00 / yr. And no, the cost of living is not significantly higher. Per the 2012 cost of living index for Cobb County was 95.5 and Austin was 95.8.

    I truly hope that everyone who wants to improve their situation does, be it in Georgia or out of state. No one is going to look out for us but us. That is my only intent by posting the links. The last 6 years have been very challenging for us. I believe that things happen for a reason and it's time for a gut check on what's best for us and our families. Best of luck to you.

  10. Where were you?

    Tonight Lance LoRusso spoke at the Board of Commissioners meeting tonight on your behalf. 20 of us were there supporting Lance. Unless you were working or emailing the Austin P.D. recruiter...there's no excuse.

    Maybe you're afraid of being seen by the "boogie man" and worried you're going to get transferred. If that's the case why is it those in specialized units made up most of the 20 there.

    Or there's the "family" excuse. I'm married with kids and made the sacrifice as did most of the 20 tonight. The only way things are going to improve for you and your family is if you do something.

    It's time to improve your situation. Sitting at home doing nothing or complaining to your beat partner hasn't worked in the last 6 years. So do something...join the F.O.P., support Lance at the BOC meeting, or email the Austin P.D. recruiter. But do SOMETHING!!!

    You work hard to help strangers every day. So I won't you work just as hard to help yourself and your family?

    1. Seems his words fell on deaf ears.

    2. First I would like to start by saying that I agree with you, there should have been more there. I don't believe that those words fell on deaf ears at all....I believe it to be quite the contrary.....I think that the outstanding men and women that make up this department at one time wanted to be there, but now I feel that most have a why bother attitude and can you blame them? I am not trying to speak for everyone. When there was a push for a big showing there was a descent size group but there could have been more. When the big group showed up to that meeting what happened? Nothing that's what. The commissioners voted a 40 additional vacancies to the already sizable hole that we had. I think that there were some additional cars that were added to our ancient fleet. And during the time that has passed between then and now absolutely NOTHING has happened. Talk in this business is cheap and that is all that the men and women have heard. Talk equals nothing.
      Again I respectfully agree with most of what you say and this is not an attack on your post, you are entitled to your opinion. I agree in supporting Lance and attending the BOC meetings. I don't belong to the FOP however they do provide several great things for the community. I think a lot the officers have given up because they feel that the upper echelon has given up on them. The leaders have stated that they recognize the problem but hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year the continue to do nothing.

  11. Lance did a good job outlining the much needed attention the police department needs. The problem is Tim Lee still does not get it. After Lance speech, Tim went on to say he approved the 40 spots, focused on implementing 10 hour shift for the four more precincts, and AGGRESSIVE recruiting. He was intensely fighting for the $60,000,000 for the Hwy 41 improvement project(s), yet he stated the state would complete the projects without county funds. I wish he would fight for public safety.

    I noticed Precinct Six slid into the current splost draft. Where will the staff come from?

    1. Tim Lee will never get it. None of the commissioners will ever get it, to include that do nothing County Manager David Hankerson and his Director of Public Safety Puppet Sammy Boy. I noticed that Bob Ott started to change his little song and dance and start siding with public safety a little bit. It would be nice for some citizens to look into his voting past where he has essentially voted no for everything concerning the police.
      David Hankerson has lied so much that he has gone on the record stating that he has never be opposed to take home cars, he must be losing his memory. He is essentially what is keeping the department from getting take home cars. Oh, remember this one I never said that Dodge Chargers were too intimidating, bull crap.....I bet there are a hundred people that can quote you right now! A coward that hides behind lies and that County Manager title!
      Oh and Sammy Boy....oh Sammy Boy......we are all waiting for another one of your T.V. 23 propaganda videos. You know the ones Sammy Boy, the videos where you sit there and lie through your teeth! Just like when you lied to the citizens academy about there only being thirteen vacancies in the police department.

  12. Sorry but I disagree with you, I know Tim Lee gets it. Bob Ott gets it, "Sammy Boy" gets it and "Willie" gets it. As for Burrell and Cupid yea not so much. Tim Lee gets it he just want to spend the money on other things like the BRT, Here is a fact that nobody knows, or very little know, that the last SPLOST has brought in a lot more revenue that anticipated and Tim Lee has stashed over 100 million in an account for the BRT and he's not willing to dip into it. The chamber and the Braves were counting on the BRT. That's why the BOC was being deceptive in the last BOC meeting about the SPLOST. Thankfully we have residents that pay attention and called them out. The officers that are showing up at the BOC meeting and blogging are getting under Tim Lee's skin. He trying to keep the public out of the loop and we are exposing him for his lack of transparency. SO LETS KEEP IT UP !!!
