This site was created as a way for Cobb Police Officers to stay informed about what is going on in their department and speak their mind without fear of reprisal
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Thoughts from Director Heaton's latest update?
Director Heaton recently released the second installment of his public safety update. In it he outlined recent changes implemented and changes to look forward to. He mentioned movement within the department and changes in how information is spread throughout the department. He also touched on the loss of 70 officers last year and where those 70 losses came from. In it he made it a point to mention that only 11 officers left for other departments. Regardless of where the manpower is going, it seems to me it is a mute point. The fact remains they left and there are no incentives for keeping them from leaving. Director Heaton also mentioned the "pay and compensation study". We all know this process is a farce on the county managements part to stall. No one believes they will implement the findings in the first place and if they do they will do it county wide because that's the "cobb way." Maybe the ditch digger can pick up a gun and fill a beat if that's what the county is going to compare us to. Anyways, how does everyone else feel about the recent video and the current state of affairs at the moment?
I was only able to stomach about half of the video before I cut it off. It is ridiculously obvious that Heaton is nothing more than Hankerson’s puppet. At least with Forsythe as the public safety director the police dept. had someone working on their behalf. Forsythe looked at the police dept. and could see the critical situation it’s in. Heaton looks at the police dept. and is CLUELESS about what officers do. I and many others were willing to give Heaton a chance. The survey was a step in the right direction to gather important information. So what did he use the survey for? Heaton got us 40 more vacancies, a pay study and cars from last year. I heard he went to the FOP meeting a said he would support the police dept., I see no evidence of that. In the circle of officers I talk too everyone has lost all respect for Heaton.