Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday AJC article

Well it looks as if someone has finally exposed Hankerson for the liar that he really is.  He tells everyone public safety is a priority to him while he is blasting the public safety director for putting the Police Department's needs on paper where he cannot sweep them under the rug.  It is a well known fact Hankerson despises the Police Department and has held it back for years now.  Team him up with Commission Chairman Tim Lee and you have a dream team for ruining the Police Department.  Their motto is keep your head in the sand and the problem should go away with time.  I have news for them, this problem is way out of hand and keeping your head buried will only make it worse.  Cheap attempts at stalling aren't going to work either.  Real efforts need to be made to get the Police Department back to where it needs to be and Hankerson and Lee both now it.  I guarantee you if the Police Department was the one needing mules for police work they never would have been purchased in the first place by Hankerson.  Shame on Hankerson and Lee for telling the public there is nothing wrong while there are mountains of documentation to prove otherwise.  Not to mention the 70 plus officers that left last year because of the issues.  I guess as long as Hankerson gets his bonus every year and Lee can continue to lie to the public there really isn't a problem in their minds.


  1. Great front page article in 2-23-14 AJC about Cobb PD. Couldn't help but notice on the front page of the Sports section an article about the Braves. "Signing spree spurred by anticipated revenue from move to Cobb site." "Braves' expectation of an economic home run in a stadium that will be built in part with taxpayer money." The Braves are now expecting to be able to raise payroll every year with their windfall, to attract and retain top baseball performers. Tragic that this is coming on the backs of the taxpayers who are losing veteran officers every year. Cobb County can commit $400 million to professional sports, but won't do what it takes to compete with other jurisdictions who are willing to pay a premium to attract and retain the best in public safety.

  2. The article was great and much needed. Most people don't realize that Hankerson instituted a policy several years ago where employees could be disciplined for making comments that were disruptive to the county. The part I liked the most was that the Officers followed this policy to the letter. Absolute professionals! It was only when someone finally pulled back the curtain and exposed Hankerson and Lee that this caught traction. Now it is up to them to fall on their swords and do the right thing.

  3. Lets look at the Cobb County Department of Public Safety as a business, and focus on the police dept.
    Two years ago the County Government furloughed the Police Department for 5 days during the course of the year. They did that due to the lost revenues from the housing market crash and all the foreclosed homes not paying the property taxes. The County thought better to make up the missing revenue out of the employee’s pocket book rather that raise a little tax and get voted out of office. So what became of that, how did it affect the police dept.? Well, the officers were upset and for the most part quit writing citations. Of course when the administrators felt the lost revenue from the officers not writing the tickets they went crying to the Police Chief. Of course there is nothing he could do.
    So the moral of the story is that Officers suffering from low morale because the County government took money out of their pockets have recourse to take money out of governments pockets.
    Let’s take the opposite stance much like the Police Departments of Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Roswell, Brookhaven, and now Alpharetta. Why are they doing so well in these trouble times? How are they able to “steal” away the best and brightest from the larger Police Department’s? It’s easy; they’re paying their officer a decent wage, giving them a take home car, low insurance and other benefits. So the officers are Happy, and the happy officer has lots of motivation and therefore works harder writes more citation’s that bring in more revenue. This means the government has more money to do the things they want. It’s what officers have been accused of since the beginning of modern policing. Driver:” All you’re doing trying to do is generate revenue; I bet you’re just trying to fill your quota”. Officer: No Sir, I don’t have a quota, I’m just doing my Job. That’s right his job, because he is a HAPPY OFFICER. He is happy because he feels supported by the government he works for.
    So Happy police bring in millions, the unhappy police officers not so much.
    So the moral of this story is that motivated officers with a high morale work harder because the government took care of them and put money in their pockets, therefore, the County got much need revenue.
    Happy, Happy, Happy is the name of the game. The way it used to be in Cobb County.
    See everyone on Tuesday night.

  4. Ok ladies and Gentlemen of the Cobb County Police Dept. The big MO (momentum ) is swinging back in our favor. With the recent new's stories, MDJ add, web page and blog traffic we are really back on track. Tuesday night at the BOC meeting if we get the numbers there the new media will do even more stories. This is putting the heat on Lee and Hankerson. I've been talking to a lot of the officers and most are trying to make it. We really need to be there by 6 pm, See you there. DUCIMUS !!

  5. Well it happened again. Car shortages this morning on a major incident. Z3 morning watch was involved in another officer involved shooting. All of the MW officers were stuck on perimeters. Day watch had no cars to relieve them!!! Imagine that. Sergeants had to shuttle officers to the scene. How demoralizing to pull up and be dropped off when other agencies on the scene (GSP, Sandy Springs, Atlanta, Marietta) were all there to watch. Pitiful. Thank god no officers were hurt or injured this time. Disgusting to read in the AJC today that "67" cars on order!!!YAY!!!PSSSSHHHHHHHH
