Monday, January 27, 2014

Please leave comments and suggestions here.  Remember Cobb County public safety used to be the leader in the metro Atlanta area.  Let's fight to make it that way once again.


  1. Agreed, make sure you are at that commissioner meeting tomorrow night.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let the commissioners know that public safety is still important.

  4. Let's get Cobb back on track.

  5. We shall not let this opportunity to restore our Agency back into the lead of this profession in this State once again

  6. Give us take home cars and u can keep the raises.

    1. Don't be so quick to say "keep the raises". Cars aren't everything. You already haven't had a meaningful raise in many years and they are always far between. If they were to start a car program, no way they can buy them all at once, they would phase them in over several years. And of course they would say no raises during that time because they couldn't afford it because of the expense of buying the cars. Remember, you are talking probably several hundred cars with a cost of about $50000 per car to purchase and outfit. Do the math - thats a huge chunk of change and it isn't going to happen overnight. Hankerson is against cars and always has been. He has shot the previous proposals down before. As long as he is in charge, you are fighting an uphill battle. Better stick to something a little more realistic, like a significant pay raise, reduction in cost of benefits, etc. Those things could be done tomorrow and you would see the benefit immediately

      The cars would be great but they won't factor into your bottom line earnings at the end of the year. A raise in pay can have a positive effect on other things, such as retirement calculations. Again, cars would be great for the individual officers and the department as a whole, but, its not going to solve all the problems with the county leadership. The problems are deep seat. What's it going to be next? If you get cars, forget any kind of raises and expect your benefits to increase.

      My biggest fear is the department is past any hope of recovery and will never be the same again, due to years of poor oversight and what amounts to neglect.

    2. You hit this DEAD ON! Realistic goals of better PAY, Lower benefit costs, better LEADERSHIP!!!

  7. Please post-without sufficient details to identify anyone- the hardships and successes of the recent storm.

    1. 1/3 of the shift I work on was unable to come to work because of the storm. If we had take home cars with snow chains, that 33% of the missing officers would have probably made it to work and the officers that were forced to sleep at the pct would not have had to sleep on the floor only to wake up and go back to work in the same uniform they wore the previous day.

    2. Take home cars are not the solution to everything. Cars would be great but have them or not, no one should have to get out and commute under those conditions. Even if you had chains, you never would have made it home because of stopping to assist people. You can't just drive by - this is the down side to take homes by the way. If the roads are gridlocked then they're gridlocked.

      It would be nice if the County had thought ahead and equipped each precinct with a bunk room, for weather events, natural disasters, officers who have to go to Court a couple of hours after their shift ends or wind up working over for an extended period, special teams call outs, etc. These things were mentioned and suggested years ago when the precincts were being designed and built but historically the Commission has only provided the bare minimum in funding for things, which is why all the precincts were too small almost from the day that they were first completed and occupied. The precincts were only built as a way to get employees out of space that the county was renting by the month, it certainly wasn't for the employees.

      The precincts being combined with fire facilities was and continues to be a terrible idea. The only reason the county did it was to save money, because of the fire tax money that could be used to help buy the land. Put the fire dept in their own buildings and use the current fire facilities at the precincts for bunk rooms for officer's. Be proactive, think ahead, consider your employees, the ones who have to work no matter what.

      Kind of off topic but understand; the Commissioners are only going to do and give what they have to and nothing more. The Commissioners are not going to do anything unless it benefits them, or, they get backed into a corner. That is just the reality of it.

  8. It would have been nice to have a take home car so I wouldn't have to drive my own to work with the ice on the road.

  9. I hope the person who made this blog stays anonymous....I can't imagine the reprocussions. I am one of the officers who left. The grass is greener! If you are not vested, leave. Listen to the veterans who have fought, and lost, this battle multiple times in the past. As long as Hankerson is in charge, nothing will change.

  10. The surveys on the Resource Site have been removed and only the data remains. The censorship continues...

    1. I know that some people saved the entire survey document as a file when it was posted on the resource site. You just have to find somebody with the document who will share it with you. There are also media outlets who have already made an open records request for the survey results.
