Something has been eating at me for a week or so and I wonder what everyone else thinks…
A week or two ago I responded to a fire in Kennesaw off North Roberts Rd. The Fire Dept had their trucks and equipment in the road and requested Police assistance directing traffic. I noticed one of the businesses located in the same office complex as the fire was Loud Security. But, what I really noticed was that every Loud Security company vehicle had a blue line sticker, blue line tag and on some both. So I asked around about Loud Security, what I was told is that the owner John Loud is a big time police supporter. My next question was how so? Well… he puts the blue line stickers and tags on his company vehicles to show support. But what does that really mean? It means he’s pro police!!! EVERONE is pro police when it benefits them!!! But what does he do for the “police”? Maybe he makes a donation to some police nonprofit group that calls his office every year. Maybe his business donates money to a police benefit motorcycle ride or maybe he donates to the civic group that feeds the zone officers during Christmas. OR maybe he does it all!! But what’s obvious is he wants everyone to think he’s pro police by putting stickers and tags on his vehicles.
Here is the rub… do stickers, tags and donations make a company really pro police?
If Mr. Loud and his family were in need of police services in an emergency or non-emergency situation he knows that the Cobb County Police officers will be there, will be professional, and if necessary the officers would risk their lives to protect him and his family.
What about when the Cobb County Police Dept needs Help? John Loud is a very successful and influential businessman in the Cobb Community. Mr. Loud is a big supporter of the Braves coming to Cobb. Mr. Loud is an influential member of the Cobb Chamber and is the money behind some of the Cobb Commissioners campaigns.
The Cobb County Police is in crisis… We’re losing officers at an alarming rate. Police moral is the worst I’ve ever seen. ThePolice Dept has been neglected for years and it has finally caught up with the county. Now the Commissioners are behind the eight ball and have found themselves in a world of poop. It’s no secret … most of the campaigns are running on Public Safety issues.
Mr. Loud, there is no 911 for us. So I’m calling you out… you and other local businessmen and women that stand to gain big from the Braves coming to Cobb. I’m calling you and others like you that profess to be police/public safety supporters to stand up and help us. We need you NOW!! And you and others like you know it.
SO… you want to be known as a police supporter? Do you want the support of the police officers? Then don’t just put stickers and tags on company vehicles and make a few donations. Take a few minutes and come to the next County Commission meeting and publicly tell the Commissioners to get off the counties check book and correct the issues running the police dept and theofficer’s moral in the toilet. This County is WEALTHY and the Cobb County Police once was a priority.