Friday, February 21, 2014



  1. at this point, it's doubtful if our county management could even manage a Quick Trip.

  2. stay united. As each and every one of you were told in the Cobb County Police Academy never give up. Never ever ever give up! this police department is ours. It belongs to us. This is a battle worth fighting. I believe in the end we will win for the sake of every Cobb County police officer and every Cobb County citizen. Cobb County cannot afford not to do the right thing in this situation.

  3. Who are y'all trying to kid, Tim Lee and Hankerson ain't going to do SQUAT!! They can't, it would be political suicide. Both Lee and Hankerson went, smooth talked the Braves, told them everything is peachy. Then they went and told the citizens of Cobb County that they were NOT going to raise taxes for the Braves. Then Lee told them he was even going to LOWER the millage rate AND THEN DID !! Now Lee and Hankerson are between a rock and a hard place. If they raise the millage rate or sales tax to help the Police Dept with attrition problems they will be lambasted for breaking their promise and voted OUT of office. Lee and Hankerson are political vampires. They only care about their political career. Hankerson gets a cash bonus for every dollar in the budget that he doesn't spend. SCREW US he's got a vested interest in NOT giving us the equipment we need. FACT the BOC just put 20 million dollars of tax payers money in a reserve account. SO just how much money does Cobb have in all its RESERVE accounts. Cobb County in the past got awards for being "transparent" that's pure BS !!

    I will be at the BOC meeting on Tuesday night, I want to make sure the numbers are there. I support the Police Dept and the Chief, I believe they're doing the best they can.

    Lee and Hankerson need to hear one thing... DON'T PISS OFF THE POLICE
